Let Me Know

By YayaKim94

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**Bangtan Boys Series Book 4 of 7** On the outside he has everything you could ever wish for fame, money and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 2

170 14 0
By YayaKim94

January 7, 2021

Hwa-Young POV

I am the social butterfly my parents always wanted me to be which is why I am so surprised of how I feel today. I usually don't get nervous around new people but something about today is different. It could be the fact that I will be meeting some very important people by the way that my new boss Min has described them. She was vague on the details but she did mention I needed to meet them in order to stay employed. Another reason for my feelings could be because I know he will be there.

The last time I saw him was over 6 years ago and I don't know how I will feel having him in front of me again. Of course I have kept up with his life all these years. I mean how could I miss it when he shows up everywhere I go. BTS is now international and there is no way to avoid them. I even attended some of their  concerts with my friends through out the years. Back when I was a trainee at the same company as BTS, I had the pleasure of spending time with them. I was supposed to be part of a new girl group that was going to debut around the same time as them. I was the younger of the bunch and the guys treated me like a little sister. They would bring me ramen when ever they escaped the dorms and I kept their secret. When I started attending their concerts I wanted to go backstage and see them but I always felt they had probably forgotten about me. I didn't forget them tho and everything they did for me in those years. I being a teenager full of uncontrollable hormones had the biggest crush on one of the members. I would stare at him for no reason at all when ever we shared the practice room. I had day dreams where he would grab me and push me against the wall and kiss me like he had never kissed anyone before. Once I moved to the US I figured I would forget about my crush but it didn't work out that way. I sometimes still day dream the same way I did many years ago.

Now with all that in my mind I don't know how I picked out an outfit but I did. I went with something simple and not so over the top. Not that I don't have luxurious pieces of clothing but I just didn't feel like I needed to be fake Hwa today. Usually I am in designer from head to toe to apiece my parents and mantain their names but today I want to be myself and not the daughter of a very prestigious family who do their best to not be ashamed of their independent daughter. It does not help that I refuse to live off the family business and have had a job since high school and have been paying my way since then. My parents have learned to accept it now but of course I can't be trusted when picking out my own clothes. It's my duty to represent the family and look like the hairess I am. It's a compromise that has taken me years to accept. I take everything they buy me and only use it when in a professional setting or when I have to visit them 2 sundays a month.

Min explained that dinner would be small and to dress comfortably and I took her suggestion. I decided on something from my own closet that I bought because I like it and not because I had to impress someone. I love my white sleeveless turtle neck ribbed dress and cream sweater that I have pulled down to give me a cold shoulder look. My hair is down and I haven't done much to it except used my Dyson hairdryer to give it a little volume at the ends. I look simple and this is my favorite me.

Min didn't tell me a lot about this afternoon. Only that I would get to see the other members and some VIPs. I haven't met a lot of people in the company yet since this is only my second week. I did meet Sun-Hee and she has become my favorite person. She is extra sweet and has been training me since day one and I don't know how I will replace her. She is amazing at her job. I have also met a few of the guys and to my surprise they did remember me. Jhope, Namjoon and Jin were there for my second interview and as soon as they saw me their faces lit up with recognition. We shared stories of our trainees years and it was nice to catch up with them. I know I only got the job because my step dad is friends with Jin's dad but it felt good to know they were happy I was there.

The taxi stopping in front of the apartment building distracts me from my thoughts and I look up to the familiar high-rise. I have been here countless of times to the many dinners my parents have forced me to attend with them. I get out of the car paying for my trip and thanking the driver. I text Min to let her know I am here and I wait for her reply. I explore the lobby really paying attention to the beautiful structure. Every time I have been to this same lobby I was so distracted by having to look and act perfect that I don't even remember the color of the walls.

"Hwa" I hear someone call my name and I turn in the direction of the sound to be met with a smiling Min walking towards me.

"Hello" I say walking forward to meet her.

