-Stalking Bootleg Pikachu-

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You were humming the tune of your favourite song while skipping on your way to see Jiwoo.

You wanted to eat a (favourite snack) but you forgot to bring your money with you. #sadlife

As you walk, you notice a random bench on the sidewalk.

Wait, what the hell is a random bench doing on the sidewalk?! That's pretty suspicious...

Even if it looked suspicious, you still sat your pretty butt down on it because why the hell not?

You continued humming your favourite song, while swinging your legs around. You are pretty happy today, for some reason. Maybe it is because a random classmate decided to be nice to you and handed you a cute mechanical pencil as a gift!

After swinging your legs around for about three whole minutes, you stop and lay down completely on the bench, gazing up at the reddish-yellow sky. You always find sunsets pretty to look at.

Your humming slowly quietens as you gaze up at the colourful birds flying freely in the sky, navigating their way back to their respective nests.

Your craving for your favourite snack did not cease, though. You whined quietly since you did not want to stand up again and walk all the way to your house to get one, that would honestly be way too much work! And you also had to travel to Jiwoo's house too!

Oh how much you wish you had the power to teleport instead of having powers that pretty much hinder your ability to speak freely.

Okay, let's put that above sentence aside and focus on your favourite snack for now!

After laying still on the bench for a while and thinking about what you should do, you suddenly jump up and stand up straight on your little two legs. Yes, you decided to morph into your smaller form to fit completely on the bench.

Transforming into your natural size after you confirm that no one was nearby, you decide that going home to get money for (favourite snack) would not be worth your time and energy. Meeting Jiwoo was more important right now.

Let us all collectively pretend that the existence of Google pay or Pay pal has been banished just for this particular filler scene to happen.

Although it was hard to let the food go, you somehow managed to make the tough decision all on your own. Congratulations, I am proud of your achievement.

As you were about to walk away from the bench, you heard a rustling sound behind you.

You immediately look back at the bench, alerted by the strange noise since no one was nearby.

Why is there a random ass plastic bag on top of it now, huh?! What a strange phenomenon...

Curious to see what is inside of it, you move towards it, albeit cautiously.

What if there's a bomb inside of it?! Wait, who would be stupid enough to store a bomb in a damn plastic bag?

You slowly grab the handles and open the bag wider, it makes an annoying noise, though you pay no mind to it.

You take a peek, only to be shocked to see (favourite snack) inside, and lots of it! Your eyes sparkle as you grab one and eat it, forgetting all about how it mystically appeared out of thin air.

Maybe the universe is being nice to you and decided that you're its favourite child for today? It is likely possible because you're cute as hell.

Or, is it basically a rough idea of one of the powers of the MC from my other book, and I used the starting of this chapter to basically promote it because I fucking can?

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