The LGBTQIA2+ gang (old)

Galing kay laurenlime05

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This is a coming of age story. Every part a new character with a different sexuality or gender identity will... Higit pa

Meet Maverick Campbell
Meet Charlie Mysak
Meet Makayla Shewell
Meet Emery Blackwell
Meet Camilla Wintour
Meet Kilan Baker
Meet Ethan White
Meet Dakota Davis
Bonus Maverick and Makayla's argument.
Meet Alexis Jones
Meet Joshua Anderson
Meet Grace Evans
Meet William Littlewood
Meet Mason Lowell
Meet Abigail Lambert
Little hiatus
Meet Olivia McClain
Meet Ben Richmond
Emery's pov
Ethan's pov
Charlie's pov
Kilan's pov
Olivia's pov (Finale)
Side story?
Graduation bonus final part
Side stories out now!
To love again part 1
To love again part 2
To love again epilogue
Scandalized part 1
Scandalized final part
Reboot of this novel

Graduation bonus part 1

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Galing kay laurenlime05

*This was suppose to be just a bonus for an event on Tapas but I figured this bonus is too important to not post it on here. So enjoy!*

Alexis's pov

Today it's an important day, a day that I've been waiting for a long time. We're finally graduating! I can't believe time has gone by so fast. Time sure goes by fast when you have 15 wonderful friends. It's crazy to think how much things changed in the last few years. I was only the school president that was doing her job and had a few friends but now I'm the one that bosses a whole gang of 16 people. Sometimes I'm surprised I'm still friends with all of them. We're not always together but most of them time we are. I think it's mostly do to the fact they are fully in love. I can't really understand trough. I'm single like a pringle. Even if I'm friends with all of them, I'd say I'm closer to Grace and surprisedly good old Joshua too. It's not that I don't like the others but maybe I'm closer to those two because it might be because we're the only ones that are single? Oh gosh no, I forgot Olivia is still single! But yeah it's tougher to be close to lovebirds. We're all getting ready for the ceremony for our graduation. It's gonna be lit! Even if this year I wasn't the school president, I still had a part of it. I gave out my ideas and the school council used my ideas with pleasure. I better enjoy today as this really is our last day all together. Next year we won't be in the same school anymore. It makes me want to cry just to think about it. We're all gonna go to college next year, except Josh of course. The guy doesn't give two f**ks about getting a degree. He's still the same but maybe less than jackass than before? He's the one I'm the most surprised that he's still friends with us. I wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't stay like that beginning next year. One thing I know for sure it's that I still want to remain his friend. He's a little sh*t alright but I like that about him. By the way we're set to arrive together. Our friends always teases us about dating each other but I have no interest in dating him nor does he. He ended up confessing to me he was aromatic a few years back when he was at his most vulnerable. I was surprised at first but I let it slide. Grace decided to arrive at the graduation ceremony on her own. That sure is like her. She's a strong independent woman even if she doesn't like to refer it to that. Ugh, which outfit should I choose? Right at this instant, I hear a knock on my front door. "I'll get it!" I run to the door still in my bathroom robe. I open the door and I'm met with Josh. "You're still not ready?" "Oh, uh I don't know what outfit I should wear." "Argh, we're gonna be late Alex." "I know but can you help me choose?" He rolls his eyes. "Fine.." We go to my room and he choses an outfit for me. "This one will be good on you." "Oh yeah! Thanks Josh!" He nods. "Sometimes I'm surprised at your sense of fashion. Are you sure you don't want to go into fashion?" "What? F**k off no." "Aw that's too bad. You would be good and you could work with me maybe?" "No" "Ugh you're boring." "Hurry up seriously. I hate those ceremonies but I still want to see those f**kers one last time. I doubt we'll see everyone together this summer. "Ok, ok I get it!"


