
By PrimKayeCaete

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After that interview asking Bible "Who is the person you want as a lover?". The moment Bible looked at him,hi... More

Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10:
Bonus Chapter: BrightxGolf
New Story Alert!!!

Chapter 1:

2.8K 83 21
By PrimKayeCaete

Disclaimers: All media,pictures and videos aren't mine. Nothing belongs to me except for the plot. Thank you!

*3rd person POV*

The interview had ended not too long ago,they had been ushered back in the dressing room Build was still retouching his makeup and Barcode was busy playing his game. Mile and Apo had already left after the interview.

"I'm about to head out. You don't need a ride do you P'Build?"Bible asked his co-star.

"Nope. My manager will pick me up,we'll drop Barcode off as well. Thanks N'Bible"Build said as he started fixing his hair.

"I need a ride"Jeff said as he slung his bag on his shoulder and looked at Bible.

"Okay, you ready then P'Jeff?"Bible asked Jeff.

"Yeah, all set. Shall we go?"Jeff asked, Bible nodded.

"We're going ahead P'Build, you guys take care"Bible said as he waved at Build and Barcode.

Build and Barcode waved back, Bible got his things and headed out with Jeff. Build sat beside Code and nudged him.

"Those two... you think there's something between them?"Build asked.

"Like what P'?" Code asked innocently.

"My innocent little Barcode, I mean like something going on between Bible and Jeff" Build restated.

"Hmm.. I don't think so. P'Bible is just being nice to his senior like how P'Jeff is nice to his nongs" Barcode answered.

"You think so? Because I sense sexual tension between them during the interview"Build said.

"S-sexual? What are you talking about P'Build?"Barcode stuttered,Build just chuckled.

Barcode is too damn innocent, Build decided not to press on with the issue. He didn't want to be the one to corrupt little Barcode's mind. Back to Bible and Jeff, they headed towards the parking lot and got into Bible's car.

"This is the first time I've ridden in your car, it's nice"Jeff said as he fastened his seatbelt.

"Thanks P'. I don't usually drive a lot"Bible said.

"Haha. Why? Because you like riding bikes just like Vegas?"Jeff joked.

"I do like motorcycles, I have one at home but my siblings like stealing it when I'm not home but mostly my manager picks me up" Bible answers.

"Then I get to see Mr.Bible in action today,huh?"Jeff teased as he flash his sexy ass smile,making Bible blush.

He didn't want to admit but his senior is definitely one sexy guy. When they were casting for KinnPorsche,he had already caught his eye. Bible was already a fan of Jeff Satur's music,I mean who wouldn't be? His smooth voice when he sings or even just talks especially in English and of course: his looks.

"Give me your address so I can put it in my GPS"Bible instructed.

"How about we grab a bite to eat first, I'm kinda hungry. I mean,if it's okay with you"Jeff suggested.

"Yeah,sure. What do you have in mind?"Bible asked.

"I've been craving some Italian food,let's go to my friend's restaurant"Jeff said.

They put in the address for the Italian place and they slowly drove through the traffic and got there in 25 minutes. Bible fully parked his car and turned off the engine.Him and Jeff slowly got out of the car and headed inside the said restaurant.

"Hi! Welcome to Manciano's. Do you have a reservation sir?"the hostess asked.

"Amara, it's fine. Jeff's a friend"a guy answered .

(Arm Weerayut as Golf)

"Hey Golf!Long time no see"Jeff said ad he went over and tapped the guy's shoulder lightly.

"Yeah, it has been. How are you? Busy?"Golf asked.

"Yeah,kind of. My series just ended, we just have tours to go to and my music keeps me busy as well. How bout you?"Jeff replied.

"Busy, actually. I'm taking over the restaurant, dad's retiring" Golf replied and then turned to look at Bible.

"Who's he?Your friend?"Golf asked.

"Ah! Golf, this is N'Bible. He's a co-star in that series I'm in. N'Bible, this is Golf. He's my childhood friend"Jeff introduced.

"Nice to meet you P'Golf" Bible said,smiling as he reached his hand over.

"You as well,N'Bible. You look good in the series but I can say that you're more handsome in person"Golf smiled, as he shook Bible's hand.

Jeff knew that look, Golf can be pretty flirtatious. It seemed like Bible might be his type, for some reason it definitely bothered him. He led us to our table,put the menus down and smiled.

