New Family?

By NabihaAhmed860

12.9K 377 699

ϴΝ ᎻϴᏞᎠ!!!!!! (Gonna continue this after hb is completed) a world with magic can't always be as amazing as i... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6

chapter 3

1.6K 57 100
By NabihaAhmed860

_ranboo pov_

honestly from how Tommy is, i was expecting him to never be in love... but I'm happy for him! don't think I'm jealous in any way! tommy is fun and adorable but in a friendly way! deo is somehow as tall as me, a scary sweet type personality, and good looking..



_tubbo pov_

this is sooo cute! but if deo hurts tom, there's no tomorrow for him... welp! we went to our class after a little talk. me and tommy had the same English class and ranboo and deo were in music class together.

any class is fun when your with Tommy. the whole time me and Tommy were passing notes and tommy made a really good sketch of the teacher (he actually made a good sketch but also gave the teacher devil horns and wings and for some reason fangs)

I'm surprised by how he is good at so many things! he is an A student, he's funny, amazing computer skills (he hacked into tubbo's account) amazing art etc. but even if he's good at these things, be never talks about one thing. his family...

i have been to his house once but no one else was home except for him. he said that everyone else was at work, i didn't question because he told me with a venomous tone.
now i wonder what the other two are up to right now....?

_ranboo pov_

me and deo had the same class, music class to be specific.. i took on drums while deo took a violin, everyone in class was instructed to play an instrument and the best one would be chosen in to join the school band for thus year.

when it was my turn i played my heart out and did my best with all energy to do my best. when it was Deo's turn he played the piano, and he was the best i had ever heard..
ok so he is good at playing the violin.. I'm good at playing the drums...

_timeskip to the 1 and a half hour break of some sort idk _

_deo pov_

after class it was a break, me, Tommy, tubbo and ranboo hung out for a while till we separated for different reasons. me and tommy went to the music room while tubbo and ranboo went to the library for some reason.

i asked tommy if he could play any instruments? he replied with a nod and went to take on a guitar (mr innit actually plays the piano and guitar irl) he played the guitar and i was mesmerized..

"how do you play so well?"

"you do stalk me so you definitely know about my family, my older brothers played the guitar and piano, they teached me for a while before they got new jobs and from then I've perfected my skills more.."

tommy replied with a small smile and in a hurt tone. what happened? i suggested that he should join the school band for this year but he simply replied that it was just to much work so i didn't push him to continue..

after that it was time for class again, i was in math with tubbo, Tommy was in PE and ranboo was in history. me and tubbo took the very last seats so we'd be out of the teachers view.

along the class tubbo and i kept on whispering and some how didn't get noticed
(i wish i had that kind of luck with sleeping in class)

"so deo, how did you meet tommy?"

"umm, he bumped into me at the subway while going somewhere, we talked for a bit, exchanged numbers and yeah.."

what do you want me to tell him!? i kidnapped tommy while he was on his

"wow, if only it was that easy for me.."

"what do you mean?"

"well, i kinda like ranboo, but he likes someone else already.."

"who is this someone else?"

"umm, don't be mad but its tommy"

TOMMY!? as in my tommy!? I'm going to kill this bitc- no no! deo no! you're not killing anyone...


"where's my knife?"

"uh-deo, i dunno where your knife is but what are yo-"

"miss can i go to the bathroom?"

"yeah whatever, just be fast"

"uh, miss i also really need to go"

"sigh, ok fine"

_tubbo pov_

me and deo didn't go to the bathroom, i mean was anyone actually thinking that we would go to a bathroom? ok I'm breaking thr fourth wall now.

well, me and deo went to the lockers, deo took out something long, uncovered it and HOLY!!!

"where did you even get that!?"

"my knife?"

wait- black sword, knife... but- tell me he didn't steal this from a villian....

i looked at him horrified and he just smiled!
that sword even had the one orange strip on the blade part! that is Timecatcher's sword! the one he used to kill people!

