Lincoln's new life in Trollbe...

By cpucandidateyakumo

772 25 47

After one of Lisa experiments goes terribly wrong Lincoln and Lily ends up adopted by Frida's parents who whe... More

Chapter One. A New Family.

Bird Parade And Sparrow Scouts.

247 8 5
By cpucandidateyakumo

It was the day of the bird parade and with Lily with their parents and Frida with her scouts group, Lincoln had decided to have a stroll around with his most loyal friend, a female ice fox named Sapphire.

He meet this adorable creature a month after moving to Trollberg,


Lincoln had just started his new training routine and was jogging along the wall of the city, when he heard a pained cry.

Looking around he saw some droplets of blood on the ground leaving a small trail into some bushes, inside them he found the small creature clearly in pain from an injury on its left front paw.

"Poor thing." Said the boy approaching it, getting some growls as it bared its teeth to him.

But he still tended his hand to it on a non threatening way, and after the creature had smelled him and stopped growling he sat next to it and carefully picked it.

Lincoln took the small being to his house and carefully disinfected and wrapped the wound.

Upon doing so the creature decided to stay with him, and became highly protective of him and his sisters.

*Flashback end*

The white haired boy and blue furred fox were walking around when he saw Trevor, one of Lincoln's classmates and noticed that he was carrying a cage with a raven inside.

Intrigued he followed the kid and saw him put the cage on the railing of a bridge over a river and start shouting to the bird and shaking the cage, until for some reason Trevor turned around letting go of the cage, causing it to fall into the water bellow.

Without stopping for as second, Lincoln got to the bridge, took off his jacket and shoes and jumped to save the bird.

Just as he breached the surface of the water he heard a voice shouting "You are the gre..." but he couldn't hear the rest as his head got underwater.

As the white haired boy tried to find the caged bird under the water, he heard the sound of another body falling into the water.

Seconds after that he saw a bright light shine from the depths blinding him.

Before he could recover his vision, he felt something pushing him upwards and out of the river, before twisting in the air while shouting "I remember everything!"

"I told you I was bigger, I only take that little form when I'm being discreet." said the gigantic bird.

"I knew it, you are the great raven." Said a female voice, making the boy notice his companion on this flight, the cute green haired girl that approached them at the playground.

"Well, not exactly." Said the bird before Lincoln could say anything.

"What?" asked the girl

"It was all a big misunderstanding actually." started the bird.

"A long long time ago I was passing over the city when I landed on the statue over there, the people thought that I was the raven messenger of the God they worshiped, that year there was a great harvest and everyone prospered, they thought it was my doing, so the following year they started this festival in my honor." explained the raven

" What happened on the bad year?" asked Lincoln, who was finally noticed by the female.

"aah that the year I missed the festival, I was off somewhere else, probably at home, the bad luck had nothing to do with me, but everyone thought they displeased me, after that I decided to made the effort to show myself every year."
Explained the bird.

"So if you are not the great raven, what are you?" asked the girl

"I'm a thunderbird!" exclaimed the raven

"What is a thunderbird?" asked both children at the same time.

"Eh, just a bird for the most part" Said the raven dismissingly

"But I can do this!" said the Raven with emotion as he gave out as flash of lightning and the sound of thunder.

"They seem to like that." he said with glee

Back at ground level people light up the lights and started the parade.

Neither of the kids on the bird noticed David asking Frida if Lincoln and a girl were riding atop the raven or her anwsring how ridiculous that was.

"I just saw my mum down there, do you think you can drop me of? Asked the girl.

"And Sapphire is with her, so I'll get down here to if you don't mind." Said the white haired boy as he noticed the small fox riding on the woman's Shoulder.

The duo jumped from the bird, Hilda on her mums arms while Lincoln did a roll to kill the momentum of the jump, ending just in front of them.

As the mother and daugther duo had their moment, the white haired boy had to catch the ice fox that had jumped to his arms.

"Sorry to worry you Sapphire." Said the laughing boy as his furred friend licked his face.

