After War

Por isaballerina89

1.8K 37 18

What if Emma and Killian met in a different time? In May 1945, Emma and Henry were living on the streets ever... Más

Date Night
Pregnancy News
Unexpected Day
Captain Swan Wedding
Forever Home
First Day of School
The Swan's Birthday
First Thanksgiving
Jolly Roger
Baby Jones
Killian's Birthday
Twins Are Home
Jones Family
Recovery Road
First Valentine's Day
A Helping Hand
Recovery Road
Night Out


39 1 1
Por isaballerina89

Ever since, Emma and Killian helped Ava and Nicholas find a home with her parents,' Henry has been happier at school since he has friends. Ava and Nicholas would walk home with Henry and spend time with the baby twins. Emma was happy her son finally has friends. The family dinners on Sundays, are bigger with Ava and Nicholas. Ruth is happy to have more grandchildren to spoil.

Killian Jr has been crying more than usual. Emma had her son in her arms. "Baby, why are you crying?" Killian was in the other room with Hope. She checked her son's body to see if he has a fever, his stomach was red and his tummy has a bump. "KILLIAN!!" Emma rushes to her husband, "We need to take Ian to the hospital, now!!!"

Killian sees his son. "I am driving, love." The couple rushed the twins to the hospital. Kilian was driving as Emam was holding onto her son, who was crying. Hope was crying.

Emma goes out of the car with her son inside the hospital as Killian gets Hope from the car. "Help!! Help!! My son....."

Victor rushes to Emma and Ian. Killian and Hope arrive inside. He examines the baby quickly noticing his stomach was not normal. "Looks, like Killian Jr. needs to have his hernia fixed. I will take him."


"He needs surgery to fix his hernia."

"Victor, Hope is crying too." He shows him Hope's tummy.

"Both of them need their hernia repair." He looks at a nurse. "I need to prepare two operating rooms. Both of these babies need surgery. Prep Killian Jr first. Then prep Hope." He lead the husband and wife to a room. Killian Jr was wailing as he was being prepped for surgery. Emma was holding Hope.

"Ian... Ian..." He let his son hold his hook. Ian cries lessen. "Dada is here. Everything is going to be okay son." Ian coos. "You will go to sleep, victor will fix your tummy. When you wake up, you will be with Dada and Mommy."

Emma sits on the other side. She lets her son hold her finger. "Ian, you will feel better soon, baby boy." Ian looks at his Mommy. Emma smiles. "Mama is here." Hope coos. "Hope is here, baby."

She puts Hope next to Ian. They held hands. Emma and Killian were both in awe.

Victor arrived wearing scrubs. "Killian, Emma, Ian will feel better soon. A nurse will help Hope prep for surgery."

"Can I be with her?"

"Yes. I will come to her room when I am finished with Killian Jr's surgery."

Emma rubs her son's hand. "Ian, Mama will be with your when you wake up." She kisses her son on the head. "I love you so much." She takes Hope from her brother. Hope fusses. "You will be next to Ian soon."

"Save our son."

"He will be okay, Emma." Killian follows Victor and Ian to the surgery room. "Killian, Killian Jr. will be out of surgery soon." Dr.Whale takes Ian into emergency surgery. Killian began crying his baby boy needs surgery.

Emma was crying when a nurse was preparing Hope for her surgery after her twin brother. "Hopey, Hope." Hope looks at her Mommy. "Mama is here." She puts her daughter in her arms. " You are my sunshine My only sunshine,You make me happy, When sky's are grey, You'll never know, dear, How much I love you, Please don't take my sunshine away..." Hope looks at her Mommy and coos. Emma continues singing to her daughter.

Killian finds a telephone. He calls the sheriff's station. David answered, "Sheriff's station. This is David."


"Killian, what is going on?" He knew his best friend and son-in-law was upset.

"Ian and Hope are getting surgeries done to fix their hernia. Ian is first."

"Killian breathe. Tell me what happened."

"Both of then were crying, Emma noticed something was wrong with Ian's tummy. Victor is operating on him, now. Emma is with Hope, who is getting prepped for her surgery." He takes a deep breathe. "I need you or Mary-Margaret to watch Henry."

