The Arrow & The Huntsman [The...

By TeamArrow4Life

108K 3.4K 372

Five years ago, Robert Queen set sail on his yacht bound for Hong Kong. Unfortunately, the Queen's Gambit wou... More

[1] Lost and Found
[2] Homecoming
[3] When Will My Reflection Show Who I Am Inside?
[4] Ships and Secrets
[5] Family Dinner Mishaps
[6] A Sea of Nightmares
[7] Back In the Swing of Things
[8] Trust And Betrayal Are A Double-Edged Sword
[9] No One Can Know Our Secret
[10] It Was Good to See You Again, Kid
[11] Era of the Starling City Vigilantes
[12] Adam Hunt
[13] Party Time!
[14] The Vigilantes Strike Back
[15] And So It Begins
[16] Death-In-Absentia
[17] Martin Somers
[18] Keep It in the Family
[19] Possibly, Maybe, Definitely
[20] There's No Place Like Home
[21] Family Secrets
[22] Old Grudges & New Targets
[23] Confessions
[24] Maybe They're Not So Bad
[25] My Little Star
[26] I Am A Lost Boy From Neverland
[27] Gun Violence
[28] Poisonous
[29] Parental Guidance Advised
[30] Covering All Your Bases
[31] Gathering All the Evidence
[32] The Bratva Brothers
[33] Cry Bloody Murder
[34] Hello, Darkness My Old Friend
[35] Club Catastrophe
[36] Floyd Lawton
[37] Smoak and Mirrors
[38] Outlining A Plan
[39] Auction Assassination
[40] There Are Some Things We Need To Talk About
[41] Please Don't Walk Away
[42] I Guess I'm Used To Being A Disappointment By Now
[43] Keep Moving Forward
[44] Strategic Adjustments
[45] Law & Order
[46] Divide and Conquer
[47] Where the Trail Leads
[48] Q & A
[49] The Winds of Change
[50] Jason Brodeur
[51] A Mask of a Man for the Monster Within
[52] RECAP
[53] The Survival of the Fittest
[54] Good Representation
[55] One In the Same
[56] We Have A Scheme
[57] Discretions and Deceptions
[58] Connections, Perceptions, & Criminal Deceptions
[59] It's Party Time... Again!
[60] Secret Life, Suspicious Death
[61] All I Want Is You
[62] Resilience
[63] Setting the Record Straight
[64] Cops and Robbers
[65] A Different Approach
[66] It's All So Sudden
[67] Making A Difference
[68] Invitation Only
[69] Tell Us A Story
[70] Quick Getaways
[71] The Things We Leave Behind
[72] Derek Reston
[73] Second Chances
[74] The Name of the Game
[76] Legacies
[77] The Hitman's Bodyguard
[78] Easy Targets
[79] Don't Mix Business With Pleasure
[80] All Is Fair In Love & War
[81] Helena Bertinelli
[82] The Devil In the Details
[83] Confrontation
[84] My Muse of Fire
[85] Revenge Plots After Sex
[86] Who Says People Don't Change?
[87] Partner-In-Crime
[88] A Terrible Idea and An Even Worse Discovery
[89] What Goes Around Comes Around
[90] Fallout
[91] Retaliation (Part 1)
[92] Retaliation (Part 2)
[93] V For Vendetta
[94] Settling Old Debts
[95] Candy Canes, Code Names, and Mind Games
[96] Secrets, Cops, and Frame Jobs
[97] Christmas Celebrations, Discretions, & Assassinations
[98] Follow the Arrow
[99] The Christmas Party
[100] Battle of the Archers
[101] Year's End
[102] RECAP
[103] Fiery Vengeance
[104] Good Grief
[105] Suspicious Activity
[106] Murder Investigation
[107] With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility
[108] Igniting the Spark
[109] Garfield Lynns
[110] Fuel to the Fire
[111] Burned, Part 1
[112] Burned, Part 2
[113] RECAP
[114] Old Friends, New Enemies
[115] Reconciliation & Reconnaissance
[116] Secrets and Lies
[117] Untruths and Injustice... It's the American Way!
[118] The Truth Will Set You Free
[119] All You Have Is Your Fire and the Place You Need to Reach
[120] Confrontational
[121] Party Time! Seriously, How Many Parties Are They Gonna Throw This Season?
[122] A Demon Deal at the Crossroad of Destiny
[123] Ted Gaynor
[124] Trust But Verify
[125] Trials & Tribulations
[126] An Interesting Turn of Events
[127] Investigations and Infiltrations
[128] The Truth Hurts
[129] The Count
[130] Family Secrets
Author's Note
[131] Aftereffects
[132] Vertigo
[133] RECAP
[134] Innocent Until Proven Guilty
[135] Substantial Proof
[136] Dishonesty Breeds Dishonesty
[137] Deception, Manipulation, and An Unsettling Realization
[138] Plan of Attack
[139] The Enemy of My Enemy
[140] Cyrus Vanch
[141] Betrayal
[142] Shot Through the Heart, and Now It's Too Late!
[143] Been Through Worse
[144] Mission Too Damn Impossible
[145] It's Okay to Ask For Help
[146] Oliver Queen
[147] Never Back Down
[148] Ohana Means Family
[149] The Odyssey
[150] RECAP
[151] Amped Up
[152] (Re)liability
Author's Note
[153] How to Get a Date- I Mean, Catch a Thief
[154] One Step Forward, Two Steps Back
[155] Date Night Gone Wrong
[156] The Dodger Strikes Again
[157] The Exorcist: A Twisted Revelation
[158] The Truth of TITAN(ic) Proportions
[159] The Devil You Know
[160] Bait and Switch
[161] Ocean's Thirteen

