Arknights: Starsfall I


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Season 1 of the Starsfall series. Cover is credited to the effort of: @Legend_of_Frog The United States Space... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Starsfall Season 2

Chapter 49

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"Trouble with our Maple Leaf"

Invasion Point SV - Operational Success

City has been secured and the Marine Corps is preparing for space ships to bring in Shipbuilding supplies. Information on the "Seaborne" must be ALPHA priority.

2 UH-65 Defiants have went down, 1 pilot dead, and 6 marines killed.

Teams report of potential kind controlling Entity, and the teams reporting that repeating the U.S. Marine Corps Motto 'Semper Fi' is able to create a light headed effect that "shields" a person from the damage. Unknown as to why this occurs, research requested.

Teams report of "Seaborne", unknown and hostile sea creatures that are ranged, can fly, and has projectile capabilities.

The Corps is advised to put down almost all instances of Seaborne.

In Point SV, we have found a neutral, she goes by the name of "Skadi". We are to question her at the FOB.

Semper Fi

Micheal Middleton
December 19th, Earth Time, 2055
October 20th, Terra Time, 1097
United States Marine Corps Base - Sal Viento

In a temporary command room, set up using the tavern, computers and communications equipment was being set ups. Outside, combat engineers were using flame throwers alongside JLTVS with their own flame-based weapons to burn and clear away the Nethersea. The smell of burnt kelp and seaweed - most of the marines guess - began to spread through the city.

Helicopters with thermobaric Hellfires joined, explosions and fire began to burn most of the Nethersea away.

As well as demolish any buildings too old or too invaluable to do or utilize. The bell towers are being investigated by some Marines.

In the tavern itself, Michael, Smokton, Skadi and some of the fire team leaders were sitting or standing before a briefcase that had a lap top inside. It had uplinked to New Roanoke, and now there was a confused and somewhat upset person on the other end.

"... son who the hell is this," Brigadier General Ursula Gredwitch was looking at Michael and his team through the laptop. Skadi sat next to Michael and Smokton, the 2 cross armed and looking at Ursula through the Camera. Michael looked at Skadi, and lightly gestures.

Causing her to snap out of her confused daze, she looks at the screen, her hat slightly falling back, "Skadi," was the short and sweet answer from her.

"Okay, we know that," Ursula crossed her arms and looks at her, "But who exactly are you? You're a hell of an unknown in our eyes."

Skadi's eyes slightly squinted, not going unnoticed by Michael. Micheal then leaned forward, "With all due respect general," he began, "she was the one who saved the lives of 19 Marines. So for the local Unit down here, she's not so 'Unknown' now."

"Is that so?" The general asked, her eyes looking Skadi up and down from the screen, before leaning backwards, "Then she has my thanks, but lets get down to business," she thinks. Before looking at her, "She is a bounty hunter, from what she is telling us?"

The bounty hunter in question looks at the General, Michael nodding, "Correct, Ma'am, almost every bit of information about her - that we gather from this town and from whatever information in the area tells us - almost certainly circles back to 'Bounty Hunter'," Skadi kept quiet, Michael crossing his arms, "If that's a case, she's damn fucking powerful for a hunter."

She only hummed, Michael taking a side glance that the General has yet to notice, "Thanks, but regardless..." she pulls up photos, "Miss Skadi, you talked of these Seaborne, and you seemed highly proficient in fighting them..."

Skadi only nodded, "Well at least you can answer... well, we need more data and information on these things," she goes into her pocket and even pulls out a pouch, gold currency, which hopefully was universal, "We can even hire you to stay alongside us and assist us."

The bounty hunter stayed silent, staring at the screen. Skadi stayed perfectly neutral on the outside. On the inside, she began to think and balance. Perhaps...

She looks at the screen and makes a gesture, "Fine... but payment" Skadi stopped when she saw the general raise a finger.

The general smiled, "...Will be arranged as long as you work with us."

With a shrug, the bounty hunter then nodded and silently eyed the computer.

Michael nudged her, "Looks like we'll be seeing each other more." Michael stood and walked away, Skadi silently, watched as the computer shut off. Smokton looking at her as she began to move her lips.

"...I guess so too."

"...what are these reports?" a hooded person questioned, a vaguely Spanish lining them. 

"I do not know... but what I do know is that it is vaguely in reference to the Extra-Terrestrials."

The hooded person lightly tilted, "Is that so...?"


With a hum, the hooded person produced a paper and wrote something. "Give this to the Capital..."

The person began to run off, the hooded looked up at the sky, and specifically towards the general direction of the sun, "... the Inquisition must know. Contact Irene, she can help us."

Columbian Union Capital Building

The government meeting was silent, for once.

The president had her hands cusped together, her little halo and features staying still, her halo staying a simple brightness.

Never had they expected in their lives, that a power from another planet would try and actively mention that they want to work with their nation. 

The president held her hand and looked up, the silence of the room slowly eating at everyone as she wondered, How are things going for them? The United States?

She then looked at her own government, her own people. She didn't feel so confident right now, not when a governor looked at her, "Madam President... what do we do now?"

United States Capitol Building

"To all invited guests of Mexico, please come forward." The Senator of Colorado called, the aforementioned group of people taking a seat in a designated section of the Continental Conference Room.

Seeing as they are now in their seats, the Colorado Senator stood, papers in his hands.

"We would like to know how the Act of Union is going in your own government," he walks up and paces in front of their seats, "it's been almost 3 decades in the making since it began, so I, on behalf of the United States and the Millions in Mexico who want it, would like to know how it's going." He stops infront of the group, waiting for their answer.