"Welcome, dinner is almost ready and everyone is very excited to meet you" She says once she goes in for a hug and even tho it feels a little weird to hug my boss I sometimes forget we have known each other for years. When I was a trainee Min was just starting as one of the company's many stylists. She worked on me many times and we got somewhat close over time. She was older at almost 21 years old and she became a mother figure to the younger ones. I who was only 16 cried on her shoulder many times when I missed my mom and dad. Seeing her many years later I have not forgotten those feelings and she is still someone I look up to and respect a lot. Now she is the head stylist to the worlds biggest boyband and on top of being my direct boss she oversees over 30 people. Her hard work has really paid off and she deserves all the recognition.

"I can't wait to meet everyone" I say once she pulls away and I think she can see the crack on my confidence.

"Dont worry flower they will all love you" I feel a little knot on my throat hearing her call me by my old nickname. She is the one that started calling me that when she learned my name was Hwa-Young which means beautiful flower. I remember her calling me flower the first time. She had said that it matched me perfectly. "Jimin can not sit still he is so excited" the mention of Jimin breaks the knot and excitement fills my every pore. I know my eyes are lighting up now just with the mention of his name. Jimin has always been so special. He was my protector, my confidant, my best friend. The guy I would compare every other guy too. Of course I could never compare him to Taehyung because there was no comparison. Jimin was and is the perfect guy but he could never compare to Taehyung in my heart or eyes.

"I feel the same way" I say with my biggest smile and Min winks at me. I know almost everyone thought that Jimin and I had a secret relationship but it was never like that. Dont get me wrong Jimin is absolutely beautiful inside and out but I could never see him that way. Since the very beginning our relationship was that of an older brother and little sister. Nothing like the relationship I have with my bother. Well my step brother who is the poster child for my parents. Jimin made me laugh like no one else. He always cared and would tell me all his secrets knowing I would keep them locked away. I was the first person he ever told when he was in love. Even before he told his soulmate Taehyung. The girl was a backup dancer back then and she broke his heart many times. We cried multiple times together hidden away from everyone else. Before I left she had broken up with him for the last time. By then Jimin was a little bit more confident in himself and the rise of BTS helped him look at himself in a better light. I am pretty sure that girl has to regret her decision every damn day of her life.

"I want to ask you so many questions but I have been told I have to save my questions for when we are all together" Min speaks and I realize I have been in my mind all this time and I have not noticed we are getting off the elevator. "Just know that once you meet everyone the room will transform into a meet and greet where you are the idol and all lights will be on you" She says laughing at the scenario built in her head. "I hope you don't freak out and walk away, there are a lot of us and we can be overwhelming"

"No worries, I already went through my detective mother where she played both the good and bad cop. I am used to being interrogated about my every move" She laughs again and knowing that she has met my mom many times guarantees that she believes me.

Once we get to what I think is the door to one of the guys apartments she stops and puts in the code. "We won't go to that extreme." She opens the door and we walk in as she turns to me and winks again. "Well I hope not"

A real giggle scapes my mouth and it's a very rare action in my almost robotic behavior but I could never hide my true self from Min. Once she turns her head which had blocked my view I can now see the living room and the first person standing in front of me in black trousers, and navy blue sweater with a white button down shirt underneath is Kim Taehyung. His hair is dark and long and covers most of his beautiful eyes.

American romance novels have been my guilty pleasure since I was a teenager. My dad a published American writer had access to many books and our old house had an extensive library. I was always encourage to read and I of course started with the classics. Pride and Prejudice I read at 13 and fell in love with Mr. Darcy. My love grew and expanded to many other characters and romance books took over my personal library. In many books the first time the main characters see each other is described the same. They see each other across the room and once their eyes meet the electricity fills the room. I dont know how many times I read that scene. But right now, this moment does not compare. My cold hands are sweating and my firm knees are weak. I know it sounds ridiculous but this is the only way I can describe it. I have seen him many many times before on the tv, on the cover of magazines, on posters my friends have, I have even gone to his concerts and have seen him from the first row. This is nothing like those times. Yes every time I have seen him my heart has skipped a beat and the crush I had on him has come to the front of my mind but this is not the same. My heart did not skipped a beat it completely stopped. I felt it stop. When both of us were trainees and I met him for the first time I got nervous right away and I could not stopped giggling. It was a normal crush like every other girl my age. This is not the same.

