Stealth fleet goes to another...

By ZeketheCommander

3.7K 103 38

(reminder: I dont own azur lane or any pics that are shown in this story) In 2018, the sirens invaded the wor... More

Some Anouncement
Stealth Carrier Bio (Improved)
Stealth Battleship, Cruisers and Destroyer Bio(Improved)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Other OC Bio
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 1

342 13 8
By ZeketheCommander

They then see a little girl who is about to get devoured by the giant fox.

Cleveland: Noooo!!!!

A bunch of missiles and shells hits the giant fox making it roar in pain.

Kaga: Who did that?!

???: Us you furry bitch!

Both sides look at the direction to where the voice comes from and sees 6 people with ship riggings. To their surprise, 4 of them are boys.

Cleveland: No way!

Kaga: Tch! No matter feel the might of the Sakura Empire!

Argonaut: Do your worst!

She unleashed her planes towards them. 

Wales: Get out of there!

As for Argonaut and his fleet, they just looked at each other with smugs on their faces and looks back at the incoming planes and then....

CIWS and SAMs starts blazing tearing Kaga's planes like it was nothing.

Kaga: What?! It cant be!

They were all stunned of the AA's sheer firepower that it destoyed Kaga's planes in a matter of seconds.

Lee: How cute...

Celestial: Argo your call.

Argonaut: Celstial and Helios let's go deal with those foxes while Andromeda, Grant and Lee deal with the siren ships.

Lee: So bussiness as usual?

Argonaut: Yeah, but with that giant fox and the ones who are attacking this base.

Grant: Alright, LET'S FUCKING GO!!!!!!!

They all nodded and charge at the enemies. Grant and Lee brings out their lightsabers and ignites them. 

Andromeda: I'll take care of the siren jets and support you guys.

Lee: And we'll trash this siren ships.

Grant: This is where the fun begins.

He smirked as he jumps on a siren cruiser and begins slashing all of its guns and other defenses with his dual lightsabers. Lee deflected the siren shells with his crossgaurd lightsaber while firing his VLS missiles at the enemy ships.  Andromeda's F35E and F/A-181s are shooting down siren jets while she herself is providing some covering fire for Grant and Lee with her AWP.

We now change scene to where Celestial is distracting the Kaga and her giant kitsune.

Celestial: Is that the best you got?!

She slashed one of its legs making it roar in pain. The Giant Kitsune tries to stomp her but it was no use against Celestial's reflexes and evaded it. 

Celestial: Too slow!

Kaga: Stand still!

The giant kitsune tries to stomp her multiple times. For a stealth battleship she has good reflexes. With Helios, he was dealing with Akagi and trying to evade her flaming red petals while shooting back with his combat shotgun.

Akagi: Ufufufu~ aw is it too much for you little one? I will stop if you surrender to me~

She smile at the stealth destroyer. 

This made Helios a bit uncomfortable knowing that she is Yandere and boy he dislikes Yanderes.

Helios: No thanks lady.

He fired his railgun at her.

Akagi: AHHHHH!!!!!!!

She got hit by few rounds of Helios' railgun.

Kaga: Sister!

Argonaut: Focus on what's infront of you !

Kaga: Huh?

She turns to see Argonaut rushing at her with M82 Sniper on his hands. Kaga takes notice of this and orders her kitsune to crush him, he evaded it by jumping onto its back and continues on pursuing Kaga. She then throws a blue flaming petal at Argonaut to stop him in his tracks. He took the hit and made Kaga think he's defeated....but she wrong, Argonaut came out of the smoke and aims his M82 Sniper point blank at her chest.

Kaga screamed in pain as her giant kitsune disappeared. Kaga then looks up to Argonaut and responds with a hissing voice.

Kaga: How dare you attack this body! This body belongs to my sister!

Argonaut: And I'm gonna find someone around here who asked.

Kaga: grrr....

Akagi: Kaga we need to go now! 

Kaga: But sister I cant still fight!

Akagi: I'm not doubting your strength but now it's not that time, we got everything we need.

