The Book of Emotion

By Sullyletmechangeuser

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I'm gonna give this more detail for you guys.You have to have finished Season 4 of miraculous to understand w... More

Transmission (The Kwamis Choice Part 1)
Deflagration (The Kwamis' Choice Part 2)
Conformation (The Last Day Part 1)
Re-Creation (The Last Day Part 2)


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By Sullyletmechangeuser

Felix's POV

I was at in an airport in Honolulu,Hawaii. I wanted to start a new life there. My first day there was pretty depressing. I got ice cream and a "Welcome to Pardaise" letter. For some reason,It didn't feel like paradise. I sat down at the beach, and would watch kids play with their parents. I don't why but it felt like I was being attacked. Thousands of thoughts flew threw my mind. One being,"The Story of the Twin Rings". There was not one person on earth besides me and my mom who knew the full story. Not even the sociopath who calls himself "Gabriel" understood the complex trama the story was connected to.

Marinette's POV

We were both standing in front the statue of Emilie Agreste. She looked so beautiful. Adrein looked like he was about to tear up.

"Do you even know what happened to her?"

He slowly shook his head.

"I can find out how."

"Would you do that? For me?" Adrein asked.

I looked at the statue with sorrow.

"Tikki Spots On!"I yelled.

I transformed into Ladybug and started to create a magical potion. I pored the potion on the statue.

"I command you to tell us what happened to Emile Agreste."

The statue started to shake intolerably. The statue exploded revealing a book that floated upwards.

"The story of the twin rings is a dejectful tale. Every word that comes out of my mouth is true. Shall I begin the story?" The book said.

I looked at Adrein, and he looked at me. We both shook our heads.

The Twin Rings

A lady named Mariah is running away from dangerous humans. People that you might call "Murders", implying that they will comit homicide for bribery. She is in a snow area that is incredibly hard to see. Every bit of snow that falls on her causes her to have, what feels like a "tiny seizure".

"Leave me alone! Leave me alone!"She says, hoping that they would have some empathy and just let her go.

Mariah is pregnant with twins and doesn't want any trouble. She starts running even faster, when she hears the sound of bullets blasting in the air. Suddenly, the earth around her is gone. She looks down, and realizes that she is falling. She can't scream. She can't cry. She knows that the end of her life is at stake. Does she even care? No. She's been running for days with no end. But this, this is end of it all. No more running. Mariah falls on the ground. Her thought right now is angry. How could I still be alive? She stands up, and looks up at the sky. She fell from cliff.

"How the hell am I still alive!"She shouts at the sky.

Her voice becomes more vexed, as she hears herself talk. She starts to stomp on the ground like a 3 year old. Tears start to flow down her cheeks and her tantrum causes her to fall down again. Mariah continues to scream. Suddenly, something catches her attention. Luminous jewels hid under the snow. She grabs the two jewels from under the snow. She looks at the jewels and sees that these, are indeed, special. She puts them both on. Two glowing light come out of each jewel, and 2 majestic creatures suddenly appear.

"My name is Duusu!"

"Hello, my name is Nooroo."

Mariah starts to think that she is going crazy.

"What's going on? Who are you?"

"Don't you listen? I'm Duusu. I'm a kwami. Kwamis are magical creatures that are the source of power for the miraculous. The miraculous are magical jewels that generate specific powers. I am the kwamis of emotion and Nooroo is the kwamis of transmission."

"How do I get this power?"

"Just say 'Duusu Spread My Feathers' than you will be able to create a sentimonster using an amok."

"I'm ready! Duusu Spead My Feathers!"

She transforms into a majestic peacock themed hero. Mariah looks at her hand and sees that she has magical fan, made with feathers. She picks out one feather and transfigures it into an amok. She lets go of the amok and it lands on a snowflake. She creates a senti monster to bring her back home. Where is her home? Florence, Italy.

