An anthology of weird stories

By anujshah1991

589 103 45

An anthology of weird stories More

Jack who?
The snatchers
The wells of death
Just love
Tragic messages
Cheating is bad
A crematorium
Beyond life and death
Tv message
Reel to real ?
A catholic school
Football ?
Dont leave
Knock knock
Tragedy of errors
Future AD
Friends forever???
Schizophrenia- a misunderstood condition
Ouija board
Weirdness personified
Space odyssey
Organ transplant
Bottomless pit
Toll call
Science project
The key man
The girl with the gun arm
The 10Th club
Andy Shaw's chronicles
Future is present to come
School trip
Room 401
3:03 am
Call me tomorrow. Alright ?
Sleep paralysis
I cant sleep anymore
The algorithm pattern
A good day indeed
Herbert Scott
Innocent ?
The chinese man
The killer
Zombies didnt kill me or her ?
ACP ANDY is back
Julie and julia
The painting
The masons
To be or 2 be
Emily's life
Cruise ship
The Andy Cunningham chronicle
Beyond the mountain of madness
Live to die and repeat
Andy- the reluctant Assasin
Andy shaw- you mess you pay
A weird take on time loops

Angel of death

2 1 1
By anujshah1991

I work for a construction company and was hired a few days ago by a Catholic priest to do some renovations on an old church.  When we were breaking down a wall, we found a small hollow behind it.  It was in a small room with no entrance, as if it was sealed off from the rest of the building.  Inside was a tall, black wooden box.

   The box was about two meters long and very old.  The wood was wet and rotten.  There was some writing on the side, but it was very worn and discolored.  The box was nailed tightly and there seemed to be no way to open it.

   When I showed it to my boss, he asked me to contact the priest and tell him about it.  When I managed to get the priest on the phone and told him about the box, he remained silent for a long time.  Then, he told me that he would come in the morning and deal with it.  Meanwhile, he asked me to leave it somewhere safe.

   I took the box to the church and left it in a corner.  I thought it would be safe there overnight, as the church was not in use.  By that time, it was almost evening, so I packed my things and went home.

   The next day, when I arrived for work, my boss was in a hurry.

   "About that box you found," he said.  "There's a problem. Last night, two of the night guards looked at it and... you're not going to believe it... the fools went and opened it.

   I hurried to the church and found two nightwatchmen sitting on the ground.  My colleagues were standing around him.  I suddenly felt very sick in my stomach.  A wooden box was lying open beside him.

The priest was standing there shaking his head.

   "I warned you," he said.  "I warned you not to open it. It's too early."

   "what's wrong with them?"  I asked, pointing to the night watchmen.

   "He hasn't said a word since we got here," said my boss.  "It's like they can't even hear us."

   "You should take him to the hospital," said the priest.  "However, it is probably already too late..."

   Then, I went over and peered into the wooden box.  I was shocked to see that there was a body in it.  It was the mummified remains of a human being.  However, it was unlike any human I had ever laid eyes on.  The special thing was that it had two heads.  The faces of both were horribly distorted.  Even stranger, it had four arms.  Two left hands and two right hands.  This was the most shocking mutation ever.

   Whatever it was, it looked really awful.

   I could see that my co-workers were very upset.  To pacify them, the priest went around the church, holding his rosary, sprinkling holy water on everything and reciting something in Latin.  The night watchmen were taken to the hospital and we debated whether we should call the police.

   The priest loaded the wooden box into the boot of his car.  Then, he stopped and hung his head.  He couldn't even look us in the eye.

   "I'm sorry for all of you," he said sadly.  "You don't have long to live..."

Saying this he left and we were left scratching our heads.

   In the days that followed, strange things started happening.  We heard that one of the night watchmen died in the hospital.  He suffered a heart attack even though he was still in his early 30s.  The other was transferred to a mental institution.  Three of my co-workers came down with a mysterious illness and had to be admitted to the hospital.

   That evening, as I was leaving work, I got caught in a wreck and tore a ligament in my leg.  This meant I could not work and was forced to recover at home.

   I had too much time on my hands and strange thoughts were swirling around my head.  I couldn't get the priest's words out of my mind.  Today, I tried calling her several times and finally she picked up the phone.

   We talked for more than two hours and he told me a lot.  Maybe he told me a lot:

   Me: I want to know.  What was that thing after all?

   He: He died many years ago.  Once upon a time he was one human being...or should I say two human beings...two perverted children.  He came from a small village in the south, but his parents were very poor and sold him to a slave trader.  Somehow, they got hired to perform in a traveling freak show touring the country.