"We will take him to our house. I know he will be happy to spend the night with Nicky and Ava."

"How are they adjusting to your home?"

"Mary-Margaret love having children at our home. Nicky love helping me with the farm animals. Ava loves making with Mary-Margaret. She or I will bring your overnight bags. Hope and Ian are going to be okay. They take after their Mom and Dad.."

"Thank you, David." He ends his phone conversation and went to find his wife and daughter. Hope was fast asleep gripping her Mommy's finger as her Mommy was singing to her. Killian loves his swan's singing voice. You sing beautifully."

"Thank you. It was the only way Hope stopped crying."

Killian wrapped his arm around his swan. "Ian is going to be okay, love. He is getting the surgery he needs."

"I can't lose our baby boy."

Emma holds Hope. "Ian is going to be okay. He will be with us soon. You are with Mama."

"Dada is here, little love. You are going to be okay." He kisses his daughter on the head and wrapped his arm around his swan. "Our son and daughter take after you."

"They also take after their daddy." They both look down at Hope was sleeping.

David arrives at the hospital,finding his daughter and son in law ina room with Hope. "Emma."

"Dad."He hugged his daughter."I was holding Ian, and his tummy was off..."

"Hope and Ian are going to be okay. They are getting the surgery they need."

"David, your daughter is keeping your granddaughter in good spirits by singing to her." Hope kicks. "Do you want your mama to sing to you more?" Hope coos.

Emma goes to her daughter and held her in her arms. "Hope, gramps is here to see you. Dad, come overhere to say hi to Hope."

David goes to his granddaughter and daughter. "Hi, little princess." Hope gripped her gramps's finger. He chuckles. "You have a strong grip, Hope. You are a very strong girl like your Mommy." He faces his daughter. "I told your Nana about the twins. She offered to stay the night with Henry at your house."

"Henry will be happy to be home tonight." She sighs.
"You and Killian can focus on the twins here."

Hope coos. She kisses her daughter on the head. "Thank you Dad for bringing our overnight bags."

"You are welcome, sweetheart."

Kilian returns. "Little love, dada is back."

"She is enjoying snuggles and listening to me and my Dad talk." Hope moves around. He holds his daughter. "Hope, dada is here." Hope coos. He kisses his daughter on the head.

"Emma, I will tell your Mom and have her bring Henry over. I know they will want to see the twins."

Victor finds Emma and Killian and David with Hope. "Emma, Killian."

"How is our son?"

"Emma, Killian Jr. has a smooth surgery. He is in his recovery room."

Killian hugged his wife. Emma cried happy tears. "Our son is okay."

"Yes." Hope coos. "Yes, it is Hope's turn." She kisses her daughter on the head. "You are going to be with Ian and Mommy very soon."

"Love, do you want me to walk her in? You can go to Ian?"

"Hope, be a good girl for Daddy and Victor." She settles her daughter into the incubator. "Mommy will see you when you wake up, baby duckling." She kisses her daughter on the head. "I love you so much, Hope."
"Emma, the twins will be in the same recovery room. A nurse will lead you to where Ian is."

"Thank you, Victor." Killian follows Victor and Hope.

David held his daughter's hand as the nurse lead them to Killian Jr's recovery room. Emma goes to her son and sits on the rocking chair. "He will be sleeping for a few hours from the anesthesia."

"I will stay with him." Emma was in tears her baby boy was out of surgery. She rubs her son's small hand. "Baby boy. Mama is here. Mama is here." She kisses her son on the head.

He rubbed his daughter's back. "He is going to be okay, Emma."

Killian holds Hope's hand. "You will be with Mommy, Daddy, and Ian, soon, Hope. Daddy will be there when you wake up, little love." Victor pushes the incubator with Hope into the operating room. Killian began crying and began praying that both of his children have smooth surgeries and recovery.

Emma faces her son in the recovery room. David looks at his sleeping grandson. "Ian and Hope are going to be alright, Emma."

"It is my fault."

"How was it?"

"I was holding him, I did not get here sooner. He was in so much pain, Dad in my arms." She cried more.