"I'll explain later, rn the bells about to ring"

just then the bell rung and in a matter of seconds the hallway was full! i turned around expecting to see deo, but instead of him tommy was there.

"hey tubzo!"

"hey uh tommy?"


"did you know about deo having a fuckin sword!?"

"why did he bring it to school!?"

and tommy ran off, and now I'm alone... AGAIN! suddenly some people bumped into me and I fell down while they ean off.


_ranboo pov_

i was walking out my class when suddenly i was dragged by the back of my shirt to the janitor's closet! i looked back to meet horrifying angry red orange eyes.

"uhh Deo whats going on?"
i stuttered, deo just glared at me and my eyes suddenly turned to the object deo was holding,


"to end you of course!"
he just smiled like a manic!

"w-what did i even do!?"
i backed away but he just got closer.

"you love someone, don't you?"

"what's it to you!?"

"is that someone called tommy?"
shit ... tubbo told him didn't he? well looks like I'm dead....

_a few moments later_

"where were you two, and ranboo why are you soo shaky?"
if only tubbo knew, i just smiled at him and tommy just rolled his eyes and fluffed his wings and walked away with deo following behind him, i guess tommy likes strong athletic men?

"i don't have a chance with him now do i?"
i asked

"you don't but- i umm- forget it..."
tubbo also walked off to another direction and i was left alone, i sighed and went home.

"guess i am going to end up alone after all"

_tommy pov_

i knew no one would be home so i asked deo if he could come to mine's and he agreed! yes! i don't have to be sulking off alone!

Time for random drama!

me and Deo were having a nice walk from school, it was a long walk and my legs were really tired , i guess deo noticed because he offered to hold my bag for me, now that i think about it, he is the dream guy for everyone who wants a boyfriend, on the way we were having a nice talk about music when someone(s) jumped down Infront of us.

Blade and Phantom, i sighed and looked at them, these over protective bitches! atleast give me some space after having such arguments! i glared at them but my glare was no match for the one thet sent back

"hey umm, do you know him?"
phantom asked Me

"yeah, he's my friend"
deo looked a bit hurt and confused but i just gave him a glare so he wouldn't say anything.

"are you sure? cuz it certainly doesn't look like it"
blade said giving deo a deathly cold glare, i could feel my anger and frustration built up in me.

"what's it to you two!? let us be you pesky heroes! go do your crime fighting, villian stopping shit and let us go!"

their attention turned towards me and they looked at each other for a slight second then back at me. regret built up in me, wilbur grabbed my wrist tight, i guess he is suspicious, panick washed over me as wilbur glared at me while holding my wrist, deo tried to approach us but tecno blocked his way

"stay out of this kid"
tecno told deo

"wh-what are you doing to him!?"
a new voice spoke and someone ran to us and pushed wilbur away releasing me from his grip and two others also stepped in and wilbur and tecno backed away a bit.

i looked up to see three adults, one i recognized as Dream but i couldn't seem to know who the other two were.

"for being a hero, that was quite a dick move!"
the guy with White glasses spoke furiously.

"that is assault bitch!"
the guy with a black shirt and a fire made on it spoke.

"who even are you all to him?"
tecno asked the three

"his friends, now why were you publicly assaulting a child!?"
Dream spoke angrily blocking there way towards me but i could feel tecno's glare at me.

"we weren't assaulting him! stay out of a hero's buisness Karen"
wilbur spoke to Dream, him calling Dream Karen made me wanna punch him.

before i could control myself my voices took over me and i punched Phantom in the chest really hard and he staggered back clutching his the spot i hit him. i quickly gained control again and realized what i had done, everyone was looking at me and saw tecno running up to wilbur who was on crouching in pain and helped him stand up.

"I-im sorry i-i, they..."
i couldn't speak properly and stuttered

"what's gotten into you Theseus..."
tecno spoke venomously and both of them teleported away, i felt everyone's eyes on me and I didn't realize that i was having a panick attack. my vision started to blur and I heard screams , louder... and louder

_Dream pov_

i saw how Tommy's eyes suddenly turned crimson red and his face darkened as he hit Phantom on his chest, and damn that looked like it would hurt real bad. his eyes immediately faded back into the grey and he looked like he didn't know what was going on.

