The Titan of The Paths (AOT x...

By CaigerCascade10

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Y/n is awoken after years of his isolation. He awakens to a modernised but more clueless world. Theirs three... More

Chapter 1: The Awakening
Chapter 2: 104th Cadet Corps
Chapter 3: Facing the Past
Chapter 5: Battle for Trost
Part 6: Trost Reclamation
Part 7: Time before the Expedition
Part 8: 57th Expedition Beyond the Walls
Part 9: Raid on Stohess
Part 10: Resurgence
Chapter 11: Experiments

Chapter 4: Graduation

260 9 2
By CaigerCascade10

1 month later:

"Allowing fate alone to steer one's life can relinquish the power of personal choice, rendering one a mere passenger in their journey."

Y/n conjured these words in his mind as he stared up at the sky. The tame breeze brushed across his face as he sat next to the lake.

Y/n: "There's no point hiding. I know you're there." Y/n turned his head slightly to see Hange hiding behind a tree.

Hange: "Ahh I was gonna scare you." Y/n chuckled under his breath as Hange walked over to him.

Y/n: "Nice to see you made it back in one piece."

Hange: "Nice to see you're worried about me." Hange sat down next to Y/n and stared at the stars.  "Beautiful, isn't it?"

Y/n: "Yeah, it is." Y/n and Hange sat in silence for a moment as they stared at the stars. "So, how did you find me?"

Hange: "Well I asked your commandant and he told me you went this way. I used to come here often myself. So I knew there was only one place you could be."

Y/n: "Never took you for a scenic type."

Hange: "Trust me, I'm not. It's just nice to get away from it all."

Y/n: "Away from what?"

Hange: "All the hustle and bustle of real life. Sometimes, I wish I could live a life in peace. But I know what I signed up for. " Y/n glanced over at Hange and noticed her playing with her fingers.

Y/n: "You know, there used to be someone very important to me. We used to go to places like this all the time when we got the chance." Hange looked over to Y/n as a tear fell down his eye.

Hange: "What type of person were they? " she said concerned.

Y/n: "They were beautiful, selfless, kind, and cared deeply for life. They were everything I couldn't ever be. " Y/n picked up a rock and tightened his fist around it. "But one day, they were gone. Their life ripped off all that compassion and love for others. All that was left, was a husk of a man. Left to be burdened with the guilt of actions out of his control. " Y/n through the rock into the lake and rested his head on the ground.

Hange: "Although I can't relate exactly, I have watched many Comrades, and people I'd call friends, die before my very eyes. However, we're here to remember what they stood for." Y/n placed his hand on Hange's shoulder as she turned to look at him.

Y/n: "You may be crazy, but at least I know you are more human than Titan. But you are correct. As sick and pointless life is, we all have a want to continue living." Y/n let his hand go while the two sat silently. Carefully, Hange moved away from the conversation.

Hange: "Tell me, did you lie to the military?"

Y/n: "Whatever do you mean?" Y/n kept himself calm as Hange started to question him.

Hange: "Theirs no reports of your existence before the attack on Shiganshina."

Y/n: "I did." Hange looked at Y/n with surprise, not expecting his honest answer. "To be honest with you, I can't even remember what I did say."

Hange: "Then why did you lie?" Standing up, Y/n started sorting out his jacket and his hair while he answered Hange.

Y/n: "Isn't it obvious? I wanted to stay alive. Although, I probably regret it now." Another empty silence filled the air. Wanting to escape the situation, Y/n proceeded to walk off, stopping himself to say one last thing. "Hange...may I ask a favour?"

Hange: "It depends on what it is." She said seriously. "You're not gonna make me lie are you?"

Y/n: "No...nothing like that." Y/n chuckled. "If you've got the time, come see me again. It's been a long time since I've met someone who's, although a little bit crazy, is truly human." With that, Y/n left Hange alone by the lake. Contemplating what just happened, Hange gritted her teeth and thought back on the conversation.