"You are the one who jumped into the water before we got there? If so I think these belong to you" asked Johanna to the boy as she offered him his jacket and shoes.

"Yeah, thank for picking them up, my name it's Lincoln, miss..."

"My Name's Johanna, I'm Hilda's mum, and your little friend pretty much told me to do it." Said the woman.

"Yeah, Sapphire is a very clever girl, aren't you cutie?" praised the boy as he scratched the animal's tummy, who gave pues in response.

As she saw the boy praising his ice fox, she took note of the soaking state of the boy and her daugther.

"You two can't stay soaking like that or you'll end up catching a cold, our home is close to here, so come with us so you can warm up." Said the woman leading the way.

Some time later a pijama clad Hilda was enjoying a warm cup of tea while she watched Twig and Sapphire, play together.

As she sat there, with her adrenaline still skyrocketing from the flight, Lincoln joined her on the couch.

Oh, there's a cup of tea for you too Lincoln. "Said the girl still watching the animals.

" Thank you, Hilda." Said the boy grabbing the cup from the table and enjoying how a single sip warmed up his body.

The greenette finally looked at him and inmediatly blushed, as he was wearing a fluffy red bathing robe, hers to be exact.

"Tha... That is my bathing robe." Said the nervous girl at the thought of a boy using her robe,.

"Oh! S... Sorry, my clothes are still in the dryer, so your mum gave me this to wear meanwhile." answered the boy, now overly conscious of the sweet smell that the robe gave out.

"It's fine, don't worry." Said the girl inwardly thanking the rush of adrenaline in her, that allowed her to talk with the boy, even with his current state of dress, or lack thereof. "So how did you meet Sapphire?" she asked to keep the conversation rolling.

Johanna and Alfurd watched discreetly as the girl interacted with her first crush, even if she didn't really knew what she felt yet.

And talk they did, son overcoming the awkwardness of their mutual budding, yet mostly innocent, attraction, and became friends.

When Lincoln clothes were dry, he redressed himself and after saying his goodbyes he and Sapphire went back home.


Some days later the boy and fox duo were jogging along the wall, as per their daily routine, when they noticed David fooling around with some rocks and Twig struggling to keep hold of a rope that went down into a hole in the ground.

"What are you two doing here guys?", Asked Lincoln as he approached.

"Oh, Lincoln! Twig and I are waiting for the girls." Said David.

"What do you mean?" Asked the albino.

And so David explained to Lincoln everything about their beautification project, the Vittra and how Hilda ad Frida had jumped into the hole chasingit .

"AND YOU JUST STANDED Here AND  LET THE GIRLS JUMP INTO THE HOLE ALONE!?" Shouted Lincoln on an overprotective rage.

"They didn't really gave me a choice" tried to defend himself David, but Lincoln didn't really pay any attention.

He carefully took the rope from Twig's maw and after Sapphire created an icycle with her powers, Lincoln tied the rope to it and stabbed it on the ground.

"You did a great job Twig, how about you protect Sapphire while she keep the ice strong?" Said Lincoln nicely to the deerfox who barked happily and sat next to the ice fox.

Whitout even sparing a glance to David, Lincoln jumped into the hole.

After he landed into the smelly yet spacious tunnels, Lincoln started to follow the voices he heard inside.

After some running around he saw the creature he supposed was a vittra, but when he noticed that said vittra was wearing Frida's scout band, Lincoln saw red, and before it could react Lincoln had the creature grabbed in a rather threatening manner.

"Were is my sister?" Roared the boy.

"Let me go!" screamed the Vittra quite scared.

Just then Hilda appeared from one of the tunnels.

"Lincoln? What are you doing here?" Asked the girl.

"Hilda? I'm here searching for my sister." answered the boy still holding the creature.

'There are more people down here besides Frida and I?' thought Hilda picturing a female version of Lincoln.

"Ok, let's make a deal, I take you to that irritating girl and you bring all my friends back." Said the vittra.

"Deal, but we'll have to hurry, your friends are scheduled for mulching." Said Hilda.