He hugged his daughter."Ian is right here lying next to you. He got the surgery he needed. Hope is getting the same surgery now. They both are getting the surgery they need to stay healthy. Hope and Ian have the perfect parents to help them in their recovery."

"You have me and your Mom, and your grandma to help the twins during their recovery. You are not alone. You have a whole family of support. My Mom is goig to stay with Henry tonight so Killian can stay with you and the twins." Emma leaned her head against his shoulder. David hates seeing his daughter sad. He knows that she and Killian will need their help more than ever, with the twins going to be in recovery from surgery.

Killian enters the room, "Swan,how is our little lad?"

"He is still sleeping."

"Ian. Dada is here." He strokes his son's head. "You are going to be okay, son."

Kilian Jr wakes up seeing his Daddy. "Hi, little lad. Dada is here. Emma, he is awake."

She smiles big as she faces her baby son."Ian, Mama is here." She rubs his hand, Ian gripped his Mommy's hand. " Everything is going to be okay, baby boy."

"Our baby boy is alright, love."

"Yes. He is okay. Hope is going to be okay too." Emma and Killian both smiled at each other, their son is alright. "You are okay. Mama and Dada are here." Killian jr coos. Killian wrapped his arm around his swan. David quietly stepped out of the room letting his daughter and son-in-law enjoy their moment with their son.

At the end of the day at dismissal, Mary-Margaret sees her husband. Henry goes to her. "Grandma, gramps is here."

"Yes, he is."


"Hi, David."

"Killian Jr and Hope are having emergency surgeries in the hospital. Killian Jr. is in recovery. Hope is in surgery now."

"Emma and the twins need me."

"Ian and Hope! I am coming with you, grandma. The twins need me.."

"You are coming with me."

"I will take Ava and Nicky home. I visited Emma already, bringing their overnight bag. They are with Ian in the recovery room." Henry goes to the car. "My mom is going to watch Henry at their house tonight. She offered so Emma and Killian can focus on the twins."

"I am going to be there for the twins and Emma."

"Call me if I need to come."

"Ava and Nicky need one of us. I will update you." They kiss and went to separate vehicles. Mary Margaret drove her grandson to the hospital.

Henry finds his parents in a recovery room. His Mom was singing to his baby brother. "Mom, Ian!" He goes to look at his baby brother. "Ian, your big brother is here."

"He had smooth surgery, kid. He is okay."

"Hope is having surgery now?"

"Yes. She will be in the same room with Ian after her surgery." Ian kicks.

"Baby bro, I am here." Ian turns around and faces Henry. "Hi, Ian."

"Lad, he knows his big brother is here." He smiles at his two sons.

"Mom." hey hug.
"How are you?"

"Scared if something happens to the twins now..."

"They are in the hospital, where they are getting the care they need. They have the best Mom to take care of them. Hope and Ian have a whole family who loves them and will help out in time of need." She rubs her daughter's back. "Do you need anything?"

"No, Mom. I am okay. I want to be here when Hope is out of surgery."
"Love, you have not eaten today. You need to eat."

"I brought all three of your granny's."


"You and Killian need to eat."

Henry hugs his Mom."Mom, can I read my storybook to Ian?"

Emma smiles big. "Ian will love a story from his big brother." She kisses her son on the head. Ian began crying. They go to Ian. "Baby." She holds her son's hand. "Shh..shh..."

"Mom, I think he made poop."

"You are right, kid. He needs his nappy changed."

"Love, I will find nappies and let nurses know Ian is awake." Killian leaves the room.

Mary-Margaret goes to her grandson. "Hi, little Ian."

Ian cries more. Emma scooped her son into his arms. "Ian...Ian..." She gives her son her finger to hold. "You are okay, baby."

Killian returns with a nurse. The nurse examines Killian Jr. Emma changes Ian's nappy. There you go, baby. You are all clean." Ian coos. Killian was helping his wife by holding Ian's wires.

Emma gives Ian to Killian to hold. "Dada is here. You are with Dada."

"Dad, can I read to Ian now?"

"Yes, lad. I can hold your brother so you can read to him."

"Deal." Killian sits on the rocking chair and Henry pulled up a chair to read to his baby brother. Emma smiles, her three boys are together.