Mariah takes the kwamis to Italy for a better life. Weeks afterwards, she gives birth to her two beautiful twin girls, Emile and Amelie. Mariah gives the two jewels to her twin daughter as gift for their life. She gives Emile the peacock miraculous and Amelie the butterfly miraculous. She also gives them another gift. Twin Rings, that represents their eternal relationship as sisters.

15 years later~

Amelie and Emile are leaving Paris in an hour to start a new life in Paris. Emile is severely worried about the decision.

"I don't think Paris is a good place for our family. That's all." Emile tells her sister who's packing up.

"Are you crazy? It's gonna perfect! I heard that they have a tower over one million feet tall!" Duusu says while interrupting are conversation.

Amelie looks at Emile with a comforting face.

"Sis, it'll be perfect! Trust me." Amelie says.

Does Emile even trust her? Of course not. Whenever her sister tells her that something positive is about to happen, the opposite becomes reality. There is knock at their door. Amelie opens the door and sees Siren standing behind it. Siren is one of Emile's senti monsters. She can control water. All of Emile's senti monsters lived with her. Herbert (who is a purple frog), Stella (Who is a lady who can turn into a white snake),Natalie, and Beetlejuice (Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice) are all of her senti monsters. They are controlled by Emile's pendant, but she never uses her powers on them. They are too precious in her eyes.

"What's wrong?" Amelie asks Siren.

"We're leaving! Are you guys ready?"Siren ask them, knowing full well that they aren't ready.

"Give us 5 more minutes."

"Better hurry your asses up!"

Siren closes the door the door. Amelie walks over to Emile to help her pack up.


After a short airplane ride, Emile, Amelie, their mom, and all the sentimonsters start their new life in Paris.

Stella is the first person to see the new house. When she opens the door, her eyes become intrigued. Their new house has a living room, kitchen, chandelier, and mutiple rooms.

"It's beautiful." Stella says.

The rest of the family walks inside and sees the deluxe beauty of the house.

"It's perfect!" Beetlejuice shouts out in his demonic voice.

"The great thing about this place is we all helped to buy it. Stella got a shitty job as a McDonald's employee. Natalie became an archeologist. Beetlejuice got a Halloween job. And I taught little kids how to swim." Siren says.

"And we're not going to stop. You guys need to find new jobs here. I'll keep on working as an archeologist." Natalie states.

We are all shocked by her words. Natalie staying as an archeologist would mean that she would constantly be traveling.

"You're leaving?" Emile asks Natalie.

Natalie puts her head with shame.

"Unfortunately, I must go to support this family. I have a job to do as an archeologist." Natalie says.

"You can stay, Natalie." Mariah insists.

They all know that Mariah needs more help; financially. How could she afford such an amazing house without everyone's help.

"No I can't. You have to trust me. I know what I'm doing. I love you all. I'll see you in a year." Natalie says.

Her voice starts to crack like she was on the verge of breaking down. She leaves and everyone becomes saddened.

Emile and Amelie go to there room and start to unpack.

"Emile, I heard that there's this fair coming up. Maybe we could go and find some-"

"Boys." Emile says with stare of silliness in her eyes.
Amelie isn't the most standard person when it comes to love. In her eyes, being in love is like walking. Every steps she takes, is another boys dick she's sucking. Most people would call her a "hoe". But Emile prefers the term "slut".

"C'mon sis! We're starting school soon! It would be a good experience to make some friends before school."

Emile thinks about it for a moment.

"It will be a good experience. Although, I know you won't behave yourself, I'll go anyway to keep you out of trouble." Emile nonchalantly says.

Amelie hugs her. She's so excited for the fair.

In the kitchen, Stella is reading the news papers with Mariah.

  "Stella?" Mariah says while starting to drink coffee on the table.

   "Do you think Emile and Amelie will like it hear."

   "It will be an adjustment but I soon feel like they will fit in here." Stella replies.

  Beetlejuice comes running out of nowhere with a terrible grin on his face.

   "What did you do this time?" Mariah asks.

