A Militarized New World

By Kk01u2

38.7K 1K 560

Altrainia is a continent filled with warlike yet interesting countries. Needed someone to ensure peace in thi... More

Chapter 1 "A Man Of Great Power"
Chapter 2 'War Of Vanitas'
Chapter 3 'A New Turning Point'
World Map (remade)
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 NC
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Alternate Route: Peace Route
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Countries Info (For better Lore)
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
In-Universe Wikipedia Page
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Opening of Discord Server
New Plans for this story

Chapter 19

560 23 7
By Kk01u2

November 17, 1208
Khelvia, Qotan Republic

Currently, Qotan Government-Owned Military Factories were beginning to quickly produce weaponry for the war. Rifles, Tanks, Artillery you name it were going out of their Production lines. Although mostly they produced WW2-era weaponry to increase the efficiency of production and not cause any unnecessary problems within the Factories.

While, the Qotan Civilian Branch was producing Civilian technologies such as automobiles, watches, medicines, and other necessities from the WW2 era.

This meant that most companies had to employ a large number of workers to keep their respective

A worker was going to enter the Factory's entrance. But suddenly, A loud explosion occurs.


A Qotan Worker exclaimed in a mixture of caution, shock, and fear.

The Factory's entrance nearly collapsed on top of him.

'I nearly got killed there, I gotta get a hold of myself.'

He thought.

He then calms himself, as his shaking hands were beginning to calm down.

Getting to his feet. He then observed his surroundings. Thinking Quickly, he then ran to a nearby Police Station to report the situation to the authorities.

Aurelia, Qotan Republic

"So another attack occurred."

Hodgkins said as he heard the reports, he was in a meeting and facing his Ministers who were on his right and left.

Well, this was going bad, he couldn't tolerate such attacks to continue as they were beginning to damage the production of weaponry for the Army and also cause some other problems.

"Well Mr. President, The Police attempted to apprehend the perpetrators but they escaped indicating that they possibly have some layout of their target cities or they have some sympathizers in the public."

A Minister from his Right reported who he recognized as the Minister of Civilian or Public Affairs.

He had 10 Ministers. They were composed of the: Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Defense, Minister of Public Safety, Minister of Intelligence, Minister of Civilian and Public Affairs, Minister of Environment and Natural Resources, Minister of Internal Affairs, Minister of Transportation and Energy Usage, Minister of Trade and Commerce, and finally the Minister of Technological Research and Development.

"With all due respect just because some Charatian Agents knew the layout of the city. It doesn't mean that we have some sympathizers although I do see your point though and Yes, it is confirmed that the agents are members of the Intelligence Instrument of the Federation."

The Minister of Intelligence said from his left as he replied to the Minister of Public Affairs who only looked at the Minister. Wanting to hear the Intelligence Minister's reply and explanation regarding such a matter. He continued explaining the intel he got about the men responsible to his fellow Ministers.

"Well, Mr. President we also began to interview the workers of the factory to find a clue about the Spies' respective identities or where their base of operations is located."

"Ok, I presume that no 'extraction' of information was done."

Hodgkins said. Although he knew that what the Ministry of Intelligence had to do was of great importance so he tolerated some of their brutal tactics only if necessary. Also, he passed a law detailing that the Ministry must only be loyal to the Republic, to prevent it from becoming too powerful, while also having the Ministry of Internal Affairs investigate the Ministry for possible corruption.

"Now what of the Kriegstanians? , I know that our forces halted their advance to employ healthcare and build healthcare for the Kriegstanians on the border who were vastly affected by the war."

James Continued asking the Minister of Intelligence.

"According to our agents, there seems to be a quarrel between the Military and the Parliament of the Empire. It seemed that some members of the Military wanted to surrender and end the war due to the Joint invasion of the Altrainian League. While Most of the Parliament and Military seemed to be interested in only continuing the war. So I suggest that we secretly support these disgruntled members to attempt a coup."




Some of James's Ministers began to bicker amongst each other at the Minister of Intelligence's suggestion.

But before it could increase the president loudly coughs a fake cough.

Causing the men to be silent and look at the President.

"Well, Yes I support it for the reasons that if successful it could knock the Empire officially out of the war. Plus I heard there were riots in its colonies so I will approve of such a request."

Hodgkins said in approval at the Minister's suggestion.

"But mister President, we are nearly driving the Kriegstanian Army to submission shouldn't we just send a commando raid on the capital? "

The Minister of Defense said in response to the President's words.

"The coup and negotiations in the future may also  insult our close allies: The Billians, Radellians, and the Vollishians who possibly may want revenge, specifically the Vollishians who were hit and suffered the most during the war."

The minister of Foreign Affairs said after the Minister of Defense's reply.

To which James immediately replied his response.

"To prepare for the Surrender Negotiations and possible Political Turmoil, We can send Fisher to deal with this. While our forces are to dig in at our recently occupied areas."

