Hearts and Hooves Day

By nyanyanyangie

984 37 36

It's Hearts and Hooves Day, a day that Rainbow Dash hates the most. But when a certain Wonderbolt sets up a b... More

Hearts and Hooves Day

984 37 36
By nyanyanyangie

<Rainbow's POV>

The rays of Celestia's sun were right on my sleeping eyes. I had a feeling that today was gonna be great. So, I decided to wake up. I woke up with a yawn and began stretching my forelegs up.

"Hm... Let's see what's scheduled for today," I said to myself as I flew to the calendar.

I removed the paper that had yesterday's date. February 13. I saw what date it was today and stood there in horror.

"IT'S HEARTS AND HOOVES DAY ALREADY?!?!" I shouted angrily.

I sighed as my back fell on the floor. I HATE HEARTS AND HOOVES DAY!!! Ponies are all lovey-dovey around each other. Good thing that has never happened to me. My thoughts were interrupted by a knocking at the door.

"Huh? Who could that be?" I said to myself.

I opened the door and saw nopony there. But, what I did see was a letter at my doorstep. I closed the door and opened the letter. It said:

Dear Rainbow Dash,

If you want to see who wrote this letter, come meet me inside one of the fanciest restaurants in Canterlot, Canterlot Café at 6:00 PM. I'm sorry I had to write this. I'm quite shy. See you there.


Your Special Somepony

At first, I was confused, so I read the letter again. Once I finished reading it again, my jaw dropped.

"I HAVE A SPECIAL SOMPONY?!" I screamed in my room. Good thing is nopony heard me. Or so I thought.

"GIRLS, DID YOU HEAR WHAT RAINBOW JUST SAY?!" I heard a familiar voice say.

"Sure did, Pinkie. Come on, ya'll. Let's just go see Rainbow personally before she gets mad at us," Another voice said.

I opened the door and saw my five best friends there.

"Howdy, Rainbow Dash!" Applejack said.

"Hey guys. I kinda heard what Pinkie said earlier. Don't worry. I'm not mad. Pinkie Pie Promise. Cross my heart, hope to fly and stick a cupcake to my eye!" I assured them.

"But from what we heard, darling, you screamed you had a special somepony. Is that true?" Rarity asked.

"Read this letter, might answer your question," I said.

They all took the letter from my hoof. After a few seconds, I heard Rarity squeal.

"Oh. My. Stars. Rainbow, wherever did you find this letter?" She asked.

"Before you guys arrived, I found it on my doorstep after I heard somepony knock," I told her.

"Did that somepony show up?"


"This is gonna be a blind date. Why not go, Rainbow Dash?" Pinkie Pie said.

"Me? Go? I'm Rainbow Dash! The best and most awesome flyer in all of Equestria! Why would I go on a date?!"

"Well, aren't you curious about who your special somepony is?" Twilight spoke up.

"Um.. I guess I am a bit curious," I admitted.

"Then it's settled! Meet us at my boutique at 5:30 PM for your dress and make-up. Ta-ta, dear." And with that, they left my cloud mansion.

I sighed. I wanted to know who was this special somepony. I was excited, but at the same time depressed. If this got into the paper stating that: "Rainbow Dash is In Love," I'd be dead. I decided to get some fresh air. So, I went out of my house and landed on a cloud.

I could kill some time by sleeping, but it's only 10:00. Hmm...I could go to the castle and ask Twilight if I can borrow the latest Daring Do book. Then, I can head back home and read it with some tea. And at 5:30, I'll go to Rarity's for the dress and make-up...

I did a quick stretch and opened my wings. "First stop, Friendship Castle!"


<Soarin's POV>

"Are you sure you want to do this? No offense, but, you're the last pony I expected in the elite squad to get a date on Hearts and Hooves Day," Fleetfoot told me.

"Ugh...YES!!!" I replied in an irritated manner, "How many times do I have to tell you? I just have a huge crush on her, but I'm just too scared to tell her personally."

"Cheer up. Here's some advice-"

"That I don't even need," I interrupted while rolling my eyes.

"Suit yourself." Then she left.

"Finally! Time to get my tuxedo."

Fleetfoot came back and said, "Wait a minute. I forgot to say something."

"Now what?!"

"20 bits says Rainbow Dash rejects you."

"You're on!"

"Good luck!" And with that, she left.

"I better fly off to Carousel Boutique in Ponyville to get my tuxedo."


Ponyville was just up ahead. I slowed down and took a swift nosedive down to the ground, landing smoothly. Now on to Carousel Boutique. I took a quick look around and realize something. I didn't know where Carousel Boutique was. Well, might as well ask somepony for directions.

I looked around and spotted a vibrant pink earth pony with a cotton candy-like mane bouncing up and down. I decided to ask her.

"Uh... Excuse me?" I asked.

The mare gasped and asked, "Are you new here?"

I replied, "Uh... Actually-"

"Oh my gosh! I have to throw a 'Welcome to Ponyville' party!"

"You don't-"

"Well, it was nice meeting you! But I gotta run! Bye!" Before I knew it, the pink pony had vanished in a burst of smoke.

