WangXian Forever Book 9: The...

By NebulusCharlie

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Things have settled down for our favourite couple and they're just getting used to living in the domestic bli... More

Chapter 1 Paperman
Chapter 2 Bedtime
Chapter 3 Dreams
Chapter 4 Thoughts
Chapter 6 Companions
Chapter 7 Carnival
Chapter 8 Shaman
Chapter 9 Xiannu
Chapter 10 Prize
Chapter 11 Lotus Pier
Chapter 12 Situation
Chapter 13 Memories
Chapter 14 Home
Chapter 15 Puzzle
Chapter 16 Teamwork
Chapter 17 Searching
Chapter 18 Half
Chapter 19 Challenge
Chapter 20 Fight
Chapter 21 Yiling Laozu
Chapter 22 Healing
Chapter 23 Thief
Chapter 24 Items
Chapter 25 JingLing
Chapter 26 Time
Chapter 27 Found
Chapter 28 Proposal
Chapter 29 Confusion
Chapter 30 Disclosure
Chapter 31 Cured
Chapter 32 Freedom
Chapter 33 Storyteller
Chapter 34 Celebration
Chapter 35 Sleeping
Chapter 36 Ordeal
Chapter 37 Precious
Chapter 38 Kidnapped
Chapter 39 Goddess
Chapter 40 Grandmother
Chapter 41 Awake
Chapter 42 Past
Chapter 43 Readying
Chapter 44 Beauty
Chapter 45 Love
Chapter 46 Truth
Chapter 47 Regret
Chapter 48 Unrepentant
Chapter 49 Something
Chapter 50 Assurance
Chapter 51 Fight
Chapter 52 The Dead
Chapter 53 Concoctions
Chapter 54 Shower
Chapter 55 Memories
Chapter 56 Return
Chapter 57 Embarrassment
Chapter 58 Better
Chapter 59 Rest
Chapter 60 Picnic
Chapter 61 Wistful
Chapter 62 Mother
Chapter 63 Remembrance
Chapter 64 Riddle
Chapter 65 Safe
Chapter 66 Vinegar
Chapter 67 Zhangui
Chapter 68 Drunk
Chapter 69 Woozy
Chapter 70 Bare
Chapter 71 Chance
Chapter 72 Technicolour
Chapter 73 Sleeping
Chapter 74 Honesty
Chapter 75 Guilt
Chapter 76 Questions
Chapter 77 Feather
Chapter 78 Hair
Chapter 79 Yearning
Chapter 80 Muqin
Chapter 81 Truth
Chapter 82 Tumultuous
Chapter 83 Vault
Chapter 84 Music Box
Chapter 85 Motives
Chapter 86 Thoughts
Chapter 87 Justice
Chapter 88 Decisions
Chapter 89 Support
Chapter 90 Solace
Chapter 91 Bravery
Chapter 92 Guidance
Chapter 93 Trust
Chapter 94 Ramblings
Chapter 95 Grandchildren
Chapter 96 Rules
Chapter 97 Night Hunt
Chapter 98 Yaogui
Chapter 99 Rest
Chapter 100 Awake
Chapter 101 Preparations
Chapter 102 Points
Chapter 103 Baling
Chapter 104 Fruit
Chapter 105 Banquet
Chapter 106 Frisky
Chapter 107 Breakfast
Chapter 108 Fear
Chapter 109 Lanling
Chapter 110 Distaste
Chapter 111 Date
Chapter 112 Sleek
Chapter 113 Breakfast
Chapter 114 Piao Xue
Chapter 115 Mu Family
Chapter 116 Introductions
Chapter 117 Welcomed
Chapter 118 Content
Chapter 119 Memories
Chapter 120 Home
Chapter 121 Celebrations
Chapter 122 Snowflakes
Chapter 123 Birthday Party

Chapter 5 Connection

673 75 25
By NebulusCharlie

Lan Zhan was surprised that Wei Ying was awake before he was, though part of him knew it was probably due to the nightmare he had endured. Even so, he could not stop himself from staying closer to him, unwilling to leave Wei Ying that morning.

Duties could wait, as far as he was concerned; if the choice was between work and his Wei Ying, he would pick Wei Ying every single time. Once before, he had made the mistake of indecision and it was one too many times in his book. That regret was something he had no desire to repeat, ever.

This morning, the children had been superbly affectionate, and Lan Zhan was unconsciously grateful to their simple natures.

They ate breakfast, chatting as families do, the ordinary closeness arriving without effort, though the protective side of Lan Zhan flared towards all of them. He knew Wei Ying was feeling more vulnerable than usual and he wanted nothing more than to be able to hold him.

He had to wait though.

He would have liked to say, patiently...but Lan Zhan did not lie, not even to himself.

He waited until the children left, after kissing their cheeks and waving, on their way to Grumple's home for their daily lessons.

The moment the door of the Jingshi closed behind them, Lan Zhan lifted Wei Ying into his lap.

The yelp of surprise was studiously ignored, in favour of holding him close.

Wei Ying had fully expected Lan Zhan to leave for work too, and had consoled himself with thoughts of going to visit XiChen-Ge and his brother...who was going through something at the moment.