"I'm gonna get everything settled in the front and I'll come join you guys if I can. Your server will be right with you,enjoy your meal guys"Golf said,as he turned to Bible and winked at him before leaving. Jeff bit his lip and tried to ignore it but failed miserably before speaking up.

"Seems like he likes you"Jeff said.

"Haha! You're imagining things P'. Well anyway,what's good here?"Bible asked,trying to change the topic.

"Hmm.. The penne vodka pasta is amazing and the calamari"Jeff suggested.

"Then we'll order that then"Bible said.

The server came by and ordered their food. They got it and started eating happily.

"Wow, this really is awesome. Thanks for bringing me here P' "Bible said.

"Eat up then! It's my treat tonight"Jeff said as he ate more of the pasta not knowing there was sauce on the corner of his mouth.

"P', hold still"Bible said as he reached over and wiped the sauce with a napkin.Jeff froze but ended up blushing badly.

"T-Thanks!"Jeff stuttered.

"Aww. So sweet"Golf came back and placed a bottle of wine and wine glasses at the table.

He sat himself beside Bible,opened the wine and started pouring them in the glasses.

"You guys seem so close, rumor has it that you both are dating"Golf teased.

"Is that so?"Bible asked,amused.

"Haha. Funny. But no, we're just senior and junior"Jeff stated, Bible felt hurt but he knew there was nothing between him and Jeff.

"Oh cool! Then I'm supposing you're single then Bible? How bout that Build guy?"Golf asked.

"P'Build is just my P', nothing else. I am single"Bible replied, Jeff almost frowned.

"Great! Then can I have your number? If that's okay?"Golf asked,holding out his phone to Bible.

"Okay P' " Bible replied as he took Golf's phone and put his number in.

"Thanks! You guys want to order more?My treat tonight"Golf asked,happily.

"It's fine Golf, I'm treating N'Bible today"Jeff tried to decline.

"Nonsense. It's on me, here drink some more N'Bible"Golf said as he kept pouring wine on Bible's glass.

"Oh!P', not too much because I have to drive P'Jeff back home"Bible said.

"Fine. That will be the last glass then"Golf said,backing down.

Bible chuckled, Golf was such a character. He was surprised Jeff had a crazy friend like him. He got up and excused himself to the bathroom.

"You haven't changed.You're still such a huge flirt Golf"Jeff said.

"Hey!He's cute and single. Gotta try my luck even if he won't go out with me .. I'm fine with being a fling if it means getting to be with him"Golf said, Jeff just shook his head.

"Don't mess with my co-star, he's actually a good friend"Jeff said.

"So possessive. Are you sure you're not dating him"Golf asked again.

"No. And I never will, he's just a friend"Jeff said.

Unknown to him, Bible heard that line. He frowned but decided to force a smile as he returned to the table.

"What did I miss?"Bible asked.

"Nothing. Just talking bout the good ol' times with Jeff"Golf replied.

"I see. Well tell me about how P'Jeff was when you both went to high school and uni then"Bible said.

Golf nodded and started sharing all the memories he has with Jeff when they were younger as Bible listened intently. After 2 hours and 2 bottles of wine later, they finally decided to call it a night. Jeff was slightly tipsy,so Bible had to help him up.

"You sure you're alright spending him home? I can just have him sober up here then I can take him home"Golf offered.

"I am good to drive P'. Plus I already told P'Chai that I'm dropping P'Jeff off. She's still at his apartment because she was arranging the gifts he received from fans from the concert and interviews"Bible explained.

"Okay then. Drive safe, don't forget to text me when you get home,na?"Golf said.

"I will. Thanks for the treat tonight"I said.

Bible slowly walked with Jeff towards the lot. He opened the door,slid Jeff in and fastened his seat belt. Once he did that,his face was just inches away from Jeff's. Bible was surprised but his eyes land immediately on his senior's lips. Bible as if mesmerized slowly leaned in but stopped himself. He hurriedly got into the driver's side.

'What are you doing Bible? You can't like P'Jeff like that. He won't ever feel anything for you'Bible told himself.


A/N: Oh Bible! Just do it! Man! Bring out the Vegas in you... Lol! Chapter 1 done! Please continue to support and read my works. Love yah all!?

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