"But... Ah! Forget it." I sighed.

Well, I'm sure there are other ponies around. I scanned my eyes around the little town and noticed a yellow Pegasus mare with a long pink mane and tail. She was carrying a basket in her mouth. I flew over to her. Hopefully, she'll be able to help me.

"Um...excuse me?"

"Eep!" she shrieked.

"Oops, sorry. Didn't mean to scare you," I quickly apologized.

"Oh, it's all right. Don't worry about. I tend to do that when I meet somepony new. What brings you here?" she asked.

"Oh, I'm here to get my tuxedo at Carousel Boutique. Think you can show me where?"

"Of course! My friend even owns the place. Come on, I'll show you," she said with a smile.


"So..." I began. "What's your name?"

"Oh uh... It's Fluttershy," she said softly.

"I didn't quite catch that," I told her.

"It's Fluttershy," she said clearly.

"Fluttershy, huh. That's a nice name. My name is Soarin."

"Soarin?" Her teal eyes widened. "As in Soarin from the Wonderbolts?!"

"Uh... Yes. Is there a problem?"

"No. Not at all. Rainbow Dash is so gonna be happy when she hears about this."

She knows Rainbow Dash?

"So, why do you need a suit?" She asked.

"I, uh, have a date tonight."

"Oooo. Who is it?"

"Actually, you know her already." I told her.

"Rainbow Dash?" she answered.

I nodded. Then I heard a squeal from her. "Oh my gosh! I gotta go tell Rainbow Dash after," she said.

"You can't. If she finds out, she might not go."

"Well, we kind of convinced her to go before you came. But, if you don't want me to, then I won't. Can I tell her other friends, though? I feel they should be able to know." She kindly asked me.

"Yeah, sure," I said.

After a few minutes, we arrived at Carousel Boutique. I quickly knocked on the door. I heard some hoofsteps and heard a Canterlot-accented voice say, "I'm coming!"

In a few seconds, the door opened revealing a white unicorn with a purple, elegantly-curled mane and tail.

"Welcome to Carousel Boutique! How may I help you?" she asked.

"I'm here to pick up my tuxedo," I told her.

"Ah yes. Mr. Soarin, right?"

"That's me."

"Come in. You may come in too Fluttershy."

"How did you know I was here, Rarity?"

"I know that pretty pink mane anywhere, darling."

"Rarity, have you heard?"

"Heard what darling?"

Then Fluttershy started to whisper something to Rarity. After a few seconds, I heard a squeal coming from Rarity.

"Oh. My. Stars! How did you know that?" she asked.

"Soarin told me."

"Okay, I heard my name. What're you girls talking about?" I asked them curiously.

"Fluttershy was talking about your date with Rainbow Dash," Rarity said

"Wait. Rarity, you're friends with Rainbow Dash, too?"

"Why yes, darling. After all, Rainbow, Fluttershy, and I are the Elements of Harmony along with 3 others," she explained.

"Elements of Harmony?"

"Why, yes, darling. We've been the best of friends for the longest time. Along with Fluttershy here, and a few others," she happily explained.

"That's nice. Anyway, may I get my suit now, Rarity?" I asked.

"Why yes, of course!" With that, she left to get my tuxedo.

After a few minutes, Rarity returned, levitating my suit with her magic. "That will be 10 bits, dear."

I rummaged through my saddlebags, trying to locate my wallet so I could pay. Once I did, I gave Rarity the ten bits.

"Thanks Rarity!"

"You are most certainly welcome, dear."

I left Carousel Boutique and thanked Fluttershy for giving me directions. She gave me a smile and said, "Happy to help."

"You really promise not to tell her?" I asked.

"Cross my heart, hope to fly and stick a cupcake to my eye," she said.

"Uh... What was that?"

"Oh, it's just the Pinkie Promise. Force of habit, don't worry about it."

"Okay then. I'll be off now to prepare. Bye!"

She waved goodbye, and I waved back. Rainbow has some good friends. Makes me happy for her.


<Back to Rainbow>

I I just finished a chapter of the Daring Do book I had borrowed from Twilight. I looked up at the clock and noticed that it was 5:25. I probably should get going. I quickly stretched and flew out the window, heading towards the Boutique. After a smooth landing, I knocked on the door and waited.

"Who is it?"

"It's Rainbow," I replied.

The handle of the door was surrounded by a light blue magic aura. The door opened, and I was greeted by Rarity.

"Darling, you're just in time! Come in."

I closed the door behind me and walked with Rarity to where the other girls were sitting. They greeted me and did the same.

"Rainbow Dash, have you heard the news?" Rarity asked.

"Heard about what?"

"Your date is-Mmph!" Fluttershy quickly covered Rarity's mouth with her hoof.

"Rarity, we Pinkie Promised not to tell her! And you know what happens when you break a Pinkie Promise." I noticed Pinkie Pie giving the two a menacing glare. Somehow, I didn't want to know.

"Oh my! I almost forgot!"

"Rarity, ya might want ta get started. 'Cause the date's in fifteen minutes!" Applejack exclaimed.

"We have to hurry up! Come on," Twilight said as she pushed me to the walk-in closet with Rarity.

