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By hiimerror

24.5K 974 271

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885 37 8
By hiimerror

•☽.⭒✻❙ 𝐓𝐔𝐂𝐎 ❙✻⭒.☾•

❝ 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐝𝐨 𝐢 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞, 𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐞? ❞


𝒃𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒆 𝒆𝒊𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒉

❛ think i forgot how to be happy ❜

        𝑆𝐸𝐿𝐿𝐼𝑁𝐺 𝑊𝐴𝑆 𝑃𝑅𝑂𝑉𝐸𝑁 𝑇𝑂 be fairly good for Jesse. He was on the street, selling the meth to everyone individually. Robin was technically a dealer as well, but not on that small of a scale. Robin had access to distributors and people on a higher level, but they weren't making enough meth to be able to gain access to that.

Because she didn't have any major responsibilities and Walter was only cooking, the two were waiting at the RV at their cooking spot while Jesse was late. They had sat there in silence for about an hour. Walter had tried to start a conversation with the girl, but she only glared at him before ignoring him. That hour had passed before Jesse actually showed up, to which Walter had to scold him. "We were supposed to start at three."

"Hey, I'm out there making fat stacks, man. Chill." Just as Jesse had gotten to the RV, he tossed a prepaid phone to Walter, who didn't so graciously catch it. "Hey, prepaid cellphone. Use it. Robin, I figured you already had one."

Robin did in fact have one and she proved that by taking it out of her pocket and holding it up for him to see it. Jesse, not shocked by that, proceeded to toss three stacks of cash into Walter's lap since he was sitting on the steps of the RV. For some reason, he was unsatisfied by this, so Walter had to ask, "How much is this?"

"Twenty-six big ones." Jesse answered as he leaned his back against the RV, now standing next to Robin. "Is that all? Twenty-six thousand dollars?"

"Don't sound so ungrateful. He's dealing by himself, it takes a bit sometimes." Robin stuck up for Jesse, while he proceeded to do the same thing for himself. "Exactly. Plus, that's twenty-six hundred and your share is eight hundred and sixty-six. Minus twenty-five for the phone."

Jesse had taken two of the stacks from Walter and handed one to Robin, considering they were splitting this money three ways. Walter stared down at the stack of cash now in his hand with disappointment. He let out a breath as Robin put her money in her sweater pocket. "How much meth did you sell?"

"Nearly an ounce." Jesse responded, that being the usual amount he'd be able to sell in one night. It was the normal amount that anyone on Jesse's level could sell in one night. "Last time I checked there were sixteen ounces to a pound. What did you do with the rest, smoke it?"

"Lay off him, Walter. Geez, that's how it's going to go if we sell this way." Robin defended Jesse once again. She wasn't even really defending him since Walter just didn't know how selling drugs works. She was really educating him. "Well, why is he selling it in such small quantities then? Why don't you just sell the whole pound at once?"

"To who? Who do I look like, Scarface?" Jesse spoke with disbelief, knowing that was impossible.

"That's the kind of dealer he is, Walter. He sells on the streets to individual people. If you want to sell more, we have to talk to a distributor, which is a completely different deal." Robin explained, which gave Walter some hope. "Well, do either of you know anyone like that?"

"Yeah, we did. Until you killed him." Jesse spoke with bitterness. Their closest lead was Krazy Eight and Emilio, but that was sort of an obstacle at the moment. Walter immediately got defensive since he clearly did not want his name attached to the murders. "I haven't killed anyone! Those crimes were all your little girlfriend!"

"Not his girlfriend and you and I both know that I had to do that. We'd all probably be in jail by now if I hadn't killed them. You don't get this business, Walter. No witnesses." Robin scolded, sick of Walter treating her like a common criminal. She was, of course, but Robin was doing all of this for the exact same reason Walter was. Her family.

