Chapter 4: Case 3 (1-2)

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(y/n) pov:

(Case 3-1: Confronting CURE) 

We got back to the Safe House, Frank stomped into the surveillance room. I followed. "All right, you and I need to talk. That guy? He's part of your group. He pretty much admitted it to my face and I saw him take money from TK." Frank said to Stacey.

"That guy... he was new to CURE. We wouldn't do this." She then looked to the side. "But that cutthroat TK might." She added on. She looked back at Frank "You have to believe me." She said.

"I'll tell you what I believe: TK paid him to destroy his own show. But why?" Frank responded. He then looked at the monitors. "Hey- what was that?" He said while the three of us leaned in to take a closer look.

"I don't know- it looks like something's going on at the entrance to this maintenance tunnel. I can't quite tell for sure, but it looks like someone is moving equipment or something... it looks pretty organized." Stacey responded.

Frank then stood straight up again. "Might be survivors, might be a lead. I'm going to find out right now." Frank said. 

"Right beside you." I added on.

Before we left Stacey spoke up. "Listen... Frank."

Frank and I turned around. "What?" He said in a slightly annoyed tone.

"Nothing. Just... I know this is a great opportunity for you two, but there's a lot more at stake." She said.

Frank nodded at her and we took off.

(Case 3-2: Sign Of Life)

We cut through the Palisades Mall and looked around for a door that led to the underground. Dead zombies were crowding the door. We then went through the door into the underground. We walked downstairs and into the maintenance tunnel. There we took cover behind one of the containers. Frank then looked out from behind it. We then heard someone say. "Uh huh. Yes sir. They're almost here, move it!" 

Then after a few seconds we saw someone come from the left side of the train. It was no other than TK himself.

He then took his sunglasses out from his pocket, and flicked them

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

He then took his sunglasses out from his pocket, and flicked them. He then put them on and smirked. "TK... What are you up to?" Frank said while pulling out his camera. He then started to record everything. I took some pictures from where I was standing .

Frank and I then heard TK say to the mercenary. "Hey my man, make sure you get all this handled correctly. We don't need no damage. Take care of this stuff over here, 'cause we're leaving in a few." He ordered him.

Frank then put his camera down and looked at me. "Time to take some pictures." He said to me. 

We followed the mercenaries carrying the boxes. One dropped the box. "Shit, be careful with that stuff you idiot!" The mercenary said to the one who dropped the box. 

We took a picture. "TK, you sneaky bastard." Frank said. We continued to follow them.

In a split second of one mercenary spotted us. He started shooting at us. We took cover behind the support beams across from each other. TK Then spoke up. "Unbelievable. It's that fat chump photographer, Frank West, messing up my shit. Let's get out of here. Leave those paparazzi's behind." He said while getting on his train.

Frank looked over and in a split second reacted. "Hey I'm not done with you yet!" He said running after the train. Since I was closer to it I jumped on before him. He then jumped on afterwards. When he hit the ground he grunted.

"Frank get up!" I said assisting him back on his feet.

"Oh, I'm too old for this shit." Frank said while I helped him up. He and I then slouched over and sneaked behind the storage boxes. I saw a mercenary coming to us. Before he came around the corner.

I grabbed a nearby baseball bat and waited for a mercenary to come around the corner. When a mercenary came around, I swung the bat at his wrist and he dropped his gun. I took another swing with the bat and he grabbed it and took it from my hand. Frank then demolished him with a haymaker. Frank took a gun and started to shoot another mercenary coming around the corner. I picked up his gun and took cover.

 I looked out from the wall and I saw about five more mercs left. When I saw them, one shot almost clipped me in the head. I immediately put my head back into the cover. 

I looked at Frank, then back in front of me. I got out of cover and shot about two of them. They tumbled down. Two more tried to shoot me, but Frank took them out before they did. We threw the guns down and ran to the front. We opened the door and went through. 

There, we saw TK coming out of the cart clapping his hands. Frank spoke up. "What the hell are you up to, TK?!" Frank said with a menacing glare.

"Just enjoying the land of oportunity, Frankie." TK responded.

Frank pointed at him. "You paid CURE to start the outbreak, didn't you?" Frank said.

"No need to dwell on the details when we all come out ahead." TK told me.

"Come out ahead? What the hell?! Thousands of people are dead, and you're not going to get away with it." Frank responded.

TK stepped back to the switch. "Oh, come off it Frank. I brought you back in the public eye." He then put his hand on the lever. "Don't I even get a thank you?" TK said while pulling it down.  We then heard a loud piercing screech. We looked down, to see that the rest of the train was dislocated from the front. We then looked at TK, who then pulled a gun on us. "Good night." He said before firing.

In a split second Frank grabbed me and brought us into cover. Frank hugged me, protecting me from the bullets. His grasp felt really cozy if I was being honest. Then the bullets stopped flying and TK was gone. Frank released me from his grasp and got up. He then stood up and grabbed the railings. He then hit the railing in frustration and walked back a little. He then turned to me "You all right?" He asked me. 

I looked at him. "Never felt better." I told him. We walked to the back of the train and got off. 

By then Frank got a call from Stacey. "Frank, it's Stacey. Are you two okay?" She asked. 

Frank put his ear-piece in and clicked the button. "Same as ever." Frank responded. 

"Are you alright?" Stacey asked.

"I've been better." Frank said.

"What about (y/n)?" Stacey said with concern.

"He's fine." Frank replied.

"What's going on?" Stacey asked Frank.

"That bastard TK tried to take us out." Frank responded. 

"He survived the outbreak?" Stacey said flattered.

Frank and I started walking. "Yeah, unfortunately. And it looks like he's up to something. It's not over yet." Frank said.

Stacey then came back on. "Frank. You've got to stop that bastard. He killed all those people and he wants us to take the fall." She said. 

Frank only looked to the side. "We're on it." He said. Stacey then hung up. He then looked behind and saw a dead mercenary lying on the side of the train. He turned back around and saw something on the ground. He crouched down and picked it up. It was another key, that lead to the underground.

"Frank. What Stacey said will have to wait. We gotta find you more Zombrex soon." I told him.

"Thanks for reminding me." Frank said. We headed off looking for a way out from the underground.

This only gets better and better... 

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