"But Mr. President-"

"No objection-"


A telephone at the meeting table in front of the Minister of Defense rang loudly interrupting Hodgkins who wanted to finish the meeting. The Defense Minister quickly took and answered it.

"Who is it?"

The Minister answered the phone, which the person on the other side quickly answered.

"What do you mean offensive!?!"

The Minister said loudly as he exclaimed.


"Could this be the Charatians?"

"I thought they were on the defensive."

His fellow ministers murmured in either shock or surprise at the Defense Minister's loud exclamation.

But their expressions could not compete with the shock hidden behind Hodgkins' calm face.

'WHAT! The Charatians launched an offensive, I thought most of their forces were spent... But then again I can't underestimate them so It isn't surprising that they would launch such a desperate attack similar to how the Germans launched their final and desperate offensive during WW1. So it won't be a challenge for my forces considering that most of their tanks are mostly based on the Panzer 38t and Hungarian Turan 40 medium tank but more improved so they won't even be a hindrance.'

He thought confidently. Too bad things weren't going to be looking good for his forces on the front.

Charatian Front, City of Vulthrus
Qotan Centurion Tank 'Lively Pidgeon' of the 28th Tank Brigade
Capt. Bridgett

"Tank Destroyed!"

His gunner said as another Charatian Trias-40 Medium Tank was destroyed and turned into a flaming heap of metal.

"Trias Tank on the Left coming from the left side of that building."

His gunner said in repeat. His gunner had repeated nearly the same words for hours as Charatian Tanks wouldn't stop coming. Occasionally some Charatian Infantry were armed with Anti-tank weapons but they were usually quickly dispatched by him and his crew with ease. Mostly Charatian Tanks could not penetrate the Centurion's 95mm Frontal Armor and its 85mm side armor. The Centurion swiftly replied with its (84mm) 20 Pdr rifled gun.

According to HQ, they were to assist the Qotan 24th Invasion Regiment against the reported Charatian Offensive.

Currently, they were facing an onslaught of Charatian Troops not seen since the Charatian offensive against the Qotan Defense Line. Although their centurion Tank could easily penetrate and destroy most Tanks fielded by the Charatian. They needed air support but most aircraft of the Qotan Air Force were busy dealing with the Offensive since the attack also was occurring across the entirety of the Charatian Front. They were also defending the city of Vulthrus from the Charatian Offensive.

"Another Tank Destroyed!"

His gunner said as he was focused on thinking about their situation.

"Shit unknown Tank with Charatian Military Insignia coming from the Right!"

Quickly he relayed an order to fire at the tank which he saw using the open panel on his commander's cupola.

It was a Hulking Charatian Tank which resembled the Panther but had sloped armor similar to the T-34. With an 80mm Modified AA gun for its Main Armament.

"Put a round at its glacis!"

He ordered as the loader loaded a shell and fired at its frontal armor. The shell merely bounced.

This shocked Bridgett who immediately had the loader load another shell to fire.

The Beast then retaliated with the shell resulting in a similar effect. Noticing the effect, the Tank then proceeded to flank the Centurion Tank. To attempt to fire a shell at the Centurion's side armor.

Quickly knowing what the Enemy tank was trying to achieve he then ordered the gunner to fire a HE Shell at the Tank's tracks. But the Enemy vehicle first fired a shell at the Centurion's tank turret disorienting the crew, specifically Bridgett who was knocked unconscious when the force of the shell caused him to accidentally hit his head inside the turret.

Seeing the Commander unconscious the gunner then recovered and fired at the Charatian tank's tracks, only hitting it in the side armor, as the tank now had a view of their side armor. Both crews knew that this was a race of time. As the two tanks were in a race of who could fire first. The Centurion we're the first to fire but luck was not on their side as the AP shell merely bounced the Charatian Tank replied hitting the Centurion in its side armor and knocking the engine out of commission, causing it to smoke.

The crew knowing what they needed to do then escaped from their respective tank hatches. With the gunner and loader taking the Commander out of the vehicle.

Charatian Guthius Heavy Tank
Capt. Stellius

"Commander, should we dispatch them?"

His gunner asked.

"No Matheeve. Spare them plus we can't waste ammunition. Also new orders from Command, Schrodius we need to regroup with some forces to attack some Qotan forces north of the City."

"Yes, commander."

The gunner now identified as Matheeve replied in agreement and loaded a shell in preparation for a possible battle.

While the driver merely nodded and turned on the engine to drive to their new assigned location.

'Now God please end this violent war.'

The Tank commander thought as he then opened and looked at the picture of his family kept in the Tank turret. Wanting to be with them instead of fighting in this pointless war. But he knew that this was his duty so he had to do this for his nation, his country.

Chapter End

Recently, I have been planning a story where the Altrainian Continent is transported to the World of Nihonkoku Shoukan instead of Japan. This story will not be connected to canon and will merely be its alternate route.

So any suggestions regarding this sto

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