    Beetlejuice doesn't respond

     "Beetlejuice! Beetlejuice! Beetleju- oh you think you're pretty slick, huh?" Mariah says.

      Amelie and Emile come running down stairs to the kitchen.

      "Hey guys! There's this fair in town and I was wondering if we could go." Amelie asks.

      Mariah and Stella look at each other as a sign of "I told you they would fit in".

      "Of course you two can go." Mariah tells them.

      "Ok bye love you!" Amelie says.

     She walks outside but before Emile goes with her mother stops her.

      "Keep a grand eye on your sister for me." Mariah demands.

       "You know I always will." She responds.

Emile and Amelie go to the fair and are about to have some fun. Amelie runs around trying to play every game in sight but was does Emile do? She watches her, making sure she doesn't do anything stupid.

   "For the city of love, it smells really bad." Emile says.

   "Lightin up, sis." Amelie pleads.

    "I'm proud of you, Amelie. You haven't yet made out with a boy."

   Amelie laughs. Suddenly, everyone in the fair goes quiet as a girl passes by.

     "Who the hell is that?"Duusu asks Emile.

        "I have no idea."Amelie and Emile simultaneously say.

        "You don't know who she is?" One boy yells out from the crowd surrounding her.

         The whole crowd looks at them like they are maniacs. The girl (who's around their age) walks over to them.

           "What are guys? Scottish?" The lady asks.

            "Actually were Italian." Amelie says.

         Emile can tell what she meant by "Scottish". They have green eyes and blonde hair.

         "What's your name brat." Emile asks.

       At this point, Emile and the girl are on each other's face.

          "Audrey Dexter."

          " Congratulations, Audrey. You're officially a brat." Emile says.

          Audrey laughs.

          "I like you. Everyone there's nothing to see here. These are my new friends and you will treat them with respect." Audrey tells the crowd.

           The crowd casually stops paying attention to her. Audrey grabs Emile and Amelie's hands and takes them to where free drinks are being served.

          "So where are you guys actually from?" She asks.

          "We're from Florence." Amelie replies.

           Audrey grabs two drinks for them and hands it to them.

           "Thanks!"Emile says.

          Audrey looks behind and sees someone coming her.

              "Shit! It's my ex boyfriend, Dylan." Audrey says.

              "Oh, he's cute." Amelie says.

               "Get your head out of the gutter. He's not even a three. Got damn it! He's coming this way." Audrey tells them.

       Dylan walks over to them with perverted smile on his face. He has a mustache that makes him look twice his age.

       "Good Afternoon, Ladies. How are you liking the fair." Dylan asks.

       Amelie does her usual sex laugh. This is when Amelie is getting "too comfortable" with a guy.

       "My name's Amelie." She says in a unsettling voice.

       Dylan grabs her hand kisses up to her shoulder.

       "You two are disgusting!" Emile shouts.

     Dylan looks at Emile with a ravished face.

    "And who is she?" Dylan asks.

    "Her name is Emile. She's my twin sister." Amelie explains.

    Emile forcefully smiles at him.

     "Dylan, what you want? Are you done sucking girls necks and giving them hickeys?" Audrey asks.

      "I actually came to look for someone to look at the stars with me at Moonlight Bay. Everyone is going there." Dylan says.

     "I'll go with you." Amelie insists.

    Dylan's driven by her.

    "Ok, We can go now if you want. It starts at 6:00."

    "Yes! Please take me. Bye girls." Amelie says.

    She runs off with Dylan, leaving Emile and Audrey confused.

   Amelie gets in Dylan's car and they drive off to Moonlight Bay. When they arrive, Amelie sees that Moonlight Bay's a beach. She's surprised when she sees that only a couple people are there.

  "Where is everyone?" Amelie asks.

   Dylan has a hurtful look on his face. Amelie knows that he's oy using her for her body. She doesn't want to be known as "that girl you can fuck when you're bored". She wants commitment.

