Arknights: Starsfall I


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Season 1 of the Starsfall series. Cover is credited to the effort of: @Legend_of_Frog The United States Space... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Starsfall Season 2

Chapter 44

1.5K 38 58

"Bottoms up...!"

Ch'en Hui-Chieh

After the meeting, Ch'en and Daniels was quick to leave and go find the room that Swire is staying in. The crowd of people now heading out, with some people cursing silently the Ursus Captain under their own breath. The 2 with some haste, but not a suspicious amount, trudged down the large corridors of the Rhodes Island Mobile City.

Soon passing a sign, reading 'Medical Ward', Ch'en and Daniels began to slow down, passing by Hibiscus, who was still admiring the Rifle that she was given back during the City Mission. "Ah! Good evening Ms. Ch'en!

By now, Ch'en began to wonder, The United Nations has been calling that thing New Geneva, and last I heard it was building up to be a massive production and storage center for them.

That was... fast, faster than what even Wei could order.

That dim thought exited her head, just as Daniels announced that they were getting close. Ch'en subtly picked up the pace, Daniels following suit. With a stomp, Ch'en stopped before the door that was signed as 'Beatrice Swire'.

Letting out a deep exhale of air, she gripped the handle, and turned. The door clicking open to reveal a pretty advanced Hospital room. Courtesy of Rhodes Island.

A TV screen sat at one end of the room, plenty of tables, cabinets, and others at another. And somewhere in the center of it all, was a bed. And from the immediate gaze, it was occupied.

Swire was laying in bed, wires and coverings all over her left arm and right leg, as well as her mid section. Her upper head was covered in bandages, and there appeared to be multiple tanks of blood all around.

Each of those coverings was soaked in a red substance.

It didn't take a genius to realize it was blood, especially with the smell of Iron in the air.

And it didn't take much from Ch'en's imagination to see what it looks like under there. She held her hands to her horrified mouth, blocking the doorway and

"Hey Ch'en?" Daniels politely asked, "Mind moving out of the way? I want to see... oh..." he winced at the smell of Iron, before his gazed focused on Swire in the bed. "Oh..."

"Oh goddamn... when they said it was bad, I didn't know that it was this bad."

Ch'en finally got to realize what the hell happened to her comrade, and she stood in the doorway stunned, hands over her mouth retreating as she slowly walked forward. Daniels entering behind her. Her steps, besides the soft hum of machinery, echoed through the room.

She finally approached the Bedside, and looked down at the bits of Swire's face that weren't covered. Her eyes and most of her face. Its just the head, which, according to what Daniels remembered, blunt force trauma and some cuts were up there.

Her tiger ears still looked relatively okay.

Swire seemed to have noticed her presence, her ears twitching. She then looked up at Ch'en, who seemed to be at a lost for words, "H-hey Ch'en..." she sounded so weak, so wrong. Daniels kept his distance, feeling as if this moment between comrades, something he's too familiar with, should not be interrupted.

Ch'en felt the words die in her throat, still looking her over, "H-how did it get... this bad...?" She began to question, her eyes growing a little watery, "Y-you shouldn't have been this bad, he only slashed across." She stopped herself, her words wavering only slightly.

A bitter smile graced Swire, "You can thank the Scimitar exploding. Damn thing... damn Reunion..." she coughed.

Daniels heard a knock behind him and he turned, "Oh, hello Ms... Silence correct?" The owl lady gave him a polite nod, "Yes, that is my name, hello there."

"Give it to me straight, you guys are a pharmaceutical company right?" Daniels questioned, Ch'en and Swire still talking, with the latter trying to crack things up, just to make light of the situation.

"Yes, but we can't do everything..." Silence sighed as she looks over, "At the current rate, she'll be back up and going in... 2 months."

"2 months... and she's a Lieutenant in the LGD?"

"Correct, but this is the best we could do for her, whatever chemicals that came out of the 'Scimitar' and that 'IED' exploding is doing a number on her body." Silence pulled up some papers and showed it to Daniel, whose eyebrow raised. "We don't know what half of what is affecting her."

"We actually have facilities to detoxify and help her, we have soldiers back home that had to deal with the fumes and toxins from those vehicles exploding." Ch'en and Swire stop their talking and looked at him, well the former swerving really.

"You do...?" Swire tiredly asked, some sort of hope within her eyes. A hope that was briefly snuffed as Daniel began to clarify.

"Problem is... the only way we can actually treat her is 2 options," he sighs, and starts counting down, "1. We wait for the next United Nations Medical Corp supply run to happen, which is in about..." he checks his watch, "A few months at best due to how bad Bureaucracy is in the UN as well as the mountain of red tape..."

