Fantastic! (Frank West X Male...

By EccentricPoetic

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*This takes place during Dead Rising 2: Off The Record. So this is non-cannon to the main events.* (y/n) and... More

Chapter 1: Zombrex 1
Chapter 2: Case 1 (1-4)
Chapter 3: Case 2 (1-2)
Chapter 4: Case 3 (1-2)
Chapter 5: Case 4 (1-2)
Chapter 6: Case 5 (1-3)
Chapter 7: Case 6: The Getaway
Chapter 8: Case 7 (1-4)
Chapter 9: Case 8 (1-3)
Chapter 10: THE FACTS
Author's Note

Chapter 11: OVERTIME

123 3 3
By EccentricPoetic

(y/n) pov:


Frank and I were still wondering where hell Rebecca went. I'm so sure she was dead. Hell where the hell was TK for that matter. I thought we came here just to get him.

After a few seconds of standing there we heard TK's voice coming from a walkie-talkie behind his. "Ladies and gentlemen! It's Frank West! Famous zombie killer! A little prone to losing women though." TK then laughed.

"TK?" Frank said a little shocked.

"You can thank your little friend for the Zombrex, Frankie. You know what? You should have checked out your lady friend's body a bit more carefully. I sure did." TK said in a psychotic manner. 

I then heard Rebecca yell "Frank! It's a trap!"

Frank came on. "What? She's alive? If you hurt her..." Frank tried to warn. 

He then interrupted. Are you ready for some OVERTIME, Frankie? She's going to need some medical supplies to stay alive, Frankie boy. You better get to fetching. Oh, yeah. You're gonna put in some work for TK." TK said before hanging up.

I saw the anger in Frank's eyes. He was inflamed. I was too. He then kicked the chair across the room. I clenched my fists in anger. "It's time to tie up some loose ends..." I said as we marched out of the room.

Third-person pov:


After this fucking goose chase around the city, Frank and (y/n) got all the supplies. Now it was time for TK. They arrived at the arena, and headed backstage. There was this dark hallway they were walking down. (y/n) had a really bad feeling about this. 

Before they reached the end of the hall, Frank got an electrical shock. Frank screamed. (y/n) turned around to see TK hitting Frank in the back, knocking him down.

"You fucker!" (y/n) exclaimed, attacking TK. (y/n) charged at him trying to take the rod from him, but it was to no avail. (y/n) couldn't match TK's freakish strength. TK easily broke free of (y/n)'s grasp and shocked him to the floor rendering him unconscious.

Now that (y/n) had been taken care of, he turned his attention back to Frank. Who was still kneeled down on the floor. "Time for a very special guest appearance, Frankie." TK said before kicking Frank in the side. Frank rolled over and TK shocked Frank while laughing manically. 

After a few electrical shocks. Frank was passed out. Now with both unconscious. TK laughed manically.


(y/n) pov:

I slowly awoke to a familiar chime. I looked to the side and Frank was slowly getting up too. My head started to hurt. I then heard TK.

"Ladies and gentlemen! I know you're excited to see the last ever performance by D-list celebrity, and world famous loser, Frank West! Brought to you LIVE! For now." He than looked at Rebecca. She looked barley alive. We got up. "Your fans love you, Frank. They look ready to just eat you up, don't they?" TK said while these dumb zombie wrestlers approached us.

Frank and I stood back ready to fight. "Do you know what time it is, America? Payback time." TK taunted.

The zombie wrestlers were stumbling towards us. I reacted fast by kicking one back and Frank did the same. I grabbed a nearby baseball bat and hit the other one with it. Frank grabbed a bat of his own and started to fight the other zombie. One grabbed him from behind. Frank flipped the zombie over his shoulder and beat the shit out of it. Now with the three wrestlers gone. We stood at the center of the arena.

I felt the stage lowering down. The gates at the corners of the ring opened, releasing four gas zombies. I grunted in frustration. The zombie approached us. I threw a folding chair at it. The zombie was stunned and I took that opportunity to react. I swung the bat at the zombies head and it fell down dead. I turned around to see that Frank already killed the other three. We looked around to see we were going lower, and lower.

The arena walls then opened, revealing an ocean of zombies. "Fuck!" I yelled, staying close to Frank.

