By lirio_blanco-lily

8.5K 151 59

He doesn't had anything else to achieve as now he gained all . He is the most powerful and now he has everyth... More

chapter -6
Chapter -7
Chapter -8
Chapter -9
Chapter -10
Chapter -11
Chapter -12
Chapter -14
✨My books and poetry page✨
Chapter -16
Chapter -17
Chapter -18
Chapter -19


1K 19 10
By lirio_blanco-lily

Aria's pov;

" I really don't think it's a good idea to call him now . I mean it's not like I'm going tody or something ."

" yeah but the sooner the better ." my mom said .

" Mom ....why !"

" Oh come on sweetheart . Listen to your mother. "

" Dad . Please don't . People will not approach me or even make friends with me ." I whined at my Dad . We were on our way back from a family dinner at one of my dad's clints .
We were chatting and laughing discussing about starting my new semester after the brake until -

" Kevin !" Mom suddenly screamed and we felt a sudden hit at the side of our car .

I saw mom's panicking state as she hold onto her seatbelt tightly. I was at the back and was doing the same . I tried to see through our tinted window and saw another car was trying to push our car at the edge . It was a hilly road so it didn't took us long to understand what was coming ahead .
Dad was trying so hard to control the car but then suddenly our car lost balance and I heard a gunshot along with tires scratching on the road and our car slipped . I feels a sudden force and we were falling down the edge after .

I was now crying and saw both my parents were holding their hands and looked towards me .

" We love you sweet ." and that was the last thing I heard before darkness engulfs me ...........

I feel a scaring pain down my back and buttocks through the back of my right leg . I got a heavy feeling on my head making it difficult to open my eyes or even to move my neck.
I hear sirens going off and people talking .
And when I finally opened my eyes I saw something I hope no one would ever have to see ,...... and again everything went dark in front of me  .................

" Please she can't talk right now . She just got back from her coma . "

" Listen Mr. Ricci we need to take her statement , it's very important ."

" I totally understand but please-.........."

My eyes opened listening to the noises coming from the outside . The first thing I saw opening my eyes was the blue wall infront of me . My right hand connected to the IV and I was in a hospital gown . Apparently my right leg was having a plaster on as I had a bad ligament torn at my knee area . my head still feels heavy . I can feel the little stinging pain in the area where I had the cut.

Well now it's the second time waking up at this view and this state . It would have been better if I was also dead with them .

" Aria , Darling , how are you feeling now ?" I saw my Uncle coming inside with her wife beside him .

" Sweetheart , do you maybe having some pains . Do you want us to call the doctor ? " My aunty said coming beside me holding my good hand.

" I'm
Good ." I said simply . I really don't feel like talking to anybody right now. 

" Oh my sweet . Everything will be alright . " She gave me a hug and maybe , just maybe that was all I needed at this point .

I found myself crying at her shoulder . The pain in my heart is more stronger than the pain going through my body .
How everything will be alright now ?
I , I really don't know why it happened to me . Why !
How am I going to survive without them . Why God decided to left me behind ! I , mom dad how will I be able to do it alone ? All by myself ? Please just please come back to me . I really need you both . and a half month later.

" Aria ? darling , did you took the medicines ?" My Aunty came with a little bowl in her hand .

" I did aunty . " I said smiling at her. I was sitting at my veranda feeling the cold breeze , it's  somehow outside, this was giving me comfort in a strange way .

" You know what ! I called Xavier and he said he is coming this weekend !." she said giving me the dowl and I saw it's my favourite Indian desert called kheer.

Xavier is my cousin older brother and he is now currently running our business in Russia .He came to see me before but as he is the CEO of that branch he couldn't spend that much time with me , with us .

My Uncle Aunty and my brother , after my mom and dad they are the only people/family that I have left in my life .

Marco Ricci my uncle , dad's older brother and my aunty Nupur Ricci , his wife have always been the closest people in my life along with my cousin Xavier .

My dad and my uncle were partners. We were a one big family . I have always been their little girl . Nupur Aunty is the other mother figure in my life and now when my mom is not here with me she is the only person I can relay on . I always had a strong bond with my mother and aunty .
She is an amusing lady . She was born in India and apparently life happened and now she has been married to my uncle living her life here with us . 

She is currently running her own restaurant chains successfully in All over Canada but mainly she prefers to stay here in Ottawa , as obviously uncle too handles everything from here.

It's been one and a half months since the accident when I lost the two most important people of my life .

It was tough for me , really hard to accept the fact that they are nomore and now I could only find them in my memories .
But eventually days went by and with the help of my family and friends I am now doing better, and I know my parents would also wanted that . Now that life has given me another chance I will not waste it on my sorrow rather live for my dreams . I know it will make my mom dad proud when they will see me up from the stars . Well it's easier said than done.

Everyone's constant support and love help me in my healing process and I was able to start it all over again . Atleast trying to .

" Well , he better pay for the days he wasn't with me . " I said . Me and Xavier , we were never cousins but more like brother and sister . Mom used to tell me he didn't like being the younger and when I finally came into their life he was super happy . I was like his that favourite toy which he never wanted to give to anyone and when I grew up he was the best brother anyone could ever have .
I'm really fortunate to have a brother like him . Im 21 wher he is 25 now so our age difference was something that made him my very protective big bro .

" Dont worry , he will . Now finish this and get ready for your doctors appointment ."

" Hmm , I wish I'm finally able to remove this thing ." I said annoyingly pointing at my plaster.
My lag feels more better now . So I think this time this thing will be off from my leg.

" Yes , okay be quick . " She said , and left the room . I finished the kheer and let me tell you it was delicious .

I can now walk with crutches as my back pain was also gone . Aunty suggested that I could take help from my nurse but now that I'm actually good I want to do it myself. I grab my outfit and then put them on the bed . After wearing them and combing my hair I was all ready to go. Seriously I can't wait to remove this plaster as it was really bugging me .

" All ready ? " aunty said , helping me with my shoelace on my left foot and took the other shoe in a bag as I would be needing it later .
" All good ." I smiled and we were off to go ....

To be continued ......


So this was the first chapter .
How is it ? I hope you all will like where I would take this book as it would be an amusing journey. hopefully 😁.

Let me know what you think about this book and comments can help .

I request you to not be a silent render as it really important for the author to know how their readers are actually finding their books and what's their thoughts about it.
Im always up for good criticisms and suggestions
and if it help me in my writhing weather it's my grammar or my spellings or it can be by telling me if you guys are getting confused in some point or something.
But it would be obviously my decision to take the suggestion or not as I'm the author.

Be humble and sweet and help me in my journey by giving your support and love to this book and I will be a sweetheat too

And if you at any point find out it's not worth it then you are most welcome to leave this book positively .
No hard feelings.
Again , I hope you all will enjoy it .

Ok thats all .
So now your author , Papiya saying goodbye !
See you in my next update .!

٩(๛ ˘ ³˘)۶♥

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