Carnells in another universe

By Chayma22chou07

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Let's imagine the Carnells in another universe when their mother didn't die, when they are actually brothers... More

Ch 1: Motherhood
Ch 2:
Ch 3:
Ch 4:
Ch 5: Tree house
Ch 6:
Ch 7: Pets
ch 8: You are already a baby
ch 9: Playing inside
ch 10: Luke's birthday
ch 11: Fucking! Shit
Ch 12: Baby
ch 13: Just come fast
Ch 16: The bike
CH 17: Meow meow
Ch 18: Perfect baby

Ch 14: I can't stop his heartbeats

201 22 72
By Chayma22chou07

Jessica's pov

I have been pregnant for 6 months. Pete is growing up inside me and I'm delightful that finally I felt his kicks.

I was watching my boys, playing football in the garden. Cole and Nico were shooting passes for each other while my Loulou was running around trying to catch the ball. That's impossible!

" Give meeee!" Luca yelled

Here he is, he got it finally!

" Try to catch it."

" No, not done... Give me, let me play... You just kept playing alone, no Loulou." He glared at them

" But you were playing, Loulou."

" Yep, just you couldn't catch the ball."

" Don't be sore! C'mon have sportsmanship."

" Nuh! You are cheating!" He wrapped his arms angrily.

" Boys, let him kick the ball too." I said

" No, let me play."

" Fine!" Cole gave me the ball

He picked the ball, grinned evilly and started running away.

" Lucas !" Cole and Nico called then started running after him.

He giggled loudly then whoops he fell on his face. I stood up, worried," Luca!"

I froze in my place, I couldn't walk to my son to check him. I felt pain in my stomach. Then I felt something dripping in between my legs. I put my hand on my stomach and looked at the boys. His brothers checked him.

" He is fine, mom." Nico said

" Nothing, right?" Cole wiped his face

Loulou nodded then giggled. The twins looked at me and immediately their expression turned to a concerned and scared expression.

" Mom!" They yelled, looking as my legs

I looked down to be surprised with my blood. Goodness, Peter! Ah!

" Take Luke away and call your dad, please."

" Mom!"

" Don't worry about me." I smiled at them, and sat down.

Nico took Luke into his embrace and ran into the house

Luca yelled," Mama Wanna stay with mama!"

Cole grabbed my phone and called Dominic. His hands were shaking as he tried to keep calm but he couldn't, he started crying," Daddy, mama not fine."

I'm sure Dom got pretty anxious after hearing Cole's voice. I started to breathe to calm myself.

Peter, be fine! Be fine!

No, not after all these mouths, there is just three and you will be between us. Don't leave us.

My eyes watered. Please, don't leave me! Mommy waiting you.

" Jess?" I heard Dominic's voice

" Dom, Dom... Please, save him, please." I begged as my tears ran down my cheeks

" Shh, don't worry, he will be fine." He picked me up, walked slowly to the car.

He put me down on the seat and buckled my belt.

" Everything will be fine." He kissed my forehead

I nodded, " You told Linda to take care of the kids."

" Yeah, don't bother yourself, just breathe."

" Yeah!"

We reached the hospital. Madison took me inside and started checking me. She huffed in relief and said," He is in his place! Let's check by the ultrasound."

She rub gel on my stomach and started moving the array.

" Here he is, all fine, healthy and happy baby." She smiled

I held Dom's hand as he kissed my forehead.

" You did the analysis of this month?"

" Yeah, the results was sent two days ago."

" Give me, let me check them."

I opened my phone and gave her the results.

" Can you let us hear his heartbeats?"

" Of course." She played the sound

Lup-dup... Lup-dup... Lup-dup.

Dom squeezed my hand as I smiled at him.
It's like I felt chills all over my body.
We started tearing up, we became so emotional, he leaned and kissed my lips.

We looked at Madison that her face screamed bad news.

" What's going on?" Dom asked

" Jessica, you have to take care of yourself, you can lose the baby at any time, don't stress or tire yourself. Dominic, if it's possible, let your sons stay with one of their grandparents."

I stared at him, " I don't want them to go anywhere, please, Dominic, I won't be relieved without seeing them."

" Fine." He said," I'll make sure to not let her tire herself."

She nodded then said," I can't hide it. Peter is fine but you are not, Jess. This pregnancy isn't safe anymore. I think you should abort him."

" Noooo! How dare you to ask me to do this? No, please, Dominic." I looked at him with fear

" We will think of this." He said as his eyes held hesitation

Hesitation? You can kill our baby? Really, Dom?

" For now, you should stop working and every stressing or tiring activity. Eat well and keep yourself hydrated." Madison said

" Thank you, just thank you." I said irritated as I walked out of the office.

I can't believe you, Dom! How could you even think of it.

" Jess, wait!" He grabbed my arm," What's up?"

" You want to kill our baby? Peter? Luke's spider? I can't believe."

" First, calm down, we will talk about this at home."

" We are not talking about anything, I won't lose my baby."