Just then a smaller vittra came from a different tunnel and eyed Lincoln, who still held the first one, waringly.

"Hmm, Mister? I found something weird." Said the smaller creature, so the group followed after it, finally finding a pair of legs dangling from a hole in a wall.

Upon seeing them, and hearing the moans of effort the person made in her attempts to free herself, Lincoln acted quickly grabbing the stuck girl by her hips and pulled the stuck person out of the wall, revealing her to be Frida.

As soon as the girl had her feet on the ground, Lincoln hugged her tightly.

"I was so worried! Are you ok Frida?" Asked Lincoln lovingly.

'Why do I feel so sad and annoyed all of a sudden?' though Hilda upon seeing the boy hugging the other girl.

"Wha? Lincoln? When did you get here?" Asked Frida while hugging back when she noticed it was him who was hugging her.

"I saw David out there when I was on my morning jog, he told me what happened so I rushed to the rescue. " Joked Lincoln, although Frida noticed a bit of anger when he talked about David.

"Always willing to help, right?" asked Frida.

"I'm the elder brother after all." he answered, unknowingly lifting all negative feelings from Hilda.

"I didn't know you two knew each other, much less that you were siblings." Said Hilda.

"Our parents adopted me and my little sister a year ago, and Frida has been an amazing sister since." explained Lincoln.

"And Lincoln has been the best big brother in the world." Said the girl as she enjoyed her protective brother's hug, taking note of how Hilda looked at her longingly.

'Well, well, well, it looks like someone has a crush on my big brother.' thought Frida smiling.

After Lincoln let her go, she noticed the vittra wearing her sash.

"you have no right to wear that!" She said angrily.

"Oh I'll wear it until I get my friends back!" Replied the vittra.

"Ejem... Want to run that by me again?" asked Lincoln Glaring at the vittra, who intelligently returned the sash.

"Ok guys we need to hurry if we want to save the vittra!" Said Hilda running towards the exit of the tunnels.

When they got to the hole, Hilda called out David's name and with both Sapphire and Twig help he pulled the group out.

"I can't believe you found her!" Said David while the two animals rushed towards their humans.

"He helped." Said Hilda pointing to the vittra.

"Hey we made a deal." shrugged the vittra.

"And now we are going to fail the badge challenge thanks to your deal." complained Frida.

"Yeah but it kinda saved you from being stuck underground forever." Defended David.

"Ok, fair point, although I'm pretty sure Lincoln would have found me eventually... Sigh, thank you for coming after me, that was very brave, it just this wasn't part of my action plan, so I freaked, a little?" Said Frida to the greenette.

"Or a lot." sassed the vittra, getting the stink eye from Frida.

"So what's your action plan?" She asked Hilda.

"Um it's pretty simple really, save the vittra from the big chipper, come back here, stick them in the ground." explained Hilda.

"All by yourself?" asked David.

"Sure." answered Hilda.

"No." interjected Frida.

"No? " wondered Hilda.

"Not by yourself, David and I and coming with you." happily said Frida.

"We are?" Asked David

"Count me in too." offered Lincoln.

"And I'm coming to." declared the vittra before of whistling to call a mini cow that he mounted like a horse.

"That's the spirit! See? we are in this together." Said Frida.

"Ugh, not really! I'm in this to make sure you lot don't mess it up, giddyup hya." Complained the vittra leaving the humans and foxes dumbfounded.

"Let's just go." Said Hilda as she started to run after the small bovine.

The group moved as fast as the could until they got to the residue treatment plant, only to find out the door was chained up, as it was pass closing time.

Oh we are to late! It's closed for the night!" exclaimed Frida.

Maybe we can come back tomorrow?" shily offered David.

But the vittra saw something and pointed upwards as he screamed "Look!"

When they looked the group saw the other vittra being carried towards the chipper on its conveyor belt.

"It's now or never!" said Hilda with determination, and started to climb quickly followed by Lincoln and Frida, while David went through a hole the vittra made in the fence with help of the cow.