Frank and I looked around. There were zombies already starting to climb into the ring. Frank and I kicked them off the stage to keep them at bay. 

We couldn't be everywhere at once so a few got onto the ring. Frank and I shoved them off and kept keeping them at bay. Gas zombies walked through the giant horde and onto the ring. Frank and I jumped on the grinders. The zombies were dumb enough to walk directly into the grinder, leaving a blood bath on the ring. We jumped off the grinders before we got burned alive.

I was wondering when this shit was going to end. A wrestler zombie came at Frank. Frank threw the zombie wrestler over his shoulder. We then saw a rope come into the ring above us. We then saw Rebecca push a button, causing the rope to elevate. We thought fast. 

"(y/n), get on!" Frank said. He gave me a boast and I grabbed on to the rope. Frank followed along.

I then saw TK kick Rebecca in the face. He pushed the bottom causing the rope to stop, but we were already at the top. I then heard TK say "No audience participation in this game." in an annoyed voice.

I helped Frank up. "Show's not quite over TK." Frank said.

TK turned to us. "Not over? Looks like it is for your girl, though. Unless you two want to try and play doctor." TK said to us. Frank and I got ready to fight.

Frank went for TK, while I went to Rebecca. I kneled down. "Come on Rebecca, stay with me!" I said tending to her wounds. I could hear Frank and TK fighting in the background. I tried to ignore it the best I could. I wasn't going to lose Rebecca like Sullivan.

Rebecca looked above. "(y/n) look out!" She cried. I turned around to see TK coming at me. He swung his massive microphone at me, hitting me in the arms as I blocked it. I rolled into the open and got up.

I put my arms up, ready for anything. TK swung his microphone downwards. I moved back. He went for a follow up. I dodged that and hit him with a haymaker. He flinched a bit. He then began to wind up. He then charged at me, hitting me in the chest with his microphone. I fell down, winded. "Feel the pain!" TK taunted. 

Frank then punched him in the face. "You'll pay for that!" Frank said in anger. TK tackled him to the railing. TK tried to bash him with his microphone but Frank blocked every blow. I stepped in by double axing him in the head. TK yelled, and Frank hit him in the face knocking him back.

I went for a kick, but TK grabbed my foot and shoved me back. Frank went for a few punches landing the fist two but then being countered by TK. TK swung his microphone at Frank. Frank moved to the side and countered him by punching him in the side. TK yelled in pain and knocked Frank down. "Kiss my ass!" TK taunted before running off. 

Frank and I took this opportunity to check up on Rebecca. Rebecca was still at the edge of death. She was struggling to stay awake. Rebecca then screamed. We turned around and TK blindsided Frank. I got up, and TK knocked me to the ground. He tried to kick me while I was down. I did my best to block the incoming kicks and blows from him. I was then saved by Frank. Frank started hitting TK in the face. Blow after blow, TK started to look dazed. Frank helped me up.

We then looked at TK and clenched our fists. We double teamed him. Both our fists drove into his face, knocking him down. His weight made the whole arena shake a little. We looked down at TK then turned to Rebecca. We walked towards her.

Frank was then stopped by TK grabbing his foot. TK got up and started to strangle Frank. He put him against the railing while saying. "You gotta be willing... to risk it all..." I then thought fast. I picked up TK's microphone off the ground and snuck up on him. "if you're ever really gonna..." Before TK could finish, I bashed him in the head with his microphone. That dazed him. Frank then took that opportunity to throw him over the ledge.

Frank and I looked down. "Fall to your death?" Frank yelled as we watched TK fall into the fog. We then heard a loud thud of TK hitting the ground. Frank and I exhaled and turned to Rebecca. 

We approached her. We kneeled down. "Hey Rebecca, you ok to get out of here?" Frank said putting his hand on her shoulder. She smiled at us. "Hey, what do you say you, (y/n) and I go break this story wide open?" Frank asked picking Rebecca up. 

Me and Rebecca looked at each other and back at Frank smiling. "Fantastic." We said in unison. Frank smiled back.

We then proceeded to walk out of the arena. As we were walking, I spoke up. "You know Frank. For an old man, you got moves. You know that, right?" I said.

"I was about to say the same about you." Frank responded. All three of us chuckled.

Frank sighed. "You're like the son I never had..."

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