" We are talking about your safety here." He raised his voice

I flinched, looking at him amused.

" I am sorry, honey! Please let's talk about this at home, let's think first."

I nodded. We returned to the house, he opened that subject as he grabbed his tie

" It's still safe to do the abortion, babe. So I think it's a good-"

" It's not good, how dare you saying that? How could you say that after you heard his heartbeats." I cut him off as tears escaped my eyes

" Jessica we are talking about your life." He tried to explain kneeling in front of me, taking off my shoes

" Please, don't make me do it Dominic, I want this child, I want it so much." She pleaded

" But he is going to kill you." He looked up at me

" What if he won't? Please." I stood up walking to the window, crossing my arms and sobbing silently.

" It's so unfair, Jess. You have three other kids. They need you and I need you. I don't want to lose you." He put his arms around me

" I don't want to lose our baby either." I opened the record of my baby's heartbeats and played it loudly. " He is something from me and you, Dominic, listen to this blessing. Believe me, we will forget everything once we see his face and smell his odor."

" Jess-"

" Tell me you don't want it, Dominic." I cut him firmly

He lost the battle with his tears. " I want him." He confessed

" Even if you don't, I won't allow you to stop his heartbeats." I let out

He kissed my lips. I accepted his lips and we went deeper and deeper with this kiss

" I love you."

" I love you to the infinity."

Months later, I started to get more and more exhausted. Dom moved our bedroom to the room downstairs because I can't climb the stairs anymore.

Dom went to his work. I was watching tv with the boys as Luke was laying his head on my laps. Luckily, mom was here with us, taking care of the boys along with Linda. I was playing with Luke's hair when I saw black.

I opened my eyes as I my mother was tapping my face and making me smell her perfume.

" Jessy ?"

" Mom, what happened?"

" You lost consciousness."

" My boys."

" Mama!" Luke grabbed my face with his little hands.

He was holding some tears which I wipe. I took my other boys hands in my hands.

" I am fine, calm down... All is gone."

They nodded.

" Mama, is my spider hurting you?"

I was taken aback by his question. " No, no, just pregnancy tiring me. Pete, didn't hurt me." I kissed his cheeks

" Jessica!" Dom appeared

They called him? Ughh!

" I'm home, can you let me help mommy?" He said softly to the boys

They nodded and he lifted me up and took me to my bed, " What happened?"

" I was just watching TV with the boys."

" I'm calling the doctor."

" No, don't, I'm fine." I said smiling. I don't want another lecture about abortion.

He was about to speak when I took him into a kiss. No need to talk, Domy! Just let me have my Peter!

Three days later, I was in our bedroom taking care of myself and my baby. Dom was playing outside with the boys.

Suddenly, Marco stopped and looked at Dom with blank expression

" What's wrong?"

" Is mommy dying?" He asked

I felt my heart squeezing inside me. No, don't think like that my boy.

Luke started crying. Dom held Luke immediately. " Shh, Mama's boy, mama is fine I swear."

" Really?"

" Yeah, she will give birth to Pete and play with you again. Don't cry! Let's don't hurt our mama with our thoughts and tears."

" Yes, dada."

" Luke, go get me my phone?"

Loulou nodded and ran into the house. Dom crouched down and pulled Marco and Malik to his chest.

" What makes you think like this? Mommy is so fine."

" Pardon, Don't lie to me daddy. Why is she always asleep? Why did she pass out all the time?" Marco asked

" No silly, she is just pregnant, pregnancy makes a woman feel tired all the time." Malik explained

" Yeah, he is right." Dom said," Don't talk like that in front of Luke, please. He is so little to understand this. Let's be strong and not let Jess feel like this."

" There is no solution?" Nico asked

" There's not. Just let's be patient." Dom kissed their forehead.

They hugged him and pulled away when Luke came.

" Dada, phone."

" Thank you, lovely baby." He threw Luke in the air like always and caught him with the kid was laughing.

I love his laugh! I love all my boys giggles! And I am looking forward to hear Peter's!

I knocked on the window of the bedroom. They looked at me. I smiled warmly, waving to them. Luke blew a kiss for me and I returned it. I missed my boys!

At 8:30 pm™

" Boys time to sleep." Dom yelled

I heard their footsteps while running to the bathroom to brush their teeth. Dom walked into the bedroom. I smiled at him while I closed my book. He sat on the bed carefully and rubbed my belly.

" Ohh so lovely woman in this room." He flirted

" Shh, feel it." I said happily.

I took his hand and placed it on another place of my belly as we felt that kick.

" Ohh, my baby wants to say hey to daddy." He cooed and kissed her bully

I laughed. " Can you let the boys sleep with me? I missed them."

" What if they kick you or something in their sleep?"

" No, don't worry, I'll be careful."

He called the boys. They ran into the bed, hugging me. I placed them and grabbed the blanket to their chins, they giggled sweetly.

