Vacation ; Lumity

Από onlylumity

12.8K 378 781

Amity Blight is taken on a family vacation with her parents and twin siblings into the human realm. But her p... Περισσότερα



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Από onlylumity

"Hurry up, Mittens!" Emira yelled from behind Amity's bedroom door. "Mom's getting mad."

Amity shoved the last of her clothes into her purple shoulder bag that she uses strictly for travelling, not really caring much about if they're folded up neatly or not, because she'll be taking them out soon and they'll be worn anyway. Adding on to the fact she has to rush, so what's the point?

"Okay. Titan.." She groaned, rolling her eyes even though she knew Emira couldn't see, grabbing the bag off of her floor and swinging the long black strap over her shoulder, staggering to the side for a moment because of the sudden weight.

"You've sure been taking your time." Odalia's eyes followed Amity as she dashed past her to get her shoes on. "What took you so long?"

"Nothing, mother." Amity muttered. "Just folding up my clothes, some wouldn't fold the way I wanted them to.. y'know." She straightened up and stood in front of her mom.

"Why didn't you get an abomination to do it for you?" She put her hands behind her back and looked down at Amity.

Amity shrugged.

Odalia sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose and closing her eyes. "Whatever. Now, as you know, your father managed to get a way to get the portal door into the human realm. You'll need a concealment stone to rid your ears and make them.. round. Like the humans have them."

"Yes, mother." Amity lifted out her hand and Odalia handed her the stone in the form of a necklace.

"Wear it. But if I catch you taking off the orchid gemstone necklace, I'll get your father to deal with you. Understood?" She raised an eyebrow, picking up her suitcase.

Amity didn't say anything, but nodded instead. She heard Emira and Edric running into the hallway with their bags. "Are we going now?"

"Yes, we are. Go into the back of the garden, your father is waiting there for you all." She opened the door and each one of then slowly walked out, taking one last look at their mansion, because they won't be seeing it for a while.

"Are you all ready?" Alador stood in a spot that couldn't be seen by anyone else because of how far out it was. He held a key in his left hand.

Emira and Edric nodded, and Alador opened the portal door.

"It's so cool!" Edric exclaimed, walking towards it. "Can I go first?" He looked over at Alador.

He nodded and Edric pumped his fist into the air, running through the portal door and soon being no where to be found.

Amity's eyes widened. 'Surely this can't be safe.'

Emira followed after Edric, then it was Amity's turn.

She hesitantly walked towards the portal, putting on her concealment necklace before taking a deep breath in and closing her eyes, then walking through it.

Amity didn't open her eyes again until she heard Edric and Emira's voices, they were chuckling and snapping their fingers in front of Amity's face. "Mittens~."

"Is this it?" She looked around. It wasn't anything that special, for the record, she didn't think it looked that much different from the Boiling Isles, but she was sure that would change soon.

Her parents came a few seconds after her and they all stood, looking around. "This is nice," Odalia smiled. "Shall we get going?"

"Where? I thought this was it?" Amity raised an eyebrow, propping her bag up higher on her shoulder.

Alador shook his head. "We have a.. hotel. It's where we'll stay. Only a five minute or so walk." He began walking ahead, the rest of the family following him, Odalia right behind and the kids a gap behind her.

Edric gently nudged Amity. "How is it, Mittens? Do you like it?"

She shrugged and turned to Emira who cleared her throat, "I mean, Ed and I don't think it's much different from home, huh?"

"Yeah," Amity nodded. "Most things seem fairly similar." She glanced around again. "How long are we here for, anyway? Mom didn't tell me."

"A while." Edric sighed. "I think it's a few months. It's supposed to be a vacation, not a temporary house." He groaned, slouching his shoulders.

"I know! Why are we here for so long? I'm gonna miss Viney.." Emira sulked, brushing hair out of her face.

Amity smirked an raised an eyebrow. "Oh, your good friend Viney who I saw you kissing in your room? Yeah, okay." She shrugged, her facial expression remained smug.

Emira huffed. "Real funny, Mittens. Just hilarious." She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms while Edric and Amity stifled a laugh.


Alador and Odalia stopped in front of a tall, fancy building. "This is it."

Amity thought for a second, then put her hand on her hip. "Uh, have we even booked it? How could we have booked something in the human realm from the Boiling Isles, I don't-"

"Don't worry about that." Alador waved his hand dismissively. "Besides, we won't be living here for the entire time. We have a small home rented for a while, a few minutes from this hotel."

"Okay.." Amity nodded slowly. "Whatever you say, dad."

They checked into the hotel and went up to the 6th floor where their room was. Room number 67. As soon as Alador slid the door open with the key card, Emira grabbed Amity by the arm and shoved her and Edric through the door, past their parents.

"Ooh," Emira exclaimed from a room. "I call dibs on this room!"

Alador peeked his head into the room Emira was in. "Actually, that's Amity's room. Your room is the one next to it." He jerked his head out of the door.

Emira sulked and left Amity's room, Amity stood by the door next Alador, so she stuck her tongue out at Emira while she was passing by.

"Dad," She looked up at Alador. "Would you mind if I went around and explored around the- what was it? Lobby after we got unpacked?"

"Why don't you go now? Your mother and I will leave your stuff so you can unpack it in your own time- just be back soon. We'll order food." He waved her off, and Amity grinned. "Oh, and there's a ton of things to see here, so after we eat we'll be going to check that out. Don't get your clothes dirty."

