✓ | To Save Her | Link x OC |...

By justamethyst3

1.4K 45 11

This fic has been posted on Wattpad and AO3 under the username: justamethyst3 These are the only places this... More

~Chapter 1: Amethyst~
~Chapter 2~
~Chapter 3~
~Chapter 4~
~Chapter 5~
~Chapter 6~
~Chapter 7~
~Chapter 8~
~Chapter 10~
~Chapter 11~
~Chapter 12~
~Chapter 13~
~Chapter 14~
~Chapter 15~
~Chapter 16~
~Chapter 17~
~Chapter 18~
~Chapter 19~
~Chapter 20~
~Chapter 21~
~Chapter 22~
~Chapter 23~
~Chapter 24~
~Chapter 25: Link~
~Chapter 26~
~Chapter 27~
~Chapter 28~
~Chapter 29~
~Chapter 30~

~Chapter 9~

44 1 0
By justamethyst3

I watched from a tree as everyone finished setting up for the night. The merchants headed inside, the horse's water refilled. Lights dimming... Except for the one under the tree.

I glanced at Link as he looked through his pouch, counting out the potions he'd made.

"You can go sleep inside. I'm sure it'd be much better than being out here," I mumbled.

"I'd rather you sleep in the bed. Besides, I've slept out in the wild a lot, it's not bad."

I shrugged, curling back up and looking out to the river.

"Why do you want your memories back, anyway? They can't all be good."

"They aren't. But... It feels much better to know. Like, a piece of me is missing without them. Besides, you can't have the good without the bad."

"Truer words have never been spoken."

"Could you not?"

It grew quiet for a moment, the only sound coming from the fire, and the crickets hiding in the grass. Link paused for a moment, before setting his pouch aside. Before I could react, he'd climbed up and sat next to me in the tree.


He grabbed my wrist, stopping me from pushing him away on instinct. Our eyes met briefly, but I glanced away.

"Why do you avoid us like that?"

"Like what?"

He turned my head towards him, holding my chin in place.

"You keep everyone at a distance and push those who try to get close. You make all interactions as quick as possible to keep others away. You didn't use to be like this."

"And how do you know? You don't even remember me."

"I do a little... But I want to know more! I want to remember! That's why we're doing this."

Tears pricked at my eyes as my thoughts went on.

"I'm not the only one who's changed."

He cupped my cheeks, our eyes meeting again.

"Of course. It's been over 100 years, we're all going to change."

His voice grew soft as he wiped a stray tear away. I pulled back, turning my head away.

"Some of us didn't change in a good way. So... sometimes it's good to just keep everyone away. For their own safety."

We grew quiet as I let more tears out, keeping my face away from his view.

"What happened after I died?"

"I can't tell you."

"Why not?"

"Yeah, what happened after he died?"

"Don't do this now..."

"Don't do what?"

I froze, my breath catching.

"I told you not to get close to him. Maybe if you had better control over yourself-"

Link turned my head back to him, wiping away another tear.

"Don't do what now?"

"He's trying to be nice. He's always been sweet and caring like this. That's why I-"

"I said don't."

"I'm sorry."

I pulled away again, then jumped from the tree.


I took off, headed towards Horwell Bridge.

"I only know how to run from my problems. That's all I've done the past 100 years. I can't confront them at all without panicking and taking off!"

I stopped on the other side of the bridge, turning my face to the sky. My tears fell freely as my shoulders shook.

"I'm pathetic."

"Yes, yes, you are."

Grunts rose to my right, and I spotted Moblins gathering.

"Go on. Let your anger out on them. They're just made of malice, it won't matter if you slaughter them."

I grit my teeth, but my hand moved to my sword on instinct.

"Stop controlling me."

"You're simply our puppet. I can't have you being pathetic all the time. So we will make you not pathetic!"

"I don't want this. I don't want any of this. Just stop it."

"I'm afraid that's not possible."

My vision grew black after I rushed for the Moblins, their cries growing as I grew numb to the world around me.