That timeline was immensely uncomfortable for them, and for Swire who seemed a little angry. "Or..." Daniel began, lifting his watch again, and he seemed to have run a calculation in his head.

"We can try and get you all the way to Chicago, or Houston, or hell Atlantic City. It's worth a shot at this point, right?"

Silence, except for the machines. Those names were completely unfamiliar to them. Silence looked at Daniels curiously, setting her papers under her arm. Swire began to think, tightly on those names, as though she was wondering what each one meant.

Ch'en tilted her head and had her mouth slightly opened, "And... are these bases of yours?"

Daniel shook his head, "No, American Core Cities. They are not bases, Madam Ch'en."

And that's when it hits them in full, Swire's eyes widening, a gambit of thoughts going through her mind. Although collectively they all knew what he meant by that."

We... have to head to the United States itself...?

"I-I HIGHLY advise against that!" Silence protested, "We don't even know what Earth is like, we don't know your norms, your life style, hell if even the treatment is going to..." she trailed off, seeing Swire raise her right arm, her one good arm. She wanted to speak.

"...if its able to truly help me..." Swire began, "Then bring me." Her eyes brimmed with something, something that was foreign of her usual character.

Ch'en looked at the Tigress, eyes wide as she began to sit up, although wincing in pain. She looked at Daniel and Silence, who were going wide eyed at Swire's decision.

"Deliver me to the United States."

At the request - said with such conviction and confidence, Daniels hummed, before pulling up a tablet and smiling reassuringly at the 3, "I'll see what I can do."

Pvt. Carmen Ramirez

"So what should we be expecting at this little joint?" Carmen lazily asked, somewhere ahead of the group near Lappland. Ace from somewhere behind her and Lappland laughed.

"Only some of the best Rhodes Island can hire." Ace reassured, Blaze nodding in agreement, raising her finger, "And a damn good place to forget things, like the type of shit that just happened in that meeting."

She continued "A lot of these folks came from wherever we can pick up while we were moving, and I can bet you that we picked up some good bartenders along the way," Dunn turned, smiling.

"I'll be the judge of that," Jonathan rolled his eyes, "Don't be using that to get drunk now."

Carmen shook her head amused. The corridor was slightly crowded with the group of Ace, Blaze, Hunter 2-1, the 6 Penguin Logistics members, Skyfire, and the trio.

The posse gathered attention, definitely, especially with all the curious and wierd looks towards Hunter 2-1 by much of the 'Normal' staff.

"So... Mr. Dunn?" Exusiai began to ask, "Your nation is a Democracy?"

"Ah?" He turns to the angel and smiles, "Yep! Longest running one in the world. We are also the biggest Economy in the world, largest for about over a century now at least!" Ace chuckled, "That's impressive, a democratic power with a big old economy? I couldn't see that happening here," he paused, thinking, before smiling,  "well maybe with Columbia."

Blaze goes to Dunn and taps his shoulder, "So who was the nation that kind of talked down on Ursus?"

"Oh him?" He snaps his fingers and lets out a noise, "Ah, it was the Russian Federation, a giant, cold nation with tons of resources." Blaze began to think, her mind slowly drawing parallels between Russia and Ursus. After seeing a few things click, she looks at Dunn.

"The Nation of Russia is like Ursus, right?" Blaze questioned. Jonathan turned his head, taking Dunn's place, "In a couple of ways, yes, but they don't treat people like shit... well not anymore."

"Ah, cool!" She was glad that they aren't like Ursus here. However, she began to wonder the question that a few were asking after seeing the Russian Representative speak, "Is Russia the strongest nation?"

The Rangers stopped, before laughing out loud, Carmen had to wipe some tears from her eyes, "Not a chance!"

"Huh?!" Blaze's eyes widened, "Then who is?" Her perception of Russia just got changed drastically, now dropping the title of 'Strongest' from her mental checklist. The operators were now asking and silently begging to know.

Dunn patted her on the back and waved at everyone, as he pointed at the U.S. Flag on his shoulder, "That would be the United States of America. Although America is not the largest nation, it is the most powerful economically, and has the biggest influence and Military Spending the world over." Even Ace was shocked.

"A Democracy can be that powerful? The Top of a Political Food chain and still have democratic elections?"

Carmen laughed and nodded, "Yep! And we even have a titanic Economy to back it all up!"

Skyfire stopped and looked at him, "I-if so.." the feline was afriad to ask, "How much in terms of spending...?"