   Me: So... I don't understand.  If they were two persons... how did they become one person?  Do you mean they were Siamese twins?

   He: Are you sure you want me to tell you about this?

   Me: Yes, I really want to know.

   He: Okay, okay... I wasn't going to tell you everything... But what harm can it do?  No, they weren't Siamese twins.  They weren't born that way.  However, he had severely disfigured faces.  At that time, there was a religious cult... They functioned in secret... You must forgive me for not saying the name of the cult out loud... But it is related to the worship of Satan... Their leader was a  The man was by the name of Mononobe Tengoku... He went to freak shows and... paid large sums of money for specimens... strange aberrations... He bought the twins, you see, for his collection.. 

Me: What did he want them for?

   Him: There is a legend about a certain occult ritual.  It states that it is possible for anyone to create a very powerful curse... They say that if you put two poisonous insects in a jar, they will fight to the death and you can make the curse more powerful to survive.  One can use ... something about mixing a living person with a dead person... well, Tengoku used that method on humans.  Taking that little story about the curse as inspiration, Tengoku decided to try it with people... He did his horrible experiments in a hidden room in the basement... He put the twins in that room  Left alone without food or water...

   Me: How long were you locked in the room?

   Snow: Long enough for one to eventually kill and cannibalize the other.  Quite a while, I imagine.

   Me: I would not imagine such things...

   He: But the cruelty did not end there.  The last person left in that room was taken out and Tengoku began to associate him with his dead brother... He had no pity for them... He didn't see them as human beings... His  For, they were just a tool, a means to an end... Using crude surgery, he removed the dead twin's head and arms and sewed them onto the living twin's body... Thus the thing was created  Was...

   Me: He deliberately created a demon?

   Him: Tengoku didn't take it that way.  He was completely infatuated with what he had created.  In the time of legends, there was a mythical beast called Ryumensukuna.  It was a two-headed, quadrilateral monster.  Tengoku named his work after that legend.  He and his followers worshiped him as an evil god.  Locked in the room and starved to death.  Then, they performed secret tantric rituals in its honor...

   Me: Ok...

   Him: Tengoku used the Roumensukuna as a cursed talisman, if you will.  They believed that they had created a unique evil that could kill large numbers of people...the Angel of Death...

   Me: Who was the target of the curse?

   Him: Every living being in this world... Every single person on earth...

   what i  Was Tengoku crazy or something?

   He: It is certainly possible.  Curse is very powerful.  Ryoumensukuna began to turn up at the site of natural disasters.  Wherever there was an earthquake, flood, fire, tsunami... In the days before the disaster, Ryumensukuna was found.  The followers of this cult are still alive... still transporting the remains of Ryumensukuna... causing death and destruction...

   Me: You mean, every disaster in the past 100 years was caused by this Ryumensukuna?

   She: Exactly.

   Me: That's unbelievable!  The cult has branches all over the world?

   He: They do.  Their goal is the destruction of every living thing in this world.

   Me: But that can't be true... It's just a coincidence, isn't it?

   Snow: That Ryumensukuna has appeared before every disaster that has happened in the last 100 years?  Well, that must have been an amazing coincidence...

   Me: Where is Ryoumensukuna now?

   Snow: Somewhere safe... until needed again...

   Me: You... you are bringing it somewhere else?

   He: In the future, yes.

   Me: You are a member of this cult, aren't you?

   He: I was wondering if you would ask me if...

   Me: You are, aren't you?  are you crazy or something?

   He: It is definitely possible.

   Me: What's going to happen?

   He: I don't know exactly.  Ryoumensukuna determines what happens.  We can only watch from afar and enjoy the rampant death and destruction...

   Me: Why did you tell me so much?

   He: I'm sorry, but it doesn't matter.  You see, you won't live long and anyway, who will believe you?

   Me: But how can you do that?  This is evil!  This is senseless slaughter!  What purpose does it serve?  What could be the matter?

   He: Let's leave it at that.  Don't call here again.

   After he hung up the phone, I began racking my brain, trying to figure out what I should do.  I couldn't warn anyone.  He was right, no one would believe me.  I immediately booked a flight out of the country.  At least I could try and save my skin.

   I'm on my way to the airport now.  I hope I can get away in time.  I hope it is not too late.

   If you are watching the news and you see a report of a disaster in the next few days in which a large number of people die, you will know what was the reason.

   Just pray this roumensukuna doesn't come to your country...

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