Dom smiled warmly. " So our four kids are with us but where's my place? I think... I don't have one." He said, pretending to be sad

But none of my boys gave a fuck about him.
I looked at him, exposing a place besides me.

" Those eyes which killed every sense of rational inside me." He whispered to me

" There's always a place for you, honey." She giggled and stated

He sat next to me, throwing his arms around me as he kissed me with his soft pinkish lips.

" Eww." Marco and Malik said disgusted

" No, don't!" Luke put his hand on my mouth and wiped the kiss," I don't want any other brothers! Just my spider.

We laughed heartily as I tugged him besides me, kissed the life out of him.

The day of giving birth™

It was a rainy night, I was in my bed when I felt some pain and something Luke water scrolling down my legs. I pushed the blanket away to see that my water broke.

" Dominic." I called

He ran into the room.
" Dominic, my baby." She said, excited, " He is coming!"

" Like right now?" He asked

" Yeah!!! Ahhh..."

" Fuck! God! Tell him to hold on!"

" I can'ttttt! Ahhh!" I screamed.

" Just tell him wait till we reach the hospital, daddy can lose his conscience if he saw you before. My keys... My keys." He started walking back and forth in the room as he was searching his keys that he were already holding them.

" Dominic!" I scolded

Mom came into the room. "Jess? Finally?"

" Yeah, mom, please tell Dom that his keys in his hand."

Mom looked at my genius husband. " Son, calm down, here they are." She showed him the keys

" Yeah! Then let's go!"

" Wait, let her put on her coat." Mom said as she grabbed my coat and helped me to wear it.

" Okay, now, we are going." He tried to pick me and suddenly he looked ta me and said," No, this in not happening!"

" What? Don't tell me you can't pick me up? Now when I am giving birth!! Ahh!" I yelled

" I don't know, you are- "

" Dare say it!!!" I punched his arm, " I can't believe you Dominic."

" It's not my fault!" He said as he rubbed his arm

" Okay, chill out, I'll help you, Dom." Mom said as she held me

They held me together carefully. We walked out of the room, I saw my boys standing, looking at me.

" Don't worry, boys, mommy is giving birth. I am coming with Pete." I smiled at them

They cheered and Linda said," God, protect you both, I'll take care of the boys."

" Yes please!" I smiled at her

Dom drove to the hospital as fast as he could. Yeah doctor's put me of the wheeled stretcher and rushed to the room. I started to feel loads of pain and contractions. I screamed and hiccuped. The doctors put some pain relievement in my blood so they can take decision of making me give a natural birth or operation.

I held Dom's hand and cried weakly, " Anything happens, Dominic, save my baby, save my baby."

" I can't." He said back

" Please, I'm begging you, this is the last thing I wanted from you."

" Don't say that please, you will be fine." He said, pressing him lips on mine and we kissed crying.

The doctors decided to make me give birth to him, naturally. I asked to have Dom with me and they accepted.

We entered the operation room, I tried hard to bring this child to this life and I will do all what I can.

" Come on, Jessica, he is coming, push a little bit." Madison said to me

" Ahh."

He held my hand tightly until I heard his crying there's when the tears ran down from our faces mixed with laughing

" We did it." I said weakly

" Yeah, we did." Dom kissed my hand and looked at the little figure.

Madison cried. " Finally, Jess."

" Peter! Finally!" I said as I pulled my arms up asking to give him to me.

Dominic's pov

She smelled his odor and kissed his soft skin. She was right! Once we will see him, we will forget all our pain.

" Peter... Name... Take care of Cole, Nicolas and Luke-" She started breathing heavily

" Jess, calm down please, everything is okay." I caressed her cheek

" Doctor, she's bleeding." The other doctor said

Madison gave the boy to the nurse.

" No, no, no." I said to her, " You should stay with us, with Peter." I said desperately

" Don't... Worry... About... Peter. He is going to be fine. You are a great father. Don't forget yourself... Ahh... Search love."

" I just want you, you! Jess look at me, don't go."

One of the nurses put another bag of blood and put the oxygen on her mouth. Jessica to pull it down and said, " I For infinity."

" I love you for infinity and beyond."

She parted her lips and I kissed her until I heard that buzzing.


" Out sir, out please." The other doctor said, pushing me and opening the electric cardio shock

" I want to stay with my wife."

" Dominic, get out." Madison said to me.

I went out. Her parents and brother were here. They looked at me to say something but I couldn't. I am losing my wife!

I wish I could have return to the past and accept the abortion. Not my wife!

Mom walked to me. " Domy?"

" Mom!" I hugged her, repeating, " She is going, mom."

She choked with her cry, " Calm down babe, I'm here. She will be fine."

The doctors came out after few minutes, hanging their heads.

No, no, no!

" We did all what we could do! Dominic." Madison said, hugging me, crying.

Time skip™

I went to check on Peter, I picked his little body into my arm carefully, hugging him.

" I'm happy that you come to this life, you are so wanted Peter. We love you so much."
He rolled his little hand around my finger stretching

Ohh Baby boy!

To be continued...

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