So this was a pleasant diversion.

He hugged Lan Zhan tightly too, the remnants of his dream lingering in the back of his mind.

"I thought you would be leaving too." He confessed, sheepishly.

"I need this more. I need Wei Ying, more." Lan Zhan clarified.

"I must admit, so do I. Especially after...that dream." Wei Ying agreed.

"Does Wei Ying think it meant more than a normal dream?" Lan Zhan wanted to know.

Wei Ying rested his cheek on Lan Zhan’s shoulder, stroking the Lan Clan crest embroidered in silk threads along his upper arms. There was so much strength here, he mused...and yet...wasn't it still remarkable and astounding to know and accept that Lan Zhan needed him too?

Perhaps he could would never cease to be surprised at that. That, his own need for Lan Zhan was just as much reciprocated in his Soulmate.


The sound jogged Wei Ying from his thoughts, and he gave a low laugh because he had once again, become lost in his meandering musings.

"I was just marvelling at how much I need you." He said, smiling when those impossibly strong arms tightened around his body, making him feel safe. "I know I don't need to say this, but I am so, so glad it's you that I love. You have become part of such a way that I am entwined with a good way. The best way. And I got lost being happy about that."

Lan Zhan leaned back and captured his sweet lips, needing this more. Kissing Wei Ying was so much more effective than trying to use his words. Somehow, they weren't enough, not for Lan Zhan.

He could never find the right ones to properly convey exactly how he felt, when he couldn’t get past the feeling they were entirely inadequate in explaining the depth of his feelings.

It was like skimming the bubbles off hot milk. The bubbles still tasted of milk...but they were never, ever enough.

Wei Ying was like drinking the warm milk itself. The wholesomeness of it, complete with nourishment.

As Lan Zhan pulled his bottom lip between his own, biting down gently, he realised that Wei Ying was the nourishment for his very soul.

And as Wei Ying moaned into his mouth, he also understood that it was the same for him too. Wei Ying was feeling the same rejuvenation, the same relief, the exact same love and appreciation for him, that Lan Zhan was experiencing, on the same level.

Wei Ying’s warm, soft mouth was a haven of delight.

Lan Zhan would never get tired of kissing him like this, as though every lick, every swipe of his hot tongue made sharp sparks of joy erupt throughout his body. Every pore, every cell was attuned to Wei Ying, the satisfaction he received from all the sounds Wei Ying was making...all of them involuntarily, as if Lan Zhan was pulling them out from the deepest part of him.

Tingles of excitement spread through his body, his blood clamouring for more as Wei Ying kissed him back with a fervour. Heated kisses, scorching, fiery, burning kisses which enflamed their love for each other until there was nothing else.

In that eruption of love, nothing else could exist...just them.

Exposed, vulnerable, and open to each other, with the certain knowledge that here, with just the two of them, they could be.

Everything was acceptable.

Wei Ying looked into those blazing golden eyes and knew that everything he was, was welcomed and needed...and the same was true for himself.

Lan Zhan smiled when he saw something settle in those silvery depths.

To others, perhaps this time spent together seemed like a waste of time, but only they two knew how important it simply be together.

It was vital and essential.

Wei Ying sighed and nuzzled closer, their cheeks resting together. Lan Zhan held him just like that, keeping his big palms on the warmth of Wei Ying's back.

This precious time was exactly that: precious.

"To answer your question." Wei Ying whispered. "I really can't tell...about the dream. It doesn't feel the same as those dreams about the Yangsui. You know...when the Queen mother was communicating with me? So...I cannot say they're the same."

"So...perhaps it was simply a bad dream." Lan Zhan said, hope leaking through his words.

Wei Ying nodded.

The always aromatic fragrance of sandalwood lifted his spirits, and simultaneously calmed him.

"Why don't we put it behind us for now, my love?" He suggested, kissing Lan Zhan’s cheek. "We can wait to see if it happens again...or...or if there's any further development. If there's not, we can chalk it up to nothing."

"Mn." Lan Zhan liked this better.

If it was just a dream, random and inconsequential, then there was nothing to worry about.

"In the meantime, why don't we go to the zoo?" Wei Ying giggled at the momentary confusion on Lan Zhan’s face.

"To Xiongzhang's?"

Wei Ying openly laughed.




Dear Lovely Readers,

Thank you so much. I know I keep saying this, but my sincerity is real. I am constantly amazed and awed by your support. It's a warmth in my heart that just keeps growing and hence this unplanned chapter.

To be honest, it kind of wrote itself and sometimes those are the best. WangXian just did what they wanted to, and I hope their love and fluffy times give you guys the fuzzy feels too.

It's getting colder in London too, definitely hot chocolate weather, though I feel like a hypocrite saying that after a Snickers Ice cream bar was ecstatically enjoyed only moments ago.

I am listening to the greatest hits of Xiao Zhan, with his beautiful, warm, lovely voice keeping me company while I write.

I hope all of you have a great day, filled with beautiful surprises and easiness, and at least one piece of treasured chocolate. If you see any flowers at all, love them.


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