Tony Starks daughter

By sara0198

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Hi I'm elana stark. That's right I said stark. You know people think of me like America's sweetheart! Well I... More

Just 13
2 years later
Its friday
The party
The two T's and a P: truth and trouble And pain
Grounded for life
Being a rebel is in my blood
This took a wrong turn
Rule following...NAH!
See im not 2
Im a walking disaster
let the crazy begin
my past is more screwed up then me
Fun & embarrassment:Elana
Sore loser always come back
the talks god shoot me now
Oh god dad your killing it note the sarcasm
A blast from the past
Not so normal day
Together at last???
Substitute mom
Same old, same old
Digging up more from the past
Trust issues??

Past revealed

504 10 3
By sara0198

Elana's POV

"So we meet again Elana" I heard Ethan say.

"Yes we do" I turned around to face him leaving Josh confused

"Long time no see"

"Indeed, it's been what a year I'd say"

"Around, so you missing the group?"

"Got to say, sometimes I do"

"Wait what is going on here?" Josh asked

"I know Ethan" I told josh

"How?" josh asked more confused then ever.

"Just I know him" I tell him, didn't want to reveal any sort of information.

"Ya me and Elana go way back"

"Ahuh, helped me out in a crisis"

"Sure did"

"Well I'm going to go make a phone call"


Josh's POV

I was so confused as to how Elana knew this Ethan dude so I decided to call Drake.

D-What's up

J-Nothing much, hey I was wondering do you know an Ethan from Elana's past

D- Ya totally, they used to date

J- ohh well thanks man

D- Np see you tomorrow

That explains it but the only thing that was confusing me was why was she being so secretive about it.

Elana's POV

"So Why are you here"

"Meeting up with a client you?"

"Didn't know the rising tide worked party's"

"They don't, this is personal"

"ahh, you never did things with the group"

"Ya so why are you here with him" he said pointing to Josh who was currently making a phone call.

"I'm having fun"


"Ok fine my dad forced me"

"Why'd you listen, last time I checked you were never a rule follower either"

"I'm not but you know me I could never pass up free drinks"

"I do I remember you doing some crazy stuff once you drank those drinks" He said smirking

"you want to test that theory"

" I would love to but what about him?" He said while pointing at josh

"Who cares? Lets leave right now"

"Fine by me" he said and we both started running like animals to the car.

Once we reached the car we both got in and I immediately locked the doors.

"Sorry but your on the wrong side this time" I told him and handcuffed his hands

"Wait what, what's happening?" He asked confused

"Your going to s.h.i.e.l.d and then most likely jail" I heard josh say out of breath

"Took you long enough" I told Josh

"Oh shut up, maybe you could have told me you knew him before you went off running"

"Well maybe I didn't want to"

"Well maybe your annoying"

"Can you guys stop, please and just take me to my doom" Ethan said

"My pleasure" Josh said and with that I drove to s.h.i.e.l.d

At s.h.i.e.l.d

"Well done guys" Fury said to me and josh

"Ya whatever" I said

"You guys want to know something interesting" Josh said to Fury and my dad

"Josh don't" I knew where he was going with this

"These two used to date" He said pointing to me and Ethan

"WHAT?" my dad said

"Ok fine we used to date like way back"

"And we used to work together" Ethan added

"He's lying, we did nothing together, all we did was date" I said lying through my teeth.

"I don't believe you, what kind of work did you guys do?" My dad asked

"Ethan shut up if you know what's good for you"

"I rather not, I mean, I'm already here, anyways as I was saying we used to work in the rising tide together"

"You did what?" my dad asked

"Look it was a long time ago, let's just forget about it"

"Nope I want you to tell me everything about your past since clearly I know nothing about you"

"What give's you the right to do that"

"I'm your father"

"well sorry but that word father has no effect on me"

"Fine we'll give you the truth serum" Fury said

"You will do no such thing"

"You don't have a say in this" he continued

"I do, because that is a violation of privacy"

"Can you guys talk about this later, we kind of have a guy to question" Josh said

"Ya for once I agree with Josh" I added

"Fine bring him to the interrogation room, I already called someone to come and question him" Fury said

"I'll bring him to the room"

"I don't care who does it just someone" fury said not caring

"let's go" I said to Ethan and Josh followed close behind me. My dad was talking with Fury about god knows what.

"So rising tide huh?" Josh started

"Just Shut up, were here anyways" I told him while opening the door and putting Ethan in the chair.

"Come on Elana lets leave" Josh said

"How about no" I said

"Do whatever you want, I'm out,I really don't want to loose my job today" Josh said and left.

"So Ethan, why you back?" I asked him while locking the door.

"Why not"

"Nah I mean what you doing giving out info about s.h.i.e.l.d, you never did that when we worked together"

"Things have changed, my hatred for s.h.i.e.l.d has increased"

"not that I need to ask but why, what did they do?"

"They're just not an honest organization, keeping secrets from everyone and I think people have the right to know them"

"Look I know what that's like but come on man back off a little"

"Why are you defending them if I didn't know any better I'd say you were working for them"

I sat there and thought about what he had just said, why was I defending s.h.i.e.l.d, they've done nothing but cause harm to me.