Quickly Lincoln and Hilda climbed the conveyor and started to take the vittra away.

After a minute or so the vittra pointed to the very last one that was almost at the end of the conveyor belt.

Hilda rushed up and rescued the creature before it could be turned into mush, but tripped and fell down, ending up hanging on with one hand while the other keept holding the vittra, named Georgie, by the flower that grew on its head.

Lincoln quickly jumped down and helped Frida and David push a cart filled with the other vittra and some soft soil under Hilda.

"Hilda, it's OK, we've got you!." Said Frida.

"Then we are coming down!" screamed the greenette as her fingers slipped making her fall from her perch and into the cart.

"Hilda! Are you OK!?" asked Frida when she saw the girl lying inside the cart with her eye closed.

"Wow! He, a traumatic fall, for sure... But I'm fine!" Answered the girl smiling.

"Hah, that's got to be worth at least 100 points for the catch your falling friend badge." Joked Frida.

"Really?" Asked Hilda happily.

"No, there's no badge for that." explained Frida.

"Well there should be." Said Hilda smiling.

Some time later while the group were replanting the vittra back on their original spot David started talking.

"I can't believe your friends sleepy for all of this!" he said.

"Hah! There's not much that can wake up an hibernating vittra! Except pounding a stake on it's head." Said the vittra.

"Yes, sorry about that." Said Hilda.

"You've got to admit, we aren't as bad as you thought." Said Frida.

"You pulled them out in the first place! So don't expect a price just for bringing them back" exclaimed the vittra.

"I'm sure my sister feel bad enough about it without your constant reminders" Said Lincoln glaring at the vittra, since he was still in an overprotective mood.

The vittra decided to just jump into his hole while blowing a raspberry.

"I wonder if I have any matches?" asked Lincoln jokingly, until he noticed how sad his sister was about failing her challenge.

"Hey Vittra, come out for a second" He said pulling the plant like being out of the ground, and receiving questioning looks from the other humans.

"What do you want now?" asked the vittra.

"A picture of you, so they can prove that they didn't fail the challenge but that rather they did what they were supposed to do, and leaved you lot alone." explained Lincoln.

"Fine! But promise you'll really leave us alone afterwards!" said the vittra.

The three scouts and the vittra posed for the picture that Lincoln took with Frida's camera and gave to her.

"Here you go little sis, this should be enough to convince your sparrow leader that you were literally unable to finish the task from the begining." Said the boy, getting a hug from Frida.

"Oooh! You are the best brother ever!" said Frida as they hugged.

"And I have another thing to sweeten the deal." Said Lincoln.


The next morning, Frida presented her case to the sparrow leader, who accepted to give them more time and a different plot of land to work, said leader was specially happy to do so, when she saw the white haired boy wearing a new sash talking with Hilda, as she had wanted the multitalented and helpful boy in her group, since she meet him.

"Sorry to make you join us Link" Said Frida, who knew he disliked the scouts because a few of his former elder sisters had been scouts back in the states.

"It's fine, that way I can spend more time with you... And Hilda." he said, although he whispered the last part.

"Is my elder brother crushing on a certain green haired wild girl?" whispered Frida in his hear, teasingly.

"Don't say anything and I'll make you pancakes." offered Lincoln with a blush.

"Sure, I wasn't going to tell anyone, but I wont reject your pancakes, they are delicious." Smirked the girl, as she passed her arm around her adoptive brother's neck in a one arm hug.

End of chapter 2.

Sorry I took so long but I've been busy.

Sorry for accidently uploading a beta version of it, too... I miss clicked.

And I just did a 3rd edit fixing a few mistakes I found and adding a few more things.

Also I have a question for you all:
Should Hilda, just ask Johanna about what she is feeling and thus truly start the romance, and have some dates in the next few chapters, or should it be a slow burn, with her seeing things around during her adventures that make her understand?

Please vote here.

Start soon, we want some fluff.

Wait a bit, confused and awkward Hilda will be more interesting.

Next up" Esos ruidosos aliens" which should be updated in a few days If possible.

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