Hange: "Who are you Y/n? What do you mean by 'I probably regret it now?' Gah! Humans are way more complicated than Titans! *sigh* I suppose I'm gonna have to see you again aren't I Y/n?" With that, the night came to an end, and the world continued as normal...

1 Year Later:

Y/n sat up against the balcony that sat outside of the cadet's cabins. Most of the cadets were solely focusing on getting ready for the final assessments to find out their rankings. However, Y/n had finally come to the decision that the scouts were for him. Mainly since it was the regiment Eren was headed to. Knowing that he has two Titan powers, and knowing that Reiner, Bertholdt and Annie were up to something, piqued his interest in following Eren's journey even more. Hearing footsteps coming towards him, Y/n turned to see Ymir leaning on the balcony next to him.

Ymir: "How's things going old man?" Ymir chuckled.

Y/n: "Just like everyone else here, I'm waiting for the final assessment."

Ymir: "Hmm sounds boring..." Ymir sighed heavily as she moved her hand onto her head. "Y/n...I need you to do something for me."

Y/n: "Go on?" Y/n was slightly bewildered. It's unlike Ymir to ask for anything.

Ymir: "I need you to flunk the test with me."

Y/n: "And why would I do that? How do you even know I'll get in the top 10 anyway?"

Ymir: "Theirs no one in our cadet branch that can even come to the level of respect you have. If I know anything about the military, they'll probably take that as a sign of you being a good leader."

Y/n: "They might but I'm exceptionally in any other aspects."

Ymir: "Ha! That we can agree on! But still, you're good enough compared to most. So what do you say?" Y/n contemplated his options. At this point, he was so used to detecting people's motives that he knew Ymir was being genuine.

Y/n: "Fine. I just ask for two things one return."

Ymir: "Great! I knew we could come to a deal!" She exclaimed. "What do you want me to do?"

Y/n: "Firstly, tell me why you're asking me to do this?"

Ymir: "To put it simply, I want Christa to get into the top 10. That way, she may be safe in the interior as a member of the military police."

Y/n: "You do realise she's probably gonna follow you no matter what right?"

Ymir: "Maybe...but I at least want to give her the luxury of choosing." Ymir's face lit up with a faint smile. "So, what's the second thing you want me to do?"

Y/n: "I want you to tell me who you are?"

Ymir: "What do you mean? We've known each other for how long now?"

Y/n: "Long enough that I still don't know anything about you." Ymir chuckled before complying with Y/n's request.

Ymir: "Fine. Before joining the Cadets, I was a simple homeless scavenger. I survived stealing from others. I don't know my parents and I don't care to know them. I was thrown away and beaten down by society. That's all there is to my life. You going to go through our agreement now?" Y/n observed Ymir as she said this. It was clear to Y/n now that Ymir wasn't the character she played.

Y/n: "Yeah...I'll make sure to go through with our deal." With that, Ymir walked away from Y/n, unknowing what was the right thing to say. Watching Ymir leave, Y/n heard family footsteps coming from behind him.

Armin: "Hey Y/n! I've been looking for you!" Turning around, Y/n stared down at Armin. He found it quite amusing how Armin looked practically the same as he did when they first met.

Y/n: "Looking for me?" Y/n asked confused. "Is something wrong?"

Armin: "No, nothing like that. I just wanted to ask a few questions before we do our exam. Reiner and Bertholdt are a bit preoccupied while Eren and Mikasa are doing a little bit of practice before the exam."

Y/n: "Really? That kid has heart. A shame he's got little social awareness though. I guess I'm gonna have to make sure he doesn't kill himself while we're out on expeditions."

Armin: "You've decided that you're going the scouts then?"

Y/n: "Yep. At least it gives me something to care about. But anyway, what is it you wanted to ask?" After this, a conversation between the two happened on ODM gear and training.

Later After the Graduation Ceremony:

After the top 10 rankings had been announced and the cadets were told to head back, Y/n sat quietly in the corner of the canteen. Y/n thought back to his previous conversation with Ymir. As on queue with his thoughts, Ymir sat opposite Y/n.

