Ben 10 x Little Nightmares (T...

By GoodfanficloverTEN

4.7K 166 16

as the title said what if ben tennyson the wielder of the strongest weapon in the universe, the omnitrix find... More

chapter1: Welcome to the nightmare tennyson
chapter2: Light up the void in my Nightmare
chapter3: Bullfrag to the rescue
chapter4: It's not HEATBLAST but I can work with it
chapter5: Wasn't that gwen voice or am I hallucinating
chapter6: What a shocking experience
chapter7: Blind spot
chapter10: Hunger

chapter9: Double the trouble with the homies

246 11 1
By GoodfanficloverTEN

.... I'm... I'm hungry..."

I swear for some reason I felt a chill run up my spine, Amy felt that too as she hid behind me.

I broke out of my immense fear when I realized Six needed my help

BEN: "Hungry...?" I asked while trying to stay calm, "But you seemed fine just a moment ago!" I pointed out, "is it like a medical condition or-"

She looked up at me, and due to the lights overhead, I could see her eyes under her bangs.

But something was off.

When I saw her eyes, the normally bright golden orbs were dimmed out and faded, as if someone just took the life out of them, as if Six was no longer there, slowly being replaced by another being.

Six: "H.. urgh... don't know... why... urk...but I'" Six started, briefly lowering her gaze before lifting it again to continue.

When she said that, I could've sworn that her teeth appeared sharpened slightly before turning back to normal, once again filling me with dread.

Amy: "i-I found an exit"

I heard Amy say, and when I looked over to him, I saw her pointing down the hallway, where there was another room blocked off by prison bars.

BEN: "hold in six maybe we can find food there"

I quickly activated the Omnitrix faceplate which take them both by surprise, even in this critical stage Six is still curious and fascinated by the Omnitrix and the power it holds.

I found the alien icon I need so in a flash of green light I was.

BEN(Ditto): "DITTO!!!" I shouted

Ditto is about the height of an average human child. He has white skin, a black and white head, and face, black shoulders, large hands with four digits, and feet that are merely stubs.

Amy: "wow you're soo cute" Amy said hugging me who is now taller than me by a few inches in my Ditto form

BEN(Ditto): "jeez Amy, why so touchy all of a sudden?"

Amy: "ah sorry" she said backing away with a noticeable blush "so..what can this guy do?"

BEN(Ditto): "this" I said as I clone myself "say hello to Ditto number two"

Ditto2: "What the fuckz the fuck up, homie"

Six: ""

BEN(Ditto): "Oh yeah Ditto number two go help Six"

Ditto2: "Got dat shit boss"

Ditto2 then put his arm around
Six's shoulders and her arm around his shoulders, helping her along.

I could hear her stomach continuously growling like a wild beast while she took deep, heavy breaths.

Eventually, we arrived at the end of the hallway.

And we find a mysterious boy,
eating at a table by himself on the other side of the bars.

BEN(Ditto): "U-Uh, excuse me," I called to him, catching his attention, "Do you have any food-" I said but Ditto2 cut me off by jumping on the table and holding the kid's shirt coler

Ditto2: "Look dude we're gettin' dat food Fo' my fuckin' homie like Dat shit or not"

He said gesturing to Six.

The kid ran away screaming and me and Amy facepalm ourselves.

Ditto2: "What the fuck? did I do wrong, I was just gettin' tha food fo' my fuckin' starvin' homie"

BEN(Ditto): "whatever let's get this over with"

I turned back to Six, who was
hunched over.

Walking over, I had barely handed her the meat that the kid dropped while running away when she snatched it away and almost instantly began biting and chewing it down, with Amy and Ditto number two watching the whole thing in mild worry from my side.

Ditto2: "Dat whore be eatin' like a monsta"

BEN(Ditto): "Heh, you must've been really hungry, eh Six?" I tried to quip, though I was more relieved than anything.

However, when Six was still wolfing down the meat, I suddenly felt a presence behind me, sending chills down my spine. Startled, I turned around.

BEN(Ditto): "What the..." I uttered as I turned to face the stack of boxes and crates near the hole in the bars. For a split second, I thought I glimpsed a dark figure wearing some sort of robe or coat standing on the boxes, watching us.

However, half a second after I first saw it, the figure vanished into thin air. At the same time it

Ditto2: "Did yo' felt dat too bro"

BEN(Ditto): "yes, but let's just keep it between us ok"

Ditto2: "As yo' like, Ain't no snitch"

I then heard Six finish eating the

Six: "Ah, that was good!" Six said as I
turned back to her. She got back up
and wiped her mouth

She then turned and walked toward us smiling slightly.

Neither of them noticed the shadowy figure we saw when Six was eating, though, much to my confusion.

However, as she walked by me, I glimpsed her eyes under her bangs for a brief second.

To my relief, they were back to normal, with their usual golden glow to them, before they hid under her bangs again. I had to restrain myself from breathing a sigh of relief.