    "You just brought me here as a prop. Another one of your girlfriends that you're gonna make out with in trunk! You're such...such...a bastard!" Amelie shouts.

    "Look I didn't mean to her you I just-"

    "You know what!"

     Amelie slaps Dylan right across the face.

    "Do you know how much it hurts when I'm only know as a prop. Something you you want to play with. Another breath I supposedly take, is another hickey I have on my neck! Do even care?"

     "Look I know you have anger issues but you can't just go arou-"

     "I DON'T HAVE ANGER ISSUES! Nooroo generate your power!" Amelie screams.

    Nooroo gives Amelie the power of Transmission through her miraculous. Amelie will forever be the best butterfly miraculous holder ever. When she was about 6, her and Emile created techniques using their miraculous. Amelie would transmit waves to Emile's brain, triggering her to do things that Amelie wanted her to do. Emile would use her miraculous to control her emotions, read them or destroy them. Dylan falls back. Amelie eyes start turn bright purple and glow. Dylan is confused and shaken. Amelie starts to take control of his brain.

   "I don't have anger issues!" Amelie screams.

     The sound of her voice repeats inside of Amelie's head. He has no choice but to repeat her words.

    "I-I-I DON'T H-HAVE ANGER issues!" Dylan says.

     Amelie snaps her fingers and Dylan is now able to control himself again.

     "You're crazy!" Dylan says.

       He gets up and runs away. He almost trips while running on the sand. Amelie bursts into tears and collapses on the ground.

     The next morning, Emile and Amelie start their first day of school. Emile gets her books from her locker and closes it. She's about be late for class and starts running at reasonable pace. She bumps into someone and falls down hard.

    "Shit! I'm sorry." Emile tells the person.

    She looks into his eyes and sees that he's beautiful. She helps him grab his supplies and finds one of his drawings.

    The guy blushes and Emile can tell that he has crush her.

    "W-w-w- what's y-your name?" The guys asks.

     "Emile... Emile Grand De Vanily." She tells him.

      "Grand De Vanily? Scottish, right?"

      "My dad was scottish but I was born in Italy."

       "Cool! My grandfather is scottish. He moved to Paris during the first World War when he was only 17. My name is Gabriel Agreste."

       "I better get to class. See you around. " Emile says.

         They both stand up and Emile hands him his work. She walks away with happiness on her shoulders. Gabriel, alone, is blushing over her. He hides behind one of the lockers and looks to see if she's still there.

        "I can't wait." He whispers.

     The next day, Gabriel gets himself surrounded by the jocks. They say things that make Gabriel uncomfortable and start pushing him like he's a punching bag. Emile screams at them to get off of him. They don't listen.

      "Don't make me hurt you!" She shouts at jocks.

     They stop pushing him and look at her like she's crazy.

      "Lil' Italian girl wants to play. I ain't fighting a hoe." One jock says.

     Emile pins all jocks to the ground and punches them repeatedly.

      "Don't mess with me!" Emile shouts at them.

        That's the moment Emile start to see Gabriel throught different lenses. She starts to think of him as more than just a friend.

       That night, Emile starts to use her dream flute again. Emile is capable of controlling dreams because they are tied to emotions. So she uses a flute to make sure everyone has perfect dreams. When she was 10, she used a flute that her mother gave her to control the dreams of people in Florence. She hadn't done the same with Paris though. She thought it wasn't important anymore. But suddenly the feeling of needing to play her flute at night to make sure people's dreams were safe came back. So she sits in front of her bedroom window playing her flute with her sister half asleep doing her homework from yesterday. The main reason behind this is because Emile is falling in love with Gabriel. She especially wants him to have good dreams. Suddenly, Emile has an idea. What if I create a superhero who visits Gabriel every night and I express my feelings to him that way? She thinks about it for a moment and goes a long with it.

Gabriel's sleeping in his bedroom with his art journal on top of his face. Suddenly, a wave of Emile's power comes into Gabriel's mind. What's going on? He tries to wake up but he can't. Is this sleep paralysis? He starts to dream of walking into a café with mutiple people inside. They have jazzy music playing and the smell of waffles make him crave for a bite. We walks to the counter in a hurry.