Ymir: "Yo! It looks like you pulled through just fine! Thanks for doing that."

Y/n: "It's no problem. I heard we're going to Trost tomorrow."

Ymir: "What a bother. Why can't we just do it here?"

Y/n: "It's a military tradition. The least you can do is comply with a simple ceremony now and again." Y/n took a swig out of his drink. Unlike all the other cadets, Y/n was the only one who was allowed to drink. Although, funny enough, he could not get drunk. Y/n's strange immortality siphons all poisons from his body.

Ymir: "Yeah yeah whatever you say, wise guy. How old are you again?" Ymir asked sarcastically.

Y/n: "I'm 126 years old." Ymir laughed not knowing that Y/n was being serious.

Ymir: "You certainly do act that way." Shouting could be heard from the large group that began to gather around Eren.

Y/n: "They're at it again. I'm not gonna miss these fights."

Ymir: "That makes two of us. Idiots." The two watched as Eren stormed out, followed quickly by Mikasa and Armin. "Seriously, will they ever grow up?"

Y/n: "Not everyone can be as pessimistic and cynical as the both of us you know. I'm not sure about Jean, but if Eren does join the Scouts, he'll have to grow up. If not, he'll be Titan good."

Ymir: "Speaking of idiots, you joining the scouts as well right?"

Y/n: "Yep." He sighed. "I...have a friend who's in the scouts. She'll put me with her division."

Ymir: "And what divisions that?" Taking a large swig of his drink, Y/n quietly replied.

Y/n: "The Titan research division." Pissing herself laughing, Ymir started crying from laughter. "Come on, it's not that funny!"

Ymir: "Hahaha! The old man's gonna become a lab boy! You really are a weirdo!" Y/n began to laugh with Ymir. The two stayed until late at night drinking and just having a good time. The last 'good time' they would have in a while...

Next Morning: Trost District

Y/n stood and watched the return of the scout regiment through Trost. It seemed surprising to Y/n that there was still so much support for the Scouts. Commander Erwin headed the group with Miche and Levi just behind him. Hange rode just behind the two with the rest of the scouts after her. Seeing him in the crowd, Hange waved at Y/n, bringing attention from some of the cadets who were around him.

Ymir: "Hey! Old man! Is that the person you told me about last night?" Sighing, Y/n turned around and saw Ymir with Christa.

Y/n: "Yep...she seems to be a pretty big deal. Not all there in the head though."

Ymir: "Well she fits in perfectly well with you then doesn't she." Y/n grunted, still a little tired from last night.

Christa: "Hey...Y/n? You're joining the scouts aren't you?"

Y/n: "Yep. I heard you got in the top 10. Well done." Y/n smiled at Christa. Ymir winked at Y/n as a way to show her thanks once again.

Christa: "I don't deserve to be there though. I swear you two were way better than me."

Y/n: "Stop downplaying yourself, Christa. You've got the chance to go to the MP so I recommend you take it. But that's not very important right now, we should head to the base. We're on the supply team for training today." The group walked silently through Trost. The hustle and bustle of everyday people brought a comforting change to the structured and strict way of the military.

Christa: "Hey...are you going to miss this?"

Y/n: "What do you mean?"

Christa: "You know...the ease of training and being around everyone all the time. Most of us are gonna go our own separate ways..."

Ymir: "Don't worry your pretty little face, Christa! We'll still see each other on special occasions." Y/n looked up at the wall and activated his path-seeing ability. Looking up, the two paths that were connected to Eren could be seen clearly. However, Y/n noticed another path, but could not see who it was.

Y/n: "I'm not a fan of moving on from conversations, but where are Reiner, Bartholdt, and Annie? Aren't they meant to be in a squad together?"

Christa: "Yeah I think so." Christa said in her high-pitched voice. "I haven't seen them since we entered Trost."

Ymir: "I'm pretty sure they're at headquarters." Y/n looked in the direction of headquarters and saw the supposed two paths of one of the three. As the group had been walking for a while now, Y/n realised that they were watching and waiting for the scouts to get out of view.

