Beautiful Disaster (Camren)

By xXRuttiXx

19.3K 523 84

Lauren's friend Ally just got a new step-sister. She seemed fragile and held back. Once Lauren got to know he... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 (Final)

Chapter 6

2K 46 4
By xXRuttiXx

She really shouldn't be so nervous, this was Ally not Camila's dad.

But Ally was her best friend and, whether she went about it the right way or not, Ally cared about Camila a lot so this could potentially make their friendship rocky.

"You go get changed and I'll speak to Ally."

Camila nodded, heading into her room while Lauren headed into Ally's.

"Ally?" Lauren opened the door and Ally looked at her through her mirror as she applied her make up.

"Hey, thank you for looking after her. Is she ok?"

"Yeah, she's fine. She just said she needed to take a breather for a bit." Lauren said, walking into the room and sitting on the bed. "I actually wanted to talk to you about her."

"What's up?"

"Well, I kind of asked her out on Saturday and she said yes but I wanted to make sure that that was ok with you?"

"Why do you wanna take her out?" Ally asked, turning to look at Lauren.

"Because I like her, Ally." Lauren said, sitting on the edge of the bed to get closer to Ally. "I like her a lot. I just want her to be happy and I think that I could maybe make her happy."

"Why are you asking for my permission? You can do what you want."

"But you're my best friend and I don't wanna jeopardize our friendship."

"You won't, idiot. She seemed happy-ish around you so of course I don't mind."

"Really?" Lauren smiled, jumping to her feet and wrapping her arms around Ally when the smaller girl nodded. "Yes! Thank you."

"Get off me goofball, I have to finished getting dressed!"

"I love you!" Lauren grinned, pushing Ally to sit down before turning and heading towards the door.

"Just be careful. For both of your sakes."

"I will be." Lauren assured, leaving the room and lightly knocking on Camila's door.

"Come in." Lauren slid into the room, smiling at Camila who was just tying up her hair.

"How'd it go?"

"Good." Lauren smiled, looking around the room, among when she noticed the snitch placed towards the front of her shelf.

"It's one of my favorite things I own."

"Yeah?" Lauren asked, turning to look at Camila who nodded.

"Not because you gave me it, right enough."

"Ah, no. Of course not." Lauren rolled her eyes and Camila grinned. "You ready for school, dumbass?"

Camila nodded, taking a hold of Lauren's outstretched and leaving the room.

"Ally, you driving to school with us?" Lauren called and Ally poked her head out her room.

"Nah, I gotta pick Dinah and Normani up."

Lauren nodded, "See you at school."

"She seems fine."

"I told you she was." Lauren smiled, opening the door to her car for Camila to get in before heading round to the driver's side.


"It's seven am on a Saturday. What the hell are you doing here?" Ally grumbled, glaring over at Lauren who was sitting at the bottom of her bed.

"I'm waiting on Camz to get ready so I thought I'd come and see my best friend."

Ally groaned, falling back onto her pillow and covering her face with her arm. "Where are you taking her?"

"Harry Potter World in Orlando."

"What?" Ally lifted her arm to look at Lauren. "It's ninety bucks to get into the park, Lauren."

"Nope. We have annual passes to Orlando. I'm using mine and Camila is using hers."

"She doesn't have an annual pass."

"She's does. She told me so yesterday. Said her dad got her it thinking that going to a theme park would cheer her up but she hasn't even used it yet, she hasn't been in Orlando since she was five. I actually need you to go ask her dad for it."


"Because if I ask her to get it she'll know where we're going. Please Ally." Lauren pouted.

"Jesus, fine." Ally huffed, throwing the covers off herself and leaving the room, Lauren following closely behind her.

"Mr Cabello, can Lauren have Camila's Universal pass?"

"Why?" The man asked, turning away from his paper and looking at the girls.

"Because Lauren's taking her on a date to Harry Potter world."

"A date, huh?" The man arched his eyebrows as he pulled out his wallet to get the pass.

"Yes, sir. If that's ok?"

"You're Ally's best friend and I know she wouldn't allow this if there was a chance you would hurt my daughter." He said, handing Lauren the pass and a hundred dollars.

"You don't have to give me this, I have money."

"I know but things are expensive there and I know Camila won't let you buy her all the things she'll want."

"Ok, thank you, sir."

"Just look after my daughter."

Lauren smiled and nodded. "I will." She agreed, following a sleepy Ally back up to her room.

"You're lucky I love you, you piece of shit." Ally huffed, falling down onto her bed.

"I know, thank you." Lauren lightly punched Ally's arm before heading out the room.

She lifted her hand to knock on Camila's door when it opened and Camila jumped in surprises. "You don't have knock all the time."

"I don't like just walking into people's rooms, it's their private place. You ready?"

Camila nodded, closing her bedroom door behind her.

"I have pancakes in the car for breakfast." Lauren smiled, leading the way down to the car.

"Can you tell me where we're going yet?"

"Nope, it's a surprise." Lauren grinned, opening the door for Camila and dipped her head to kiss her before the smaller girl could get into the car.