     "Where am I?" He asks the cashier with a cigarette his mouth.

      "Welcome to Peacock Café! We sell coffee,breakfast meals, lunch meals, and pretty much anything."

      "I'll... have some waffles and coffee."

      "Coming right up, sir."
     While he waits for his coffee, he starts to draw in his art journal. Then, a lady walks in, wearing a peacock outfit. She doesn't attract Gabriel at first until she slams her hand on the counter to draw his attention.

        "Hey Stranger."

       "Uhh...hey. My name's Gabriel and yours?"

       "My name is...Argos."

    She takes beside Gabriel.

        "Gabe, do you always like to draw?"

        "Don't call me Gabe! And yes I do like to draw sometimes!"

        "Sorry Briel, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings."

        Gabriel continues to draw and ignores her. Although, he tries to ignoring her, the sound of her sexy and flirtatious voice repeat in his mind.

        "Looks like Gabe doesn't have a sense of humor."

        Gabriel laughs hysterically.

          "I got you!" Argos says.
           "I guess you did." He replies.

    He looks at Argos and blushes.

           "Listen Gabriel. I'll visit you every night, no matter what anyone says. I'll be in your dreams, just make you laugh." Argos explains.

          "Since you'll visit me every night, than will have a lot of time to spend with each other." Gabriel responds.

         Gabriel leans into to kiss Argos but right before he kisses her, he wakes up in his bedroom to the sound of his alarm clock ringing.

    At school, the jocks beat him up to the point where he has a concussion. Emile,Amelie,and Audrey find him tapped to the girls bathroom mirror.

     "Oh my gosh! Is that Gabriel?" Amelie screams out.

    "Hurry! Let's help him get down." Emile demands.

    "Ew! I'm not touching that." Audrey tells them.

    "Stop thinking your better than every one and JUST DO AS I SAY!" Emile yells.

     Audrey's expression changes. She gets super angry. Her gasp is priceless.

     "How DARE you!" Audrey yells.

      She storms out of the girls bathroom.


     When Audrey goes home, she sees the last person on earth she would want to see, HER FATHER. Audrey's family on her mother's side has always been rich. They've had billions of dollars under their finger tips since 1849. Her mother- made the dumb decision- to marry a man who wasn't wealthy and only wanted her for her money. They divorced 12 years later but he comes to visit her once in a long- long while. Her father is in the living watching television and her mother is overwhelmed.

     "Did you know HE was coming?" Audrey asks her mom.

     "Of course not!" She says.

     Audrey crossed her arms. Her dad walks over to her and hugs her but does she even hug him back.

     "Listen, twerp. I'm your father!"

      "Yeah I think I got that."

      "Now your being disrespectful."

      "Well it's true unless... oh finally some good possible news!"

      He slaps my face.



        "Wha-wha-whatever? WHATEVER! Young lady-"

       "Can you please shut up?"

     He actually listens for once and calms down.

       "You are my daughter, and I came here because I'm going to take you and your siblings to my house for a couple of da-"

        "I ain't going to your crusty trailer park!"

        Audrey's older sister and brother-Daphne and Gordon- come running to their dad.

          "Are you crazy?" Daphne asks their dad.

           "We aren't going with you!" Gordon shouts at him.


      Emile walks to her house without her sister. She opens the front door and right before she goes upstairs to her room, her mother stops her.

      "Sweetie? How was your day?" She asks.

       "It was fine, mom."

       "Where's your sister?"

        "Well, judging how much of slut she is-"


       "What? Sorry but I hear you use badder words than just that."

    Emile walks to to her bedroom and starts her homework.