"Okay. See you."


Amity ran quickly down the stairs instead of taking the elevator, but once she reached the 3rd floor, she saw a girl standing by the top of the stairs in the corner, scrolling on a phone.

While Amity decided to ignore her and let her be, the girl seemed to have other plans. Just as Amity was about to go down the top step, the girl stopped her by placing her hand on Amity's shoulder. "Oi, greenie."

Amity turned around.

"Hey." She grinned. She had dark, short hair and caramel-brown eyes. Her skin was dark and smooth.

Amity furrowed her eyebrows. "Hi?" She shrugged the girl's hand off of her shoulder. "Do you need anything?"

She shook her head. "Nothing in particular. Just thought I'd say hello. I haven't seen many people my age here, so it's cool! I'm Luz. Luz Noceda, I'm 14. 4th floor, room 43."

"Oh," Amity blinked, standing there for a moment as if she had forgotten to say something.

"So, you have a name? Or should I just keep calling you greenie?" Luz chuckled, turning her phone off and shoving it into her pocket.

"Oh!" Amity's eyes widened and her face began flushing red from embarrassment. She furrowed her eyebrows again. "Uh, I'm Amity Blight.. 14 too. 6th floor room 67.." She spoke hesitantly.

"Cool! Nice to meet you, Amity." Luz smiled, and Amity found it in her to return the smile. "So, how long have you been here for?"

"We only got here today.." Amity put her hands in her jacket pockets. "But we're here for a couple of weeks, I think. We're from the B- uhh, England." She chuckled nervously and averted her eyes.

Luz raised an eyebrow. "Really? I would never be able to tell! You don't have an English accent.. but whatever." She shrugged. "I'm here for a while.. some stuff happened at home and we can't really stay there. But it's okay!" She smiled, and Amity noticed her small canine's.

"So where are you from?" Amity asked, trying her best to avert the topic of home-life.

"I stayed with my mom in Gravesfield in Connecticut. But I'm Afro-Latina." And just as she finished her sentence, her phone buzzed from her pocket. "Oh, wait."

Luz pulled her phone out and turned it off again after a second. "Well, that's my mom. I gotta go back up to my room. See you around? Unless you give me your number, then we could arrange to meet up!"

"Uhh, okay." Amity thought about what to do for a moment. She couldn't take her scroll out because a human would surely find a floating scroll to be odd. So instead she took Luz's phone, typing in her number. "Here." She smiled sheepishly, handing it back to her.

"Cool," She grinned. "Thanks!" Luz turned around and began walking up the stairs. "See you around, Amity! Oh, and, I love your necklaces! They're really pretty!"

Once Luz was out of sight, Amity raised her hand and waved. "Bye."

Then Amity decided she had done enough exploring and talking, so she also returned back to her room.

"I'm back." She opened the door, kicking off her shoes and hanging her jacket up. "Have you ordered yet?" She asked Emira who was standing in front of her in the hallway.

"Uhh, I think dad's doing that right now. Come see Edric's room! The idiot's already all set up and unpacked.. did you know he took through video games? We can all play tonight!" She took Amity's hand and led her into Edric's room.

"Woah, okay." She chuckled as soon as she entered his room. "Cool room, kinda looks like your old one, doesn't it?" Amity looked around.

He jumped up from off of his bed and walked to stand next to Amity. "Well, Mittens. That's the point! I wanted it to look like home. This hotel is pretty good, huh?"

Emira tapped Amity on the shoulder. "So, how was exploring? Found anything interesting?" She smirked.

"No." Amity shook her head. "However, I did meet a girl with a bit too much energy.. her name's Luz and I gave her my number- because she asked.. she's also staying here for a while with her mom." She sat down on the floor.

Emira and Edric sat with her. "A girl, huh?" Edric teased. "They grow up so fast.." he wiped a fake tear out of his eye and Amity rolled her eyes.

Emira groaned, elbowing him. "Get a grip.. but hey, Mittens! Atleast you've made a friend already. Maybe you can hang out with her tomorrow? Maybe she'll even show you around?" She smiled at Amity.

"Hopefully.. I suppose we will be kinda lost around here." She shrugged.

Edric stood up again. "Nice hotel room, hellishly uncomfortable floors, Titan.." He sighed, bending backwarda slightly. "I'm hungry."

"Me too." Emira nodded. "Dad was ordering food just now so surely it can't take that long. I wonder how different the food here is than to the Boiling Isles!"

"I can already imagine it's totally different." Edric groaned. "I'll have to wait so long to eat a fairy pie again.."

"Do you think the rain burns here too?" Amity asked, standing up and walking over to the window.

"Probably not! Atleast I'd hope so. I wanna feel rain when it's not burning my flesh off." Emira giggled, standing up too.

"I'm gonna go ask dad when the food's gonna get here." Edric announced, walking out of the room.

"Me too!" Emira walked over to the door. "Don't get too lonely in here, Mittens!" She joked, leaving the room and closing the door behind her.

Amity looked down at the carpet before taking her scroll out of her pocket, checking for any new text messages.


a/n- im baaaack 🤗🤗

i dont think i'll be doing nightly updates anymore as it just impacts me too much and i hardly get any sleep < / 3

but i think i'll update every monday and friday instead !!! im super sorry 💔💔.

im not sure as to how long this fic will be,, i dont think it'll be longer than Coffee though

thats all!!

byebye 🫶🫶 see u all next chapter, have a good day/afternoon/night!!! mwa

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