The Beast World's Gift (Disco...

By HadesIsTheBest

41.5K 1.7K 238

Hello! This is a story around a few Wattpads and a few Manhuas I have read, now some of these characters will... More

The characters of my own
Chapter 1. Where the hell am i?
Chapter 2. Time for spices
Chapter 3. The first one
Chapter 4. Camel Valley (smut)
5. The Plan
6. Hibernation
7. Ape Village
8. Blue Lilies
9. Running away
A/N house part 2

10. New house PT.1

2.4K 132 16
By HadesIsTheBest


I woke up to the sun on my face. I stood up and stretched that's when I noticed a few of the males around me and Mei were starting to get up too.

Mei woke up after she heard us moving. "Good morning Mei," I told her "do you want help getting up?"

"Yes," she replied. I stuck out my hand and she grabbed it, then I pulled her up. Then I looked around the room. "Are you hungry? I can have my males go hunt for us," she asked me.

"Oh no, I'm gonna go hunt for myself," I responded. She looked at me appalled, and so did the males.

"You can hunt? I don't think I've ever met a female that can hunt by themselves," one of Mei's males said, I think he was a tiger beastmen.

"Well I don't hunt like you anyways," I told him

"How do you hunt then? I know you don't use your teeth or claws, so maybe traps then?" He inquired.

"Oh you are close, I can use traps, but I don't like checking them so often. I use a bow and arrow, it'll allow me to attack things from afar, I hide up in trees and shoot them," I told him again.

"May I see this 'bow and arrow' you speak of?" He said. The rest of them including Mei looked at me with curiosity.

"Well, I'm gonna explain something crazy to you all, whatever you do, don't tell anyone, ok? I'll show you my Bow and arrows later, kapeesh?" I said to them. They all seemed to collectively agree on it.


"Ok, you mean to tell us you come from a different planet, your planet has billions of people on it, there's a lot of females, you humans have great fertility, and you were brought here by a god??" Mei repeated the gist of my little speech.

"Yes, and so is Bai qingqing, though she might be sent back to our planet, 3 of the gods currently hate her and prefer me," I explained further.

"Really? Which gods prefer you?" Mei asked me. She was surprisingly taking this well.

"Karuun, Garrison, and Mylo, I've only talked to Karuun though," I told her truthfully.

"You mean to tell me you have talked to the king of the gods??" Mei exclaimed. She was gripping my arms now.

"Yes, I have talked to him, he sent me here in the first place, there were 26 before me though," I told her, and she let go of my arms.

"Well, if you want to hunt for yourself, I recommend you follow us, we'll guide you to the hunting grounds around here," Arthur told me while he changed into his beast form.

I watched as 2 others did the same, a hawk beastman and another leopard beastman. I followed suit, they led me out of the palace into the outer walls, then to a stone gate guarded by 2 beastmen.

We all walked out of the palace grounds and into the forest and went out a bit. "Alright, do you want to stick with us or go on your own?" Arthur asked.

I summoned my bow and my quiver out of my inventory. "Nope, I'll go on my own I'll be back by noon," I told them. And I headed to the left. I walked a good distance until I came across a good tree near a clearing.

I climbed the tree with ease and got to a branch that could hold my weight. I crouched on the tree branch a hid myself the best I could bring in a dress and all.

I waited maybe 30 minutes when I saw a buck roam into the clearing. I grabbed an arrow from my back and loaded my bow and tried to get a good aim.


I shot him right in the neck, I shot him a few times until I got a headshot to end him. I climbed down the tree and got to the deer. I removed the arrows and placed them back into my quiver. The deer wasn't too heavy, I carried the deer back to the palace with ease and walked right back into the walls of it.


Curtis was in the outer walls, presumably waiting for me. "Adia, I got a blue crystal for a house, now we can move where we want to!" He told me excitedly. He took the deer off my shoulders.

"So, any idea of where we want to move?" I asked Curtis. He adjusted the deer to a better position to carry.

"No, if you tell me what you want in a house, I'll go find it for you," he told me.

"I want a house close to the leopard palace, I also want it to be medium size, and to have some good storage space," I suggested.

We were just walking into the main room of the palace when we saw Mei's males with their prey. They only had a few bunnies, and what looked to be a small deer or antelope of some sort.

"My gods! Adia, did you hunt that deer yourself?" The leopard beastman to Arthur's right asked me.

"Yes I did, now where can we cook these at?" I asked them. Curtis handed me the deer back.

"I'll go look for a house now, I'll be back by the time you're done eating," he said, he turned full snake and slithered out of the palace.

The males led me to the dining hall I was in last night. One of them started a fire. "Do you need help skinning your deer?" the hawk beastmen asked me.

"Oh no thank you, I can skin it just fine on my own," I told him.


I summoned my hunting knife and skinned the deer with ease, I cut off the hoofs and antlers. I cut off all the meat that could be taken off.


"Since you guys have so little, do out want to share my kill?" I asked the males. They all looked at each other.

"Of you are willing," Arthur said. I saved a chunk for myself and hand I handed over the rest. "You are giving us your whole kill?" Arthur asked me.

"Yes, I don't eat very much by myself," I responded. I cooked my portion of meat.

Once it was done, I added some salt and some pepper and ate peacefully. The males cooked up the rest of the meat and fathered it in large banana leaves.

"Well we're going to head up to the bedroom, are you going to wait for your mate here?" the hawk asked me.

"Yes I am, tell Mei I will visit now and then ok?" I told them, and they nodded and left.

I waited maybe a minute before I saw Curtis in his hybrid form. "I found a house for us," He said excitedly.

"Could you bring me to it?" I asked, he nodded and then picked me up.

"It's not too far from here, plus it has an upper level on it," he added.

He carried me out of the gate to the city and the right onto a stone path.

"It's just up here," he said. We got up a hill and that's when I saw it, our new house.


(A/N: Hello my readers! I have left you on a cliffhanger!! Mwahahahaha!! I have another announcement! This will be posted on AO3 soon! Goodbye, my readers!

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