   For hours, Audrey and her siblings had been arguing with their father. Audrey feels like has to escape the noise so she sneaks out to to the balcony. Like their gonna notice. I just need some fresh air and then I'll be back to arguing with dad. Maybe he'll catch the memo or I'll actually have to go to to Whoville. A sneaky little kitten crawls on Audrey lap and starts to...oddly...speaks to me. This obviously Beetlejuice. He repeatedly shape-shiftes into a human and tells her to say his name three times.


     Beetlejuice goes on a rampage. He starts spreading chaos all across Paris.


   Stella's in the living room listening to the news. All of sudden, Beetlejuice pops. Stella knows that she needs to stop him.

    "Beetlejuice is on the loose!" Stella yells.

    Siren comes running to the living room in a hurry.

    "Did you say that Beetlejuice is on the loose?"

     Stella shakes her head.


    Amelie is on a date with none other than Dylan. They manage to try dating again. Their making out at Moonlight Bay, when all of sudden, the people start running away.

    "What the hell is going on?"Dylan says.

    "I think we should go!" Amelie says.


   Siren finds Beetlejuice in the middle of street.

     "Beetlejuice! BEETLEJUIC-"

     Beetlejuice attacks her. Siren attacks him with water and tries again but Beetlejuice always manages to stop her from saying it.


   Emile goes to a nearby Café, regardless of circumstances. I just have to be careful. She meets Gabriel there, who's drawing.

    "Hey!" Gabriel says.

    Emile waves back at him. She sits next to him.

      "You're a real artist."She says while looking at his work.

        "Thanks!" He replies.

        A piece of the celing almost falls on Gabriel but Emile saves by using the peacock miraculous and transforming.

      "Duusu Spread My Feathers!" She says.

      Gabriel is star-struck by her. Argos is struggling to hold up the piece of the ceiling from collapsing on him. He leans in and kisses her.

     "Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Beetlejuice."

     Finally Siren manages to get him stop but the damage he caused is still unbelievable.

    Months afterwards, Gabriel and Emile's relationship takes off and they become one of the most known couples to ever go to Françoise Dupont high school. Natalie comes back and everything is looking up. They go to prom and have the time of their lives.

    They get married in 1993 and life is perfect until Adrein.

     The day before there wedding, Gabriel asks Emile if she can do something for him.

    "Can you get your sister's miraculous for me?"

     Emile's can't belive what he just asked her to do.
      "It's my sister's! Why would you want it?" Emile asks.

       "If you truly love me, than you would give me her ring, too."

        "Are you crazy?"

        "Give me her miraculous or the wedding is off!"



     Emile and Amelie meet up at an underground parking lot. Amelie has know idea what's going on.

    "I'm sorry, Am. I have to do this for love."

     Amelie's confused. Emile begins to fight her sister. Amelie tries to avoid her  attacks but Emile is too wise.

     "Duusu Spread My Feathers!" She says.

       "Nooroo Heaven's Wing Rise!"

      They both transform using their miraculous. Now there is no backing down. The fight is on. Flight (Amelie) tries to control Emile's brain,but Emile is all ready immune to her ability.

    "Don't even try! Your power is useless on me."

    Argos knocks Flight out. The depressing scene in front of her, brings her to tears. Flight has drip of blood flowing down her nose. Argos leans down in front of her and grabs her miraculous and her ring.

     "What kind of sister am I?"

     Adrein had a perfect relationship with both parents. The sentimonsters were his best friends but something changed. It was Gabriel. He forced Emile   to create a sentimonster for one of his "business partners". He became demanding and abusive. Emile thought that wouldn't effect her but in the end, he manipulated her into doing things that she shouldn't of done. The more she used the peacock miraculous, the more clueless she was about the wounds of the miraculous. She started dizzy spells and fainted often. She coughed 24/7 and somedays she woke up at 12:00 and went to bed at 4:00. Before their marriage, Emile fought Amelie to give her the alliance ring and butterfly miraculous for there wedding. Why did she? Because of Gabriel!


Emile's in Gabriel's office, crying, because life doesn't feel as pleasant as it used to. Stella walks in because she hears the sound of Emilie crying. She sits down next to her.

