TBATE - Fated To Rule Together

By Amber_Degen_Simp

108K 4.5K 3.8K

Queen Julie, the person who stood beside King Grey. She was his beloved and he was hers. He was her world and... More

Notice - Important
Amber Picture
Chapter 1 - Whispers in the Night
Chapter 2 - Reminiscing A Blissful Pain
[Rewrite In Progress] Chapter 3 - A Mythical Creature
[Rewrite In Progress] Chapter 4 - Amber Vs Director Goodsky
[Rewrite In Progress] Chapter 5 - His Return
[Rewrite In Progress] Chapter 6 - Confrontation
[Rewrite In Progress] Chapter 7 - Confrontation II
[Rewrite In Progress] Chapter 8 - A Day Out
[Rewrite In Progress] Chapter 9 - A Goddess
[Rewrite In Progress] Chapter 10 - The Rivalries Begin
[Rewrite In Progress] Chapter 11 - Reunion
[Rewrite In Progress] Chapter 12 - The Auction House
[Rewrite In Progress] Chapter 13 - A Parents Fury
[Rewrite In Progress] Chapter 14 - Casting Judgement
[Rewrite In Progress] Chapter 15 - True Royalty Is Made, Not Born
[Rewrite In Progress] Chapter 16 - So... Who's it going to be?
[Rewrite In Progress] Chapter 17 - An Unexpected Encounter
[Rewrite In Progress] Chapter 18 - Evaluation
[Rewrite In Progress] Chapter 19 - Evaluation II
Chapter 20 - Shallow Hatred
Chapter 21 - Shallow Hatred II
Chapter 22 - Motives I
Chapter 23 - Motives II
Chapter 24 - Motives III
A Night To Remember (18+ 🍋🍋🍋)
Chapter 25 - Motives IV
Chapter 26 - Dire Tombs
Chapter 27 - Dire Tombs II
Chapter 28 - Blossoms And Withers Of Youth
Chapter 29 - Collecting The Seal
Chapter 30 - Friends
Chapter 31 - Always and Forever
Chapter 32 - Dicatheous, Set Sail
Chapter 34 - Waking Up to You
Chapter 35 - Classes and Lectures

Chapter 33 - Welcome to Xyrus Academy

2.6K 111 179
By Amber_Degen_Simp

(Tessia Eralith POV)

"Ah, Tessia. Let me introduce you to the new Student Council President, Amber Helstea!" The Director introduced.

She turned around and her vividly saturated yellow eyes peered through my soul. She was exactly how I remembered her from our prior encounter; standing straight with an elegant posture and a heart-warming smile plastered across her flawless face. Despite my royal rank, a sense of inferiority washed over me, and I felt myself shrink in her presence.

Her clothes were more grandiose than mine. She was dressed in beautiful knee-length boots with delicate yellow and gold patterns that reached just over her thighs. The long coat she was wearing was sharply cut and fashioned to perfection, with the lowest point reaching just beyond her knees, allowing enough room to show her beautifully fit yet plump thighs. Her silver hair seemed even more splendid and eye-catching thanks to the coat's sleek yet dull and unsaturated grey colour. Her bosom was covered by a short cape of the same colour as her coat. It was linked by golden chains, which brought out the colour of her eyes even more, making them appear like glowing jewels. Her hair fell gently over her shoulder and behind her ears, resembling delicate feathers and cotton.

"Ah, it's you again." She spoke out, acknowledging my existence. "I didn't know that you were the Princess Tessia Eralith though."

"Ah, y-yeah. S-sorry, I must have forgotten to introduce myself last time, hehe." I gave a shallow laugh which was met by a smile by her.

"Oh, it seems like you two are already acquainted. How so?" Said the Director with raised eyebrows.

"We met at Arthur's younger sister's birthday party." She replied in a firm and eloquent voice. "Though, we didn't have much time to converse with each other. Just an exchange of pleasantries."

"I see. Well, I have finished my conversation with Miss Helstea over here, so could you please guide her towards the student council room. This would be a great chance for you two to get acquainted with each other, seeing that you'll be working together for the next couple of years. I'm expecting great things from the both of you!" She finished off by gracing us with her gentle smile.

