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By callmeKay_Cee

30.4K 1.9K 220

"Not everyone in this world is meant to be loved, not all broken toys are meant to be fixed" ~Damien Knight ... More



1K 71 3
By callmeKay_Cee

Nathaniel's pov.

Am I happy?
Do I feel like a spoilt child?
Hell yeah.
Do I remember having my hand on Dom's boob?
Fuck yeah.

But nothing last forever. Dom left first, after eating six doughnuts, cause she was needed at the station then Trinity left two hours before her meeting to get ready. So here I am, with an apartment that suddenly feels bigger and colder than usual. It was at this moment that I realized just how lonely I am. I have no friends to call over, only one family member I can rant to when I want to, and no one to tell me shit is gonna be okay when I feel like it isn't. I only have me, which is something I didn't mind up until now. Makes me wonder who will actually cry at my funeral

"What took you so long?" Nevada asked the moment I walked into her office

"It's weird that every time I'm here you aren't working" I said placing her food in front of her

"Feed me" she said making me roll my eyes. I handed her the food and sat in front of her

"How have you been?" I asked

"Could be better" she said making me stare at her
"Mom wants me to get married"

"She already has a daughter that's getting married, why force another one?"

"Angelica and I have to get married to wealthy men, so that we can use their money to 'sponsor' Bruce then he'll marry a woman from a wealthy family and mom lives happily ever after" she said making me sigh. We talked about something else as she continued eating and I gave my two scents ever so often.

"Don't eat that" I said snatching the Tupperware from her

"Why? What's in there?"

"Something new I made"

"And I can't eat it? I thought you loved me" she said making me roll my eyes and begin packing up

"I didn't make it for you" I mumbled then walked out her office

"What do you mean?" she asked but I was already walking toward where Dom is. I heard a come in after knocking twice

"You don't have to knock" Dom said when I walked in

"The boy has respect, unlike some people" Richard said making Dom glare at him but he seemed unbothered by it

"Boy? Aren't you guys the same age?" Nevada asked from behind me

"Damn, I didn't even see you there" Dom said making my ears turn pink
"And no. These ma fuckers are 3..."

"Oi, why we talking about ages when we should be working" Raven said making me snort

"The boy wants to work" Dom said making the men chuckle

"The boy wants to work" Romeo said

"Yes the boy w... fuck no, I'm a manly man" Raven said tapping his chest

"Who the fuck says manly man with such a serious face?" Dom questioned

"The manliest man of all man... men" he said proudly making me chuckle and walk toward Dom

"Listen here you t... what's this?" Dom said giving me all her attention

"She's bipolar"

"It's what I want you guys to taste last night" I said

"Last night?" Nevada asked making my cheeks turn pink

"It's not like that" I said but my sister did not believe me

"Mmnh, what should your ship name be?"

"Something explosive, like Dom" Ricardo said entertaining my sister

"Well if it has to be like Dom, it should be bitchy" Romeo said

"Nope, opinionated"

"Definitely stupid"

"Nah rude"

"Fuck that, it should be as short tempered as her"

I listened to all the men give the opinion on what our ship name is but Dom was too busy eating to give a shit, or so I thought.

"If you fuckers don't shut the fuck up, I will shut you the fuck up" she said glaring at each one of them individually before looking up at me
"This was beautiful"

"Definitely bipolar" they all said at the same time making me chuckle while Nevada smiled at me


"You seem happy" she said as the tears in her eyes hung on for dear life

"Don't cry, you look ugly when you do" I said then felt a hard punch in my gut

"Fuck off you over grown child" she said making me chuckle through the pain

"And would you look at that, no tear in sight"

"Over grown child" she mumbled then walked out the room

"Aww, why'd she leave?" Romeo asked making me raise an eyebrow at him

"Stay out of it" Ricardo said making me shake my head

"Do you happen to know where Trini... well obvious you know where she works since you guys live together it w..."