"Flower" Jimin exclamation broke my one sided stare down and I turned my eyes to follow his voice. His light brown hair was pushed back revealing his eyes who looked at me with the same endearing feelings from years ago. He grabs me in a bear hug and his smell fills my nostrils. Being in his hands feels exactly like it felt before. Like time had never passed. "Have you been eating well?" He asks pulling away to look at me.

"Yes Jimin Oppa" I say taking in the fact that he is in front of me. He is so different now and I cant help but remember 18 year old Jimin with his dark short hair.

"Jimin let flower breathe and say hello to everyone else" Min says from behind me.

"I dont want to." he replies moving to be standing next to me. His arm makes its way to my shoulders and he embraces me again. He pulls me to his side and I giggle again. I can't help it.

"I figured you wouldn't let her go" I hear someone say and I again follow the voice to see Jungkook getting up from the couch closer to us. He walks towards us and hugs me just like Jimin did but this time he also has to hug Jimin who wont let me move from his side. "Good to see you flower" I smile up at him still in disbelieve that he is all grown up. I know I have explained many times that I have followed their career over the years but to me they were BTS the boyband not the guys I was close to, the guys who share the same struggle as the other trainees. Seeing them now being who they are knowing that they have achieved their dreams makes my heart warm.

"You are taller" I say to a long blonde hair Jungkook.

"I cant stop growing not like some people" he jokes looking at Jimin and these two will always be the same.

"I wont hit you because I am very excited my best friend is back" Jimin pulls me closer and kisses the top of my head.

"Before Jimin kicks Jungkook let's introduce Hwa to everyone else so we can sit down for dinner" Min speaks again and Jungkook share a smile with Jimin and we all start walking further into the living room. Jimin still not letting me go speaks again.

"So a lot has changed in our lives since we saw you last" As Jimin speaks I look around the room for the first time. I try not to look back at Taehyung and now I notice the other members, Sun and two other girls. I bow my head in a greeting with Jimin still by my side. Namjoon is the next one to speak and one of the unknown girls is sitting next to him. She is absolutely stunning with dark long hair and a smile that reaches her eyes. Namjoon stands up and turns to the gorgeous girl to help her do the same. She seems to be very pregnant and by the smile they share its hard not to notice who she is.

"Hi again Hwa" Namjoon says giving me a side hug before turning back to his girl. "This is my wife Ella" he says gesturing towards the girl who smiles at me.

"Nice to meet you Hwa" she speaks with a light accent.

"Thank you. Nice to meet you too" I bow with my head since Jimin's arm around my shoulders wont let me bow completely. "Congratulations to both of you" Ella smiles again.

"Thank you" Both Namjoon and Ella say at the same time.

Next to stand up is Yoongi and next to him is the other girl. She is also beautiful and just like Namjoon and Ella they share a connection.

"Welcome to Korea" Yoongi makes the same gesture as Namjoon did towards Ella. "This is my wife Ara"

"It's great meeting you. The guys have all said wonderful things about you" Ara also stands up with the help of Jhope who is sitting to her other side. I had noticed that Yoongi had an arm on a sling and from what Sun told me he had surgery a few months ago.

"Thank you. it's really nice to meet you too" I say again. "Congratulations to you guys too" I say looking at her very big belly. She smiles back and just like Ella she seems very genuine.

"We are going to be uncles again very soon to a little girl and a little boy" Jhope moves around Ella to side hug me like the others.