"Of course." We both replied in tandem. She came over to me and we left to meet the other students. As we went, I saw why the director had said she and Arthur were so similar. She carried herself with confidence, barely a hint of hesitancy visible in her stance. Her maturity emanated even more strongly now than it had during the party. Her gaze took in everything around her, as if mentally cataloguing everything for some larger plan held for the future. When I considered her talent, which was said to rival Arthurs', I could see why she was picked as student council president.

The white fox looked at the president in a questioning way, almost as if it was asking her something. She flashed a quick grin and a delicate nod of approval. It sprang from her shoulder into my arms, giving out an endearingly high-pitched and nostalgic 'Kyu.' Because of the beast's rapid motion, I awkwardly caught it and glanced at it in amazement. I wracked my brain, trying to recall why her voice seemed so familiar, then insight came, and I exclaimed, "Sylvie!" How could I have forgotten about her? The adorable little dragon who I had helped nurse for the brief months she had been with us. I smiled at her and began to pet and play with her.

"So, how do you and Arthur know each other?" She inquired, breaking the unpleasant silence between us. I steeled my anxieties and mentally prepared myself. That's right, she wasn't being unfriendly to me, therefore I shouldn't be afraid of her. For God's sake, I am a princess! I should believe in myself more.

"Ah, me and Art go way back!" I spoke with enthusiasm as a reminiscent smile formed on my face. "You know the story of how he got separated from his parents right?"


"Well Art was staying with us at the time while he waited for the teleportation gate to open again."

"Ah, I see. So, you two are childhood friends. But why was he living with you? I can hardly imagine why a human child, a commoner at that, would be living with royalty." A startling query jolted me to a halt. The memories of the slave traders flooded my head, and I felt my body shiver briefly before regaining my calm.

"I-it's a little p-personal, and I don't want to s-speak of it now." I stuttered. Thankfully she seemed to understand and refrained from seeking further.

"My apologies. I'm sorry if I dug up any memories best left forgotten." I nodded and we soon reached the student council room. I made my way in first so I could introduce Amber to the rest of the council bar Lilia. After all, I doubt I need to introduce her to her own sister. If anything, it should be the other way around. As soon as I entered the room, the voice that had been the bane of my existence ever since I joined the student council spoke up.

"Ah, Princess Tessia. I was getting worried as to your whereabouts." Just how hard was he trying to win me over? I already have my heart set on Arthur, so you can just piss off.

"I'm alright Clive. I was just in the Director's office to meet with the new president. They are right behind me as we speak." I spoke in my cold and monotone voice, which they were used to by now. Everyone in the room, except Lilia, now looked at me in rapt attention, curious as to who the new president was.

As she walked into the room, every pair of eyes stared at her like hawks who just found their prey. Yet none of the gazes fazed her one bit. She strode in with elegance, a subtle yet charming smile that reeked with confidence on her pretty face. I expected everyone to be awe-struck at how beautiful she was like I was when I met her. Alas, reality did not meet my expectations. Everyone except Lilia and Clive just stood there, comedically blinking in rhythmic intervals, as if solving some confusion unbeknownst to me.

"Amber?" Jarrod spoke in a bland but perplexed tone. Did they know each other before? Was it the same for the rest of the members? Clive, on the other hand, appeared to be unaware of who she is. He's the only one reacting the way I anticipated everyone else would.

"Surprised?" She questioned, acting as if he had questioned her ability.

"No, not really. After that big announcement at your birthday party, I thought I'd never be as astonished as I was then, yet here we are," he said, sighing defeatedly. Birthday party? What the hell were they talking about?

"Have you met each other before?" I inquired.

"Oh, yes, we have." Fable responded. "Recall Lilia inviting us to a party? It was Amber's birthday celebration she was alluding to! We met there, and the rest, as they say, is history. Remember, we invited you to come with us, but you had something to do with Director Goodsky."

