The Vigilante CPU'S

By Tari-1228

911 26 2

A normal guy gets killed and isekaied as Neptune from Neptunia along with the powers of all the CPU's so she... More

A New World
Battles and Meetings Lol

Helping with an Exam

227 10 0
By Tari-1228

No PoV

as Neptune unknowingly became the centre of attention for beating a single game she had to sit through countless questions and such, though the invite to a Hero's Radio show was something she easily accepted, Afterall who's she to refuse an invite where she can spread the word of the CPU's?

though when the time came for the Radio Show Neptune had decided to pull a small prank on the Hero who she remembered being called Present Mic

and now both Hero and CPU were in the Radio Station waiting to go on air and talk

Present Mic- so when the red lights on we're on air, oh and try not to swear or say anything like that, i get a lot of families listening, especially with it being 5pm

Neptune- okie dokey! oh whos speaking first?

Present Mic- I'll go first then I'll introduce you after that we follow the script about our topics and just goof off a bit ya dig?

Neptune- ok!


Present Mic- Welcome Listener's to your daily evening radio show Put your Hands Up Radio! and tonight we have, Gossip on a new Hero's Debut, Gamer beats hardest game on their first try and your daily call ins! and with me today is the Gamer who we'll be talking more about her achivements later on, give it up for Neptune!

Neptune- heya! its a Radio Hijack with Nepstation Podcast! where all you gossip is! coming soon....

Present Mic- Hijack!? wasnt expecting that though i look forward to see what you do! now then lets get started with our first topic, the Hero thats been buzzing around today, Purple Heart i think her name is? your thoughts Little Miss!?

Neptune- uh shes super cool, plus i saw her fight and it was just like a turn based game!

Present Mic- a what now?

Neptune- she and the villain took turns in attacking duh, just like a game! oh and she called herself a CPU any idea what that is?

Present Mic- no but i have a feeling someone i know probably knows, heh anyways didnt she say something about believing in her? your thoughts

Neptune- dunno, but I'll do what she says, afterall why shouldnt we put some faith in Heroes? they keep us safe

Present Mic- right you are Neppy! oh and according to this report i got Purple Heart might not be a Pro Hero, she may just be a Vigilante!

Neptune- NEPU?! a Vigilante like those people who fight crime without a licence!? even that car Hero though she was Pro!?

Present Mic- you mean Ingenium? haha! car hero!? im telling him that but yeah your right but to be fair on him it was her first appearance and she pulled it off well, wonder if i can get her on here?

Neptune- haha ill try and get her on Nepstation! lets see who gets her on first!

Present Mic- your on Neppy!

to all the listeners of the show, they were enjoying the new guest of PresentMic along with her and Present Mics friendship, they sound like their good frineds even if they just met earlier that day

but soon the talk about Purple Heart's debut ended and it got to the Ad which even Present Mic didnt really want in after all who likes ads?

Neptune- i got this, time to Crush Your Wallets with this Deal! a 10 random piece Box of Hero Merch for just 3500 Yen! visit the Put Your Hands up Website for more info! back you you Mic!

Present Mic- thanks Neppy now then, your victory against that game ealier today, howd you do it?

Neptune- oh easy, i beat it before so i knew how it worked besides i didnt even realise the crowd it made, didnt someone stream it or something?

Present Mic- yup it was im so Lightningboi on HeroGram go check it out, oh and if you dont mind me asking, what other difficult games have you played?

Neptune- uh a fair few, but i wont say, after all if i play it again it will make people think something else if they are listening to this

Present Mic- good point, anyways different question, excited for the UA Sports Festival later this year?

Neptune- hmm, not sure if anything i havent really watched them, mainly because i dont have the time though i might try and tune in

Present Mic- or you can help me commentate afterall your pretty good at this plus i still need a co-host for the festival but enough about that its 6pm!? wow time goes quick! and its on to some calls before more gossip then a final few calls before we switch back to music for the evening so listeners you know the drill call the number and we'll try to answer, to few listeners check our website for more details

it didnt take long for the first call to start, nothing much other than a question for Neptune about how long it took to beat UltraNightmare

and for the next few calls it was mainly random questions before the final one of the night

Caller- hey, my names Mina Ashido and i got to ask, that hoodie, where'd you get it plus those shoes, their super fresh!

Neptune- oh my clothes? my friend made them, Plutie's great at making clothes and stuff, just dont get on her bad side

Present Mic- why it cant be as bad as Endeavour when he fights tough villains?