"thats amazing" I say looking up at Jhope. "again?" I question when the full statement processes through my brain.

"Yes we have a little girl already" Yoongi replies as he caresses his wife's belly. "Her name is Mia. She is with her grandparents who are in town for the week".

"I will show you pictures later after dinner" Ara speaks again

"Yes I would love that" I say meaning every word.

"It's nice to see you again Hwa" Jin says and he is across the room in the entry way of the dinning room.

"its so amazing to see all of you. I am very happy to see everyone and meet everyone" I say locking eyes with Sun who was next to Jhope.

"Oh Hwa you have already met our new sister in law Sun" Jimin points at Sun.

"I have but I didn't know she was your sister in law" I say towards Jimin.

"She is my girlfriend" Jhope exclaims with excitement as he kisses Sun on her forehead.

"I'm sorry I didnt say anything" Sun says with apologetic eyes.

"No need to be sorry Sun, thats your personal life. I understand" I smile letting her know she does not need to apologize for anything.

"Taehyng-ahh are you not going to say hello to flower" Jimin says his name and I had not forgotten he was in the room but not looking at him was making it easier to process my surroundings.

"Hello" he says and his dry tone is a total opposite from the Taehyung I remember. He does not move close like the other guys did and I try not to make it seem like it didn't hurt me a little even though it did. I do a small bow with my head trying to avoid looking at him again.

"Dinner is ready" Jin exclaims and everyone starts to make their way to the dining room. Jimin and I stay back for a little longer giving everyone else the chance to take their seats.

"who's apartment is this?" I whisper to Jimin taking advantage of our closeness.

"Jin's and Min's" Jimin answer without missing a beat.

"really?" I say faking surprise.

"We both know you are not good at lying" Jimin chuckles looking down at me. "You knew even back then that those two would end up together"

"I told you" I say winking at my best friend.

"That you did" Jimin winks back and smiles. I had noticed how close Jin and Min had become 6 years ago and I had mentioned to Jimin who refused to believe me.

"You are sitting next to me and I will be taking you home" Jimin pulls me to his side of the table which is big enough to fit all 12 of us. "I have missed you so much"

"I missed you too Oppa" I say taking the seat next to him with Jungkook sitting next to me and Taehyung across from us.

The whole meal I avoid looking up and thankfully everyone is so busy eating and talking that they dont notice me withdraw from most of the conversations. We talk about BTS success and their hectic schedule and I look everywhere else but the guy thats in front of me.

"Hwa?" Min calls my name and I look her way with a smile. "Since you are back and will be working with us I wanted you to meet everyone. As you remember we act and feel like a family and this is our way of welcoming you"

"I am very thankful for the dinner and the warm welcome" I say again meaning every word. I am truly warm by the way they have treated me.

"We have all been new before and at the beginning it was very hard not to have friends" Ella speaks and my gaze moves across the table to look at her. "I moved here from the US too and the only people I knew were the guys and Min, then I met Ara and Hae who you have already met." Hae is one of the stylist that works under Min but from what Min has mentioned she has become a close friend.

"Yeah it was nice having Hae, Min, Ella and Sun when I came to Seoul. I didn't feel so alone" Ara speaks looking across the table to the other girls and smiling at each one.

"I dont know where I would be without these girls" Sun is the next to speaks and everyone looks her way. "I was new to the country just like Ella and I was very shy and felt very alone. When I started to work with Ara and met the others it felt nice to have a big group of people I could count on. We are all very close"

"We are all saying this because we would love to consider you a friend too." Ara says. "You will be working very close to the guys and believe all of us when we say that they are a handful so you will need all the support you can get" Ara laughs at her own words and the others follow.

"I am very thankful. Please take good care of me" I bow and smile.

"Thats settle then" Min says.

"Now tell us about yourself. How did you end up in the US?" Ara ask. "We want to know everything. Do you live with your parents? Do you have any siblings? A boyfriend?"