"Oh, please. You didn't have to do any of it. You've been way too into this since the day we started! You are psychotic!" Robin immediately pushed herself off of the RV, ready to bash Walter's face in, but luckily for Walter, Jesse stood in front of her and put his hands on the sides of her arms. "Woah, Robin. Just...Is there any other distributors you know?"

Robin's harsh glare stayed on Walter, who had a slightly scared expression since he knew to an extent what she was capable of. She let out a breath, trying to calm herself down slightly before turning to Jesse. She did quickly glance at his hands, which caused him to immediately pull away. "I know about ten guys who could distribute our product. Guys on your level, on drug lord level, and people in the middle."

"What a shocker." Walter spoke with sarcasm, which was most likely one of the biggest mistakes of his life. Pushing past Jesse and whipping out her switchblade, Robin pushed the older man against the RV by holding the blade to his neck. Jesse was going to help Walter, but he knew that she probably had some other knife hidden on her that would be lodged into his chest if he tried anything.

"If you make one more slight to my job, I swear on the future grave of your wife, you'll end up just like Emilio and Krazy Eight, but not before I make you watch me murder your family. I'm here because of who I know and what I know and you'd either be dead or in jail if it weren't for me. So, maybe you should think twice before being a smartass 'cause let's be honest, the only value you have is your chemistry skills, which I could probably find in some random person behind a gas station." Robin threatened, which struck fear into not only Walter, but Jesse as well.

"You're crazy." Walter insulted with disbelief as Robin removed her blade from his neck and took a few steps back. "You have no fucking idea. Now, do you want the name of a distributor or do you want to judge me again?"

Walter motioned for her to go ahead, to scared to say anything else that could actually get him hurt or even killed. Robin took a deep breath as she put her switchblade back in her pocket, thankfully having the ability to quickly compose herself. "Every distributor I know, I don't know personally, but there is one guy that I do. He also took Krazy Eight's spot, so he's probably our best bet."

"Tuco, right?" Jesse asked, having heard of this distributor. He was concerned that Robin could snap so quickly, but based on her preparedness for certain situations and her extensive knowledge on how to properly commit felonies, Jesse wasn't too surprised.

"Yeah. He's a badass. You know, OG, definitely off our level. He doesn't do business with people he doesn't know, but lucky us, he knows me...sort of. He knows El Diablo, which is me and he is terrified of me. Tuco might be spooked if I show up, but I do know someone who shared a cell with him at one point, so to set up a meeting, Jesse, you can go with him." Robin explained, but her choice in people concerned the guy in question. "Yo, why me?"

"I don't trust the old man anywhere near our clients and Tuco can't know who I am. It's better if people like him know El Diablo and not Robin Gray, so also, never mention my name. You can say you know El Diablo, but not me. I'll get the guy I know to vouch for you." Robin offered, but there was still something she didn't quite like about this. "Also, this is extremely dangerous. Tuco is psycho, so are we sure this is completely necessary?"

"Yeah, man. I mean, we're making money-" Jesse agreed, knowing already that Tuco was pretty dangerous, so he didn't exactly want to go face to face with this guy, even with a voucher.

"Oh, come on! Just grow some fucking balls!" Walter interjected as he lost his temper and stormed into the RV. Jesse and Robin were left there in silence, shocked that that seemed to make him so angry. Robin let out a small laugh before putting her hands over her mouth. "I think we broke him."

"God, he's intense." Jesse commented as he leaned back against the RV. It said a lot when Jesse Pinkman and Robin Gray seemed to be the sane ones in a situation.


It was an anxious time for Robin, more so Jesse, however. Robin was supposed to meet Jesse and her friend, Skinny Pete at Jesse's house when the deal was done. He was supposed to be here a half an hour ago. She was fiddling with her hands, nervously awaiting for the two boy's arrival, but the half an hour seemed to be passing by insanely slowly. Robin knew better than to call him while he was still potentially meeting with Tuco. However, her phone decided to ring instead, only it wasn't Jesse, it was Jane.

