
By Potatoeschaps

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Hello this is the first time I write a story hopefully everything goes smoothly while making this. Sun x Moon... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Important ⚠️
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Thanks Everyone ❤️

Chapter 11

476 13 16
By Potatoeschaps

  No one's Pov:
   It was finally morning an hour before the daycare opens after a while of problems around the place. The whole gang was waking up ready for another day, as for Moon he was still snoring upstairs. Sun was up getting everything ready making sure everything was set in place for when the kids arrive. He has been needing some sort of distraction from everything that has been going on, and what better distraction than the children he loves and takes care of. As he was humming a tune, moon had finally woken up, heading downstairs to see if he could help in any way. "Good morning sunshine, do you need any help?" he asked standing behind him, sun turned around noticing him "Oh moon your awake, I'm almost done so no thanks." He soon left carrying a few supplies he has been using. "*Sigh* okay if you need anything I'll be right over here..." he told him but heard no response. Sun continued cleaning up the daycare knowing he was just half way done, but just didn't want to admit it to him. After a bit he took a break almost finishing he sat down on the floor, Moon noticed him and stood in front of him. "So do you need help or are you going to be stubborn and exhaust yourself out" he told him but sun just looked away. "Okay you can help... I just need that play structure over there and that's it" Sun said, Moon took off to finish the job before the kids arrive.

~small time skip~
Moon's Pov:
   I was done just in time before any of the kids arrive. We had less than 5 minutes, so I headed towards to sun "Finally done was that everything we needed?" he turned around a little shocked I was done so early. "Your already done it took me way longer to clear out the other one!" he said, I just smiled "Welp the kids should be here shortly." We both headed to the lobby, greeting all of the parents as they dropped off there kids. After a bit we all went through the slide, both me and sun helped everyone get out of the ball pit. All of a sudden one of the children started to cry, "Hey are you alright starlight? Did anything happen?" I asked her, she just hugged me tightly. "I j-just miss t-the both of y-you so much" she said stuttering a bit, after that the rest of the children tackled both me and Sunny to the floor hugging the both of us not wanting to let go. Some of them where crying and some had smiles on there face, "H-Hey children settle down it's okay now we're not going anywhere.." I told the kids trying my best to get them off of me, I looked to side seeing Sun crying too hugging the kids tightly. "I m-miss all *loud sniff* o-of you too!" he said trying his best to hug everyone at once. I think some of the kids in the hug was suffocating... "Hey Sunny, your hurting some of them" he looked down seeing one of the kids slightly turning red. "Oh no!" he let's all of the kids go letting them all breath. Soon everyone let go, wiping there tears off, "Alright everyone is fine nobody is hurt or anything?" I asked them making sure. All of the kids shook there head as a no, "Okay then everyone is fine" I said. One of the kids pocked my back looking a little sad "Hey Mr. Moon.. did you miss us too" they said looking down, sun turned around having one of the kids under him. "Of course I did, what silly question is that" all of the kids tackled me again in a hug, Sun sat there smiling slightly. "Please help me..." I said trying to reach for him, "Your on your own sorry" he said giggling a bit.

~after getting the kids settled~
Sun's Pov:
   After that we all started to play for a bit, I was trying to avoid moon most of the time making up excuses of why I didn't invite him to play tag with us. "Sorry kids, he is doing something right now let's not bother him" I told them they turned around seeing moon just walking around doing nothing. "He's not even doing anything come on let's go ask him!" a few of the kids said but i kept making up lies. "It looks like that but he is actually doing something supper important that looks exactly like nothing, b-but it's definitely something" some of the kids looked at me weird and went over to Moon. "W-wait don't!" It was to late they asked him to play and looks like he agreed. I ran from there leaving the kids to moon, I went inside of the ball pit not wanting to be seen. The kids looked confused and moon well he looked a bit sad for some reason, but soon they all started to play.

~time skip~

No one's Pov:
After a while the kids started to notice Sun avoiding moon the whole day. One of them went up to moon and asked what is going on between them, "Hey Mr. Moon why is Mr. Sun running away every time you go anywhere near him?" they asked looking a bit worried. "We haven't been in good terms these past days..." he told them, "Is it like how my Mom gets into a fight with my Dad?" they said trying to understand the situation a bit better. "Just like that, as time passes we should be back to normal" he told them, the little kid stood there for a bit trying to think of a plan. They soon left heading over to a big group of kids playing with there plushies, "Alright everyone I have a plan" he said to the others. "What exactly for?" one of the kids said looking up at him, "To get Mr. Sun to talk to Mr. Moon again, haven't you all noticed he has been avoiding him all day" they all sat there looking at each other nodding there heads. "What's the plan." After a bit they all started to set everything in motion, the plan was to get them both isolated in a supply closet so they have no other choice to talk. They all splitted up to get the both of them, Mia and Lily went to get Sun as for Max and Jesus went to get Moon.

Sun's Pov:
I was cleaning the arts and crafts table after some of the kids had used it, until I saw Mia and Lily heading my way. "Hey girls is there anything you need?" I asked the both of them. "Hey Mr. Sun can you come with us we want to show you something, but close your eyes!" they soon dragged me off somewhere I tried peaking a bit but they noticed and covered my eyes with a blind fold. I heard a door open and they shoved me in "Stay here for a bit we have to bring someone else." I was about to say something but they had shut the door in front of my face. I was left in the supplies closet, there was a lightbulb that kept flickering a bit. After waiting a bit they soon opened the door again and shoved moon in. "Okay we put the both of you in here so you can figure out your problems and be friends again, we will see you in a bit bye!" "W-wait!" but the door was now closed once more moon stood there trying to get a bit of space. I shoved him and tried my best to open the door but it was locked. "I guess we will be here for a while..." I heard moon say as he sat down on the floor. "We can't one of us has to be out there to take care of the kids" I said still trying my best to open up the door. After a while I completely failed and sat down across moon it was a little cramped in here. It was awkward since neither of us wanted to talk first, "*Sigh* So the only way to get out is to apologize right? then I'm sorry...., can I get out now!" I shouted trying to get one of the kids to open up the door. "No! It has to be an actual apology or then it won't work!" Come on why can't I just get out, even moon looks bothered to be in here.

