Little romance stories

By KarissaT99

149 39 163

This is just going to be little romance and friendship story's when I have some free time and I don't want to... More

Im bored

White Against Copper

30 6 64
By KarissaT99

I literally just want to make pure fluff right now. And you know it's going to be gay. Because I love gayness. And you do too. So I'm going to grace you with this fluffy story

Couple: Zack Hedge and Nash Frank.
(I hate making up names, I can't come up with any, so just go with it)

Zack's POV

Zack was helping his best friend, Grace, put away her school books, which she dropped on the ground. She was as clumsy as a new born Giraffe.

Zack sighed as he picked up a book, "really Grace, you have to be more"- he suddenly stopped as he looked up and saw the new guy walk up to them and stoop down to help him.

"Careful." He squeaked. He stared at him. He couldn't help how gay he was, and this guy was hot, like, the sun was jealous of him. His chocolate brown hair fell down over his copper eyes. And his skin looked equally coppery. Zack felt himself blushing madly and looked away quickly. "Thanks." He whispered as he tried to busy himself with the last of the books.

"No problem, I was just trying to get to homeroom, and I seemed to have lost my way, then I saw you, so I decided to help you. My names Nash by the way." Nash smiled a smile that made Zack's insides melt.

"My names Grace, and this blushing guy over here is called Zack." Grace smiled, and stood up, "thanks guys, now I should be going to my class now, so...." Grace elbowed his ribs, winking and skipping away. Zack selfishly wished she fell again so he would go help her, but alas, he was stuck with Nash.

Nash laughed, "your friend's something, huh?"

"Yeah, she is. But she's my best friend, so I gotta live with it. I kinda love her for it. In a friend way." He added quickly.

Nash smiled again, and scratched the back of his head. "Um, I was wondering if your maybe walk me to my class, I can't seem to find it."

Zack took his paper he held out, and nodded, "it on the way to my class, so we can walk together."

"Great!" Nash started walking the opposite direction he was supposed to go.

"Nash! This way!" Zack called. Pointing in front of him, "your going the opposite way."

Nash pivoted on his heels and started walking, making Zack need to run to catch up to him. When he caught up with him, Nash looked at him.

"What?" He asked, "is something on my face?"

"No." He looked away and....wait, was he blushing? Zack internally shook his head, he couldn't. Could he?

"So, where did you live before you went here?" Zack asked, trying to spark conversation.

"I lived in Indiana. I was homeschooled because of COVID, and then my mom and dad lost there jobs and....." he sighed.

"You don't have to talk about it. My sister lost her job too a few years back, and she was a good businesswomen. So I get how you feel."

"It's not that, I just..." he shook his head. "It's fine. It's okay." He sounded like he was tying to reassure himself rather then him.

Zack looked away, feeling like this wasn't a conversation he should be in. And then he immediately saw Nash's class. "We're here." They stopped outside the door.

Nash was about to walk in when Zack sensed something. "You didn't need help finding your class, did you?" He blurted out before he could stop himself.

Nash smiled, and turned his head around, "ding ding." He whispered. "I have no idea why I felt a pull towards you, but I felt like I needed to know you better. Plus, you are cute." He winked as he walked into the room.

Zack blushed as all the kids already in there clapped, even one kid in the front whistled and said, "nice move New Guy." Holding up a hand in a high five.

The happiness was short lived though as the teacher shushed them, "class, we have no time for Gay lovebirds in math class." But Zack saw a flicker of smile cross her face.

Zack shyly smiled to himself as he walked to his class, he felt like his heart would burst any minute. He didn't know how he was cute to him, he looked like a walking ghost, his hair was so blonde, it looked white, and his skin was just as pale. And his blue eyes wasn't even memorizing. Even so, he felt his stomach flutter and thought. Yep, definitely a crush.

........Well, I liked that, but I gotta go a few weeks later, because I have no idea what to write, so.......

Nash's POV

"Ugh," he groaned. He had a red splotch in the shape of a hand on his cheek, and he definitely didn't want anyone to ask about it. I mean, he could make up a lie, but he doubted that would be convincing.

And he definitely did not want Zack seeing it. Why was he thinking of Zack? He was on his mind 24/7 now. It was impossible not to get him out of his mind.

Suddenly he heard the door open to the boys bathroom, "shit." He hissed, but before he could hide In one of the stalls, a blonde, pale guy stood before him. Oh no no no no.

Zack stood, looking at his face, "I...have a feeling I'm not welcome In here."

Without his consent, Nash laughed. "No, it's alright, I'm just trying to hide this, but so far the only idea I have is to hide it with my hoody."

Zack smiled, though he felt it was for Nash's sake. "Is that a...hand print?"

Nash slowly nodded, and before he can blink, Zack was by his side, his fingers going over the splotch, now slowly turning into a bruise.

Even though Nash never let people touch him, he melted under his touch, he couldn't help himself, his fingers went over his cheek so gently.

"Who..." Zack choked on his words, "who did this to you?" His hand started to fall from his cheek, but Nash held it against it. He didn't want to look clingy, but he needed a anchor right now.

" parents, they, um, they're abusive, because...well, because they say I made them get fired from there job. They worked as Foster care parents." Nash closed his eyes, because this was usually, when he told friends this, they just left him. No one wants a kid who has abusive parents as a friend.

But Zack took his other hand and put it in his. "Why?" He asked so quietly that Nash almost didn't hear him.

"Well, they abused me way before they got fired, and when the Foster supervisor went to our house to give us the first kid to take care of, they um...they saw me, and I had a black eye that day, and when the supervisor saw me, she forced info out of my parents, and she..l.fired them. To this day my parents say that I should've stayed in my room that day. They say it's my fault. And...I'm staying to believe it it."

Zack narrowed his eyes, "it is not your fault. You didn't do anything wrong. They did, by abusing you and god knows what else." Zack put his forehead to his, and that's the exact moment he felt tears well up in his eyes.

"Shh, it's okay, I'm here." Zack held him as he crumpled to the ground, and cried for what felt like the first time ever.

"Zack I...don't know what to say, I'm...actually glad you had to use the bathroom right at that moment. Sorry I stopped you from doing that."

"It's fine, I don't need to go anymore." Zack put both his pale hands on his cheeks, white against copper.

Nash drew in a breath as Zack kissed him lightly on the mouth.

As Zack pulled away, he blushed, "Sorry, I didn't know I would do that myself."

Nash laughed, "I quiet enjoyed it actually."

Zack smiled and kissed him again, making Nash's stomach flutter with more butterfly's then when he first met him.

They kissed for what felt like hours, but was interrupted by a guy in the doorway.

"Dudes and dudettes, theirs a gay couple making out in the boys bathroom." He laughed as he ran down the hall.

"Well, next time we haves to make out somewhere a little more secluded." Zack said, pulling himself up and holding out a hand for Nash.

Nash took it. "Yeah, we probably have to do that. Wait, did you say we can do that again?"

Zack kissed his cheek, the one with the bruise on it. "Yeah, I did."

Gayness! That's all I gotta say. Hoped you liked it. I went a little overboard with it, 1500 words. Hehe. 😅😅
And uhh, I wrote this in the car, so that was fun, highways and bumpy roads. Yeah, so if you find errors, that's probably why......

Anyways, Love ya and stay crazy!

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