Strings from The Heart (A Omo...

By Yog-sazeth

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welcome to head space More

Chapter1 Stepping into the world
Chapter 2 Friends, and the bully
Chapter 3 Uh, oh
Chapter 4 The thing that went bump in the night
Diet chapter
Chapter 5 Climb with me to the moon
Chapter 6 Mixtape
Chapter 7 The incredible kel
Chapter 8 It's been a while
Doodle chapter
Chapter 9 Where in the world is aubrey
Chapter 10 Simple minded
Album Covers
Chapter 11 Into the Thick of It
Doodle chapter 2
Happy (Late) Valentine's day
Happy Birthday
Chapter 12 Forcefully Wed
Chapter 13 The Wedding's Off!
Chapter 14 Ebony and Ivory
Chapter 15 The Last Resort
Chapter 16 Everything was Better
Happy Halloween
Chapter 17 Stop asking me
Merry Christmas
Chapter 19 Good Morning
Happy Halloween
Merry Christmas

Chapter 18 Shards of The Past

2.1K 74 41
By Yog-sazeth

3rd POV

The annoying continuous beeps of an electronic clock filled the room. On the bed next to the bedside table where the clock sat, lay a bunch of blankets. 

A hand snaked out from the folds and banged the table a few times before finally locating the clock and slamming down on the snooze button.

Loud screaming could be heard from somewhere around the house, "Y/N!!! Y/N!!!! GET UP RIGHT NOW!!!!! BREAKFAST IS READY!!!!!!!"

There was the furious thundering of feet coming up the stairs and the door to the room burst open, revealing a woman with blonde hair with brown roots and blue eyes.

She walked over to the bed and looked down at the cocoon of blankets, her hands on her hips, "Y/n, get up."

A muffled groan came from somewhere inside.

The woman let out a exasperated sigh before grabbing the blankets and yanking them off the bed, revealing a boy with long messy hair.

The boy shivered at the sudden exposure to cold air and let out another groan.

"Get up or you'll be late for school." she told him.

"Okay, Ok-kay. I'm up..." the boy mumbled, his stutter still prominent even in his slurred sleepy speech.

Y/n pulled himself out of bed, grabbed his phone he left charging on his bedside table and slunk towards the bathroom.

He walked into the bathroom and stared at the thin pale boy who stared back at him on the other side of the bathroom mirror like any another morning. He let out a small sigh before turning on the faucet and splashing his face with water.

If this was a movie, he would grin at his reflection or something cheesy like that, but this wasn't a movie. All he did was just stare at the same face with tired (no) eyes only now the face was dripping wet.

"Y/n!! Breakfast!!!"


Y/n hastily finished washing up, got dressed and hurried downstairs towards the kitchen where his mother, wearing an oversized t shirt with the words "Peace and Lust" written on it was waiting.

"About time." She said, "Come and eat before the food gets cold."

Y/n sat down and began scarfing down his eggs and toast. His mother sat down as well with a cup of tea in her hands.

"You remember what today is, right?" She suddenly asked.

"Of c-c-course, Mari's p-p-piano recital."

The piano recital, the thing that Mari had been talking non stop about, and was equally terrified of. The old Mari would probably have been fussing over every little detail, slowly eating herself alive with all the pressure she was accumulating on herself. But after she started spending more time with Y/n, she slowly learned to be okay with some of her faults, even hanging up softball to spend more time with him.

He was the light of her life. It was kind of astonishing that it took until the last year of middle school for them to finally start dating. They got together on prom night. Yes, I know it's pretty cheesy but they were happy and that's what counts.

"Mari looked pretty nervous, you think she'll be okay?"

"S-She's been p-practicing a lot. She's going to do just f-fine."

"Also she's going to have you there too." She added with a smirk on her face.

Her smirk winded as she saw her son's face go bright red. She was his mother but sometimes she wondered how such a timid and easily flustered boy could come out of someone like her.

After they finished breakfast, Y/n brushed his teeth, packed his bag and headed to the front door, "I'm o-off!!" He announced as he opened the front door.

"Wait!!" His mother stopped him and then pushed her credit card in his hands, "While on your way back from school, stop by the flower shop and buy some flowers. You can't go to your girlfriend's recital empty handed now can you? Just make sure not to loose it like you did last time okay?" She said with a wink.

Y/n blushed a little before mumbling a quick thank you and putting the card in the front pocket of his bag and was about to leave again.

"Hold it!" His mother stopped him for a second time. She grabbed his arm and yanked him close gave him a quick peck on the cheek, having to stand on her tip toes to do so, "Goodbye kiss."

"M-Mum, s-stop doing that! I'm not a kid anym-more!" He stammered as his face burned red.

"Well, no matter how old you get you'll always be my special little guy. Even though I have competition for your favorite girl in world now."


"Okay, okay, I'll stop with the teasing." She laughed, "Have a good day at school!"

With his cheeks burning, Y/n left the his house and headed towards the bus stop.

(Timeskip brought to you by Mrs. Fay drinking coffee)

As Y/n neared the bus stop he saw a girl standing there. The slight breeze making her hair flutter like dark waves.

Y/n's heart did a little summersault as he saw the love of his life waiting at the bus stop.

"Okay, Y/n. Don't panic. You two've been dating for a while. She is your girlfriend. No need to be embarrassed. Just go and talk to her like a normal person. Okay, now go!"

