Funkin Battle Lights Camera A...

By Cameron849186

130 0 0

The 21 contestants get sent to a abandoned film lot to battle for the 1,000,000$ More

The contestants that are in this season
Episode 1
Episode 2
The votes in episode 2
The teams
Episode 3
Episode 4
The votes in episode 4
Episode 5
The votes in episode 5
Episode 6
The votes of episode 6
Episode 7
The votes in episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
The votes in Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
The votes in episode 11
The teams in episode 12
Episode 12
Episode 13
The votes in episode 13
Episode 14
The votes in episode 14
Episode 15
The votes in episode 15
Episode 16
The votes in episode 16
The votes in episode 17
Episode 18
The votes in episode 18
Episode 19
The votes in episode 19
Episode 20
The votes in Episode 20
Episode 21
The votes in episode 21
Episode 22
The votes in episode 22
Episode 23
The votes in episode 23
Episode 24
The votes in episode 24
Episode 25 (Canon Ending)
Episode 25 (Alt Ending)
Secret Episode
The contestants in season 3
The elimination order (with reasoning)

Episode 17

1 0 0
By Cameron849186

Java: last time on Funkin battle, the contestants had to put in their inner stealth and bring it into their spy movie challenge, in the end, Dorkly tails managed to grab the bag and Tord accidentally blew his teams Bomb up causing his team to lose, unfortunately, we had to say goodbye to Speedrunner Mario right before the merge, we are now in the merge, which contestant will win the challenge, which contestant will fall, find out tonight on.......FUNKIN.......BATTLE!!!

Sky: we're finally in the merge girls.

Sayori: yep, meaning the only way to save ourselves is by winning challenges.

Ski: yeah!

Sky: yeah, let's hope we can go all the way to the final three.

Sayori: yep.


(*after everyone got out*)

Sky: wheres java.

Dorkly Tails: listen, I'm just gonna expect him to throw another sleeping bomb and then we're gonna wake up someplace else.

(*Java lands on the ground in front of them*)

Dorkly Tails: I stand corrected.

Java: yeah, that sleeping bomb trick was a one time thing for the spy movie challenge, anyways, morning contestants.

Sayori: morning java.

Java: todays movie challenge are the superhero movies, here's how this will work, you will design a costume and think of a superhero name for you and it will be rated on a scale of one to ten, then, you will navigate a obstacle course within the shortest amount of time, whoever's costume is rated high will get the first safety and whoever beats the obstacle course in the shortest time possible is also safe from tonight's award ceremony.

Sky: oh, ok!

Sniper: but wait, how are we supposed to make our costume?

Java: well, right behind me are some fabrics that you can use as your costume, you can go for a more difficult design or the simplest design there is, you all have twenty minutes to make your costume, the time starts now!

(*20 minutes later*)

Java: ok contestants, times up, now time for the rating, we will start off with Ski.

Ski: hello, I am Lumber Woman, my power is the ability to talk to plants!

Java: ok, lame power but good name, 5.5/10, sniper, your next.

Sniper: I am timber man, and I have many superpowers including fire blast and floating!

Java: ok, the name is the same as skis costume but at least your powers are good, 6/10, skid, your next.

Skid: I am captain skeleton, and I throw bones at people!

Java: great superhero name, but lame power, 6.5/10 Dorkly Tails, your next.

Dorkly Tails: I am the sidekick of captain skeleton, commander fox, and I have the power of flight!

Java: I said superhero, no sidekicks.

Dorkly Tails: oh.

Java: but your power is alright and same with the name, 5/10, Lord X, your next.

Lord X: before you ask where is my costume, the fabric doesn't fit me, I'm the all seeing eye, and I have psychic powers, I can look into the future and see what's going on.

Skid: yeah right.

Lord X: skid is about to learn a painful life lesson.

(*lord x kicks skid in the nuts*)

Java: the power and name sounds pretty cool, but since there's no fabric, it's gonna deduct some points, 4,5/10, Sky, you're next.

Sky: I am the human cricket, and my power is this!

(*Sky puts in earplugs and starts scrapping the wood on her food together to make a loud and annoying sound*)

Java: ok, ok, you can stop!

(*Sky stops it*)

Java: the superpower is very effective, and the superhero name is pretty good, 9/10, Blu, you are next.

Blu: I am the incredible owl man, my power is the ability to fly!

Java: good name and good power, 5.5/10, Tord, you are next.

Tord: I am Doctor Light, and I am a super inventor that builds giant robots for my superhero team!

Java: fine name but lame super power, that's worth 4.5/10, Sayori, your up now.

Sayori: I'm super aqua chick, and my superpower are all water based.

Java: fair enough and good name and power, 6/10, Bob, your last.

Bob: I'm Superman.

Java: Bob, you can't be a superhero that already exists, so unfortunately, you get a 0/10, the winner of this and the first safety is Sky!

Sky: yes!

Bob: dang it.

Java: don't worry Bob, you can possibly win the next challenge for the next safety, let's just get it ready first.

(*after they got the challenge ready*)

Java: ok, now this is the obstacle course, here's how it works, you will first need to jump on the trampoline, or if you have the ability to fly, to get over the giant wall and land on the mattress on the floor, then, you gotta save someone which Yuri actually volunteered for this role.

Yuri: h-hello guys.

Sayori: hi Yuri!

Java: and finally, you run across a phone line to make it to the end, if you fall on the phone line, then your time will not count, now, let's begin.

(*after they all did the challenge*)

Java: ok, so, managing to take home the second safety is...Bob!

Bob: alright!

Java: this means Bob and Sky are safe for todays elimination, the rest of you, you are at risk of being voted out tonight.

(*at night*)

Java: ok, let's begin this voting.

(*everyone votes*)

Java: ok, now, the first two safe with their immunity is Sky and Bob.

(*Sky and Bob get their awards*)

Java: the players that got zero votes are...Sayori, Sniper, Ski, Tord, and Blu.

(*Sayori, Sniper, Ski, Tord, and Blu get their awards*)

Java: managing to stay with only one vote...Dorkly Tails.

(*Dorkly Tails gets his award*)

Java: skid and lord x, you guys are the bottom two, the player staying in with two votes is...

Java: Lord X...

Lord X: yes!

(*Lord X grabs his award*)

Skid: ah well, I had fun while it lasted.

Java: skid, before you go, just to tell you, you are the first member of the jury.

Skid: alright then.

Java: just a reminder tho, you and the other jury members only will vote if the finale challenge ends in a tie.

Skid: ok then, bye now guys.

(*Skid enters the lame-o-sine and the lame-o-sine drives off*)

Java: and with skid gone, we are now down to our final nine, who will win the next challenge, who will fall in the next elimination, find out tomorrow on.......FUNKIN........BATTLE!!!

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