They decided that the ceremony should be held without any parents. Don't ask me why. They wanted us to have some fun without our parents. I think they'll do another event more official but tonight it's not that. We finally arrived. Everyone is already there. Ugh, I hate to say Joshua was right but he was this time. "Miss Alexis always fashionably late." I give a sly smirk to Mason. "You looking good tonight Mister Lowell." "Oh we're on a last name basis now?" "It's just a joke." "You looking good too." William that has been holding on to his shoulder finally speaks up. "You really are beautiful tonight Alexis." "Thanks. I can say the same for you." "This?" He points to his unique suit that has a little purple veil all around him. That suits him really well. The others finally comes into view. "Alexis! We were waiting for you!" Charlie says. "Sorry for the wait." I smile. "No worries he's being dramatic." Maverick comes into view. "I'm not dramatic!" "Sure you are." "I agree with Maverick on this one Charlie is kind of dramatic." "Not you too Emery!" "What can I say?" I then notice that Makayla is not too far from her. Wow she really is stunning tonight with her long light pink dress a little bit puffy. Not a good thing for a graduation gown but who cares anyways? "I think we should get in now." Ethan says. "Yeah I agree let's get in." Abigail says in return. So we all get inside. Why did they have to do it inside when it's so hot outside? We all sit down where we want to. Thank goodness there was still some chairs left for us to sit on. The ceremony is about to start. Then it finally does. "Good evening Rochester high!" We all say good evening in unison. "Today I'm proud to announce that you're all made it to the very end!" Everyone cheers. "Sense you all made it that far, we therefore gave you your high school diploma!" Everyone cheers again. "Everyone will be named in alphabetical order, will
have a little summary about what they did the last few years in Rochester high, will also receive their diploma and then take a photo. For those that want to, you can make speech!" We all cheer. The announcer announces a few names and then they finally say Joshua's name out loud. "Joshua Anderson!" He stands up from his seat and he goes on stage. Geez he looks so awkward there. "Joshua, I'm surprised you made it here." He glares at the announcer. "Everyone was sure you would quit school but instead you preserved. This is so unlike you! Despite your number of days spend in detention and suspensions. The whole school is proud of you and therefore, I gave you your diploma." Joshua doesn't look as annoyed as he first was. He takes his diploma. They put on a graduation gown on him and then they take a photo with his diploma. We wait a few more minutes until Kilan is called in front. "Ah, Kilan, I haven't known you a lot but you did a lot more things during your stay then people think you did. You won a few gaming awards. The only one in the entire school to do that!" They awkwardly smile. "Yeah.." "I'm very glad to hand your diploma." They do the same thing again and a few minutes later it's Emery turn. "Emery, Emery, nobody will forget our number one star! You'll always be our number one star! Even more for your accomplishments. You won the school's first cup just last year. We hope you'll do that again. With how good you're tallent is, it's possible you get recruited in a professional team." "Actually I'd like to say something." "Oh ok go ahead." "Yes I decided to keep it a secret. Only a few of my friends know but I was waiting for this moment. Last week I got chosen in Charlotte's Laser lights in the professional league!" Everyone gasp in accomplishment, then they fully cheer for Emery. "Wow, we weren't expecting that! I can't believe it! This is the first time someone from Rochester high will officially go pro! Everyone cheer for Emery Blackwell!" They all do exactly that. Then the night goes on and it's Maverick's turn. "Oh Maverick! Our beloved basketball captain!" "Yep that's me!" "You'll be remembered for many generations to come. You were by far one of the best captains in a long time! You even became one only when you were in your sophomore year. You weren't even 15 yet! That will an accomplishment that will never be forgotten. Everyone cheer for Maverick Campbell!" They all do just that. The same routine goes on and then it's Dakota's turn. "I'm especially proud of you Dexie." "It's Dakota actually." "Oh yeah sorry, I'm proud of you Dakota, You managed to lend a scholarship. One of the only ones at our school! " They all cheer for Dakota. "I always thought you were smarter than your sister." Wow what a big blow there. "Oh I'm flattered thanks." Dakota awkwardly smiles. "So I'm really proud to give you today your high school diploma."Dakota smiles. "Everyone cheer for Dakota Davis!" Then it was Grace's turn. "Grace! What a pleasure to talk to you." "You too" "Your last performance was wonderful!" "Thanks" "We are really glad that we have such a good lead singer and pianist. You formed one of the best bands this school ever had, Bloody angels! Do you plan on continuing your band after high school?" "Ah actually no. I don't plan on pursuing music." "Oh that's too bad. Everyone give a cheer for our lead singer Grace Evans!" Then later my turn came. "Alexis!" "Yes" I give my signature smile. "You have quite