"She works at that big law firm" Dom said placing a finger on my lips

"She's a lawyer?" I said clearly shocked making them chuckle

"What did you think she did?"

"I plead the fifth" I said making her snort

"Lemme walk you out before one if them says something stupid" she said then began pushing me out the room

"Hey, why you taking out entertainment?" Raven said but I was already being pushed out

"Shut you over grown children" she said making me chuckle

"Now you sound like Nevada" I said then wrapped my arm around her shoulder

"She's seems alright and has my team on a leash, so I like her" she said making me hum
"Not like romantically but like she gives off a good vibe and why am I explaining myself?"

"Mmh, I do believe Trinity would have an answer for that" I said making her sigh

"That dumb fuck thinks she's smart" she said making me smile

"Isn't she though?" I asked with a smile

"Don't ever admit that in front of her" Dom said making me chuckle while she smiled. We stared at each other for a while before she shook her head
"You should go, and text Trinity when you get there instead of walking in like you own the place"

"Let me guess"

"Zip it" she said making me laugh

"I'll text her and avoid the whole talking to other people part" I said making her nod

"You do that" she said then cleared her throat
"I should get back to work"

"Uh, yeah I'll see you when you uh see me" I said then felt blood rushing to my cheeks at my stupidity

"Until then, I promise not to become invisible" she said with a smile which made me smile back

"I'd appreciate that" I said then opened my car door and climbing inside

"Until then" she said when I opened my window and started the car

"Bye, Dominique"

"Boy! If y..." she started off but I was already driving off laughing like a crazy person. I did text Trinity and she sent me the location then told me to just walk in, so I did. I walked toward the elevator and, as usual, ignored everyone in there. I didn't miss the stares nor did I miss how quiet it got but there nothing new there. One I reached her floor I saw two woman sitting behind a desk eating their lunch. Bowing slightly to them, I turned and walked straight to Trinity's office.

"Come in" she said after I knocked but she was on the phone so I just closed the door and sat on the couch. I let my eyes take her office in and I noticed her certificates, diplomas and a big ass photo of non other that Dom.

"She said she'd kill me of I didn't hang it up" Trinity said then stood up from her desk

"But it's huge"

"She is" she replied making my ears turn pink. She walked around her desk then straddled me and wrapped her arms around my neck then sighed

"Mmmh" I replied hugging her tighter ignoring just how much her skirt has riden up her thighs

"You make the perfect bed" she said placing her arms on my chest with her head still in my neck

"You can sleep on me anytime" I said earning a giggle

"I will happily sleep on you when you're comfortable enough to not wear a hoodie, like boy don't you sweat?" she asked making me chuckle

"I do, a lot actually, and considering the fact that I work in the kitchen it doubles up" I said making her sit up on my lap and stare at me. She didn't say anything, only staring at me like she's calculating something and when she got her answer, she stood up, not bring her skirt down so I saw her ass and underwear, then turn up her air conditioner.

"Better?" she asked me but my eyes were glued on her ass and when she turn around I saw the lace covered cunt.
"It's rude to stare"

"I-I uh..." I couldn't form a sentence nor could I look away from it. I don't know when but she was now infront of me. Her underwear still exposed and my dick hardening at the sight of it but she only giggled and pulled her skirt and down on the couch opposite mine when someone knocked

"Miss Heroux, I got the documents you requested" some lady said heading

"Thank you" she replied but lady still stood there
"Anything else miss Cadwell?"

"Uh, no nothing at all" she said then left making Trinity sigh. Silence fell between us as she paged through the file and I stared into space trying to get my dick back to normal

"I'm sorry" Trinity said breaking the silence

"About what?" I asked

"Making you uncomfortable and being to forward. I swear on the mother I'll never meets' grave that I'm not this forward. There's just something about you that makes me wanna jump your bones, its the same feeling I get with Dom and I know it confusing a..."

