Funkin Battle Lights Camera A...

By Cameron849186

130 0 0

The 21 contestants get sent to a abandoned film lot to battle for the 1,000,000$ More

The contestants that are in this season
Episode 1
Episode 2
The votes in episode 2
The teams
Episode 3
Episode 4
The votes in episode 4
Episode 5
The votes in episode 5
Episode 6
The votes of episode 6
Episode 7
The votes in episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
The votes in Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
The votes in episode 11
The teams in episode 12
Episode 12
Episode 13
The votes in episode 13
Episode 14
The votes in episode 14
Episode 15
The votes in episode 15
Episode 16
The votes in episode 16
Episode 17
The votes in episode 17
Episode 18
The votes in episode 18
Episode 19
The votes in episode 19
Episode 20
The votes in Episode 20
Episode 21
The votes in episode 21
The votes in episode 22
Episode 23
The votes in episode 23
Episode 24
The votes in episode 24
Episode 25 (Canon Ending)
Episode 25 (Alt Ending)
Secret Episode
The contestants in season 3
The elimination order (with reasoning)

Episode 22

1 0 0
By Cameron849186

Java: last time on Funkin battle, the contestants had to rock and roll in our rock and roll movie challenge, in the first part, Bob rocked the guitar, in the second part, sky rolled her way through the paparazzi, and in the third part, scout destroyed the room the most, however, in the end, we had to say goodbye to blu, who will win the next challenge, who will fall, find out tonight on.....FUNKIN.....BATTLE!!!


(*after everyone exited out*)

Tord: wheres java now?

Sayori: I don't know, he said he would be here.

(*a smokebomb lands on the ground and it teleports the contestants to a place*)

Sky: where are we now?

(*java appears*)

Java: good morning campers.

Sayori: morning java.

Lord x: ok, so, what's today's challenge for us?

Java: todays challenge is gonna be based off the kung fu movies, here's how this will work, you will be put into three teams of two and with your partner, your gonna battle the other teams partner, the winning team will get to climb the mountain where they have to put water in the sensei tea kettle, if nobody manages to do it, no one is safe, if only one person manages to do it, then that person is safe, and if both players put water in the senseis tea kettle, then both of those players are safe, now, get to team making, you guys got ten minutes.

(*10 minutes later*)

Java: ok, so, what are the teams?

Sky: me and Sayori are together.

Lord X: me and Tord are together.

Scout: and me and Bob are together.

Java: ok, now, the first part is gonna be a robot fight, so, you guys are gonna choose a player to fight, and whoever wins the fight will have themselves and their partner climb the mountain to give the sensei his water for his tea, you guys got five minutes to choose.

(*5 minutes later*)

Java: ok, who do you guys choose?

Sayori: we chose sky.

Lord X: we chose Tord.

Bob: we chose scout.

Java: ok, you three get inside of the robots.

(*they get in the robots*)

Java: now, sayori, lord x, and Bob, since you guys don't get inside of the robot, you guys get to control the robot with this video game controller.

(*Java tosses a video game controller to lord x, Sayori, and bob*)

Java: now, here's the goal, last robot standing will win the challenge and move onto the next part, if your duo is the two losers, your gonna have to cook the food for the people who put the water in the senseis tea kettle.

Tord: alright then.

Java: now, start fighting!

(*after the fight*)

Java: congrats to scout and Bob for winning the robot fight, you guys get to go to the mountain to give the water to the sensei.

Bob: Aw heck yeah!

Java: as for the rest of you, you will have to cook the food.

Sky: dang it.

Java: now, come on scout and Bob, I'll show you where the mountain is.

(*after they got to the mountain*)

Java: this is the mountain and the sensei is waiting up at the top for his water, if you managed to make it past him and up the mountain, you will win immunity, if you don't and you drop your water, you lose your immunity.

Scout: alright then.

Java: now, go you two!

(*scout and Bob start climbing the mountain*)

(*after they finished climbing it*)

Scout: man that worked out my gluts, I will get so much ladies with these now.

Bob: yep, same here Dude.

(*the sensei attacks bob*)

Bob: what the fuck!

(*bob runs past the sensei and pours the water inside of the tea kettle and runs off the mountain*)

(*the sensei looks for scout*)

(*a metal bat pokes the back of his head*)

(*the sensei turns around*)

Scout: yo what's up?

(*scout starts destroying the sensei with his metal baseball bat and pours the water inside of the tea kettle*)

Scout: and that is how I roll.

(*scout slides down the mountain*)

(*2 hours later*)


(*after they all got out*)

Java: hello guys.

Sayori: hey java.

Tord: so, who won?

Java: well, scout and Bob both managed to pour the water into the tea kettle, which means they both won, for the rest of you, you are at risk of elimination tonight.

(*at night*)

Java: ok, now it's time to vote.

(*everyone votes*)

Java: ok, safe with their immunity is bob and scout.

(*scout and Bob get their awards*)

Java: ok, the next two safe with zero votes are Sayori and Tord.

(*Sayori and Tord get their awards*)

Java: which means our bottom two is Sky and lord x, one of you will lose the million while the other one will stay, and, the final person safe for tonight is...

Java: Lord X...

Lord X: yes, I stay in for one more day.

(*lord x gets his award*)

Sky: you know what, it's fine, I understand that I was a major jury threat if I stayed in the game, goodbye you guys.

(*sky enters the lame-o-sine and the lame-o-sine drives off*)

Java: and with sky gone, we are now at our final nine, who will win the next challenge, who will fall, find out tomorrow on.....FUNKIN.....BATTLE!!!

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