[75] All Or Nothing

326 16 0
By TeamArrow4Life

Having perused the banquet hall and a few non-alcoholic drinks (after all, he was still working), Dearden caught a glimpse of his mother out of the corner of his eye and decided to go and make conversation with her for a while, and maybe clear the air about what happened the other day. However, even as he started walking toward her, he wished that for once he could get drunk because there was no way in hell that he could do this sober. At least not without hurting her feelings and making a bigger mess of things.

"Mother," he called out behind her, interrupting her conversation with another socialite. She whirled around and looked up at him in surprise before frowning slightly. Dearden tried not to wince at his mother's expression or the cool edge in her voice as she excused herself from her previous conversation.

"Well, I'm surprised you made it tonight given your hectic schedule," she snapped.

"Mom, I'm sorry that I couldn't keep my promise about the Bowens yesterday. I know that was important to you, and I blew you off," Dearden sighed.

"Oh, it's not just you. But recently, that's nothing new," she remarked, before softening her steely gaze ever so slightly. "I know that we've had our difficulties since you were born, Dearden, but despite all my many mistakes, you were the one child that I could always count on to be honest and dependable. No matter what kind of trouble Thea got into at school, or how many times Oliver got arrested, or even how many times your father was... unfaithful, I could always count on you to be there and be the glue that held this family together; because that's who you've always been. So can you imagine... just imagine, after being granted the miracle of having both of my children returned to me... that you, and your brother, seem to have little interest or no interest in being with me or telling me the truth."

"Mom," Dean began.

"You and Oliver have both been acting erratically since you got home and neither of you has been acting like you even want to be here. And as for lying to me about getting back together with Mia and getting her pregnant—" "Careful, mother!" Dearden warned sharply. "That is the mother of my child you're talking about." "Yes, I know, you have made that abundantly clear, but honestly, how long do you think this relationship will last?" Moira argued. "For God's sake, you slept with her while she was your assistant, and then after that, you were separated for five years on a deserted island. If she was like Laurel, then maybe I could see it working out, but since she is not, does it really make sense to leave your home and your family for a girl who is just going to bring you down? It's these kinds of actions you do that make me question sometimes why you even bother to come home at all."

A pang of hurt twisted Dean's gut as his mother spoke. He knew she had high expectations for him and that she could even be a little vindictive towards people she thought would lower those expectations, but never did he imagine that she could be so... so cold. He thought that given time he would be able to get Moira to see that Mia was actually one of the best things to ever happen to him. But now, after hearing the way she talked about Mia, Dearden knew that he had a snowball's chance of actually convincing Moira to see his side of things.

However, before he could arrange his thoughts and put them into words, Aaron approached the duo giving Moira a brief greeting, before leaning into Dearden's ear. "Redwood United Bank. They are going to try a nighttime hit," he informed before walking away in the direction of the exit."

"I, uh, I have to go, but... we're not done," Dean cleared his throat. Then he, too, turned and walked away to go find the others.