The lead Mexican began to speak, heavily accented, "The offer is nice, and considering the progress, it's great." He paused, thinking. He turns to his countrymen, "But we need some conditions set before we can even considering the offer.

"Perfectly acceptable, mind telling us the conditions?"

"Well..." Hueys felt them trail off mentally. His phone began to ring. Looking down, he saw the ID.

Deborah Smith, Senator of Michigan.

He sets his phone down.

It rang again, and the Senator of Texas tapped the notification, and saw the contents, Meet after the meeting, I have important news.

He raised an eyebrow, noticing that the Senator was noticeably absent. He looked over to the other Senator of Michigan. Her counterpart just shrugged, but she carried a look of concern.

The Senator of Texas heard agreement from the main floor and he was forced to turn his attention there.

"Then it is settled," the senators and representatives all stood, clapping and whooping as the Colorado man reaches his hand out and the Mexican takes it, "Welcome to the United States of America my friend, you will not regret it."

With a smile, the 2 shake, and other senators of the American Southwestern States come out to shake the heads of their new Mexican colleagues. "We will begin gradual integration tomorrow,"

The Senator of Texas retreats from the room - his fellow Texan looking at him in confusion - and meets with the Senator of Michigan, "The hell's going on? You've been trying to contact me for an hour now."

Ms. Deborah sighed, pulling up a military grade tablet and showed a crossed out flag, as well as the portraits of several people.

Huey got a sinking feeling when he realized it was the Flag of Canada. "Oh gawd no... don't tell me..." 

The look on the Michiganian's face told him otherwise, "the City of Montreal has fallen, damn Originium managed to spread to Canada and Buffalo." The Texan senator looked around, thankful that the hallway was empty and there was very little chance of somebody peaking in or hearing in considering the live chatter in the continental conference room.

He leans in, expression serious, "How, Deborah, and you better not be fucking with me."

"The National Guard," she began her explanation, Huey raising an eyebrow in interest, "back when we tried to contain and get rid of this stuff, the New York and Pennsylvania National Guards, alongside the New York PD and Philadelphia PD, tried to use explosives on the damn thing."

"This is important why?" he questioned, arms crossed, standing upright.

"Have you read the December 17th, 2022 Report from the CDC?" the Texan huffed.

"Yeah, that 10 pager?"

"... you didn't read it, did you?"

The Texan shook his head, "Nope, why? Was there something important on there?"

"If you count the safety and security of the Eastern Seaboard as not important..." The Texan face palmed.

"Awh fuck..."

"Ah fuck indeed," the Michiganian holds the tablet up. "Canada's Government was decapitated, most of them getting the infection, and it turns out, it isn't as visible for us Earthlings than it is for the Terrans."

"...this was in the report wasn't it?" she nodded her head.

"Oripathy for us Humans works differently." she pulls up the files and pictures, "Originum hangs out inside of our bodies more, and they typically stay microscopic in that case, usually infecting our insides than our skin."

She then shows the picture of the president, "They only start becoming more visible when the host dies. And.." she shows a video of the Originium exploding, a few minutes after the President expired. The Texan shivered uncomfortable at the sight, but now he reared his head to her.

"Okay, so how does this all tie back to Canada?" Huey questioned, curious.

She leans, "Tell me, when you drive in a dust storm or blow up a sand dune, what goes flying everywhere?"

He began to think, turning his head upward, thinking of the times he and his friends drove around in buggies and sent sand all over. He snapped his finger and looked at her.

"Sand gets sent flying up, why?" Her gaze hardened as she looked at the Texan.

"Tell me, how did the National Guard try and get rid of the Originium again?"

"Explosives why-" it clicked in his head as it flowed out of his mouth and pass his lips, "... it became dust..." he disappointedly sucked in air and clicked his tongue.

"Particles, but you got the spirit right," she shows a video, which seems to be from NASA and the US Air Force. "The Originium rode the currents up to Canada and pass through northern New York and into the area occupied by Ottowa and Montreal."

"From what I got, apparently Demolition Companies took noticed and tried the same approach."

"In both cities...?" Huey asked, and Deborah solemnly nodded, "In both cities, and they sent more Originium flying outwards, some are probably settling outside of Toronto right now, and some might be coming back to the States."

The Texan shuddered, "And how's the people taking it...?"

Wordlessly, she showed videos and pictures of riots in Western Canada and the noticeable lack of Military or even Government presence in Eastern Canada. There appeared to be a growing sense of Anarchy in Eastern Canada, as well as Military Takeovers in the far north.

Huey held his chin briefly, before sighing, and getting his tablet out, bringing the Secretary of Defense, who still looked okay, online. "Hello, SecDef."

"Can I help you?" the brunette asked, her hazel eyes staring at them both. Huey and Deborah sighed, Huey rearing his head to look at her.

"... get the Department of Defense and contact all military bases along the border," he started to order, "and get whatever remnants of the Canadian Government we can."

The Secretary of Defense raised her eyebrow, "We are thinking of enacting War Plan Red?"

"Yes," he sighs, "Check the news on Canada," the Secretary began to pull up a computer and typed in any news coming out of the country, "And you will see why." Her eyes began to slant, and she put on her glasses, letting the 2 see the reflection of news articles against her eyes.

With a sigh, she gets her phone, "Alright, I'll see what I can do." She hung up after that, and the 2 senators sighed. Sharing a silent, yet understanding nod, the 2 began to part ways. Huey silently began to let his thoughts come in.

Here's to hoping that the Special Guests actually do enjoy their visit...

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