Dunn just gave a shush, "That's a secret till we learn exchange rates!"

"But all you should know," Jonathan began, "Is that our Military Spending is equal to the next 10 nations' Military Spending combined."

Dropping the fact, everybody was stunned, but still moving. Exusiai and the Penguin Logistics Operators, as well as Blaze and Skyfire, began looking at the gifted weapons they have on them or atleast remembering whatever weapon or piece of Military Equipment they were given/used from the UN, and began to wonder, How much of this stuff was made in America?!

Ace began to cough, "Y-you'll have to explain that to us more in the Bar, I think a few of us need to get buzzed after hearing such... incredible facts."

"Understandable," Dunn admitted, "Besides I think we all could use a good drink to end the night."

Blaze laughed and pumped a fist in the air, "Amen to that!"

The footsteps in the corridors began to pick up again, Ace taking the lead. After walking for another minute, he let out a sigh, turning to his left.

"Here it is," Ace announced, taking their attention, chuckling soundly before 2 decent looking doors that were designed to subtly blend in with the wall, "Rhodes Island's finest, always come down here." Carmen noticed that he held a moment of fondness, before reaching down to open the door. "Come on now, don't be shy."

"Don't have to tell me twice," Dunn began to enter, followed by Jonathan, and then Carmen. Upon entering, the Rangers was greeted by a decently large and good looking bar. Somewhat akin to an English Pub. Bartenders and all of the screens, playing sports.

Sports that... suspiciously looked similar to Soccer. Dunn shrugged and began to walk towards Ace, "Do you think they'll take American Dollars? We don't know a good exchange rate from LMD to Dollars yet..." Ace rubbed his chin, Croissant and Bison leaning to hear with interest. Meanwhile Texas and Lappland were already paying for drinks. Exusiai and the rest going to sit down and starting up light-hearted chatter.

Carmen sat down as Ace and Dunn began to try and negotiate a Currency Exchange. Getting comfortable, Carmen began to look at a TV, "So what's going on here?"

"Well... if one gram of Gold equals 55.67 US Dollars..." Lappland looked up and shrugged, "It's a game of Football, it's a game where..." Carmen began to wave, "It's called Soccer back in the States."

"Right..." Lappland muttered, "So you already know how the game pretty much works?"

Carmen shrugged, "Pretty much," she looks at the teams, and judging by the name and emblem, each of them came from their home nation as their sole national team. "Got any sports bets?"

Lappland laughed and shook her head, running her hand through her hair as Croissant and Bison began their drinking, "Nope, don't really bet on these."

"Why not?"


"It's because she lost 2000 LMD once betting on a Kazdel vs Kazimeriz game," Texas came in, drinks in hand and looking over all unimpressed.

"Tex!" Lappland whined, the former held a subtle smirk.

"Now," Texas looks at Carmen, "Away from that, I heard that you used to be a... Maureen?"

"Marine," Carmen corrects, with a slight smirk of pride, "and Proud to have been in the corps."

"Uh huh..." she points at the Red-haired Lupo in the back and the two Marines near her. "I talked with the American over there and he said that he was proud to be in a branch that has the title of 'Devil Dog'." Carmen just stayed smirking, "Mind explaining what's the deal with that."

Carmen was about to answer, raising a hand and opening her mouth, before stopping herself and shaking her head, "You'll know when the time comes." She kept her hand up, "All you need to know, is forest, trenches, and Warcrime sticks."

Texas raised her eyebrow, with Lappland going over to Carmen, "Warcrime sticks? Sounds fun!" Carmen chuckled again, smiling.

"Oh trust me, they are fun," she then pulls up a Reunion band, "Just not for them," at that, Lappland and Carmen began to laugh.

Texas subtly backed away.

"Well... I guess I can use these dollars when trying to do talks with the UN..." Dunn and Ace cheered in back in response to the fact that in their hearts as men, they knew what it meant. Blaze joined in when Dunn yelled to the group, "Drinks are on me!"

Lappland cheered, Jonathan just gave a thumbs up joined with more people in the crowd as Dunn began to pay for the drinks, after of course ensuring that the dollar exchange that they set up worked.

The drinks began to get passed around, and Dunn asked if he could commandeer one of the screens. When questioned why, Dunn pulled up his phone and checked the schedule, "Yankees against the Cubs game! Can't miss it!"

Reluctantly, the bartender guided him over to one of the screens and it's command box. Opening it up, Dunn began to try and hitch to the New Roanoke frequency. "Come on baby..."