* * *

Meanwhile, at Redwood United Bank, a security guard was roaming around making sure that everything was as it should be when he suddenly felt a cloth being forcefully pressed against his mouth and nose as his attackers forced him to inhale whatever was on it. A few moments later he was unconscious and the culprits turned out to be none other than King and Ace.

Once they had dragged the guard off into a tight corner, King and Ace set to work getting into the vault and grabbing as much money as they could, and stuffing it into the duffel bags they had been carrying on their shoulders. Just then, they heard a loud thump coming from the main lobby, making them jump. "You hear that?" Ace inquired. King nodded slowly.

Then Ace put his bag down and picked up his AR-15. "I'll go check it out," he said.

"Okay," King replied.

Then Ace left the vault to patrol the bank, first checking to make sure the security guard was still out, before he went to check the rest of the bank. However, he never even made it out of the lobby.

"Kyle Reston," came the shout of the green-hooded vigilante. The Emerald Archer fired off an arrow, which bounced off the police shield that Ace used to defend himself. "I came prepared," Ace sneered. Then he pulled out his automatic weapon and opened fire.

The Emerald Archer ran and ducked for cover as bullets sprayed in every direction.

Ace managed to pin the vigilante down behind one of the desks, but he was so focused on getting the archer in the green hood that he forgot to keep an eye out for the archer in the black hood until it was too late.

All at once two arrows lodged themselves in Ace's wrist forcing him to drop his weapon and shield, as he let out an agonizing howl. Then he whirled around only to get shot two more times in the chest, with one arrow embedding itself a mere six inches from his heart.

Regardless, Ace clenched his teeth through the pain and wrenched the arrows out of his body before engaging the Noir Assassin in a duel.

However, even with the adrenaline coursing through his veins he was still no match for the vigilante and was bested within minutes.

At the same time, the security guard had woken up and darted across the room to grab his own rifle and King came out of the vault with his gun aimed at Dearden. But it was quickly shot out of his hand the Emerald Archer who was knocking another arrow directed towards King's heart. "No, I've got this, you keep your focus on Ace," the Black Hood growled before he turned his back to Ace and the Emerald Archer and stared down King. Then he removed his shozoku mask and lowered his hood revealing his true identity to the head of the Royal Flush Gang.

"What the hell are you doing?" his partner shouted.

"QUIET!" Dean hissed.

King was dumbfounded. How could he not be? After all, he just discovered that the man who ruined his life and offered him a job was ALSO the vigilante who foiled his plans to rob the bank.

"It's you," King said, removing his own mask.

"Yeah, it's me," Dean answered.

"FREEZE! DROP YOUR WEAPONS AND GET DOWN ON THE GROUND!" the security guard yelled, cocking his weapon.

Dearden went rigid and Oliver jerked up and looked at the guard in surprise. Without turning around, Dearden said, "Kapushon, on my signal engage Smoke and Mirrors Protocol."


"NOW!" Dean barked.

Oliver twirled around swiftly and shot the arrow he had already loaded at on of the ceiling lights causing it to short-circuit and explode, creating a thick plume of smoke that set off the fire alarm.

In the madness, Dearden hurried put on his mask again and raised his hood, then he grabbed Ace's unconscious form, and threw him over his shoulder, as well as the bag of money King dropped and led the other two men out of the bank. Once they were out of the building and across the street a few feet away from the Royals' getaway car, Queen saw them coming and got out to meet them.

"Derek, what the hell happened?" she questioned. "What are they doing here?"

"We're letting you off with a warning," the Noir Assassin declared, dropping the bag of money at her feet and setting Ace down gently. All three of the conscious adults gaped at the vigilante in disbelief. "What?" the Hood seethed. However, his partner ignored him in favor of King.

"I told you I was going to do things differently, and I meant it. I offered you a chance to do things differently, too, but you didn't," the Assassin snarled. "And yet here I am giving you one last chance. Take the money you have and leave Starling City forever. And if I ever see you or your family in my city again, I will do more than ruin your lives... I will end them."

Queen blanched fearfully, but her husband nodded in acceptance.

Dean clenched his jaw. "Good. Now, get out! And make sure you oldest son gets the message. Otherwise, he'll be the first card in the deck that I fold."

It didn't long after that for the Reston to load the money and their son into the back of the van after Dean made his threats, but as he got in the passenger seat, Derek Reston took one last look at Dearden before the van pulled off and drove away from the vigilantes, away from Starling City, and away from their past sins.

"Dean," Oliver started.

"Not now, Ollie. Let's just go home."

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