"Take it slow honey" Yoongi interrupts his wife. "Thats too many questions"

"I dont mind answering." I say smiling towards Ara who seems to be closer to Yoongi who has his arm around her shoulders. We have all stopped eating and now all eyes are on me including Tae's who I still have not been able to look at. "As the guys probably told you I used to be a trainee before they debuted. I was going to be part of a new girl group but our debut was canceled before we even started."

"That's so sad. All that hard work" Ella says rubbing her belly as she listens on.

"Yeah and she was the younger one in the girl group at only 15. The first month she cried every night for her parents. It was heartbreaking" Min speaks and her eyes are filled with memories.

"OMG! poor baby" Ara and Ella both exclaim at the same time and their maternal eyes meet mine.

"My parents didnt like that I wanted to be an idol. Well my mom didnt want me to do it. My dad is the one who pushed for it because at the time I thought it was my dream. Of course I was not expecting that I would miss them so much. After the group was canceled I found out my parents had split and my dad who is American had moved back to the US."

"You are half American?" Ella asks curiously.

"Yes" I answer.

"I am American too but my parents are both Cubans" Ella says and this explains her light accent.

"I was raised in France but I am Korean but I do speak French, English and almost fluent in Spanish" Sun says and Ella turns to her in surprise.

"Tu hablas español?" Ella speaks in what i think is Spanish and Sun chuckles.

"Si un poquito" Sun says putting to fingers together to make a gesture to mean a small amount.

"My princess is very smart" Jhope says with pridefulness coming out from every pore.

"People we are getting off topic. This is about Hwa" Yoongi says and everyone laughs.

"Sorry" Both Ella and Sun say and I am staring to notice this girls are very close.

"Hwa please continue" Min gestures for me to continue my story.

"My dad is a published writer in the US who moved to Korea to do some research in a book he was writing. He met my mom and they fell in love at first sight. They got married and I was born a while later. They stayed together for a long time but they had a lot of issues. My dad is a free spirit but my mom is from a very prestigious family and she was the total opposite of my dad. Thats the way she was raised. I think they tried to make it work mostly for me but once I was out of the house and my dad had gone behind my mom's back to sign me up for the audition. I think that was the last straw. Sometimes I feel like they still love each other but cant make it work"

"I am sorry Hwa-Young" Ara says and looking at the others who have been listening they all match her expression.

"it's ok. I am ok now" I say trying to reassure everyone. "Once I left the company my mom had already gotten engage to her new husband. I took it really bad for a while and decided to join my dad in the US. I had learned English from my dad and I felt I need to be away from my mom and her decisions for a while. I decided to finish high school over there and I ended up going to collage. My dad was very successful in his career and I had good grades so I got a full ride in one of the best art schools. I love painting and my goal is to have my own gallery in the future." I smile thinking about all my dreams that I can not wait to achieve.

"So now that you are back, how is the relationship with your mom?" Jimin asks and I have not noticed that everyone is waiting on my every word.

"She ended up getting married and now I have a step brother who is your age. He is the son of my step father from a previous marriage. I only see them 2 Sundays a month. I came back with some savings from working through collage and I wanted a job so I don't have to rely on my parents money"

"I can speak for everyone and say that we are very happy to have you with us" Namjoon speaks in his leader voice that I have heard a millions times.

"thank you" I say many times truly thankful for the new friends I have met and the old friends I have reconnected with.

"So no boyfriend?" Ara asks with a chuckle.

"Yes me" Jungkook raises his hand from behind me and the others laugh except for Taehyung who has been silent all night. No one else hears him but for some reason I do. It sounds like he is only inches away even though he is across the table but I can still hear him scoff.

"No way bro, as her older brother I would kick your ass" Jimin says mockingly but serious at the same time.

"Why not?" Jungkook questions with the biggest clueless smile.

"She is too good for you" Taehyung speaks for the first time.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of these pictures and they were found on Pinterest. All rights are to their original owners.

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