Christa: "Y/n? Are you feeling okay? You seem fixated on something?"

Y/n: "Hmm? No, it's nothing. I just forgot to ask them about the regiments they're joining." Y/n got increasingly anxious as they went around Trost. Due to Y/n's unique titan, he can't only see the paths, but as his power and himself are the embodiment of the paths, every time it is used he can feel a faint electrical shock through his entire body. Y/n only discovered this ability when Ymir had transformed to save Christa during training. The inevitable dread swept over Y/n as he froze.

Ymir: "Hey! Old man! Why'd you stop?" A strong electrical shock rushed through his entire body. Looking back up at the wall, a gust of wind carrying an entire cloud of steam shot over the wall.

Y/n: "The colossal titan..." Y/n whispered under his breath. A large bang could be heard from the wall of the gate being blown open. "It's the colossal titan! Get down!" Large chunks of the gate came flying at the buildings in Trost. Ymir quickly grabbed Christa and pulled her down to the ground. A large chunk of the gate came crashing into the buildings behind the group. Eventually, the debris had all fallen and it was safe to stand again.

Christa: "Oh no...what now?" The noise of ODM could be heard from all around the group. One of the soldiers dropped and gave orders to the group.

Garrison Soldier: "Operation Colossal Response team is in full effect! Head back to HQ until you receive further instructions!"

Y/n, Christa and Ymir: "Yes sir!" They said while doing the 'dedicate your heart' salute. Quickly, the soldier zipped back away to rejoin his group.

Ymir: "I guess you got your answer, Christa."

Y/n: "Let's go. We have our orders." With that, the group ran back to HQ to await further orders...

Sometime Later:

All the cadets were lined up in the HQ. All cadets were ordered to put on ODM gear when they arrived at the HQ. Nervously, the cadets awaited their orders from the local garrison commander, Kitz Woermann.

Kitz: "I want everyone to split into four squadrons, as practiced! All squadrons are responsible for supply-running, message relay, and enemy combat under the command of the Garrison Regiment! The intercept squadron will be taking the vanguard! Cadets will be taking the middle guard, led by the support squad! The rear guard will go to the elites! I expect all of you to man your posts, knowing the advanced team has been wiped out! That's right; the outer gate is history! The Titans are in! This means the 'Armoured Titan' is likely to reappear! If and when he does, the inner gate will also be history!" Whispers and gossiping could be heard from the cadets. Most were pretty shaken to hear of the advanced squad's failure. "Quit! Right! Those in the vanguard, be ready! The whole area is well-nigh saturated! Your mission is a very simple one: defend the wall til the evacuations are done! Now! Be aware, all of you, that desertion is punishable by execution! If it comes do it, lay down your lives! Dismissed!"

Cadets: "Sir!" The cadets began to frantically get ready to go into their squadrons. Luckily for Y/n, he was put in charge of the squad consisting of Christa, Ymir, and Conny. Meaning, he was on support duty and wouldn't be fighting.

Ymir: "Hey you stupid idiot! You better not get in the way of me and Christa!"

Conny: "Huh? Who are you calling an idiot?" The first cadet squads started to move into positions all around the bickering pair. Finally having enough, Christa tried to snap them back to reality.

Christa: "Stop fighting! We have far more important things to worry about right now." Ymir wrapped her arm around Christa and cheerfully joked around.

Ymir: "Of course! Whatever you say my little Christa!" Conny was visibly frustrated at being with Ymir. However, he quickly let it go, knowing that the situation didn't call for it.

Conny: "Fine..."

Y/n: "Good to see that your children have sorted yourselves out. We have a job to do. So, instead of sitting here doing nothing, let's get a move on!" The powerful voices held by commanders came second nature to Y/n. It helped him carry respect through his squad, even if his Titan killing abilities lacked behind. Y/n's squad left to do the job assigned to them, unwise to the hell that this day would eventually be...

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