~ * ~

I opened my eyes as light grew behind them. I squinted at the sky, quickly shielding my eyes.

"Did I pass out...?"

"Hey, she's awake!"

My eyes moved to a couple adventurers kneeling beside me.

"Are you alright, Miss?"

"Where am I?"

"Just off the Rebonae Bridge, the stable is not far if you need any more help..."

"Rebonae Bridge?"

"Y-yes! It's right over there."

I looked to where they were pointing, the sound of water rising in my ears.

"What happened?" I whispered.

"We found you in the middle of the Blood Moon. You were laying in a pile of monsters and covered in blood... We feared you'd died! But here you are, alive and well!"

I quickly got to my feet, growing dizzy at the blood rush.

"He-hey! Be careful! We don't know what happened to you! Are you alright?"

"I have to get back to the rest of my party-"

"Nope! You're staying at this stable. They can find you here if you're already headed in this direction!"


One of them wrapped my arm over their shoulder, before pulling me to the stable.

"That's not necessary..."

They ignored me as they began their own conversation, their loud voices trying to drown out the other. I frowned, but let them lead me to the stable.

I let myself zone out until one of them began snapping in my face.

"Hey, you got any rupees on ya?"

"N-No, I don't keep any money on me."

"I never really needed it out in the wild if I could take care of myself..."

They set me on a stool by the fire; the stable hand rushing over to us. I glanced away, pulling my hood over my head.

"A Blood Moon, huh? Haven't seen one of those in a while."

I waited for a snarky remark. But when it didn't come, I perked up.

"I'm still here. I just don't have the energy to deal with you right now."

I curled back up, letting my head fall in my hands.

"Why don't you just kill me then?"

"If I could, it would have happened long ago. But then we'd have to wait longer to get this all done. And he's waited long enough as it is."

"Thanks for reminding me how useless I am..."

"You sure zone out a lot."


I jumped at the person in my face.

"What do your companions look like? Maybe we've seen them before?"

"Uh, well... um..."

I looked at the other, who stared at me just as intently.

"Well, one's blonde, the other dirty blond. Uh... sh-she has green eyes, and he has blue, um... He carries a sword with him-"

"Nope, haven't seen anyone who matches that description."

I grew quiet again as they fell into their conversation.

"Why do I bother?"

I rose from the stool, turning to move away.

"Hey, where're you going?"

"I don't have time to wait. I need to get moving."


"Why do you need to know?!" I snapped.

They grew quiet, and I pulled at my hood.

"I'll be on my way," I mumbled.

I started away from them. The best I could do was keep moving to Inogo Bridge. Maybe Link and Zelda would meet me there, and we could move to the next place.

My body froze as my heart sank, and I frowned.

"But they don't need me to help with this. I just keep getting in the way. I should've stayed in Hateno, then none of this would be happening."

"Stop your complaining already. If you want somewhere to go, go to the castle."

"I'm not going there. I can't."

"It would make things so much easier."

"For you. Not for everyone else."

"Since when do you care for 'everyone else', hm?"

I grit my teeth, then forced myself to keep moving.

"I don't want to deal with you right now."

"We're stuck with each other. We have no option."

I picked up my pace, trying to run again.

"We both know how this ended last time."

"Just stop it. Get out of my head. Just leave me alone!"

I stopped under a tree, out of breath. My shoulders shook as tears stung my eyes again.

"Just wait for them here. Make this easier on all of us."

I did as told, sitting under the tree. I curled in a ball, before pulling the hood further over my head.

"And stop your moping. You're gonna make me sick."

I let my tears fall, feeling more pathetic than before.

~ * ~

An angsty chapter this time hehe Now we've got more of an idea of what it's like for Meymey and dealing with all this. I can't wait to get further into it and what exactly happened to her to cause all this!

Also! It was really last minute, but I wanted to draw them in the tree, and I finally got around to doing it hehe

Anyway, I hope you've enjoyed the story so far!

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