Neptune- oh no its worse, one time i annoyed her a bit too much and she *Censored* me before tying me up and *Censored* then *Censored* it ended with a tramatised Kid and me super sore oh and a *Censored* which was weird wonder what she got that item...

Ashido- i, uh... what did she say, there was a lot of beeps

Present Mic could only look in horror while his hand was still over the Censor button that had not seen this much action since he had the bright idea to get some quirkist terrorist on, that was a bad day for him to say the least

Present Mic- you dont wanna know listener, trust me as a Hero you see some stuff but what Neppy said, thats insane even for us Heroes... and how does that item even exist?

Neptune- oh please, shes done worse on one girl who tried to kidnap Peashy our groups 3rd little sister along side the twins, oh that reminds me, of the time some Villain tried to take the twins but Blanc beat them up good thing that guy was a real wierdo, he said the word lickity a lot, and had a long tongue plus liked little girls like the twins...

Ashido- im scared of your friends Neptune

Neptune- ah dont be, its just them oh do watch out for one, she really wants a little sister and wont hesitate to forcefully adopt one

Present Mic- you mean kidnap?

Neptune- yeah... we keep her on a leash though so she only tries it on us anyways look at the time its time for our evening songs and i have one right here! Bink's Brew? sounds familiar anyways signing off its Neptune!

Present Mic- and your host Present Mic plus!

Ashido- the last call! Mina Ashido!

Neptune- see you next time!

and as she sad those last words the red On Air light went off while Ashido hung up the call saying she had to study or something while both Neptune and Present Mic celebrated in their successful show

though after celebrating with a few drinks, (only juice for Neptune) Present Mic managed to tell Neptune to call him Yamada when he's not working plus he did offer to help set up Neptunes Podcast she advertised much to her delight

but it ended with Yamada giving Neptune his contact details before they went their separete ways for the night, with Neptune not having anywhere to stay the night though tht didnt stop her from doing her best to level up in the night

after all she needs more Levels if she wants to fight that USJ Nomu which is a big thing for her, but Neptune took the time to Split just to see how it felt plus get more EXP for her other forms however instead of just doing a single split, she did 9 making 10 CPU's cross the city to fight crime and level up since they would be used in the exam

and by the morning it was worth it

Level Up!

Neptune/Purple Heart- LV1 to LV6

Blanc/White Heart- LV1 to LV5

Noire/Black Heart- LV1 to LV4

Vert/Green Heart- LV1 to LV7

Nepgear/Purple Sister- LV1 to LV5

Rom/White Sister- LV1 to LV3

Ram/White Sister-LV1 to LV3

Uni/Black Sister- LV1 to LV4

Uzume/Orange Heart- LV1 to LV5

Plutia/Iris Heart- LV1 to LV3

plus the total amount of Yen finally went up to 30,233 enough for a hotel to last a few nights, maybe a week depending on where Neptune stayed but after Nezu's Quest she can find a more perinate place to stay

sadly the night of grinding meant almost no sleep, plus Neptune's hatred of coffee made it worse, though energy drinks exists and she can handle some of the more weaker ones so staying awake to get to UA would be possible though going in as 10 would be a pain, though at least all forms have their own Energy so 10 energy drinks for 10 girls before going back to just Neptune would easily be a boost in Energy


when the 10 girls arrived at UA they did get strange looks from their style of clothes as everyone else was wearing their school uniforms but they wore their own clothes but this attention caused a Hero to show up and ask why they were there

Scruffy looking Hero- who are you and why are you on the UA premise if your not here for the Entrance Exams, we made it clear only students who are taking the Exams are allowed in with the exception of family members

Neptune- uh, we're here for Hostage Points?

Scruffy looking Hero- oh its you lot, follow me, still cant beilieve the Rat got people to do this, right, any of you tell anyone about this? just need to make sure

Blanc- no, why would we? Neptune called us out of the blue and told us about it besides it would do well in funding our fuckin Podcast

Scruffy Looking Hero- uh Nepstation right? heard about earlier from Mic

Neptune- oh you know him? fun guy, hey wanna come on it when we get started? And Blanc don't swear

Scuffy Looking Hero- no, anyway we're almost here

as the Hero opened the door it led to a room with a lot of chairs and screens with a scoreboard on one with 3 words above the scores, Villain, Hero, Hostage all of them were empty though however the room was full of different Hero's and people in suits 

Nezu- ah Neptune! your here! wonderful i assume the girls behind you are your friends?