Camila smiled when Lauren pulled back, tip toeing to peck her on the lips before getting into the car.

"The pancakes are in the glove compartment." Lauren said as she climbed into the car.

Camila nodded, reaching in to grab the pancakes. "When will we be back?"

"Probably about nine. I'm not sure. You can tell your dad you're staying at mine so we don't have to rush home."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course, numbnuts." Lauren smiled.

Camila nodded, tucking into the pancakes.

"Ok, twenty questions, go." Lauren announced as Camila chewed on the pancakes.

"Is it Lana Del Rey?"

Lauren frowned before huffing, "This is a stupid game anyway." Lauren mumbled making Camila laugh.

"So predictable."

"Am not."

"You really are."

"Fine, where am I taking you?"

"The beach."

"Nope." Lauren grinned, sticking her tongue childishly out at Camila. "I'm not predictable."

"You're childish though."

"You're childish though." Lauren copied in a high voice.

"Eat." Camila demanded, holding a pancake to Lauren's mouth for her to take a bite, which she did.

"You're gonna love where in taking you, though."

"And I have to wait three hours until I know?"

"Yup, should probably get comfortable, princess."

"Is that a clue?"

"No, Camz, that's not a clue." Lauren said, smiling fond at Camila. "But I'll give you one more clue."

"Ok." Camila agreed, turning in her seat to face Lauren.

"Uh, there's a lot of cool and unusual stores there."

"That's not helpful." Camila huffed. "I haven't been to Orlando in years so I don't know what stores are there."

Lauren smiled, leaning back more comfortably in her seat.

"You're mean."

"We'll see if you think that when were there."

Camila huffed, sitting properly in her seat and brought her knees up to her chest.


Camila had fallen asleep about an hour into the journey and Lauren was kind of glad about that because then Camila wouldn't see the signs for Universal.

Lauren parked in the universal parking lot and lightly nudged Camila, holding the pass up at her. "Camz."

Camila groaned, opening one eye and squinting at the pass. "Wha'?"

"Guess where we are."

Camila sat up and looked around, turning back to Lauren and grinning when she saw the universal sign. "You brought me to universal? You should've said, I have a pass."

"No, I know. I got it." Lauren held up the pass and smile at Camila. "We're going to a specific place in here, though."


"You'll see." Lauren grinned, getting out of the car and holding her hand out to Camila.

"You're just going to keep this a secret until the last second, aren't you?" The smaller girl said, arching her eyebrows at Lauren as she laced their fingers together.

"Yup," Lauren replied, popping the 'P' and lightly pulled Camila towards the entrance. "But it will be worth it, love. I promise."

Lauren led them into the park and towards the entrance of Harry Potter World.

Lauren looked down at Camila one the sign was visible and couldn't help but smile when she noticed Camila's eyes light up.

"Harry Potter World?" Camila asked excitedly, looking up at Lauren with a smile.

"Yeah, I told you it would be worth it."

"And you were right! Come on."

Lauren laughed when Camila began dragging her towards the entrance.

"This is just like Hogsmeade!"

"You wanna go for something to eat? They sell butterbeer at The Three Broomsticks."


"Yeah. Pumpkin juice and everything."

"Can we go there?" Camila asked, looking like a child at Christmas.

"'Course. Whatever you want."

"Where is it?" Camila asked, her head moving around rapidly trying to take everything in.

"It's just down next to Honeydukes. We can go for something to eat then got back and get some stuff from Zonko's and Honeydukes."

"You can buy stuff?"

"Of course. Obviously they aren't actually magical but they're cool."

"What other stores are there?"

"There's Owl Post, Ollivander's wands, Dervish and Banges and there's this place called Filch's emporium which sells clothes, death eater masks and movie props."

"I only have fifty dollars."

"One hundred and fifty." Lauren corrected, holding up the hundred dollar Camila's father had given her that morning.

"I can't take your money, Lauren."

"It's not my money, it's your dads. He gave me it this morning."

"You spoke to my dad?" Camila asked as they took a seat at one of the tables.

"Yeah, he's nice." Lauren smiled, picking up the menu with one hand which putting the other arm on the back of Camila's seat.

"Did he say anything to you?"

"Just that I was to look after you." Lauren shrugged, smiling down at Camila. "Which I would've done anyway."

Camila smiled and Lauren couldn't help but smile bigger at the look in Camila's eyes. It was a look she'd never seen before. She looked happy.

"You look happy."

"I am happy."

"I'd bring you here every day for the rest of our lives just to keep that twinkle in your eye."

"I don't think it's the fact that I'm here, it's the fact I'm with you."


"Yeah, you could take me to a scrap yard and I'd be happy." Lauren grinned, leaning over to press a lingering kiss against Camila's lips. "But please don't take me to a scrap yard."

Lauren laughed, resting her head against the side of Camila's head. "I won't."

"What're you getting?"

"Mac n cheese."

"That's from the kids menu." Camila grinned, turning her head to look at Lauren.

"This is just lunch, we still have dinner to get."

"Will we be coming back here for dinner?"

"Yeah, it's the only place that sells food but that just means more Butterbeer."

"I like that deal."

