Faded fate

By magical_AditiRathore

105K 18.1K 8.2K

This story is about a girl name Avni and A businessman Nei Khanna it is about their relationship which dies b... More

Introduction of Characters
Chapter 01
Chapter 02
Chapter 03
Chapter 04
Chapter 05
Chapter 06
Chapter 07
Chapter 08
Chapter 09
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Last chapter

Chapter 101

1K 162 74
By magical_AditiRathore

It was the daytime, the birds were hovering in the sky over the pond and it was a forest area. Neil was standing there and he was looking at the pond. The sun's rays were not able to enter because of trees but they peeped from space. Neil was standing there.

Someone kept a hand on Neil’s shoulder and Neil smiled. Neil turned his face and smiled to see his life, his wife who smiled to see him. They looked at each other.


Ashish and Neela maa were standing outside the operation theatre and they were praying for Avneil and their baby. They heard the cracked sound of the baby crying though the sound was low but they heard that. They looked at the door and smiled but soon, their smile faded to think about Avni. They looked at each other and then they looked at the door.

A doctor came out with a baby and goes hurriedly without talking to them. They go behind her and saw she is going to the incubation room and they got a shock. They knew about it because it was a premature delivery but still it hurts. They saw the baby from the glass wall outside the room and Neela maa touched the glass and she smiled while crying.

Nm: my Avni's baby.

Neela maa was shocked.

Nm: Avni?

Neela maa and Ashish looked at each other and then they hurriedly goes from there. They saw the doctor coming out. They looked at each other and they go to the doctor.

Nm: Doctor, my daughter.

The doctor looked at her and was silent. Neela maa and Ashish were getting worried.

Doctor: Aa, look, as you know that it was a premature delivery so complications were there. We tried a lot but...

Nm: But? But what?

Doctor: she slept in a coma.

The Mehta family was shocked. The Khanna also heard that and they were shocked. Shweta cupped her mouth. Neela maa was about to fall but Ashish held her and sat on the floor. Everyone was devastated. They didn't even think about it in their worst dream. Neil's life was in danger but here Avni slept in a coma who was all fine. Well, this is destiny when what will happen no one knows.

Doctor: she gave birth to a baby boy.

Neela maa cried and Ashish was also crying. Shweta kept her head on Prakash's shoulder who hugged her. They cried.

After that, the Khanna family saw the baby from the glass wall outside the room. They cried.

Shweta: poor baby.

They cried.

After that, they got the good news of the successful operation of Neil.

One by one, everyone went to see Avni who was sleeping in a coma. They cried.

Two days passed and no change in Avni's health and Neil started asking for Avni.

Shweta said that what if they lose Neil like Avni because Avni was in a coma and she was afraid if Neil got to know about it then his health will get affected.

One day, Neela maa was sitting in Avni's room and she saw that Avni moved her hand. She smiled and looked at Avni. Avni stirred and Neela maa smiled with teary eyes. She ran to call the doctor. Avni opened her eyes and she was not able to talk. She rolled her eyes around and then she closed her eyes.

Later, Avni opened her eyes and looked at her both families. She was under the effect of a coma. Mothers kissed her forehead. Bebe too did that. Ashish also kissed her forehead.

It took a few days to gain her senses so the family lied to Neil about Avni because they knew, he will take the stress.

Avni wanted to ask for Neil. She sighed to Neela maa who understood and caressed her hair. Avni's eyes were teary.

Nm: Neil and your son, both are perfectly fine.

Tears fell from her eyes and she smiled. Neela maa showed her a picture of her baby. Avni smiled with teary eyes then her smile faded to see Neil's picture. Avni cried to see him. Neela maa caressed Avni's forehead.

Nm: don't worry, he will be like before soon.

Avni looked at her.

Nm: you should be happy that he got saved now you, Neil, and your son, you trio will live happily together.

Avni smiled and nodded. She was in a coma for two days so, she didn't have that much effect on her.

Avni recovered quickly but was in the hospital. Avni didn't go to meet Neil because he would panic to see her normal without a womb and will ask to meet his baby.

The nurse took Avni to meet her son in a wheelchair. Avni saw her baby who was in the incubator.

Avni: my baby.

Avni cried to see it. She felt helpless.

Avni was laying in fowler's position and she recorded the message.

Avni: Hello, Neil. Neil, I, and our baby are fine. Neil, the doctor has prohibited me. She said germs are not good for our baby that's why I am not coming. If a thing was of me then I would come but it is about our baby that's why I stopped myself. I want to meet you, want to see you but I can't. I hope, you understand. Neil, don't worry about me, and take care of yourself. Hmm. And come home soon.

Avni smiled.

When Avni got to know about Neil's stubbornness, she got angry. She wanted to go to him. Everyone cried that day on their helplessness.

Avni was about to remove the duvet.

Nm: Avni, stop.

Avni: mamma, he...

Nm: you know him. Just send a message for him.

Avni: he will not listen like this. He needs to be scolded.

Nm: then scold him on message.

Avni looked at her. She understood the situation and recorded the message and sent it to Prakash.

Avni: Neil, what I am listening, you are not having medicine. Neil, what is this? Are you a kid that you are behaving like this? Neil, I and our baby are fine. Why you are not believing us? Neil, soon, you will get discharged and then we will meet why are you behaving like this? Neil, I want to see you all fine and that's it. If you didn't take care of yourself then I will not talk to you.

Avni sent it and fumed. Others smiled.

Now, Avneil were better and Avni can't control her emotions more so she decided something.

Neil was laying on the bed and someone was coming to him. Neil narrowed his eyes because the light was entering from behind the person. Neil saw the blurred image of the person.

Neil: Avni?