Everything made sense now! I vaguely recalled them inviting me out, but I had declined since I was training with Master. But there was still one element missing from this situation.

"Did you go with them, Clive? Your response seemed to indicate that this is your first encounter with her." He blinked a few times and coughed slightly to restore his composure, his countenance awestruck and embarrassed.

"No, Vice President. I was at a family gathering and couldn't accompany them." He responded, but I didn't miss the words he used. Normally, he would address me as President, raving about how I should have been President due to my royal lineage, but it appears that one glance at the new President has him captivated! But, hey, I'm not going to complain! If it means not having to deal with him all the time, I'll take it any day.

It appears that the new President is already making my life simpler. Maybe we can be friends!

(A/N: Famous last words)

(GodkillerGrey: Oh you poor, poor girl.)

(3rd Person POV)

Every Xyrus student was present, sat in one of the numerous seats within the great hall. They got very little info about what was happening beyond that an enormous announcement will be made. Most of them, however, correctly surmised that the new Student Council President would most definitely announce themselves to the remainder of the student body, and they were anxious to find out who they were. Were they male or female? Were they older or younger? Are they enticing or unattractive?

The elves were notably interested in the President's identity. Who had the Director selected above their princess, who was aforementioned to be the Director's first and only disciple? Not only was their princess stunning, but she was conjointly extremely mature, calm, and composed. Not to mention how outstanding her talent was! She was the perfect candidate for the job. Nonetheless, the Director picked somebody else! They knew the Director was honest and just, and she would ne'er differentiate anybody due to race. But then, what alternative choice remained? Could someone in Dicathen really be far better and more gifted than their Princess? That was the only reasonable answer they could think of. But who was this person, and could such a person even be real?

Suddenly, the chatter came to a halt, and the Director, as if by magic, appeared on the stage. Once again, together with her go-to entrance, she had forged a retarding force with a sound barrier to quieten her students and wind magic to swiftly carry herself on to the centre stage. With a number of words of salutation and encouragement, she welcomed the Student Council to the stage. Even though it was only their second time making an entrance in two days, they were greeted with what would have been deafening jubilant roars had it not been for the sound barrier! Their enthusiasm peaked when Princess Eralith came into view, not knowing that a literal goddess was about to bless their eyes and redefine their definition of beauty!

As soon as she stepped out of the shadows and into the light, their silent shouts vanished. Movement seized, and all eyes were locked on Amber as she made her way towards the central podium with a white fox on her shoulders. Never has their concentration been as high as it was at that moment, especially for the male students. Her appearance was mind-bogglingly transcendent and compelling; to say it was flawless wouldn't be an exaggeration.

Skin that looked as smooth as polished marble, yet supple and tender like feathered cushions. They were an elegant pure white, so stunning that one might believe that God had crafted that specific colour with his own hands and blessed her with its divinity. Eyes spherical like the full moon, yet violently yellow like the sun. The maturity and knowledge contained within them were like a raging inferno, uncontrolled yet magnificent. Wavy silver hair as smooth as silk and glistened like stars in a starry night sky. Not to mention, her body structure was pure perfection! She had a perfect hour-glass shaped figure that would be the ideal for the women of the world, and her proportions were more than satisfactory for someone of her age. Her facial characteristics were stunning! She had a little perky nose, seductive cherry-blossom pink lips and a sharp jawline, rosy cheeks and a dazzling smile that would even make the Dwarven King see reason and divorce his ugly ass wife. The cute fox-like mana beast only added to her charm.

(A/N: I may have gone a little bit overboard in making them fawn over Amber.)

(GodkillerGrey: Fahin, stop simping for your OC!)

(A/N: I'm Sorry. I can't help it.)

She walked up to the stage and parted her lips, "Hello everyone. My name is Amber Helstea, and it is an honour to stand in front of you as your new Student Council President."

But the instant she spoke, every guy swore a pledge to marry her! Her voice was calm, yet feminine; so, alluring that she sounded almost like a siren, hypnotising them with her melodic voice and whisking them away from reality and their fears. An angel directing them toward a brighter light. The females were similarly astounded. She was everything they wanted and more. Not to mention how envious they were for diverting the guys' focus away from them in their pursuit of youthful love. Murmurs began to emerge as soon as the Director removed her sound barrier. Boys were murmuring about how stunning she was, while females expressed a mixture of admiration and envy.

