The Book of Emotion

By Sullyletmechangeuser

625 40 12

I'm gonna give this more detail for you guys.You have to have finished Season 4 of miraculous to understand w... More

Transmission (The Kwamis Choice Part 1)
Deflagration (The Kwamis' Choice Part 2)
Conformation (The Last Day Part 1)
Re-Creation (The Last Day Part 2)


14 1 0
By Sullyletmechangeuser

Marinette's POV

   The bathroom smelt was awful. It smelt like vomit. Mainly because I was throwing up. I had a pregnancy test in my hands, but I couldn't see the results because there was vomit all over it. I could tell that I was either pregnant or ate something that happened to upset my stomach. Adrein wasn't home. He was really busy with work. I knew that I was definitely pregnant.

   Adrein and I decided to go to the miraculous temple for the next 9 months during my pregnancy. Su-Han was fine with it, and I wanted some training before fighting again as Ladybug.

   When we arrived at the temple, the masters were already waiting for us.

   "Hello!" They said.

     Su- Han hugged me.

     The masters were all Chinese and looked pretty old. I thought that spell would've have kept them from aging, or maybe they became Masters at an old age. Some of the masters, however, looked my age.

     "Welcome to the Miraculous Temple!"

     The temple looked like a big mansion. Su-Han obviously did some reconstructing.

     "Would like a tour?"One Master asked.

       I could tell that Adrein was jealous but I didn't resist.

      "Sure." I said.

      Adrein face turned bright red. How dare he still m'lady. Am I being irrational or dramatic. What am I thinking? She'll never fall for him. We're having a new baby on the way.

     "Marinette, this is my son, Kye." Su-Han said.

     "So your the famous Marinette I've been hearing about and you must...Kitty Noir."

    Adrein forcefully smiled at him. He smiled back. I think at that moment, Adrein started to like Kye.

    "So the tour?" Kye mentioned again.

    "I'll skip." He said.

     Kye shrugged his shoulders and I gave him a stare of disappointment.

     When the tour started, I wasn't interested until I saw are first fascinating stop, "The Statues of the Masters". There were thousands of statues of Masters, some of them, from millions of years ago.

    "Who made all of these?" I asked Kye.

    "It's magic. As soon as someone is coronated into being a Master, they get there own statue."

      "That's kinda cool." I admitted.

     He showed me to the backyard. They had pool and mutiple tree houses. They had bouncy house and trampoline. I was shocked.

     "Yeah, my dad is the most materialistic man on this planet."

     "It's beautiful."

     "You remind me of my mother."

      "Can I ask you something?"

     Oh that's probably gonna sound bad. Last time asked a random boy a question, he gave me the death stare.

         "Sure anything."

       He picked up a sword from a pot in the corner of the backyard and started to clean it using a towel from his pocket.

        "How did your mom die?"

         "One day, she was killed by...a monster."

        "I'm sorry."

        "You're fine. It's not like you did anything. Anyway, Can I show you the school?"

        "What school?"

Adrein's POV (I'm going to try to start writing in past tense like I did in Emotion)

   I am in our room, unpacking our things. It seems quiet and pretty unsettling. Why do I feel so weird. I have a right to feel weird in most people's eyes, because my father is a sociopath, who I don't even is alive. But to be honest, that doesn't seem like a perfect excuse. I lay back on the bed, hoping that I'll soon fall asleep. But something interrupts my train of thought. Someone knocks on the door. I get up and polity open the door. It's one of masters and it's a girl.

    "Adrein, right?"


      "The name's Mulan. Can you help me with something."


      She has an armor that looks unique and sword behind her back with Chinese letters.

    She takes me outside and shows me to a pile of dragons. They are so cute. There eyes filled with joy and love.

    "You must have never seen baby dragons before." Mulan says.

    I don't respond because I'm a little embarrassed to. She starts to pet the dragons.

    "The dragons were created millions of years ago by one of the miraculous holders. A lot of them went extinct, thanks to Plagg. But some survived. Now this is all we have."

    "Cute. Why'd you bring me?"

     Mulan slightly blushes.

      "I need to show you something. Get one of the eldest baby dragons."

