Engines & Demons - The Undest...

By MattParker0708

79.9K 8.1K 2.2K

Grand-commander Morath is dead, and the fragile peace between the Order of the Plains and their former allies... More

Chapter 1i
Chapter 1ii
Chapter 1iii
Chapter 2i
Chapter 2ii
Chapter 3i
Chapter 3ii
Chapter 3iii
Chapter 4i
Chapter 4ii
Chapter 5i
Chapter 5ii
Chapter 6i
Chapter 6ii
Chapter 7i
Chapter 7ii
Chapter 8i
Chapter 8ii
Chapter 9i
Chapter 9ii
Chapter 10i
Chapter 10ii
Chapter 11i
Chapter 11ii
Chapter 12i
Chapter 12ii
Chapter 13i
Chapter 13ii
Chapter 13iii
Chapter 14i
Chapter 14ii
Chapter 15i
Chapter 15ii
Chapter 15iii
Chapter 16i
Chapter 16ii
Chapter 16iii
Chapter 17i
Chapter 17ii
Chapter 18i
Chapter 18ii
Chapter 19i
Chapter 19ii
Chapter 20i
Chapter 20ii
Chapter 21
Chapter 22i
Chapter 22ii
Chapter 23i
Chapter 23ii
Chapter 24
Chapter 25i
Chapter 25ii
Chapter 26i
Chapter 26ii
Chapter 27i
Chapter 27ii
Chapter 28i
Chapter 28ii
Chapter 29i
Chapter 29ii
Chapter 30i
Chapter 30ii
Chapter 31i
Chapter 31ii
Chapter 31iii
Chapter 32i
Chapter 32ii
Chapter 32iii
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35i
Chapter 35ii
Chapter 36i
Chapter 36ii
Chapter 37i
Chapter 37ii
Chapter 37iii
Chapter 38i
Chapter 38ii
Chapter 39i
Chapter 39ii
Chapter 40i
Chapter 40ii
Chapter 41i
Chapter 41ii
Chapter 42i
Chapter 42ii
Chapter 42iii
Chapter 43i
Chapter 43ii
Chapter 44i
Chapter 44ii
Chapter 44iii
Chapter 45i
Chapter 45ii
Chapter 46i
Chapter 46ii
Chapter 46iii
Chapter 47i
Chapter 47ii
Chapter 48i
Chapter 48ii
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Appendix A - Dramatis Personae
Appendix B - Sentient Creatures & Critters
Appendix D - Place Names
Grifford's Song
Dakskansia's Song
Maddock's Song
Tahlia's Song

Appendix C - Food & Plants & Other things

372 35 0
By MattParker0708

Things that grow

Badliss root - Bright yellow plant, often found growing alongside whitestep. Its name is derived from its branches, which end in fine fronds and look very similar to the roots of other plants

Bloodgrass - Dark red grass that thrives in the blood soaked earth beneath cherossa trees

Brazen grass - Grass that grows in clumps on the plains. Stores water in its swollen roots, which can be dug up, and the water drunk

Cadir - Grains that are crushed and used for spices

Cherossa trees - Large low growing trees with wide trunks, thick twisted branches and small thick leaves

Ellesh - Hardwood used for making ale barrels

Eroni - Thick flowering hedge found in the private gardens of the fortress

Flower grass - Flowering grass, prevalent on the plains. It has a tremendously fast growing period and matures from a seedling to a full grown plant during the two weeks of the plain's annual rains. Once it has flowered, it is dormant for the remainder of the year, its pollinated seed pods waiting for the next rains

Frax - Flowers from Albain. Used to make material for clothing

Garrola - Thick skinned fruit that grows on low spreading bushes

Hova tree - Tree growing far to the south. Fruits are rich in oil used for preserving wood

Kernik tree - The seeds of the Kernik tree are dried and ground to make flour

Kolto Shells - Large seed pod shells from the eastern isles-ground up for spice

Krakla - Large sweet berries, commonly served at breakfast time

Krodillis - Scented flowers that grow on vines

Jepsil - Long tubular root vegetables

Larakkos - Sweet bulbous root vegetable. Favoured by Engineers who bake them in their cooling forges

Maylard shoots - Green leafy crop- often eaten with other vegetables with Olap oil

Narcali - Heavy scented climbing flowers

Olap vine - Plant on which Olap grow-Small bitter fruit often used to make cooking oil

Socro pods - Spice that grows in the fire deserts

Sweetgrass - Pretty much what the name suggests

Whitestep - Fungus. Grows in warm damp environments. Some rare varieties are farmed in tunnels in the northern hills

Things made from things that grow, and byproducts of critters

Sakk - Hot drink made from malted grains 

 Yhurt - Bitter tasting substance made from ghat milk



Things that don't grow

Barapane - Liquid gas used by the Engineers

Cickracol - Solid fuel used by Engineers

The combination of these two substances is required for the forges of the Engineers to reach the temperature necessary for the production of armour.

Cickracol, when in dust form and combined with barapane, is highly explosive. Their combination is utilised in the working of many war-engines. It is also the reason that cickracol, when in storage and in close proximity to barapane, must always be damped down to avoid the production of dust.

Ascerbium - Highly corrosive substance, used in the decoration of armour

Faller - Base metal used in tokens and coins

Salium - Precious metal used for coinage 

Jemaeld - gem stone

Firestones - gem stones

Theimast - gem stone

Palladium - precious metal

Beryllium - precious metal

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