"Hey, that's the girl I was telling you about before!"

"You mean the one you saw walking around Xyrus during the revelation of the second continent and lances?"

"Yeah, she's the one I was telling you about! I told you she was beautiful!"

"Beauty would be an understatement."

"Don't speak to me for a while. I'm fantasising about my future with her."

"As if! She's going to be my future bride! She's too good for you."

"What are you two idiots on about? Someone like her would be stupid not to marry Prince Curtis and become the next Queen of Sapin."

"Shut up, dude! Don't ruin our fantasies. I'm going to do everything I can to make her mine. Even if I have to sell my soul."

"Even if I have to kidnap her, I'll make her mine!"

"You guys are both stupid! Like hell you'll have a chance with her."

Whispers like these were hurled around in hushed voices so it didn't reach the stage where the subject of their conversation was currently standing. While the boys were envisioning their imaginary happy life with the ex-queen, Elijah on the other hand, sat there; pale faced, fearing for the poor love-struck boys who would most probably face death if Arthur ever caught wind of their inner desires. Not to mention that said best friend had access to two literal mythical beasts that would do his bidding with a single command.

"I know some of you may have doubts about whether I am qualified to be the President of such a prestigious academy. While I may not come from a very prestigious background," Amber paused for a bit to gain their full attention, "I can assure you that I am by no means less talented in magic than any of you. In fact, I would go as far as to say that I'm vastly more talented, seeing as I am this continent's first ever tri-elemental mage." She held up her hand, and the elements of fire, water and wind simultaneously appeared and wrapped around her thumb, index and middle fingers!

Audible gasps reverberated throughout the great hall at this unexpected revelation, and Director Goodsky let out a silent chuckle from the side lines. Everyone now looked at her with greater awe and a hint of fear in their eyes. Clive took a few steps away from her. It was clear that he wanted Amber for himself, but the startling epiphany made him hesitant to approach her and annoy her, fearing her wrath.

Tessia practically had her eyes bulging with shock. Her grandfather had once told her about a tri-elemental that was discovered, but never in a million years would she have thought that Amber was the one he was referring to. Now she was afraid. She adored Arthur and desired to spend the rest of their lives together. But the prospect of getting past the president made her tremble and sent shivers down her spine. But if that's what's going to take to make him hers, then that's what she was going to do. Clenching her fists, she mustered up her determination and vowed to herself that she would be Arthur's bride!

If only it were that simple.

The newly elected President began her address, emphasising the wrongness and consequences of racism and prejudice. Her remarks were fluent and elegant, with no flaws or errors. She spoke as if she were royalty, stopping every now and then to let the gravity of her words sink in. After that was done, she began to introduce the newly instated committee.

"And now, before I conclude my speech, the student council would like to publicly introduce to you, the students of this school, a group that was personally chosen by the director in the aim of resolving and preventing student disagreements as well as enforcing punitive measures against troublemakers. While the main duty of the student council is to assist the director in ensuring the smooth operation of the academy and the activities organised, this group's work also permits them to use magic responsibly to protect the peace and safety of students, whether against other students or trespassers. They will also be working carefully with the Student Council to ensure that Xyrus Academy is a safe and productive environment to cultivate our knowledge. Please join me in extending a warm welcome to the disciplinary committee!"

The hall erupted in cheers when the crimson curtains behind which the DC members stood were lifted. They stood there with their shoulders squared and their hands stuck to their sides. They were an impressive sight in their colour-coordinated uniforms, with people like Curtis with Grawder behind him, Theodore, Claire, Feyrith and last but not least, the outrageously handsome ex-king, Arthur.