The image of the person cleared and Neil was shocked to see the person because it was Avni. Her sudden visit shocks him. Avni looked at Neil with teary eyes and a soft smile was on her face. Avni cried and Neil smiled but soon, his smile faded to see Avni in a hospital dress and Neil got a 440-volt shock to see her belly.

Neil: Avni...

Avni sat on the bed and kept her hand on Neil's lips.

Avni: sssshhhh. Relax. Everything is fine. Our baby is fine.

Neil: but...

Avni: it was premature delivery.

Neil was shocked. Avni squeezed her nose and smiled.

Avni: Actually, your tiger was in hurry to come into this world.

They chuckled. Avni squeezed her nose and wiped a tear that slides from her eye. She squeeze her nose and smiled.

Neil: tiger? Means...

Avni nodded.

Avni: yes, it's a boy.

They smiled. Avni showed a picture to Neil. Neil got emotional. Avni cupped Neil's face with one hand and she kissed his forehead.

Avni: No more tears. Get well soon. We trio will go home together.

Neil smiled.

Neil: how are you?

Avni: Absolutely fine.

Neil smiled.

Avni: how are you?

Neil: now, I am fine.

Avni smiled. She doesn't want to spoil their moment by talking about medicine matters.

Neil: so, it is the reason that you were not coming here to meet me.

Avni nodded.

Avni: hmm. I am also admitted but tomorrow I will get a discharge.

Neil made a sad face. Avni smiled.

Avni: don't worry, you will also get discharged soon.

Neil smiled. Avni was having pain because she was leaning toward Neil.

Avni: ok, now have rest. I should go else my doctor will scold me.

Neil smiled. Avni suppressed her lips and moved back. They smiled to see each other.

Soon, Neil was fine. The doctor asked Avni to have rest because she has gone through surgery and after delivery, rest is a must but she comes to meet Neil and their baby.

Prakash and Avni took Neil to meet his baby. Prakash was pulling the wheelchair. Neil got emotional. Avni set on her feet by suppressing her lips and cupped Neil's face with one hand.

Avni: You promised me that you will not cry.

Avni wiped his tear near his eye and Neil also wiped his eyes while smiling. They saw their baby and smiled.

Soon, Neil got discharged and they went back to their home. Shweta welcomed them. The servants made the preparation with Neela maa who came before them. Neil was in a wheelchair and was wearing a cap. Avni was carrying Neav in her arms. Prakash pulled the wheelchair and Avneil came inside. Shweta captured their picture where Avni was standing beside Neil.

Flashback ends.

Avni and Neil were looking at each other. Neil looked down and he saw Avni's womb. Avni also saw that and they were smiling. They looked at each other. Avni cupped Neil's face.

Avni: Tomorrow, your dream of carrying your baby in your arms first will be fulfilled.

Neil smiled and tears of happiness formed in their eyes. Yes, Avni was nine months pregnant.

Neil always gets sad to think that he was not present on his son's birthday. Neil sat on his feet and touched Avni's womb. Neil kissed it and Avni smiled.

Neil: I love you, my baby.

Avni smiled.

They heard a hmm sound and they turned their face. A boy of five years was sitting on the bench folding his arms and turning his face away. He was in anger and he was the angry bird of Avneil, Neav.

Avneil smiled and then they looked at each other while smiling. Neil got up.

Avni said while looking at Neav: hmm, again, your son became an angry bird.

They smiled and then they looked at each other. They turned and Neil gave support to Avni. They goes and Neil made Avni sit on the bench and Neav looked away. Neil sat on the other side and Neav looked straight. Avneil smiled and they looked at each other and they hugged Neav.

Avneil: we love you Neav.

Neav didn't smile then they tickled him.

Avni: you are angry, han, han.

Neil: hmm. Angry bird.

They were tickling Neav and the trio chuckled. Avni took a deep breath because she gets tired soon because of pregnancy.

It was the time of night, Avneil was laying on the bed at their back. They were thinking about the time when they thought about the time when they planned for a second baby and Neil was unaware of Avni's coma. No one told him about it and when Avneil told the family about Avni's pregnancy they were shocked.


Neil was very happy to get the news of Avni's pregnancy and he went shopping. Avni and Shweta were present in the room. Avni was happy.

Shweta: Avni, what is this?

Avni's smile faded.

Shweta: You are pregnant? How can you do this? You know what happened last time.

Avni: don't worry, Mummy Ji, I am fine.

Shweta: Avni...

Avni: I consulted to doctor first then I took this step.

Shweta: but, Avni, what was the need to take the risk? You have Neav.

Avni: Mummy Ji, Neil always wanted a baby girl, his princess. He always gets sad to think that he was not available at Neav's time when I needed him the most. He had a wish of carrying our baby in his arms first. We took this step for that only.

Shweta: and what is the guarantee that it will be a girl?

Avni was looking at her.

Shweta: Avni, I understand that you love Neil and want to see him happy but Avni, he is unaware of the truth.

Neil was coming while smiling and shopping bags were in his hands. He was passing by the corridor and stopped to hear them. Neil looked up.

Shweta: We didn't tell him about your coma.

Neil was shocked.

Neil: Coma?

Neil moved to the door with a frown on his head. Avni kept her finger on her lips.

Avni: ssshhhhh. Mummy Ji slowly what if Neil heard you then.

Shweta: then it will be better. We hid from him about your coma on your saying but we did a mistake. We should tell him that during your delivery, you fainted and then you slept in a coma.

Neil was shocked. The shopping bags fell from his hands. Avni and Shweta turned their faces and were shocked to see Neil. Avni saw the bags on the floor then she looked at Neil who was panting and his eyes were tears. Avni was looking at Neil.

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