    "What's wrong?" She asks.

     "Life's wrong. I don't know what's happening to me. I'm becoming weak."

     "Do you miss your mom?" Stella asks.

   The year before Adrein and Felix were born, Mariah was poisoned but no one knows who did it.

      "Yeah. She went through something similar."

      "Emile. I know this isn't you."

       Right before Emile could respond, Gabriel walks inside his office with the sentimonsters arguing with him.

      "What is wrong with you?" He asks.

      "Me?" Emile says.

      "Your sentimonsters are crazy. I can't live with them here."

      "You're the crazy one bitch." Beetlejuice shouts.

       The arguing makes Emile uncomfortable and tries to hold herself up from fainting.

         "Please make it stop." She whispers.

         The arguing sounds increase.

        "Stop it! Stop it! STOP IT!" She yells.

         The room turns quiet. Gabriel breaks the silence.

           "We can keep, Natalie but the rest of them are pretty irrelevant. Just snap them out of existence.

           Everyone gasps.

            "How could you say such a thing?" Siren says.

          Tears begin to form in her eyes.

             "You're asking me to kill my sentimonsters? The sentimonsters I have had since I was a child?" Emile says.

         The argument starts again and Emile collapses on the ground with a waterfall falling down her cheeks. She doesn't want to tell sentimonsters to leave but she does.


         The sentimonsters are in shock. This isn't you Emile. Your better than this. Your better than him! All sentimonsters except Natalie and Stella leave. Gabriel feels threatened that Stella wants to stay.

      "Listen to your master and leave!" He yells.

        Stella transforms into the White Snake. Gabriel falls down in shock. Right before the White Snake could attack him, Emile stopped her by using her pendant to control her.

       "Leave...please...Stel."Emile commands.

        She leaves reluctantly. Adrein tries to get in the office but Natalie takes him to his room and persuades him that everything is alright. But he knows that something is wrong and it's not good.


      The next day, Emile wakes up perfectly fine. Little did anyone, she's keeping all her feelings inside. She runs to Adrein's room in a hurry. He's still asleep and his drool is all over his pillow. Emile shakes Adrein's foot to make him wake up.

    "Wake up sleepy head!"
  Adrein wakes up. He kisses her cheek and almost falls back asleep.

   "What time is it?"

   "It's 9:00."

  Emile grabs Adrein's hand and starts to tickle him.

   "Mom! Mom! Mom! Stop!" He says.

    They both tremble with laughter.

    "I'm going to take a shower." Adrein tells his mom.

    "We're going to mall. So be ready by 11:00." She tells him.

     Emile walks out of his bedroom and walks to Gabriel's office. Duusu pops out from Emile's pocket.

   "What are you going to do, Em."

    "Something I should of done years ago."

     Emile sneaks into Gabriel's office. He's doing his work on his computer and Emile walks over to him. She kisses his lips. Gabriel believes that it's a sign of love, but Emile is secretly taking his ring (like the Ladybug episode in Season 3). Right before Emile goes, she remembers something.

    "Adrein and I are going to the mall. Bye, Stranger."

  After Emile closes the door, Gabriel whispers "Don't call me Stranger!".


    Adrein and Emile are getting inside their car when Amelie shows up with Felix.

     "Hey Emmy." Amelie says.

     Adrein runs to her and hugs her.

        "Adrein's quite the hugger." Amelie says.

       *13 year old Felix

   Felix and Adrein hug each other and start to talk as Amelie and Emile stare into each other's eyes. Emile tries to grab her sister's hand but she flinches. For second, there's an awkward silence between them. Then Emile directs Amelie to go inside. Emile and Amelie walk up to the stairs and that's where there conversation would begin.

    "Amelie,I'm sorry for what I did. It was wrong and to be completely honest. I don't deserve a chance. You are my sister, and I stole two things that made you feel special. I deeply apologize."