A little while later, a nurse wheels in Hope into the room. Mary-Margaret was holding Ian and talking to Ian. "Here is your daughter. Dr.Whale will come in a few minutes. He is writing up paperwork."

"Hope!" Emma goes to her daughter. "Baby girl, you are with Mama." She rubs her daughter's head.

Killian goes to his daughter. "Little love, you are back with your family." He rubs his daughter's head.

Henry goes to his baby sister. "Baby sis! When you wake up, I am going to read you a story. Ian had two stories read. You can have two stories too. Or more."

"Your sister is going to love storytime, lad."

"I am just happy Hope and Ian are going to be okay."Henry kisses Hope on the head. Ian began wailing. Mary Margaret stands up holding her grandson.

Emma goes to her Mom and son. "Ian, are you hungry?" She takes her son and sat on the rocking chair and began breastfeeding him.

Mary-Margaret goes to her granddaughter. "Hope. When you wake up, your whole family is going to be here."

Emma finished feeding her son and burps him. "Mom, can I hold Ian?"
"Yes, you can. He cannot be held on his chest, his tummy is still healing." He sits on the rocking chair. Emma laid her son in her older son's arms.

"Hi, Ian. You are with your big brother." Ian tries to smile at Henry. He kisses his baby brother on the head. "Mom, he smiled at me."

"He sure did."
Killian noticed Hope begin waking up, opening her blue eyes. "Emma!" He rubs her hand. "You are okay, little love. Dada is here."

Emma goes to Hope's incubator. "Hope, Mama is here." She kissed her daughter on the head.

"Hi, Hope. Grandma is here."

"Aye three generations of girls together." He goes to his two sons. "How are my two sons?"
"Ian is happy to be with me."

"He loves his big brother."

"Can I hold Hope?"

"She is still waking up from her surgery son. You can hold her soon." Ian coos. "You will be with your twin sister soon, son." Ian reaches out to his Daddy. Killian gives his newborn son his hook to hold.

Dr.Whale enters the room. "Emma, how is Hope?"

"She just woke up. How did their surgeries go?"

"Ian is fed. He was hungry after he woke up."

"Both surgeries went smoothly. I need to examine them both. I will examine Hope first." Killian puts Ian in his incubator and goes to his daughter. Victor examines Hope who began crying. "I am sorry, Hope. I am just examining you from your surgery." He looks at Killian and Emma, "She can be fed now and changed."

Emma scooped Hope into her arms. "Hopey..Hopey..." Hope gripped her Mommy's top of her dress.

"How long will Ian and Hope be here?"

"For 24 hours for observation."

"Will Ian and Hope need medicine?"

"Baby tylenol for the pain. They will be in discomfort for a few days. They cannot be on thier tummy's for a while."

Hope makes poop and began crying. "Hopey."

"Bowel movements is going to be painful for them for a day or two."
She held her daughter. "Mama is going to change your nappy, little duckling." She kissed her daughter on the head. Hope gripped her Mommy's face. "Mama is here." She changes her daughter's nappy.

Victor examines Ian who was crying. "Little lad, you are okay. Dada is here." He looks at Victor. "Emma fed him a little while after he woke up."

"That is okay. He was hungry after his surgery."

Emma had Hope in her arms. "Ian, Mama, and Hope are here." Hope coos and Ian stops crying. Killian and Emma smile at their babies.

"Awesome." He rubs his sister's cheek. "Henry is here baby sis." Victor finishes up examining Ian.

"Emma, your Dad and I will visit tomorrow. Let us know if you need anything. I will come over to help out with the twins."

"We will need your help. The twins' surgery, they are going want to be held all the time."

"Aye and in a lot of pain." He kisses Hope on the head. Mary-Margaret leaves.

Emma laid Hope next to her twin brother. Hope fusses. "Hopey." She sits down and held her daughter's hand. "Mama is here. Mama is staying with you and Ian." Hope tries to smile making her Mommy smile. Ian coos.

"Mom, Hope is happy that you are with her and Ian."

"Yes, kid."

"Now, that Hope is awake. It is time for another story." He gets his storybook and began reading to his baby sister and baby brother. Killian hugged his wife and kissed his swan on the head, the Jones family is all together.

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