     I get on one of the dragons and so does she. We start to fly up in the air. The view is beautiful. As we start to go near the water, we see dolphins and sharks. We land in front of this large, partially- abandoned building. We get off the dragons and walk up to the building.

    "This is a Library." Mulan says.

     She looks around for a moment and grabs her keys from her pocket. I don't know what's going on. She opens the front door of the library and we both walk in.

Marinette's POV

Kye and I walk inside the cafeteria of the school. I look around and see a lot of kids eating lunch.

    "This is the cafeteria. It's around 1:56 so the last lunch period is almost over."

    I look at one of the tables, and see one guy blushing at me. Aw he has a little crush on me.

     "This marks the end of our tour." Kye says.

     He bows down as symbol of respect. I smile at him.

      "Thank you for this incredible tour." I rely.

     I bow back.

Adrein's POV

   Every step inside the so-called "library" it gets warmer. It's dark but candels light the way. Mulan and I are taking the stair down. I look at the wall beside me and see written prophecies. One being; The world will fall into a wizard's hands. That already happened so I have nothing to worry about. Another says; The Spirit Woods will fall. We walk so much that I start to sweat like a pig. After about 35 minutes, we end up in the center of the library. I look up and see hundreds of thousands, if not, millions of books.

   "This was a place where Masters, Wizards, and basically anyone could come and learn about Chyrsailix." Mulan tells me.

   I'm unaware of Chyrsailix is or powers beholds.

     "What's Chyrsailix?" I ask her.

     "It's what most people would call 'magic', but to me it's more than that. It's a rush of feeling,emotions,powers,dreams and prophecies. It's miraculous." Mulan explains.

   She puts her hand on my shoulder.

    "Follow me, Adrein."

   I follow her to where there are even more stairs (upwards this time).

   "You guys really need to add elevators." I say.

    Mulan laughs. Plagg looks like he's having some serious nostalgia.

    "Plagg, why didn't you tell me about this place or about the Chyrsailix?"

    "I guess... I forgot."

    Mulan suddenly stops and grabs a book from the shelf beside us. She opens the book and reads it.

    "Chyrsailis is going to be the most powerful organism ever. Chrysalis is a full Chyrsailix-creature, like Heracles. He'll be powerful."

   The book has a hard cover with gems on the stem. I'm amazed at this prophecy, but some how I feel connected to it.


  We go back to the temple and see Kye and Marinette standing in front of the door. When sees me her face turns bright red. I guess it's her turn to get jealous.

    "M'lady this is Mulan." I tell her.

    She gives her a stare that makes me feel embarrassed.

      "It's nice to me-"

      "Adrein, may I speak to you." Marinette asks me.

   Marinette grabs my hand in an aggressive way. We go to our rooms and she sits me down on the bed. Her face is bright red and she looks like she's about to cry from anger, if that makes sense.

     "Is this supposed to make me jealous?" Marinette asks.

     "Excuse me?"

      "Who's this Mulan, girl. I am I supposed to play dumb and think that you aren't trying to make jealous?" She shouts at me.

    Her hands are crossed and her face looks strictly angry.

       "Marinette she was just showing me around. You have nothing to worry about, M'lady."

       "I'm not usually the jealous type but-"

        "You aren't? What do you mean you aren't? Bullshit! You were jealous of Kagami for being in love with me and Lila."


     I never heard speak to anyone that way. I am shocked but angry. I may be jealous of him but I'm only protecting you.


          "And so was Kye."

          "I don't get jealous. I protected you ever since that sculptor guy was trying to get with you."

         Her expression changes into to pure confusion. 4 years ago, A sculptor made a statue of Ladybug and I. We were invited to this ceremony and Ladybug didn't come. I gotta admit I was pretty jealous of him. I even made him jealous by telling him that Ladybug and I were dating.


       "Oh but that was like 4 years ago, that doesn't matter anymore." I say sarcastically.

     She looks at me weirdly. I'm too pissed to even look at her straight in the eyes. I stand up from the bed and I'm about to leave when she stops me.

     "Adrein! I get it. I'm a failure."

     "Marinette, you're more than a failure. You're a disaster."