Exusiai was somewhere in-between Carmen and the group over in the back now working on the television screen to bring Earthling entertainment to Terra. She had her own little bottle, sipping on it gently.

Lappland began to bug Texas, talking about some matters that Carmen know next to little about. She didn't want to interrupt whatever matters may be, so she decides to go talk to Exusiai. Sliding over to the Angel, she grips her shoulder and lightly shakes her, "Hey," she says, voice at a friendly tone, "You alright?"

"Awa?" Exusiai sputtered, gripping her bottle tightly, turning her head towards the Ranger, "Ah? Me?"

"Yes," Carmen chuckles, "Yes you, who else?" "Almost! I got the connection, just need a channel to connect to!"

"Sir, the exchange rate is correct, so don't worry about any prices."

"Ah..." Exusiai goes to sip the bottle, before setting it down, and giving Carmen her warm smile. "If so, I'm doing as alright as Apple Pie!" Her reassuring answer gave Carmen the reassurance that Exusiai was up for conversation. "Why? Why do you ask?"

Carmen began to think about what she was planning to talk about, before remembering, straightening up. "Oh nothing, just wanted to have a casual conversation." Dunn slides over a drink that, impressively, Carmen catches. "Sweet catch!" "Thanks Dunn!"

Dunn gave her a thumbs up, and in the distance he turned to Ace and Blaze, swinging some sort of pole he got. Explaining baseball to them?

She takes a sip, smiling at how tasty the drink was, before going back to Exusiai, "Now," she leans in, Exusiai feeling a slight buzz from the beer. Carmen was now within the limits of where a personal bubble is and asks, serious.

"What's your thoughts on my brother?"

Exusiai swung around and aggressively whispers, "W-What?!" Carmen's eyes hardened, "Did I stutter? What are your thoughts, on my brother?"

Before Exusiai could formulate a coherent response - her mind praying that it was a normal question and the buzz was just messing her perception up, Dunn came over and 'patted' Carmen on the back, sending her almost into the table, "Yankees are beating the Cubs!"

Carmen's eyes returned to a normal stance as she turns to Dunn, angry that she got face slammed into the table, "I HOPE the Cubs beat your precious Yankees!"

Dunn put his hand over his heart, "Oh my Yonkers' Heart!" He smirks evilly before grabbing his drink - he thinks - and sips it hard, as he and Carmen began to get into an argument over the superiority of West Coast vs East Coast teams.

Even though the West Coast was not technically participating in this game.

Although she was wishing she was buzzed, Exusiai also began to ponder the question, What do I think of him...? The question began to slowly take over the sober bits of her mind, which, thanks to the bottle of beer in front of her. She began to drink it hard, refusing to let the thoughts be entertained.

Not until the time is ri- NO!...
...okay maybe, but when I am not drinking

Blaze tapped Dunn on the shoulder, "If you 2 would please stop arguing like an old married couple..." That caused the 2 to swing to face her, "There's a weird emblem and text on the screen now. And man, I was just getting excited for the..." she began to snap her fingers, before looking back at the screen, "'Cubs'"

"Emblem?" Carmen questioned as she slowly approached the screen that they were using. Ace just shrugged and drink, "Don't know, all I see on the emblem is 'Emergency Broadcast System'."

For the Rangers and the American Marine guarding the Lupo, their eyes visibly bulged, and any sign of a buzz dissipating like a candle in an Alaskan blizzard. Dunn began to approach the command box again, and began to turn it up. A female voice broke through the silence, "The following broadcasted has been transmitted at the request of; the United States Federal Government and several Military Agencies."

Patrons of the bar stopped watching their screens and looked at the screen the message is coming from. Event he bartender used some sort of control panel to turn up the audio. Carmen stood and began to go up to a screen. Spiritually within her, a great deal of her being was screaming that something was very, very wrong.

Exusiai joined her. The Angel's attention fixed on the screen.

Ace didn't like the fact that a situation is so serious that a nation's government must come out to speak.

"... it is with a heavy heart that we bring you these news, fresh from the White House itself. And it is... urgent"

"Man... What could be so important that they interrupted a game?" Blaze tiredly questioned, sipping on her drink.

However she, like many others in the room, took a serious sobering moment that made them tear their attention to the Television Screen. Their buzzes disappearing as the blacked out silhouette of a person appeared. It looked male, he had neatly combed hair, and he had on a 3 piece suit, with the addition of a Military Cap on his right shoulder and a pin of 5 stars on his other.

"The President of the United States of America . . . has died."

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