"Hey, Jane." Robin greeted, but couldn't get much else out since Jane rushed through her sentences. "Robbie, you have to get to the hospital now! It's Charlie, he wasn't breathing, n-now we're in an ambulance and-...and y-you just have to get there!"

"Okay, take a deep a breath, Jane. I'll be there in a few minutes." Without any hesitation, Robin sprung to her feet and practically sprinted to her car. It didn't take long for Robin to start it up and drive over to the hospital considering she was speeding the whole way. It was a miracle she didn't get pulled over. Robin also received quite a few stares when she ran into the hospital, wanting to get to Charlie as soon as possible. Just inside the hospital, she could see Jane arguing with one of the women behind the desk since Jane wasn't legally apart of Charlie's family.

"I've told you already, his father is dead and his mother isn't here yet! He needs someone there with him!" Jane argued, knowing that Robin was the only one who'd actually be allowed to see Charlie, but Robin was always somewhere other than home. Luckily for her, Robin had showed up behind her. "Jane, I'm here."

"Are you Charles Gray's mother?" The lady behind the desk asked calmly, not meeting the same frustrated tone that Jane had. Both girls knew that they would most likely not let Robin in to see Charlie at the hospital if they knew she wasn't his mother. So even though most people questioned it, Robin and Jane always said that Robin was his mother. They had even said that both Jane and Robin were his mother's before since Robin couldn't make it to the hospital. She was busy moving drugs across the border. "Yes, I am and I'd like to see him with my friend."

The lady let out a sigh as Jane raised her eyebrows knowingly. "Alright, he's in room 215."

The lady barely even saw the two girls run off since they rushed through the hospital. This panic was common for these two girls. With Charlie's condition, they were both in constant worry that he would one day struggle to breath for too long and simply wouldn't breathe anymore. Or he would faint and never wake up. Robin had a scary enough time in her work, worrying about putting her loved ones in danger, but it wasn't any help that when she got home, it was a possibility that the person she cared about the most in the world could be dead.


If Robin wasn't stressed before, she was now. Prior, she was waiting for Jesse and Skinny Pete to return back from the deal with Tuco, but Charlie was a much bigger priority. Robin had left Charlie's hospital room to try and call Jesse since he must've been done the deal by now. It had been hours. As Robin was walking through the hall, she could've sworn she heard Jesse's ringtone from a phone that wasn't hers. Taking a few steps back from where she was, she peaked into a hospital room to find Jesse laying in a hospital bed with a neck brace on and Skinny Pete sitting next to him. Utterly shocked by this, Robin walked into the room. "What the hell happened?"

"Yo, Robbie. What's shakin', sista?" Skinny Pete greeted her in his usual tone, but she was much more concerned about Jesse. "What happened?"

"Yo, so turns out, I already knew ya' boy 'cause he's my boy. But when we got to Tuco's crib, he got messed up real good. Pissed him off. Jesse's got some busted ribs and like that. I tried to get Tuco to ease up, but dude was pounding him." Skinny Pete explained and somehow, Robin actually got what he was trying to say. She let out a breath and rubbed her face in frustration. "He tried to get his money up front, didn't he?"

"Yeah, how'd you know?" Skinny Pete asked with surprise. "He's really predictable."

"So...like, what are you gonna do, yo?" Skinny Pete asked, assuming he was apart of this debacle still, but Robin knew she was going to have to deal with this on her own. They couldn't afford to lose Tuco as a distributor since he was the most accessible one and the easiest to deal with.

"I'm going to have a civilized and calm talk with Tuco."

❝ 𝐢 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐚𝐝. ❞

- 𝒏𝒊𝒓𝒗𝒂𝒏𝒂

❘ ❙ ❚ ❚ ❙ ❘

i hope you guys are enjoying the book 'cause i had to do math in this chapter😭

no but seriously i do really hope you guys are liking it :]

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