    Her facial expression is priceless. I want to take back what I said but I can't.

     "Y-You know how much that hurts. To her the person who knows you the most say that you're a disaster! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU!  I'm a mistake, right. But I rose from the dead. I saw spirits. I saved you. But you couldn't manage to save me."

      "Kagami did that. And I rose from the dead."

       "But guess who was the person who healed you. Not Kagami, not you. ME!"

      She bumps into my shoulder on person and leaves. Obviously, slamming the door on her way. Plagg pops his head out from the corner of the room as I have a tantrum.


The next morning, I wake up in bed alone. The cold sheets feel mockery. But I get up anyway, with smirk radiating my face.

   I'm outside the temple; looking at the sky. The breeze soothes my heart. Everything is going to be ok. I close my eyes and lay down on the floor. A melody plays in my heart. I look up and see this guy with heterochromia in his eyes. He stares at me awkwardly. Not gonna lie, it's hilarious how he's just standing there waiting for himself to blink. Like some sort of weird animal.

    "Hey."I say to him.

    He's shocked to hear my voice and stumbles back. He falls down. I get up and try to help him.

    "Oh! Shit. I'm really sorry."

      He gets up.

       "Nah you're fine. You're a visitor, right. My name's Ben."

       "I'm Adrein."

       "No offense but why do you seem a little broken down today?"

      "My girlfriend and I got into a little fight. I feel bad. It's our first time really fighting."

       "Maybe you should surprise her by doing something."


  I took Ben's advice. Mulan decided to help me dye my hair blonde and get me green contacts. Kye helped set up and so did Ben. All that is left is Marinette. She comes in with a shocked look on her face. There's a dance stage replacing the fighting platform. She runs over to me in her red dress. We start to dance to the song that we danced to at Chloé's party.

    "Adrein? Thank you for this."

    "You deserve it, Princess."

      "The hair?"

       "Oh yeah, Mulan helped me pull this thing off."

       "I was wrong about her. I'm glad that you're friends with her."

     I lean down and start to suck on her neck.

        "Stop it! Stop it!"

       I let go.

         "I think I prefer my blonde hair but  I don't know yet. I'm still healing from the fact that my whole childhood was a lie."

       "Adrein, I love you. Cat Noir with a flirtatious mask, Adrein with blonde and perfection,or Adrein with mysterious childhood. I love you."

  The rest of trip is pretty cool. Ben, who's actually blind, teaches me how to use different swords. Master Su-Han teaches Marinette how to redirect lightning. The best thing that happens is we have are daughter, Margaret.

Kagami's POV

  I'm at Alix's house(because that's where I live now) with Emma. I'm sleeping on her beautiful couch, that unsurprisingly, happens to be pretty comfortable. I hear a knock on the door.  I lazily get up and walk to the door.

     "Who is it?" I ask.


    I quickly open the door, and this blank expression is on my face when I see Marinette and Adrein and their baby. Plagg and Tikki storm into my house.

      "This is Margaret." Marinette whispers to me.

       I try to control my joy. Bunnix comes in the front door and she hugs Marinette. Emma runs out of her room and sees them both.

      "You guys are finally back!"


        She hugs them both. Bunnix's face turns discouraged.

      "What's wrong?" I ask her.

    The silence speaks words. Bunnix face turns slightly red. She pulls out a pair of nostalgic sunglasses.

     "Uhh...these were your mom's. Their fake. Your mom wasn't actually blind."

      I take the pair of glasses and look at them. They are fake.

    I crush them in my hands.

  Ladybug's POV

    It's midnight and Cat Noir and I are sitting in front of the Eiffel Tower. I gave him a note before he went to bed saying that I want to talk to him and fir him to wear his Cat Noir suit. But here we are. Sitting in utter silence looking at each other and look back like high school. Finally, I get the surprising courage to say something.

    "I want to be Ladybug and Cat Noir again. I know it's a little risky and I know we know each other's secret identity but who cares? Life is about risks. I learned that years back when Felix came to Paris."

   Cat Noir kisses me like the first time we kissed, 4 years ago.

   "Anything for you, Princess."



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