Just One Month

By mo0dddd

58 1 0

This is my first story so I'm am truly sorry if this isn't the best but I did try my best with this. Kang-Joo... More

The Same Dorm
What Is This Feeling?
It's Not My Fault!
Just Us..
Thinking about our relationship.
You Are A Idol?
Let's cool off our relationship.
What Is Our Relationship?
Okay I Like You.
Officaly dating.

Getting Ready For College

22 0 0
By mo0dddd

Kang-Joon pov:

*Alarm Goes Off* Kang-Joon slowly gets up, *mind* first day into college..I'm not excited* Ah shoot! I need to pack, he gasped. Running to his wardrobe collecting all of his clothes and puts them into a suitcase and all important stuff he needs.Since I'm done with that I need to change into something.. hmm how about this? He changes into a black sweater with stripes and a pair of jeans.

Kang-Joon outfit:

Ah i think this is okay maybe.. oh well it doesn't matter I'm only going for study's nothing else.Kang-Joon Girlfriend rings:

Quinn/Girlfriend:Hey babe are you almost ready for college?

Kang-Joon: Ah almost I'm just packing for my dorm and I just picked a outfit I'm going to wear! Kang-Joon smiles.

Quinn: That's great babe (someone walks in).

??:Honey let's go for breakfast.

Kang-Joon goes silent when he heard them, it sounded like a boy he was just about to ask who it was until.

Quinn: Bye Kang-Joon good luck at college!.

She hangs up immediately leaving kang joon upset.*Mind* Maybe it was her brother? But who calls their sister honey.. oh well I'll ask later* he sigh.

Kang-Joon's mother shouted "Honey Your going to be late come and give me a hug before u go!" Kang-Joon smiles "Coming mom!" He grabs his suitcases. Oh my sweet boy your getting so old! 20 already! Your growing too quick soon you will be married to Quinn and have a big happy family of your own! She smiled and continue talking, Kang-Joon smile faded.What's wrong sweetie? Did something happen? She asked worriedly, Well I heard someone call Quinn honey on the phone and it didn't sound like her mom.. he replied with a sad face, Oh sweetie don't worry maybe it was her father? She said.
Maybe your right it was stupid of me to think of something else but ima go now mom I love you goodbye! He hugs her and walks out.

Osara pov:

Alright everybody that is everything for today make sure you all come this time tomorrow to practice for our big show soon! The dance instructor shouts.Osara checks the time on his phone and quickly runs out to get into his car and drives his way to college. I need to hurry and get there and find my dorm asap to get out of these sweaty clothes! Osara sighs. He parks by the entrance of the college gates and gets his suit cases and bags out of his car but suddenly a big group of girls come running to him. "Osara do you need help?!" One of the girls say "We are such big fans!" Osara smiles and replied, No I'm perfectly fine on my own but thank you ladies I really appreciate it!
"Can we get a photo?!" A girl asks. "Sure no problem" he poses for the photo and smiles until they walk away *mind* can I get anywhere without being noticed?! He brings his suitcases and bags into the college building, Does anybody now where dorm 95 is? He shouts.A fan girl runs up to him, I do Osara you can follow me! He smiles and walks with the girl and bumps into someone.I'm so sorry,Osara speaks, It's fine I just have to get a new coffee, Kang-Joon laughs. Ah let me pay for it since I caused it to spill, Osara replied.Ah no worries thank you tho, Kang-Joon smiles and walks away. *Mind* Does he not know who I am? Why didn't he ask for a photo or a autograph from me like all the others do..?* Osara and the girl continues walking on and gets to the dorm.

That is it for chapter one, I hope this was good for you all to read.I will Publish Chapter two soon!

thank you all for reading<3

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