"I-im sorry i-i, they..."
tommy stuttered and wait- did he say "they"?
he doesn't mean he- no no! he shouldn't be suffering from those voices! and doesn't that mean he also has some very dangerous power because thats the oy way he could get them...

"what's gotten into you Theseus..."
Blade spoke venomously and it sent chills down my spine, i realised tommy was breathing heavily and then the two heroes teleported, i look back at tommy and his eyes were turning back to the crimson red colour.
he was having a panick attack and voice takeover at the same time! i sprinted towards him and he fell to his knees and i hugged him covering him up with my wings and i think George understood what was going on.

"Deo teleport us to my room right this second"
George commanded and deo nods as his hand glowed and we all teleported to George's room, Tommy's breathing just got worse and he clutched his head, the voices...

"Tommy! tommy! please tell me you can hear me!"
he nodded and i saw a blood tear rolling down his cheeks... it's bad! what have his family done to him!

"tommy follow my breathing patern! deep breath in! and out! and in! and out!"
he quickly caught on and his breathing turned normal, the others had left the room to make some lunch for everyone.

i loosened my grip on him and still my wings wrapped around him, i lowered them a bit.
i started to hum a soft song into his ears, drista or foolish would sing it for me when i have voices taking over.

"When I see the way you act
Wondering when I'm coming back
I could do about anything
I could even learn how to love like you"

i felt him calm down

"I always thought I might be bad
Now I'm sure that it's true
'Cause I think you're so good
And I'm nothing like you"

his eyes turned back to normal, he broke down on me and i let him, i knew how it felt, i had to go through the same thing and seeing him like this reminds me of myself...

_George pov_

it has been half an hour or so and dream and tommy were still in there, my worried mother instincts went up (george is a mushroom cow type hybrid but only has a little fluffy tail and small cute horns)
i went into the room to see dream and tommy asleep on each other, i smiled and set them in a much comfortable position and place. after that i went back to making lunch for everyone.

when i was done deo and sapnap were the first ones to come, some minutes later dream and tommy also came, this felt like a nice warm family-friend something lunch i never had before, we all chatted a bit and talked about our problems aswell and helped each other out.

soon enough it was time for everyone to go back to their homes. i went with tommy to his house while the others went their ways. tommy saud that no one was going to be home so he'd be bored so i offered to give him some company.

it was soo fun! me and tommy baked a cake together and had a epic pillow fight, when it was time for me to go, i made sure to help him clean the place up before leaving..

_tomny pov_

after George left i got myself another piece of cake we made because BITCH! it is the best thing I've ever eaten! (best cake to be specific) hello! your author here hates cakes!

i did my homework and some other things when i heard the door open, i checked the time , 11:34pm damn, they're earlier than usual, me being me i didn't went to greet them or respond to their calls till i heard a knock on my door,

"ughhhh, come in!"

tecno entered, he was still in his suit but he had his mask off, and he looked pissed!
we getting drama now!? i already had enough drama for today!


"what do you want tecno?"
i said to him taking off my head phones and spinning my gaming chair to where he was,

"who were all those men back there?"

"my friends, you have a problem with it?"

"actually i do, they look suspicious and all my voices kept on warning me about them, and they are grown ups Theseus! you're like 14!"


"still very young! and they looked to be about 20 to 25 or something!"

"you're friends with some 30 year olds and you're not warned or anything about them!"

"I'm already in my mid 20s , it's not that big of a deal gor me"

"please just get out of my room"


"Get out! i don't want another panick attack after finally calming down"
i said the last part in a whisper, luckily tecno left

_Tecno pov_

wait-what did he mean by them back there and panick attack...?

thats all for today nah people! now i gotta do my homework so i don't get in trouble!
and to whoever is also postponing homework, &-"-)(£# sake please do it!
we all know what happened to Tommy!


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