Nepune- Yeperonie! so whats our job?

Nezu- its simple! each of you will go into the 5 exam sites, 2 girls each and pretend to be an Examinee alongside them, and until the Zero Pointer comes out pretend to do the Hero Exam, once it's out you will enter it's grasp and become a Hostage, don't worry you won't be harmed

Present Mic- Neppy!? your the one Nezu hired!?

Lewd Hero- huh you know her Mic?

Present Mic- yeah, she was on my show last night!

Cowboy Hero- wasn't she the one that beat Doom Eternal on Ultra-Nightmare?

Neptune- yeah, though Vert is better than me, she'd beat it in like half my time

Vert- how kind of you to say that Neptune but I have a question

Nezu- go ahead miss Vert

Vert- what happens if we're not saved?

Nezu- you will be release when the Exam is over, and speaking of which we have a bit over an Hour before the students finish, perhaps you should all introduce yourselves to the staff

Neptune- okie dokey! I'm Neptune Protagonist of protagonists!

Nepgear- I'm Nepgear, the little sister of Neptune, it's nice to meet all of you

Noire- finally your finished, I'm Noire, charmed I'm sure

Neptune- oh calm down Tsundere

Noire- shut up I am not a Tsundere!

Uni- calm down Onee-Chan I'm Uni, Noire's little sister

Blanc- I'm next, Blanc it's nice to meet you

Ram- I'm Ram! Nice to meet ya, and my twin is Rom!

Rom- nice to meet you...

Ram- Blanc is our big sis

Vert- ah it's my turn, I'm Vert the expert Gamer of the group and the only one without a little sister....

Plutia- yeah, too bad~ I'm Plutia, nice to meet you....

Present Mic- I think she might be more tired than Sho...

Scruffy looking Hero- heard that

Uzume- my turn finally! I'm Uzume Tennouboshi! Good to meet ya!

Neptune- that's all of us! Well we're missing 3, Peashy whos the youngest, Rei the oldest, and Kurome, Uzume's evil twin~

Uzume- she isn't evil! Just a bit sadistic....

Present Mic wait if this Peashy is the youngest then how old is Blanc and the twins?

Neptune- older than they look.... Don't question it anyways what about you lot? Only know Mic

Scruffy Hero- Eraserhead, just call me Aizawa

Lewd Hero- Midnight sweeties~

Cowboy Hero- Snipe, pleasure meeting 'cha

Slate Hero- I am Cementoss it's a pleasure meeting you all

Robot Hero- Powerloader, nice meeting ya

Alien looking hero- Ectoplasm

The people in suits plus other hero's didn't really say anything much to their rudeness but the group of 10 didn't care, its not like they actually matter though it didnt take long for a certain blonde skeleton to walk in and question the crowd

Blonde Skeleton- uh Nezu sir who are these girls? and why are they in the oberving room?

Nezu- ah yes i forgot to say, their apart of the Practical Exam, as you know students can earn Hero Points, these volunteers, well hired volunteers will act like their doing the exam but make sure they get into a stiuation where they can be save by students from the Zero Pointers but they are classed as Hostage Points, anyways I recommend you all prepare for your roles, oh and there's free food in the cafeteria for all examinees plus you lot

Uzume- Perfect!! Was just getting hungry!

All 10 girls quickly left to get first dibs on the food while the staff questioned Nezu wanting to know where he even found the girls in the first place but he only laughed it off

In the cafeteria

The room was mostly empty except Lunch Rush the Pro Cook plus the Neptune and her Splits who were eating a lot for girls of their size but Lunch Rush was happy to make more! After all any prideful chef takes joy in seeing people loving their food

Though they ended up leaving a bit before the Written Exam had ended so it didn't look like they skipped it but they ended up taking the time to explore the school for future needs after all they may come back for something

They even found some of the classes and looked inside, Neptune messed around a bit pretending to be a teacher in the 1-A class, she pretended to teach a subject which was fake to everyone accept all the CPU's

A History on Gamingdustri, but the look a while to the point a Midnight looked for them and ended up joining in on the lesson as a joke saying how she feels like a student again, it even got to the point where a few of the Hero Teachers joined in on the fun

It ended up with Midnight, Present Mic, Cementoss and Snipe joining in and learning something they didn't even know was real, well sort of real and soon enough Nezu walked in to announce that the Practical Exam Brief will start soon causing the CPU's and Present Mic to rush off to the Auditorium while the others went to their observation room

However Nezu took note in the writing on the board, his intelligence knew that whatever Neptune taught for fun may be real with the level of detail it had but with the Exam starting soon there wasn't time to think about it

At the Auditorium

Present Mic- Everybody say Hey!!!