   "Emile, It feels like all my life, you've been the one to hurt. I grew up thinking that being your sister was living in your shadow. You were the stronger one, the one that got perfect, and had the perfect personality. But the only thing I had were boys. You have know idea how much you hurt me! I was perfectly fine but inside...I was DYING. Every time I was called a "slut" or a "hoe" it made me mad. It made me feel like I could only live up to your shadow."

  "I'm sorry! I didn't I made you feel that way. I get I'm a horrible sister. But high school wasn't a perfect time for me either. I haven't told a soul about this but...Gabriel cheated on me. We broke up for about 3 weeks but got back together. Those months, I cried myself to sleep, I have scars from that period. And living your shadow wasn't the best thing either. You ruined my love life because all boys who were interested in Florence, thought I would be just like you! But I'm sorry. Ww both are bad sisters and we both can change."

   "The only thing that could truly convince me you have changed, is if you divorce Gabriel."

   "I will. No matter what it takes I will."

   Emile,Amelie,Felix and Adrein all get in the car, and Emile's bodyguard drives them to the mall. Emile feels a rush all around her body. She finally is free from Gabriel. The car ride to the mall is like fever dream. A semi truck tilts back and hit their car. It does mutiple flips before landing almost-sideways. Emile, surprisingly, is conscious. Amelie, however, is screaming in pain, because her leg got caught in between the truck and the car. Emile looks around. She finds her diary, in her purse. Along with her dream flute and other objects she loves to use. Adrein and Felix are dead. And their bodyguard's body is crushed. Emile's mind is suddenly depriving staying awake. She lazily unbukles her seat belt. She falls on the ground and the smell of gasoline about to burn catches her attention. Duusu pops out again.

     "What happened?" Duusu asks Emile.

      "We got into a car accident but it looks like we'll be alright."

       Amelie looks at her sister crying.

       "There has got to be something we can do. Duusu Spread My Feathers."

       She transforms into Argos, and crawls to the backseat, where Amelie is lying there, in pain.

      "Maybe there is something I can do?" She says.

      She suddenly starts to use her power of emotion to heal Amelie's wounds. It takes about 10 seconds, and it was pretty easy.

     Next, was Felix. She grabs his neck and starts to heal him from there. This causes her reconstructing Felix's whole mind set. Since she's frustrated because Felix won't heal, he'll probably end up angry and broken. It takes about 3 minutes for Felix to be fully healed.

   Then, it was time for Adrein. She tries to heal him once, didn't work. She tries again, doesn't work. 3 more times and nothing happens. Tears begin to form in Emile's eyes because she believes that there's no hope and that Adrein is really...gone. My baby,Adrein,I will forever love you. I need you to come back  to life. I need you-sweetheart- I'm crying a lot already. She kisses Adrein's forehead and heals him. She collapses on the ground and automatically de-transforms. I feel a numbness going through my back and my saliva evaporating. "That's not good." I say. Tears begin to flow down Emile's cheeks. "I just want Adrein to be ok. Because I-I-love him." The sound of firefighters coming feels distant and I can see myself dying. The words I hear are "We've got them." And the sound glass shattering. Then,I high-pitch squeal is the last noise my body ever made.


   When Gabriel hears the news of Emile's death he wants no one to know the truth of her death. So he brainwashes everyone in Paris to think that she "disappeared". The only other person that knows is Natalie.

    Hawk Moth shows up at Amelie's house to fight her. Dylan and Amelie are  in the living room couch. Hawk Moth waves at them to catch their attention.

     "What are doing here?" Amelie asks.

   "To fight! You want my miraculous and my ring? Let's fight for them." Hawk Moth concludes.

  Amelie pulls out a Katana from out of nowhere. They fight like maniacs. No one gets hurt until towards the end of the fight. Hawk Moth's on ground, pleading for mercy. Then, suddenly he grins as Dylan walks back into the room. He grabs Amelie's Katana and stabs Dylan. He runs off, leaving Amelie devastated.

   The end...




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