She levitated her tape measure next to her and began to measure me. After a few seconds, she stepped back and smiled, "I know the perfect dress for you."


"Rares, please don't go overboard. Just a simple make-up and a simple dress. You know I'm not good with fancy."

"Don't worry, Rainbow Dash. I know how you are, and I know what to give you. You'll be thanking me before the night is over. Close your eyes for a few moments dear, for I will put eyeshadow."

And so, I did. A few seconds later, Rarity asked me to open my eyes and look into the mirror.

"The color! It's just like the color of my eyes!" I commented.

"I'll call the girls to let them know how you look," she said.

A minute later, she and the girls arrived. They (save for Rarity) looked stunned.

"You look beautiful, Rainbow," commented Twilight.

The girls nodded in agreement. I look at the time and it says 5:55. I thank Rarity and said goodbye to the others and left for Canterlot. Once Canterlot was in sight, I looked for Canterlot Café. Café, Café, Ca- There it is! I said to no one in particular. I landed swiftly and walked to the entrance.

"Good evening, Miss Dash. Your special somepony awaits but first, wear this," the waiter told me he said a he showed me a blindfold.

"Why would I need a blindfold?" I asked the waiter.

"You might not want to know your special somepony when taking your seat. When he says 'You can take the blindfold off now', you can take it off," he explained.

"Fine," I said and took the blindfold from his hoof, put it around my eyes and tied it.

"I'll use my magic to levitate you a few inches from the floor. Hopefully it won't catch any attention."

I just nodded. I'm a bit nervous and excited at the same time. What did Pinkie call it? Nervicited? I think that's the one.


<Five Minutes Before RD arrives>

<Soarin's POV>

I was waiting patiently for Rainbow Dash at Canterlot Café when I noticed a cyan mare with rainbow mane and tail wearing almost the same dress she wore at the royal wedding. Oh my Celestia! Rainbow's here and she looks so beautiful. I said to myself. I also noticed the waiter gave her the blindfold, Rainbow Dash taking it and wrapped it around her. She was being levitated by the waiter to my table. The waiter arrived pulling the opposite chair at my table, Rainbow Dash placed softly on the chair and the waiter left. Rainbow thought out loud while puffing her cheeks out, "Is he even done levitating me? I hate being levitated..."

I chuckled. I didn't know she could be really funny. "You can take it off now," I told her. She took it off while sighing in relief. She then gasped when she saw me.


"Surprise! Do you like it?"


"I'll take that as a yes," I chuckled.

"So that's why Rarity and Flutters are acting a bit weird earlier."

"I told them. By the way, Rarity is one good fashion designer. Too bad she didn't make our suits," I said.

"I'd say. By the way, of all the mares in Equestria why did you pick me to go out on a date with you?" she asked.

"Rainbow, the reason I picked you is that you are a loyal, funny, awesome and determined mare. Heck, you even saved my life twice...and my pie," I explained.

"Actually I didn't save ya twice you know. But anyways, you're welcome,"

"Guess so. Rainbow Dash, will you be my special somepony for Hearts and Hooves Day?"

She smiled, "Yes. I would love to."

"Thank you," I said and kissed her on the cheek. I could see her blushing and trying to hide behind her mane. I moved her mane behind her ears so I could see her beautiful face.

"You know, you look really beautiful today," I commented.

I saw her blushing harder and said, "Thanks. You don't look bad yourself."

I thanked her and saw the waiter coming to our table levitating two menus for each of us. He arrived, handing us the menus and waited. 2 minutes passed and we gave our orders to the waiter and he said, "Your orders will be here in about 10 minutes."

"Thank you," we said in unison and the waiter left.


<Third Person's POV>

Soarin and Rainbow told stories and jokes when their food arrived in exactly 10 minutes.

"Wow, exactly 10 minutes. I didn't know they could make food that fast," Rainbow Dash commented while holding a stopwatch.

"Not bad," Soarin said.

"Enjoy your meals," said the waiter and left.

They continued to tell stories while eating. After 45 minutes, Soarin asked for the bill. Then, the waiter came with the bill and handed it to Soarin. He paid the bill and gave a tip of 50 bits. The waiter left as well as Soarin and Dash.

"Hey Soarin," Rainbow started.

"Yeah?" He looked at Rainbow when she suddenly kissed him in the lips. Soarin had his eyes widen at first but returned kiss. It lasted for 15 seconds until Rainbow pulled away and said, "Thank you."

"Your welcome...Dashie," he replied.

Rainbow blushed a little. "I guess I could allow you to call me that."

"Okay. Hey Dashie, how about a race to your cloud mansion?" he asked.

"You're on. On my count, get set, GO!"


Unknown to them was a mysterious pegasus mare who was stalking the whole date.

"I swear. I swear I'm gonna kill that mare for stealing Soarin from me. He's mine. All mine! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!" the mysterious mare laughed maniacally.


Author's Note: One-shot of SoarinDash. I'm starting to make a sequel for this. I also posted this in Fimfiction.net. If you have account there, follow me. The account name is FlashLight_SoarinDash27. Till next time!

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