Neptune- Hey!

Nobody else said a word....

Present Mic- only 1, well no matter! So time to explain the Exam! As shown in your pamphlets there is multiple ways to earn Points!

The 1 pointer! Small and weak but fairly nimble

The 2 pointer! Stronger and bigger just in the middle!

The 3 pointer Strong and large but hard to take out!

Present Mic- your goal is to gain as many points in the allotted time in the Zones you have been assigned, check your cards, an-

???- Excuse me! There seems to be a Mistake, you have failed to mention the 4th opponent! Is this a misprint? If so it's very shameful on UA standards and secondly, you with the messy green hair and the girl with bright pink hair, your both doing things which are distracting, please stop!

Neptune- ah sorry 'bout that! Though doesn't it say 0 Pointer? Kinda obvious there

Present Mic- correct awesome girl I totally don't know! That is the Zero Pointer! Every played Jump Hero? It's like the enemies which can't be beaten or can but have no reason in doing so, think of it as that, now before I end this show here's some wisdom of UA


As everyone separated into their respective Areas they had all changed into sport wear except the Neptunia Girls who could perfectly fight in their normal clothes but they gained looks on them as well as their weapons and in one arena the feeling wasn't the best

Glasses boy- why do you have those weapons?! They are dangerous and should not be used in an Exam!?!!!

Plutia- calm down~ it's just a Neppy Plush and Spear~ nothing that dangerous~

Vert- I agree, calm down your too stiff, we're allowed, do you think some place this elite would allow it without rules?

Glasses boy- I see you make a point I apologise, I assumed you were out to distract us, my mistake, if you excuse me it looks like the curly green haired bout is trying to distract a fellow examine

Plutia- noooo~ look he's checking up on her~ she looks tense let it go~

Glasses boy- I see, though if I may ask, are you awake enough for this? You sound like you haven't slept in days?

Plutia- I'm fine~ I always sound like this, oh we might start any moment~ ready up~

Vert- right your are Plutia, get ready or fail like miserable noobs!

Both girls had their weapons ready as everyone realised it might start soon and as the girls though it began with the yell of Present Mic

Quickly all the Neptunia girls ran to the arenas ready to have a bit of fun and not get many points while making situations that would give other examiners chances to rescue them or the other way around

though Blanc got a little bit carried away when she took out 4 bots worth 3 points with one strong slam with her hammer making her Level Up to Level 6 but thankfully the Turn Based Fighting can be turned off for the Neptunia girls for their cover

though as the time went on the Exam neared its end and the Zero pointers were let loose and as agreed or protaganists got "Caught" in the grasp of the giant robots

however in a certain Zone Plutia was in its grasp while a certain girl was trapped under the rubble causing a green haird boy to rush in and shoot up into the sky and punch the Zero Pointer wrecklessly,

the Zero Pointer was beaten but it aused Plutia to start falling from its giant hand toawrds the ground at a dangerous pace, but this made a boy with purple hair run in to catch the girl, he barely made in in time and ended p on the ground with Plutia sitting on his back with a tired smile

Plutia- thanks~.....

Purple Haired Boy- no problem.... just in pain here

Plutia- sorry, here Heal!

30% HP restored!

Purple Haird Boy- wow, i feel better, thanks for that

Plutia- no problem~ hope you get in!~

Purple Haired boy- doubt it, but thanks

Plutia- no problem~ tip for you~ bulk up a bit, cant be a skinny Hero?

Purple Haired Boy- good idea, i should go now, youd rather not be near a person ike me

Plutia- okay~ if you say so...~

Vert- the supposed protaganist was recklass wasnt he?

Plutia- yeah~ wonder how much this changes~ wanna sleep a bit now~

Vert- of course, lets get going the sooner we reunite the better, i can feel the exhaustion

as the exam ended only a few of the girls were saved, most ran in favour of their own lives which disappointed many watching the exam and soon enough the girls reunited and became one together leaving Neptune to do what she wanted after sleeping for hours, after all splitting yourself up into 10 isnt that easy

Quest Complete!

Nezu's Exam


1000 EXP for all!

500,000 Yen

To Be Continued

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