She then complies and begins to withdraw along with the Sakura destroyer Ayanami. But then they were blocked by a woman with white hair, lilac eyes, wearing an Admiral hat and jacket.

Enterprise: Where do you think your going?

She pointed her bow at them.

Akagi: Well, if it isnt Grey Ghost herself too bad you missed the entire battle.

Enterprise: Tch! I suggest you surrender now Akagi!

Out of nowhere, a red petal is heading towards Enterprise.

Argonaut: Miss watch out!

Enterprise: Huh?!

Before she could react, Argonaut slice the petal in half with his sword.

Enterprise: Thanks.

Argonaut nodded.

Andromeda: Guys they're getting away!

They turn to see Akagi, Kaga and Ayanami on carrier. But before they disappear into the petals behind them, Akagi gave a declaration of war speech.

Akagi: Consider this as a declaration of war Azur lane we and the Ironblood will crush all of you under the might of the Crimson axis!

They then disappear into the petals.

Helios: Well that just happened.

Lee: Yeah, so what now?

Argonaut: Now, we'll get some answers from the folks we just saved.

Grant: And here they are now.

They see the shipgirls with WW2 riggings approach them.

Wales: Greetings and thanks for saving our base, I'm HMS Prince of Wales but you can call me Wales.

Argonaut: Ah, so your the one who sent out a distress call?

Wales: Yes.

Illustrious: I'm HMS Illustrious nice to meet you.

Cleveland: I'm USS Cleveland.

Enterprise: And I'm USS Enterprise.

Argonaut: I'm USS Argonaut and this little boy is USS Helios.

He gestured his hands at Helios who is playing some game on his Nintendo switch and looks up to greet them.

Helios: Hey.

Andromeda: Good day, I'm HMS Andromeda at your service.

Celestial: I'm HMS Celestial.

Lee: I'm USS Lee.

Grant: I'm USS Grant and we're Stealth fleet.

Enterprise: Stealth fleet? What do you mean by that?

Andromeda: It means we're hard to detect by any kinds of radars.

Now that explains why the AL shipgirls cant detect them and their planes on radar during the battle with kitsune sisters.

Cleveland: Further more why you guys have the same prefix like we do?

Lee: Thats because, we're from another world where the sirens are also invaded as well.

Cleveland: Oh...

Celestial looks at the siren ships that are disabled or slowly sinking.

Celestial: Speaking of sirens... have you guys ever noticed that the sirens in this world are weaker than the ones we fought back in our world?

She's right, the sirens in the Stealth fleet's world were more stronger. In this world, it's like they've been nerfed.

Grant: Now that you mention it, yeah, they're pretty much easier in this world.

Lee: Not to mention that I didnt break a sweat as I was deflecting their shots with ease.

The AL shipgirls even Enterprise cant believe that the sirens they fought in their world we're stronger. As for them, they are struggling their war against the sirens in this world. What's even worse the Crimson axis has just declared war on Azur lane despite the siren threat.

Enterprise: Why dont we go to the docks you can place your ships there.

She points at the vacant docks that are big enough for their ships.

Lee: Thanks Enterprise.

When they reach at the docks they close their eyes and imagining their ships to be placed on the docks. Then their riggings dissolves and fly towards the docks to begin forming their ships.

All the AL shipgirls nearby looked in awe of their large and advanced of their ships are.

Enterprise: Amazing.

Cleveland: Nice ships.

Helios: Thanks.

As they were talking, 3 girls are running towards them.

Javelin: Hey guys!

Unicorn: Nee-san!

One of them approach Illustrious.

Illustrious: Unicorn, I'm glad your safe.

She nodded happily and turn to the Stealth fleet who are smiling at her.

Unicorn: I'm HMS Unicorn....thanks for saving me and our base.

Argonaut: Just doing our job.

He gives the little carrier a headpat.

Illustrious: Why dont we talk more inside.

Argonaut: Agreed.

They walk towards the HQ to learn more about this world and what's happening.

To be continued...

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