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[๐„๐ฅ๐ž๐œ๐ž๐ž๐!๐•๐š๐ซ๐ข๐จ๐ฎ๐ฌ ๐— ๐…๐ž๐ฆ!๐๐ž๐ณ๐ฎ๐ค๐จ!๐‘๐ž๐š๐๐ž๐ซ] Manifesting a power frighteningly similar... More

-You're Trash Bro-
-Oh Look, A Demon Child-
-Roasting A Blueberry-
-Oh Look, A Cat!-
-Oh No! Anyway-
~Choi Haeun~
-Jiwoo The Cat Stealer-
-*Slides Into Your Dms*-
~Special: Saiki!Reader~
-Take The L-
-Calm Your Tits Bro-
-The Pickachu Cosplayer-
-Fart Manipulation-
-Sonic Vs Farter-
-Stalking Bootleg Pikachu-
-Brightness Overload-
-Multiple Things Happen At Once!-

-Mother Lengthy Limbs-

401 39 16

(For the pic above^
What a nice socket in the background 😇
I'm totally not simping for beomgyu right now, nope. 😇😇)

Walking up the stairs, you admire the interior decoration of the building you are currently inside, alongside Jiwoo who is currently devouring everything with his eyes.

You take a look at Kayden, but after seeing the cat's creepy smile, you immediately turn your head back to the oddly cute plant you were looking at previously.

The three of you came to a halt in front of a black door, glass panes surrounding the said door. Inhyuk took a step forward and knocked twice.

"Chairwoman, I have brought Jiwoo and (Name)." He informed.

"Come in please." Called out a firm, feminine voice (duh), a bit muffled due to the speaker being behind the door.

After the confirmation, Inhyuk opened the door, letting you catch sight of the beautiful jet black haired woman who was sitting at her desk, reading an article of some sort.

'Error. Error. Pretty woman spotted.'

Your jaw immediately fucking drops and sweeps the floor. Thankfully, the mask came in handy since no one could see you malfunctioning after seeing the woman.

You completely zone out on the few words exchanged between Jiwoo and Inhyuk and instead focus on the beautiful specimen in front of you.

The chairwoman rises from her seat and walks in your direction, her heels clacking with each step she took.

The woman introduces herself. "Nice to meet you two. I am Jiyoung Yoo, the chairwoman of 'Shinhwa'."

"Oh, yes. I am Jiwoo Seo." Jiwoo mutters shyly.

Jiyoung looks at you. You look at her.


All you do is stare at the goddess in front of you, forgetting that you actually had to interact with her instead of just admiring her.

Snapping out of your trance when she lets out a little cough out of embarrassment (of being stared at by the adorable you), you blink and immediately hurry to take out your phone.

Typing away faster than the speed at which Kayden shanks someone, you press the button which converts the text you wrote into speech.

"Hello, miss Jiyoung. I'm (Name) Choi. You are very pretty." Says the monotonous voice of your phone while you blink at her with wide eyes.

"I see. I appreciate the compliment, (Name). In fact, you are quite beautiful yourself." She smiles at you. You almost shit out your heart.

Jiwoo subconsciously nods at her words, but you couldn't catch that since you were focused on her smile.

She shifts her attention back on Jiwoo. "Can I ask you something?

"Yes!" The said boy immediately replies, the cat in his arms wearing a resting bitch face.

"Have you changed your mind about fighting Jisuk?" She asks with a stern expression plastered on her face.

In the background, you urge Kayden to come to you-obviously because you wanted to relish his soft fur-while he gazes at you with an 'I'm done with life' face.

You make weird hand gestures and faces, desperate to hug the fluffy cat. Inhyuk, who saw your expressions and desperation, sweat drops. But, he still understands your desperation clearly. He even finds it very relatable.

Thankfully, neither Jiwoo nor Jiyoung saw your weird actions and thought that you were high.

"No." Came the cream haired boy's sudden response.

"Jisuk is too strong for someone who has just come to terms with being an awakened one. Besides, he is very experienced when it comes to fighting." The woman warns.

You paid no attention to all of the serious talk. Instead, opting to somehow woo the cat towards you by doing weird dances.

'Miss Jiyoung and Jiwoo must be blind to not notice me yet. Though, that helps me to be one step closer to actually being able to hold Mr. Kayden in my arms.'

'Now, that I think about it, I've never held him before. Damnit, this just makes me want to lift him up more. I'm so jealous of Jiwoo right now...'

"I am aware. Mr. Inhyuk explained it to me. But, i don't want to forgo the fight." Jiwoo declares, which was met with silence from the raven haired woman.

Jiyoung sighs softly, "I guess there's no changing your mind."

"Thank you for worrying about me. I don't think I'm going to win against someone as strong as him. I mean, I honestly want to defeat him, but... I know that winning will be difficult, having only trained for a few days." Jiwoo confesses.

"Then why...?" Jiyoung asks, astonished.

Meanwhile, in the background, you somehow managed to get Kayden to come towards you so you could pick him up and hold him.

'I've succeeded! Mission successful! Now, I get to hold a hot man that can turn into a pussy- I m-mean, I get to hold a big fluffy cat, yeah!' You cheer internally.

'This girl has been making a fool of herself. I should stop this nonsense before she embarrasses herself any further.' Kayden thinks inside his head while he jumps out from Jiwoo's hold and walks towards you.

You let out little-but extremely quiet- noises of excitement when the cat stops in front of you.

You carefully pick up the yellow tabby cat and hold him comfortably in your arms, relishing the warm, fluffy fur. Kayden's ears twitch.

You would describe it as holding a big, warm pillow which has a furry surface and also breathes. Pretty weird comparison, I know.