"I don't know" I told him honestly

"They got to you"

"No one gets me, the only thing that I take from them that has actually helped me is to not let anyone in"

"Get from who?"

Oh shit I almost let that one slip, I forgot that I never told him about the red room.

"From my parents"

"Bull shit, you were always a good liar but I can tell, plus you said parents, last time I checked you didn't have a mom"

"Drop it"

"so when's this s.h.i.e.l.d agent coming"

"I don't know however long it takes them to open that door"

"You do realize they have a key right"

"You do realize that the agent they sent is probably scared shitless of me, he's/she probably calling Fury or someone to help him, might take him/her awhile"

"Ahh so you want me all to yourself,  remember what happens when were alone" He said in a flirtatious tone.

"Oh don't flatter yourself"

"How could I not have you seen me?"

"When did you become some selfish arrogant bastard"

"Around the same time you became a heartless bitch"

"What happened to us?, we used to be so close, now were practically enemy's" he continued

"Last time I checked you cheated on me"

"For a mission"

"Whatever makes you sleep at night"

"You were always stubborn"

"You were always annoying"

"So why did you leave the rising tide anyway"

"Didn't have time, I mean being a rebel really does take up your time"

"You've changed you don't hate s.h.i.e.l.d as much as you used to"

"If anything I hate it more"

"Why?" he said curiously

"That's what this is" I told him. I finally understood why he didn't put up a fight.

"Excuse me, what is what?"

"You knew I'd be at the gala, you've been following me, you want me to spill my life story to you so you can expose me to the rising tide which I'm guessing is what they want, you wold no doubtedly get paid and they would benefit highly from it, I mean no one would trust s.h.i.e.l.d"

"That's an interesting theory but that's all it is, a theory"

"But its not I know you, your conniving, sneaky and greedy, that's why we didn't work out that and you know the cheating part"

"Your smart but not that smart, rising tide is probably overriding s.h.i.e.ld's system now"

"Oh I know but they have me and well how do you defeat a criminal, you beat them at there own game"

"I'm going to get out of here"

"No your not"

"Why you helping s.h.i.e.l.d?"

"I'm not, nice strategy though using s.h.i.e.l.d but this isn't about helping s.h.i.e.l.d, this is personal"

"Who's going to stop me? You?"

"Who else?"

"No offence but your a girl" He said while taking off his handcuffs. Ya he picked the lock incase you were wondering.

"Offence taken" I said he threw a punch at me.

"Did I forget to mention that I worked for the red room" I said and dodge his punch.

"Ya you did" He said and tried to kick me but I grabbed his leg and twisted making him fall.

"This is to easy, I mean come on, give me a little bit o a challenge" I said while crouching down to him and almost punched him in the face but he grabbed my fist and punched my stomach.

"If you think one punch can knock me down, try again" I said and kicked him in the face but he dodged it. he was standing by now btw. We continued fighting, I couldn't really tell who was winning. By now he was pinning me down and punching me aggressively. I pretended to be weak so he got off of me and almost walked away but I grabbed the bottom of his pants making him fall flat on his face.

"Ex's can be a pain" I said and turned him over and lifted him up to his feet and brought him out of the room. I made my way to Fury.

"I believe this belongs in a cage somewhere" I said to Fury

"What the hell happened?"

"Check the video" I said handing him Ethan.

"Do you know anything about the rising tide trying to override our system?" Fury asked me.

"I do, let me handle it"

"Do you know how to stop them?"

"Of course I have done this before"

"What? How?" he asked with a confusing face

"Give yourself a minute"

Suddenly his face changed to realization then to anger.

"You hacked into s.h.i.e.l.d"

"For a top organisation you'd think you'd have better security"

"It's true" Ethan said. I started making my way to the computers and Fury followed me with Ethan still in his hands.

"Why are you coming?"

"To make sure you don't do anything stupid"

"I won't"

"Excuse me if I don't believe you"

When we reached to the computers, Fury immediately started telling everyone to stop what they were doing. They all had looks of confusion and they all looked desperate to fix the problem.

"Don't worry this will take two seconds" I said and installed myself at a computer and started working my magic.

"How do we know if this is working, how do we know your not helping them" One of the agents said.

"You don't know shit but right now I'm your best shot at beating them, I'm the only one who has been on the other side of this"

"Well actually not the only one" Ethan said

"Shut up, your getting on my nerves, you were always just annoying" I said while typing some codes on the computer.

A few minutes later

I was almost done when suddenly a person appeared on the screen.

"Elana should have known it was you, you were the only one who can beat me" the person said other known as one of the top members of the rising tide.

"Well I mean I try"

"Why you on the other side this time?"

"Look I know what your trying to do and I don't have time for this so bye" I said and typed a few more things in the computer and everything when back to normal.

"There done" I said to Fury

"No need to thank me" I said and punched Ethan in the face.

"Oww what was that for"

"Sorry not sorry, that was for annoying me before and well just for your presence" I said while walking off and everyone was staring at me.

"It's rude to stare" I yelled at them and left s.h.i.e.l.d, what I didn't realize was that I was still in the dress.

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