the outfit tonight!" "Yes thank you." "Would you like to give a speech like when you were our school president?" "Yes I don't mind." "Great!" "Hi Rochester high! Are you all glad to have made it to this day?!" They all say yes in unison. "I'm glad. I loved every second of my experience in this school. I had the privilege to serve as your school president for 2 years in a row, even if I wasn't the one in charge of the title this year, I'm still proud of myself and my entire school! In the past few years I learned lots of things. Most importantly how much important friends are. I have now 15 lovable friends, that I love very much. I Alexis Jones am glad to be leaving this school in good terms!" They all cheer. Then after my turn it's Abigail that goes on stage. "Hey I don't know you very well but I heard from lots of peers that you're into anime and movies? Is that true?" "Yes! I'm considering becoming a director of a movie one day!" "Wow what a good choice of jobs! Let's give it all for Abigail Lambert!" They all cheer. It's surprising that Abigail was all energetic on stage. She's normally shy but today it's our last day in this school. We better enjoy it. Then it was William's turn. "William our lead actor!" "That's me." "Your performance at Prom was splendid!" "Thanks" "Do you which to pursue a career in acting?" "Oh yes. I already got a few roles already." "Wow, this school has so much talent. It's sad that you're all leaving next year trough. Everyone cheer for our lead actor William Littlewood!" After his time it was his boyfriend turn to go on stage. "Oh gosh, Mason. I actually don't know what to say about you." "Rude much?" "You rarely talk about your hobbies so you can't blame me on that." "Yeah..I'm actually considering getting a degree in something regarding video editing. "Video editor? Oh wow! Never thought you'd be the type. Do you have perhaps a Loutube Chanel?" "Actually I do. It's: It's lokey Mason!" "Oh wow everyone go subscribe to him. Everyone cheer for Mason Lowell!" After his turn, it's finally Charlie that's going on stage. He's been tapping his foot like a crazy mofo for an hour now. Even I was starting to get annoyed. "Charlie!" "Hi!" "I'm glad that you're here. You really are a wonderful artist you know that?" "Yeah" "Nobody will ever forget that beautiful drawing you made of Maverick." Charlie blushes at that. Oh gosh poor him.  "Will you pursue a career as a full time artist?" "Yes!" "That's some good news! Now everyone cheer for the best artist in the entire school, Charlie Mysak!" Then it was Olivia's turn. "Hi Olivia!" "Hi.." "The photos you take are really beautiful. You truly have a talent for this!" "Yes.." "I can sense that you have a great passion for it! Oh and thanks for those beautiful photos over there." The amateur points to the white board in front where there's photos displayed. Yeah it's outstanding to know it's all Olivia's work. "Do you wish to go further with your camara?" "Huh? Yeah I want to." "That's cool. Everyone cheer for this wonderful photograph Olivia McClain!" Then came Ben's turn. "Hi Ben!" "Hi" "Do you mind showing us some moves of yours? I want everyone to see how good you are at dancing. "Sure" He does a few dance movements. I'll never get over the fact of how good he is at dancing. "That was wonderful! You're such a skilled dancer Ben!" Thanks" "When do you perform next?" "Oh I'll perform in just a few days." "That's great. I'll make sure that everyone will be there to watch your performance." "Oh you don't need to do that." "Yes I will. Now everyone cheer for Ben Richmond!" Then later Makayla turn come around. "Makayla! Our beautiful girl!" "Thanks for the compliment." "So you used to do cheerleading but it seems like you've into modeling now?" "Yeah I started a few months now. I've gotten a few gigs here and there." "Wow that's fabulous! Now everyone cheer by far the hottest girl in the whole school, Makayla Shewell!" Most guys cheer louder than girls but there's Emery that cheers loudly too. It annoys the boys. Take that boys! Then it's later Ethan's turn. "Ethan, hm I didn't think I would talk about that, but after seeing that viral video of you doing some boxing. You're actually quite good at it." "I hope so too." "Anyways besides boxing is there anything else about yourself that you'd like to mention?" "Yes I will officially say it, I was dealing drugs a few years back. I know most of you already knew but I still wanted to make it official. People don't start going after me! It's thanks to Camilla that I'm not into that thing anymore." "Wow..ok..that's somewhat good news. Anyways you deserve a high school diploma too. So everyone cheer for Ethan White!" Right after Ethan, it's immediately Camilla's turn. Lols they both have last names starting with a W and the second letter being one letter apart. It's also the last of my friends to go on stage. "Camilla your food you made at prom were delicious!" "Oh thanks." "I don't know how I never tasted the food you cooked before. The mini cakes were the best!" "That's some good news. Glad to hear that you liked it." "Yes of course I did. We all did! Do you which to pursue a career in baking or cooking even?" "I'm not too sure yet." "Oh ok. Everyone cheer for Camilla Wintour!" They all cheer. Ugh, finally this long a** ceremony is over.

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