You practically sparkle as you hold the cat in your arms, while Inhyuk watches from far away, jealous of you.

"Winning or losing isn't important right now." Jiwoo says, with a main character expression.

'Riiiight, there is an important conversation going on in the background right now.' You think while gently stroking Kayden's head.

The cat looks ready to commit genocide at any given moment-but also oddly enjoys the head pats. Though, he would never admit it since you would unleash hell on him by patting him every second.

"It's not important that you win?" Jiyoung asks, shooketh.

"It's more important for the coward I once was to find out how well he can perform." Jiwoo states with confidence and a stern expression on his face.

You wanted to clap, but couldn't since you were holding Kayden. So, you opted to use the cat's paw instead to clap.

You took both of the cat's arms and guided them to clap in your stead. The claps made no sound at all.

This scene would've been very wholesome if the cat you were holding wasn't looking like he was going to drown you and then hide your dead body in a random school's backyard at any given opportunity.

• • •

"Wow!" Jiwoo exclaims in wonder.

"Hmm! Hmm!" You hum out, with your eyes sparkling in excitement.

Both of you were looking at a gigantic room, which looked fit to be an auditorium, but was actually a place where the awakened ones trained.

"So this is where awakened ones train." Jiwoo says while gawking at the whole place.

"Hummmm!" You say with sparkles still present in your eyes. You lift your arms up to cheer quietly.

'I want to pee...' You suddenly think when you, uh... want to pee. Yeah.

You run towards the stairs, startling all the people in the room with your sudden actions.

"(Name) what happened-" Jiwoo calls out, running after you.

"F-iVe mINUT-ES-" You manage to scream before slamming the door shut behind you and running in the corridor.

'Wait, shit! Where even is the washroom?! I forgot to ask them...'

Just when you think that, you accidentally charge head first into a wall.

Rubbing your head, you gaze up, ready to kick the wall for hurting your head, but you stop midway once you actually see what it is.

'This is not a wall. This is Jisuk Yoo!'

Due to you charging straight into his body like a damn bull who saw red, he was on the floor, clutching his stomach while greedily gasping for air.

'Uhhhhhhhhhh... Oops? Eh, guess I can consider this as revenge for hurting Jiwoo before, hehe.'

Aggressively taking out your phone, you type away in the text to speech converter.

"Sorry for practically handicapping you before your fight. Here, I'll heal you." The monotonous voice of your phone says out loud.

Unable to speak, the boy on the ground only heaves in response.

'He's probably plotting my murder inside his head but oh well.'

You kneel down next to him and put your hand over his stomach, where you actually hit him. Jisuk tries to attack you but shuts the hell up when you glare at him as if he had committed a heinous crime.

You then concentrate your awakened energy at the palm of your hand which rested on Jisuk's stomach, focusing on healing the injury which you unknowingly inflicted on him.

His body soon engulfs in huge, pale pink flames. Jisuk panics, thinking that he's being cremated alive, but his panic ceases once he realises that the flames are not hurting him.

Instead, he stares at you in astonishment when he realises that your flames healed the injury-making his stomach feel as good as new. He also felt refreshed, as if his stamina had been fully replenished. He felt that his power has been boosted for a short period of time, too.

"What the hell...?" Jisuk stares at you in shock.

'All of this... Is marshmallow girl's doing? Just who is she?' Jisuk thinks, astonished, while still laying on the ground like a dead whale.

Misunderstanding that him laying on the ground was due to exhaustion because of your healing, you hurriedly type away on your phone, once again.

"I'll carry you to the location of the fight as a compensation. Exclamation mark." The text to speech program on your phone says, also pronouncing the exclamation mark that you typed in it.

"Hey, wait! Ack-" Before Jisuk could finish his sentence, you lift his body up and throw him over your shoulder like a sack of potatoes, then begin to bolt out of there.

'I just wanted to pee... What have I gotten myself into?! Now he'll snitch to his sister that I nearly killed him and she'll hate me!' You mentally cry inside your head.

In seconds, you throw open the door to the training room and plop a surprised looking Jisuk down on the starting of the staircase. You look down to see equally surprised looking people staring at you. You just give them a tiny little wave before you close the door once again.

'Wait, I forgot to ask where the washroom is!'

Throwing open the door once again, "Wa-shroom. Where." You gasp out, unintentionally wearing a scary look on your face which could rival Kayden's murderous looks.

Thankfully, Inhyuk, being the god sent he was, finally gave you the directions to the washroom.

You immediately ran to the washroom to do your business, not before thanking the dude at least a thousand times.

• • •

"I want to fight (Name) Choi after this fight." Jisuk declared while you went to the washroom.


So, wanna beat up the cum haired (I'M SORRY) dude or nah? You can decide this if you want.

If you say no, then less writing for me lol. But I also feel like writing a fight scene and try and test my writing skills. I Also feel like it'd be fun to write a fight.

Also, there is some bad news: the updates may get slower from now on, since, well, my exams are nearing (Unit Test, Prelims, and then Board exams/finals) and it's gonna be painful. I'll try to use my phone as little as possible since this is a crucial year for me and I absolutely need to score good marks.

Next year is gonna be junior college (11th and 12th grade) for me and from what I've heard, I'll be getting my ass absolutely chainsaw'd by it lmao. Especially with the subject I'm gonna take (Physics, Chemistry, Maths + Computer Science and English. Yeah, this is nightmare material.)

But, worry not, since I'll probably somehow manage to post. Though, it may be late.

Sorry for rambling lol
Bye bye

Anyways, if you're feeling safe, then here's a gentle reminder that I'm still out there :D

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