Lauren smiled and nodded, her attention being caught by the waiter. "Are you ladies ready to order?"

"Uh, yeah. What do you want?" Lauren asked, looking down at Camila.

"Just Mac n cheese."

"Two Mac n cheeses and two butterbeers, please."

"Sure thing. I'll bring them over as soon as I can."

Lauren smiled, turning back to Camila who was already smile up at her.

"Can you buy a wand?"


"Who's?" Camila asked, taking a hold of Lauren's hand that was rested on the table and running the pad of her thumb along Lauren thumbnail.



Lauren nodded, "Who's you're favorite?"

"Outside Harry, Ron and Hermione it's Tonks."

"I'm sure they'll have hers. I think I'm gonna get Mad Eyes this time."

"How many times have you been here"

"About four times. This year." Lauren said, smiling at Camila's shocked expression. "I usually force the girls into coming, they're bored of it by now but I'm not. I'd live here if I could."

"Now this would be a great place to live."

"We should just hide somewhere every night and live here for the rest of our lives."

"What about school?"

"Hogwarts is just up the road."

"Ah, right. Of course, silly me." Camila rolled her eyes playfully.

"Don't buy Bertie Bott's beans."


"Because I did and got a vomit tasting one and I haven't looked at any kind jellybeans the same since. I almost threw up."

"Ew." Camila scrunched her nose in disgust.

"Here you go, ladies. Enjoy." The waiter smiled, placing their food on the table before walking away.

"Try the butterbeer."

Camila picked up the cup and brought it to her lips, taking a sip and looking up a Lauren with wide eyes. "This is great."

Lauren nodded and laughed, placed her hand on Camila's cheek and dragging her thumb along the top of Camila's lip. "You had a moustache." Lauren said, showing Camila the froth from Camila's lip before placing her thumb in her mouth to lick it off.

Camila just nodded, staring slightly dazed at Lauren's lips.

"You ok?" Lauren asked with a grin on her lips.

"Yeah." Camila practically squeaked out, turning to eat her food.

Lauren grinned, turning to eat her own food.

Once the girls finished their food they headed out of Three Broomsticks and walked back to Zonko's joke shop.

Camila's eyes lit up as she entered the store, her eyes moving around rapidly trying to look at everything at once. "That have extendible ears!"

"They have all kinds of things, come on. Let's look around." Lauren lightly pulled Camila's hand to take them further into the store.

They went from store to store, Camila tugging Lauren along by their joined hands but that didn't bother Lauren, she was content watching Camila be happy.

After dinner they went to the rides and the store that sold the clothes and by the time they were heading back to the car Camila was yawning and dragging her feet.

"Come on, love." Lauren looked over her shoulder to make sure Camila was actually still following her before looking back down at the pictures they'd had taken on the rides.

"I'm tired."

"It's only six." Lauren rolled her eyes, slowing down and wrapping her arm around Camila's shoulder.

"I feel bad for you, having to drive back."

"It's alright, I'm not sleepy."

Camila nodded, looking down at the pictures. "I want that one. Your eyes are so green."

"Then I'll have this one."

"Thank you for today." Camila said as they reached Lauren's car. "It was the happiest I've been in two years."

"You don't have to thank me, the fact that that smile hasn't left your face all day is thanks enough for me." Lauren said, taking the bags off Camila and putting them in the back seat before standing back in front of Camila. "I'll take you home, ok?"

"I thought I was staying with you?"

"No, you are, just to get clothes and stuff."

"Oh, ok."

Lauren smiled, pressing a kiss to Camila's forehead before opening the door for her.

Camila smiled sleepily, getting into the car. Lauren shrugged off her jacket and covered Camila with it before closing the door and getting in the driver's seat.

"You get some sleep, I'll wake you when we're home."

"But that's not fair on you." Camila argued half-heartedly, pulling Lauren's jacket closer and burying her face in the collar.

"I'm fine, love. Sleep." Lauren insisted, keeping her eyes on the road as she reached across and smoothed down Camila's hair.

"Ok." Camila yawned, letting her eyes shut.


"Camz." Lauren lightly nudged Camila as they turned into the girls street.

Camila groaned but opened her eyes and sat up, sliding her arms into Lauren's jacket. "I'm sorry I slept the full way."

"That's fine." Lauren smiled, reaching into the back for Camila's bags and handing them to Camila before getting out of the car and following the younger girl up to her house.

"Oh, hey, Mila. You have fun?" Her dad asked as they walked into the kitchen.

"So much fun, dad. There were stores like there is in Harry Potter and we had butterbeer and I got a wand..."

Lauren smiled as Camila continued to rant on about her day and her dad just stared down at Camila was a slightly shocked looking on his face.

"Anyway, I have to go get clothes ready, be right back." Camila finished, leaving the kitchen and heading upstairs.

"Thank you." Camila's dad said, looking at Lauren with watery eyes.

"It's ok."

"No, I really mean it. I haven't seen that Camila in two years and it's because of you."

"I'm just happy she is happy, sir."

"Lauren! How was nerd world?" Ally called, walking into the kitchen with her mom and wrapped her

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