Mari sudden noticed him standing there like a idiot and her face lit up with a bright smile, "Y/n!!"

"Haauuh... heeeh.... huuuummmmmmm........... Hi."

"Smooth. Real smooth"

She ran up to him and pulled him into a tight hug then kissed him on the cheek.

"Okay, looks likes my services are not needed anymore. Good luck on your own kid. (Brain leaves the room)"

"Idsicwybhdahshcjduabvduxslalcdhcsjacj." Y/n began short circuiting. 

Mari let out a giggle, "You're so cute when you're flustered!" She gushed.

While Mari was swooning over her flustered boyfriend, her little brother Sunny just watched the two with his usual blank expression, but behind those soulless eyes, jealousy raged on. To be perfectly honest, Sunny never liked Y/n. From the moment he met him he didn't like him. The others all seemed to be just fine with Y/n's presence, something he could never understand.

Back then, it was just the five of them, him, Mari, Aubrey, Kel, Hero and Basil. Just the five of them. They would do everything together. They were tight as any friend group could be. Then one day HE came along.

It was just like any other day, school was out and they all met up together in the park and were talking about what they should do. Hero was telling off Kel to stop skipping lunch and Kel was protesting he need the lunch money. Aubrey and Basil were chatting away like they used to, sometimes Sunny wished Aubrey would talk to him more.

It was at that moment where everything changed. It was that moment when he came running and tripped over on his feet like an idiot. He said he was there to return a pen he had borrowed from Mari.

Mari introduced him as Y/n, her friend from class. Sunny didn't think much of it, he was expecting that he wouldn't see this Y/n guy again anytime soon, he was just someone he would meet once or twice. But he couldn't have been far from the truth.

After that day, Y/n began following the group like a lost puppy. Sunny expect the others to ask him to go away, telling him it was suppose to be just the five of them. But they never did. In fact, they welcomed him. Sunny liked Y/n less and less as the days went by, this wasn't suppose to be. It was suppose to be the five of them, not six.


Sunny was snapped out of his dark thoughts by Mari putting hand on his shoulder, "The bus is here."

Sunny looked up to see the yellow school bus waiting at the bus stop.

"I'm off. I'll see you later tonight." She said as she hugged him goodbye and ran towards Y/n waiting at the entrance of the vehicle.

As the doors close and the bus drove off, Sunny reached out towards it, wishing his sister would come back.


Sunny sat in the white void alone. He didn't know how much time had pasted.

"Oh, it's you."

He turned around to see Mari standing there but something was different.

"Still hiding from the truth?" She asked in a mocking tone.

Someone was wrong. Mari never mocked him, she would tease him sure, but mocking?

"You never change do you? Ever since you were young, you always run and hid when you were scared."

Her tone was cold and uncaring, a far cry from the warm and kind tone he was used to.

She slowly walked towards him, her eyes boring into his, "I guess you never grew out of it. You're still just the sniveling coward of a brother you always were."


Sunny sat in class, not really listening to what the teacher was saying as usual. His mind would always float elsewhere during class, something his teacher didn't like.

His grades have been dropping more and more as the semester went on. His mother had been called in multiple times to talk about his failing grades and she would always say that she would make sure that he tried harder. It was always the same thing.

"Psst, hey, Sunny."

Sunny glanced over to the seat next to him to see Basil staring at him, "Could you lend me your eraser?" He asked.

Sunny handed the eraser to his blonde friend, earning a small "Thanks" as Basil took it. He glanced down at his friends notebook. Neat handwriting filled the page with colorful markers lining the important stuff. He looked down at his own notebook only to see a bunch of random doodles.

Basil handed back the eraser with a bright smile, "Oh yeah, good luck with the recital tonight. I know you and Mari will do great!" He whispered.

He would never have guessed that the recital would never come to be.


Sunny stood in front of the lake, hospital sirens blaring in his ears. He saw people hauling a dripping wet Y/n onto a stretcher as they pumped oxygen into his lungs via those hospital pump things.


Mari ran burst through the trees in a rush. He paled as she saw the state her boyfriend was in. She ran past the people telling her to stay back and began shaking Y/n's lifeless body, desperately crying his name to try and get a response.

The hospital workers had to pry her off kicking and screaming as they rolled Y/n into the ambulance and sped off towards the hospital, leaving Mari to fall to her knees and sob her broken heart out.


Mari stared at Sunny coldly, "When are you going to face the truth? Are you just going to spend the rest of your life running away from the consequences of your actions?"

"I... I... I didn't do anything." Sunny said uneasily.

Mari smirked, "You've told yourself that for years now, haven't you?"

She walked closer and closer towards him as he backed away from her.

"It's honestly pathetic. Denying a fact won't make it go away. You're going to live the rest of your life slowly eating yourself out with the guilt of what you've do-"

There was a sharp "Shing!" and the sound of flesh squelching as Omori suddenly appeared and slashed through the middle of Mari's stomach. 

Mari coughed out blood and looked down as blood oozed out and stained her clothes.

"Look at that. When I tried to tell you to truth, you push me away. Just like you always do..."

"You are so pathetic little brother."

Omori didn't give her another chance to speak as he slashed her head clean off, making her disappear into thin air.

Sunny felt like he was going to throw up as Omori turned to look at him.

"It wasn't your fault." He told him.


"It wasn't your fault." Omori repeated, "It was his own fault tripping and falling into that lake."

"We're not to blame. It was never our fault."

"It was always his fault."

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