Amber's eyes brightened up and a sweet joy-filled smile graced her face as she saw her hubby for the first time in two days sporting a gorgeous black and gold DC attire. Her smile grew as their gazes connected, and she offered him a loving glance. All she wanted to do was run into his warm and comforting arms and tell him how much she missed him, but she resisted; knowing that it would damage the covert connection they were trying to keep hidden from the world.

(Tessia Eralith POV)

After dinner was finished, I went outside for some fresh air. Almost everyone else went inside their dorms for the night to get a good night's rest since classes would officially start from tomorrow. These first two days were meant for students to explore the academy and meet new people and form relationships with one another. I, on the other hand, as hard as I tried, couldn't go to sleep. If I tried, I would just toss and turn; a single nagging thought kept me awake. Amber being a tri-elemental!

A tri-elemental! That was insane. Why her? Why couldn't she simply be a normal dual-elemental? I took a deep breath and calmed myself after realising my thoughts had taken a nasty turn. I knew that it wasn't her fault, but I couldn't help but feel threatened. The one saving brace for me was that she wasn't talented enough to be a quadra-elemental like Arthur. The image of him still being the strongest soothed my heart. I promised Grandpa that I would grow strong enough to stand at Arthur's side, so I spent the last year working my butt off training with Master Goodsky. But what if I wasn't good enough? What if I wasn't strong enough? What if Arthur went with Amber instead of me? Grandpa told me that Alea found out that they weren't dating during their time as adventurers, but anything could have changed from then to now. Not to mention, there's still a possibility of them dating in the future.

At the notion of them being together, tears welled up in the corners of my eyes. I don't want to think about it. I'd like to be with Arthur. He means the world to me. He physically and mentally saved me when I was young. I only want to reciprocate his compassion. I want to provide him with a good future and a loving family. I aspire to be a mother of children. I want him to hug me tenderly while we watch our children play in the meadows. I can already picture him doing tiny thoughtful things for me on the spur of the moment. The way he would embrace my pregnant stomach to feel his unborn kid as we stared deeply into one other's eyes. It was perfect!

(GodkillerGrey: How convenient. Almost as if Fahin's editor suggested Tess' desire to do the one thing that Amber was unable to do with Arthur in their past lives. I hope there isn't any spicy drama that comes about from this in the future! Wink, wink. Nudge, nudge.)

(A/N: If said drama ever happens, it won't happen for at least another three months 😂)

As I held my palms close to my chest as I thought about our future moments together, I remembered something. The beast will! Arthur had gifted me with an S-Class beast will! That had to indicate he had feelings for me, didn't it? Nobody does something like that for someone they dislike. I calmed down and got my act together with newfound optimism. I'd have to make Arthur mine before anybody else could, and what better time to start than now?

And so, I started to make my way towards Arthur's room. The Student Council and the Disciplinary Committee both had separate dorms from the normal students. They were both next to the Director's office and were right next to each other, since it would be more convenient for us as we would both be working with each other on our mission to improve Xyrus.

As I made my way there, I heard some laughter coming from my right. It sounded like a boy and a girl, as if they were on a late-night date. Whilst I didn't want to ruin their romantic time together, it was my duty as the Vice President to be a role model to the other students. And so, I made my way towards them, intending to tell them off for being out so late. However, once I saw who they were, I stopped dead in my tracks. It was Arthur! With the President! They were so close to each other that I wouldn't be surprised if they could feel each other's bodily heat on this chilly night. They looked like they were having such a good time in each other's company and their chemistry felt so natural that it made me envious.

My eyes started to water up as I took a step back. And another one, and another, until I was running back to my room as tears fell unrestrained from my eyes. I got into bed without bothering to change out of my wet clothes and got into a foetal position with a blanket wrapped around me. Why did it have to be like this? Why was fate so cruel to me? It's not fair! I thought back to the days when me and Arthur would go around Zestier Market on our little play dates whilst holding hands, when everything was right with the world. However, every time I tried to think of those moments, I saw Arthur holding onto Amber's hand instead of mine. They were laughing and running around, and he seemed more cheerful than I remembered.

"If only that could have been me." I whispered before my exhausted body gave up and I fell asleep.

(A/N: Starting the rewrite now. 🙂)

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