Just One Month

By mo0dddd

58 1 0

This is my first story so I'm am truly sorry if this isn't the best but I did try my best with this. Kang-Joo... More

Getting Ready For College
The Same Dorm
What Is This Feeling?
It's Not My Fault!
Just Us..
Thinking about our relationship.
You Are A Idol?
Let's cool off our relationship.
What Is Our Relationship?
Officaly dating.

Okay I Like You.

2 0 0
By mo0dddd

TW: Kissing, 14+

Kang-Joon pov:

AI Think You Love Me  Joonie, Osara smiled at me and I shook my head no from embarrassment. I don't like him.. right? I thought to myself and he just stared at me and for some reason he looked cuter then ever. He hugged me and it made me feel different he grabbed my chin and said, Can I kiss you Joonie? I felt nervous and exclaimed, don't ask foolish questions like that. He smirked at me and kissed me and then I thought to my self, Maybe I Do Like Him. He stopped kissing me and he smiled and went to the bathroom.

He came out, Joonie do you want to come watch me practice for my big show in a couple of days? He asked me and I smiled, sure. I went to the bathroom and changed into a white shirt and green jacket with beige pants.

Kang-Joon outfit:

I come out and he smiles at me, You read to go? He asked me and I nodded. We walk out and he tried to hold my hand but it felt awkward if we did since we aren't dating so I pushed my hand away. He looked at me confused but we continued walking to his studio.

At The Studio, Osara is it okay for me to be here? I asked and he nodded. Osara! Everyone yelled and told him to come over. I stood there embarrassed, Oh it's your lover! His dance instructor said. Osara looked at me and smirked, yeah he is my lover.. I hope it's okay that I bring him today? He asked and I did a slight smile. Of course it's okay but actually why don't you come sit over here? He asked me and I nodded. I walked over to him and his dance instructor asked, I'm Jiwon and you? I smiled and said, I'm Kang-Joon. I sit down and they all get into positions. ONE , TWO , THREE, Jiwon shouted and they all started to dance. I was amazed and then Osara had started singing. I couldn't stop staring at how good he was and it made me smile, He stared at me when he was doing his part and winked at me and it made me blush.

One Hour Later, Alright break time everybody! Jiwon yelled and Osara came over to me, so did my dancing make you like me more? He chuckled and I put my head on his shoulder and smiled, Okay I Like You. He looked at me in shock and he said, w-what did you just say?! I smirked, I Like You. He hugged me tight and whispered in my ear, I love you. I blush and stuttered, I-I love you too.. Osara, he kissed me and held my hand and yelled, I have to go home.. It is a emergency! I smiled and we walked out.

Back At Our Dorm, Why are you rushing, I laughed and he picked me up and then laid me on the bed and started to kiss me passionately, I kissed him back and he held my waist as he stopped our kiss and started to kiss my neck softly. I whimper as he continues to kiss my neck and then he slowly takes my shirt off. He looks at me and I just nod knowing what he means.

Three hours after, We both lay down on the bed and then I look at him and smile, I-I'm going to take a shower. He smirks at me, shall we take one together? I shook my head no from embarrassment and he chuckled. I walk into the shower and my bottom half of my body started to hurt. Agh- I'm going to kill him, I said and got into the shower. 10 minutes later, I get out the shower and Osara walks in and said, here is your pyjamas when your done come and sleep with me. I nodded and changed into the pyjamas.

Osara pov:

I close the door, *Mind* I'm covered in sweat* Kang-Joon walks out and I say, ima get a shower Joonie. I smile and walk into the bathroom and get into the shower, I wash my hair and wash my body and then I get out and change into my pyjamas. I walk out with a towel around my neck and I see Kang-Joon just sitting there embarrassed, I walk over to him and hug him tight. I'm sorry I'm not the best at it.. it was my first time with a guy, Kang-Joon said and I replied, no worries Joonie and I thought it was great. I smiled at him and he smiled back and we both lay down and cuddled. I love you Joonie, I said and he replied with a smile, I-I love you too.

In the morning, I woke up to see Kang-Joon looking hurt. Are you okay? I asked and he replied, yeah it's just my bottom half hurts. I smirked, I guess you will have to skip classes today and lay in bed. He looked at me with embarrassment and exclaimed, I wouldn't have to if you didn't do it so hard. I chuckled and said, lay in bed and I'll go get you some thing to eat. He smiled and laid down on the bed and I said, Well I'll be back soon Joonie.

I go to a cafe, Hello can I get a coffee and two cream breads? I smiled. Of course that will be 5000 yen, the cashier said until I looked at the cashiers face to realise, wait Jae?! I asked and Jae looked at me, Oh hello Osara is everything between you and Kang-Joon got better? She asked me and I smiled and said, Yeah we are doing fine now thanks! I paid. She waved me a goodbye and I walk out.

I get back to the dorm, I walk into to see my father sitting on a chair and Kang-Joon looking nervous. Hey dad is everything okay.. why didn't you text me before you got- I said until he cut me off, I arranged a marriage for you Osara. I looked at him stunned and said, No dad.. I'm twenty one and I have a lover already.. I don't need you to arrange a marriage for me. He looked at he in disgust, Why do you want to be with a freak?! i hit my dad and yelled, get out! He looked at me with disgusted face and walked by the door and exclaimed , It's either that boyfriend of yours or your father. I choose my boyfriend and not a dad who can't support me for wanting to love who I want, I said with a angry look and he walked out. Hey Osara.. I'm sorry I told him to not come in but he still came in.. I'm sorry, Kang-Joon looked at me worried and I smiled and hugged him tight and then I said, don't worry about him and no matter what I will choose you above everyone. He smiled at me and hugged me back and I asked, you like cream bread right? I smiled and he nodded. We both sit down and chat for a while and eat our cream bread. I Love You Kang-Joon.

That is the end of chapter thirteen, hope this was good enough for you all to read.

Thank you so much for reading, chapter fourteen will be released soon<3

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