"I'm pregnant" I said


"Sorry, its what you used to get Dom and I to shut up" I said with a small blush making her shake her head
"I'm not uncomfortable and I've already told you that I like it when you touch me. Trinity, anyone with eyeballs knows how much pride you have in yourself so trust me, I know how fortunate I am to see things no other man can. I've only been quiet because I'm trying to calm my dick down but all I can think about is your pu... lady parts and Doms bo... uh... forget that"

"Dom's what?" she asked with a smirk


"If you tell me, I'll let you take me out tonight" she said as I weighed my options

"It's embarrassing to admit out loud"

"You'll have more embarrassing moments if you wanna be ours" she said making me huff

"Dom's boobs. All I can think of is your lady parts and her boobs" I said staring at the floor

"Say pussy" she said making me gasp and look up at her

"Never" I said making her throw her head back and laugh. I smiled at how genuinely happy I am around the both of them. It didn't matter where we were or what we were talking about, they always find a way to make a serious situation funny, which isn't a good thing when you think about it. After spending an hour with her I went back to the bakery, since I had nowhere else to go and Trinity had to go back to work.

"Well look what the cat dragged in" Mrs Andrews said the moment I opened the back door

"And here I thought you missed me" I said making her scoff

"Why you here any way, it's almost closing time"

"I'll close up, so you don't need to worry about it" I said making her look me up and down before walking away.

I helped out where I could and cleaned up empty tables as my employee's left one by one. I found out that miss Swan was fired earlier today and instead of feeling guilty like I usually do when it come to her, I simply didn't care. I did decide to give her a full month's pay as a way of reassuring myself that this was the last time I would ever deal with her. I was wiping down the counter when the front door opened

"We're cl..."

"Well I be damned" Dom said walking in with Richard
"I can't believe you choose that wicked witch over me"

"What?" I asked cause I'd never pick one over the other

"You choose not to tell me you worked her when I asked, so this means war" she said making Richard hit the back of her head

"Ignore her, got anything we can take with us?"

"Everything you see here is going to the trash" I said referring to the left over cupcakes, a few doughnuts and three cakes

"You throw all this out?" Dom asked walking closer

"Well, not exactly. I or Mrs Andrews, pack them all into different boxes then place them in one of our clean trash cans" I said making her arch an eyebrow

"Clean trash can?"


"The same boxes we use to pack a customers order and by clean trash can, I mean empty trash cans. We don't use them to through away our trash but are in fact only used for left over holding. We once tried physically giving out whatever we have left over and a lot of people didn't want to take them, so I figured leaving them out there would be easier. It worked though, they are always gone by morning meaning one of us can wash the trash can during the day and more left overs can be placed in there" I said then realized I was staring at Dom the entire time which made me blush

"So if you don't have a lot of customers during that day, you just put everything in there?" Richard asked

"Yes, we usually make more batches at around lunch time because our morning rush is always busy" I said them internally rolled my eyes at the unnecessary information I just gave out

"Mmh, the owner must be kind hearted" Dom said making my heart beat faster and my face turn pink
"It's you isn't it?"

"Surprise" I said making her chuckle

"You're lucky your cute"

"I believe that I'm lucky you find me cute" I said making her snort

"I'll deal with you and my plot for revenge later, what do you want?" she asked Richard, who I forgot was here

"I though you forgot I was even here" he said with an amused smirk

"Ooh I did, I only remembered because I felt something annoying staring at me" she said with an innocent smile

"I'll take the three cakes" he said making me nod
"You not ordering?"

"Nope, Trinity said I had enough sugar for today and if I had more she'll send me to the dentist" Dom said then shook her head as a shiver went down her body. I packed up his order then watched them leave but not before Dom yelled out her number and told me to text her. I closed up the shop and placed the left overs inside the can before getting into my car and heading home.

Flopping my body on my bed I thought about what my life has come to after meeting these beautiful women. Staring at my ceiling I thought about the pros and cons of pursuing this relationship, there are a whole lot more pros then there are cons. Taking a deep breathe, I sat up, grapped my phone, cleared my throat and entered Google

'Can a woman have penis?'

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