Six: "Okay...I'm feeling good, let's get going"

Ditto2: "My fuckin' job be done here, peep yo' in da otha side my thug"

I detransformed back as we climbed up boxes and through an opening in the bars to the next room.

I was the last to go through it,
and before I stepped through the opening.

I couldn't help but stare at the spot where I thought I saw the figure.

Amy: "Um Ben, you coming?" Amy called out

BEN: "sorry, I'm coming." I said as I jumped down with them, pushing the thoughts of the dark figure to the back of my mind.

As we traversed the next few rooms,
moving through the showers, climbing cages, and riding on swinging boxes, we eventually arrived at the room with filing cabinets with an electric gate in our way.

Once again working together, Six pulled out drawers for me to climb and then use to reach the switch that turned off the electricity and left us in total darkness.. until we used my Omnitrix light and her lighter to brighten things up.

As we crossed through the large bars and found a hole in the ground with a locker attached to a rope.

I pushed the locker into the hole like, promptly ignoring the ominous
hanging noose that appeared from the hole in response to the weight shift.

Turning back, I saw her unlock and open a cage, causing another Gnome to step out.

BEN: "Amy look we rescued your pal!!" I applauded as Amy and the others high fived

Making Six giggles at the whole affair before the rescued Gnome walked off into the darkness and out of sight.

Six jumped and grabbed the noose, with me following suit with Amy on my shoulders as we combined our weight to quickly descend downwards, into the room next to the one where we met the kid that we toke food from.

Amy: "We should probably use our lights"

I nodded in argument and told Six afterward.

We jumped down into the dark room, As we turned on our lights, I got a bad feeling about this.

I quickly started looking for an alien then transformed to heatblast after finding it.

Amy: "Ben what's wrong?" Amy said Wordlessly, I pointed up at the ceiling as the light from my fire had lightened the room enough to see leeches as they dropped down around us.

Instantly, Six and Amy huddled up near me, still terrified from our last
encounter with them before I gave them a reassuring smile.

BEN(Heatblast) "Don't worry," I told them, "those leaches are Not as dangerous as me"

When the leeches were approaching,
I wade a fireball then threw it at the leaches burning them to ashes and giving us enough time to run before another swarm come.

As we ran out of the showers, then we walked into the next room, I noticed how spacious it was.

Then I saw one of the Eyes that turn you to stone about to blink so I instinctively slammed the Omnitrix faceplate transforming into terraspin

The Eye blinked open from its position
and cast its deathly light over parts of the room but I've already sheltered Six and Amy with my body.

I alse noticed how the room seemed to rock back and forth, as well as the moving janitorial cart, I beckoned them to the edge of the shadows.

BEN(Terraspin): "Ready?" I asked, knowing that Six and Amy both knew what to do.

BEN(Terraspin): "Go!" I yelled as the Eye moved away.

They dashed to the next box and I followed behind them, and then behind the cart right as the swinging and swaying of the room caused it to roll to our destination.

As it stopped near the next tall box, we ducked behind the shadows and waited for the Eye to move along before racing to the door and onto the next walkway.

The the omnitrix started bebing red then engulfing me in a red light as the omnitrix timed-out.

Six "Well, that was easy" Six commented, also noticing how much easier it was this time to avoid the Eye.

BEN: "Probably because I had a plan this time, and not, y'know, almost being turned to stone if not for the fail safe"

I tried to joke, but Six lowering her gaze combined Amy with sad expression cut me off.

Six: "Heh... Heh... y-yeah.." Six said in a somber tone, obviously not enjoying that memory.

I realized I probably shouldn't
have said that, especially in a joking way, and I was about to try to make her feel better, but was interrupted by the sound of metal shifting.

BEN: "What the?, What was that?" I asked, me, Six and Amy darting our eyes around.

BEN: "there" I pointing to our path.

They then noticed how the metal walkway was dividing in two.

BEN: "Run!" I shouted as we rushed and jumped to the other half, landing near the crate. I quickly boosted Six up the crate, making sure to lower my gaze, and grabbed Amy before jumping up, leaping off the crate and making it to the platform and heading through the where Six was waiting.

BEN: "Phew! That was close." I said as we walked along through the rather large room. As we neared the end of the hall, we saw the large door leading out suddenly open, with two nearby Gnomes who Amy waved to, and they returned the wave waddling through it.

Walking to the opened doors, Six, Amy, and I all shared a glance at one another before stepping through, the large doors shutting behind us as we did so. large doors shutting behind us as we did.

So, looking around, I saw a large staircase to the left, as well as
An abysmal chasm in front of us.

Looking around, I saw Amy pointing to the staircase, Six following his gesture.

Six: "..Well, nowhere else to go but up.." Six stated to me with her poker face as she followed Any up the stairs.

I quickly turned and followed them.

BEN: "True" I said with a satisfactory smile.

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