~time skip~
After half an hour moon finally spoke up, "So the only way to get out is to solve are problems huh..." he said looking down at the floor. "I'm sorry for everything I have ever done... for what happened to Gregory..." he said we both looked up at each other. "The only way I can accept the apology is for you to bring him back alive or at least know he's alive..." I told him having a stern face. "I don't care what you did to me, I just want him to be alive." Moon looked a bit worried knowing it would be hard or maybe impossible, it's been a while since we have seen Gregory. "If I can will we be okay... maybe going back to being friends again?" "Maybe yes, but he has to be alive..."

Moon's Pov:
So I guess the only way to go back to normal is to get the kid back alive, but how... "I'll try my best, but right now we got to act like we solved this" I looked at Sunny holding his hands. "You won't go behind your word." he looked at me, he looked a little scary during that moment. "I won't I promise I can go tell her right now but I'm not fully sure if he is alive..." I looked down knowing he is a bit sad knowing the possibility that he might be dead. After a bit we heard one of the kids after a while from not hearing from them, "Are you both alright in there?" "Yes we settled everything it's fine now, can we leave the closet now?" I asked one of the kids. Soon the door opened and all of the children where standing there, I soon realized the time noticing it was already nap time. "How long have we been in there?" Sun asked one of them, "Almost 2 hours why?" We both stood there in shock. "Alright kids naptime come on get your stuff" I told everyone, they soon went to get there blankets and and sleeping mats. After a while everyone was finally asleep, I felt someone pocked my shoulder. I turned around seeing Sun looking at me "So when is she coming..." "She should be here soon don't worry if you want we can go over to the door and wait for her there" We both got up and made are way to the back door exit, we waited there for a bit. Soon the door opened and she appeared sun hid behind me. "Hello there I see you brought your boyfriend~" she said "We aren't dating anymore okay..." I heard Sun say behind me. "Oh well to bad, he made the right choice before you got hurt." I got in front of him trying to protect him from her. He looked a bit confused, "So I'm guessing you want something huh?" she asked the both of us. "We want to know where the kid is at." I told her she looked a bit surprised. "Why do you want to know that?" "We just want to know if he's alive and safe." I told her trying to keep Sun quite before he said anything out of line, "Well he is still breathing so that's something, so for the kid your going to bring today where are they?" she asked, sun got in front of me spreading his hands "Your not taking none of them under my watch you hear me." Sun said trying his best to defend everyone "Moon aren't you going to do anything about him I told you what will happen if he gets out of line." Vanny said staring straight at me, I looked back at Sun and then I decided this all needed to stop. I stood next to sun showing we weren't going down without a fight, he looked at me surprised I did that. "No. I'm no longer going to follow your rules, I'm tired of everything you have done." She looked at the both of us knowing she couldn't do anything and left the daycare. "*Sigh* I can't believe I just did that..." I said looking down at the floor. Then I felt Sun hugging me tightly, "You did you stood up for yourself! And now we know Gregory is still alive thank you!" he whispered yelled hugging me thighter. I smiled and hugged back enjoying the moment. Soon we both left heading back to take care of the children.

~time skip~
No one's Pov:
Once the daycare was finally closing up for the night, they were soon greeted by Vanessa the security guard. "Hello there do you need anything?" Sun said to her as she came in. "Yes, they need you at parts and service right now for a quick upgrade it shouldn't take long." She said looking down at her faz watch. "Oh right now... can I go get Moon before we leave?" He asked getting a bit worried since he was afraid of going to parts and service. "No, you must come alone. Come on now before they close it up for the night." Vanessa said holding onto suns hand dragging him off to parts and service. Soon they both arrived to parts and service, "Go inside and sit down so we can get started." she said as Sun slowly went in sitting down. The restraints closed so he wouldn't move around, soon Vanessa got in with him. "Why are you in here aren't we just doing a simple system update?" Sun said getting worried as Vanessa went behind him. "You know... how much trouble you had gave me since you first arrive..." "What are you talking about this is are second time we seen each other" he said getting nervous. "We have met before, I went to go visit you during nap time actually... here you should know who I am now" Vanessa said as she pulled out her mask from behind the seat putting it on. "I-It's you... what do you want, let me go!" He said as he struggled to get out of the restraints, "No can do, you see me and moon had a deal, if he kept giving me a kid every day, you wouldn't get hurt nor the rest of the kids" she said as she got in front of sun holding a purple chip. "But because of you he won't do as he is told, so I need someone else, that's why we made this little chip." She showed it in front of his face, sun kept moving around trying his best to get out. "No! You can't do this! Let me go now!" She soon got behind of him holding his face plate still, "Nighty, night~" soon sun stopped moving, waking up shortly with dark purple eyes and a big grin in his face.

2598 words
(Hi everyone hope you enjoyed this chapter, it came a bit late but hopefully next time it should be out during the morning or afternoon. Also rest of the chapters are going to be angst with a little someone dying at the end:) .Have a good day/night)

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