Never Surrender

By SaraDanae619

31.3K 2.4K 588

The tour is continuing for BTS and Y/N. With Im Ahnjong in jail as she deserves, they are looking forward to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Author's Note: Summary of Chapters 22 - 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Final Author's Notes

Chapter 59

380 31 5
By SaraDanae619


You woke up surprisingly comfortable for sleeping outdoors. Jimin and Taehyung had you wrapped up pretty tightly between them. You wondered if you'd even hit the ground all night. You looked around at your other soulmates. Their sleeping faces filled you with peace and joy. The future seemed rosy now that your family was onboard. As your eyes roamed about, they were captured by Jin's.

"Good morning, precious," you whispered to him.

He pulled you to a sitting position to give you a morning kiss. "Are you feeling better, my love?"

You smiled at him, hugging him tight. "I knew I wanted them to accept our soul bond, but..." You leaned back to look at him seriously. "I want you to know... I would have left them behind without another thought if they had been cruel to any of you..."

He tugged you tight against him, his head laid against your crown. "My heart, we never wanted you to have to make that choice."

"It wouldn't have been a choice." You clung tightly to him. You knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that, if you had to give up everything else, you would still remain with them... fight for them... "I would have been gutted, but you are my life now. I wouldn't survive without you."

"The feeling is mutual, angel," Yoongi murmured beside you, his hand on your thigh. You smiled in delight as his eyes were still shut. You wondered if he was still asleep.

You looked at Jin. "Do you know what time it is? What time do we need to get back? Aren't we supposed to fly back today?"

He chuckled and you could feel yourself still. Jin was such a genuine soul... kind, gentle, caring... Seeing him relaxed and happy was one of the lights of your life. You smiled to yourself as you realized you felt that way about all of them. He kissed your nose and you wished that your impressionable nieces and nephews weren't so close by. You looked around before realizing that Perry and Mai had snuck in and were sandwiched between Jungkook and Hobi.

"It's still pretty early," Jin said, unaware of your amusement at your sneaky niece and nephew. "I'm sure Sejin will let us know when he comes back to get us."

Before you could say anything further, you heard your panicked sister. "Perry! Mai! Where are you???"

You moved away from Jin and struggled out of the tent. "Jodi?"

"Y/N!" Your little sister was a complete wreck. She was wringing her hands and running toward them. "When I woke up, Perry and Mai were missing. We have to call the police!"

Before she could run back into the house, you grabbed her hand. You tugged her to the tent's opening and pointed. "I don't know when they came in... I just noticed..."

Jodi's whole demeanor slumped and you put your arm around her in case she fell down. "Oh my," she sighed deeply. "I'm pissed at them, but they look so cute together!"

Jin exited the tent before closing it up. He bowed to your sister. "I am sorry for the worry we caused you."

Your sister blushed at your handsome soulmate. "Oh my! It wasn't your fault, Jin. My little troublemakers... I wish I could say this was the first time they've given me a heart attack."

He laughed before nodding. "Since we are up, should we make breakfast?" He gathered your sister and you, heading into the house. You tried to be quiet, but it wasn't long before your mother joined you. You had seen her coming down the stairs in her pajamas, but one look at Jin and she was racing back up the stairs to get dressed. Before long, your entire family was in the house serving up pancakes, eggs and a variety of breakfast meats.

Sejin informed Namjoon that you did need to go home that day. The authorities had more questions... what your dad knew about the group's plans and just Ramon in general. You felt confident that it wasn't likely that your father was going to jail about this. It had been a fear in the back of your mind since they'd told you about the DNA remnants. Jeny texted she would pack up your things so you could change for the trip back.

The news that you needed to leave so soon made breakfast a little more somber than you'd intended. Your mother was trying so hard to be accepting of you actually moving to another country. Your father seemed to be making up for lost time and was actually initiating conversations with your soulmates. Peace of mind settled over you now that you felt fully accepted and acknowledged by them. You quietly admitted to yourself the regret you would have lived with for the rest of your life if you'd terminated that relationship.

However, there was one element for your family that was still causing you pain. You pulled Cory aside. "What are we going to do about Cybelle?" you asked a little fretfully, making sure you were quiet so you didn't bring the atmosphere down for anyone else. "I'm not sure she'll..."

Your brother looked grim before he tugged you into a hug. "She's... I don't know how to say this, Y/N." He grimaced at you.

You sighed. He must think you weren't going to like what he had to tell you. "Just spit it out. We don't have enough time to dilly dally."

He chuckled wryly. "She feels guilty, Y/N."


"We all know she's had some anxiety issues since we were kids..." You nodded. She had always felt like the odd one out for some reason. It had affected her self and world views. "You know that she had always liked Thomas, but when you started dating, she was happy for you. It's just... when she took the soulmate medication..."

You looked up at your brother. "It couldn't have been easy for her... but it wasn't easy for me either. But what was I going to do? Hate them forever? Who was that really going to hurt?"

"It was nice that you could think like that, sis... but it just made her guilt even worse." He rubbed his head and you tugged him to sit down. "I don't know... A year after they got bonded and just before their marriage, she came crying to me about the whole thing. She was ripping herself to shreds. She said she wouldn't blame you for not coming."

You grimaced. "But I'd already told them I was fine at that point, hadn't I? It wasn't like they'd planned it... or had an affair before we'd broken up... Hell, Thomas hadn't even thought about proposing to me."

He shrugged. "Honestly, Y/N... You may have been too nice about the whole damn thing."

"What?" You couldn't understand where he was coming from.

"You cried when their bond was discovered, but after that... You were perfectly cordial if not welcoming to the two of them whenever you saw them. Maybe Thomas understood that, while you were in a relationship, it wasn't... a forever type? Or maybe he could let it go easier. But our sister... She started dwelling on it. As time's worn on, she's tried to get counseling, but her anger and rage has only grown. You heard her... She loves Thomas too much to hate him for this... And being angry at yourself is so exhausting..."

You rolled your eyes. "So I get to be the scapegoat? Then what was that bullshit about Thomas longing for me... or me trying to 'steal' him back?"

"Try to understand, Y/N... I think her anger is twisting everything... And maybe it isn't entirely wrong."

Your jaw dropped as you stared at him. "What the hell??? Do you think I still have feelings for him? That I would try to steal him from our sister???" You felt betrayed. Why did everyone think you'd do these terrible things?

Cory shook his head at you, looking deadly serious. "Not you, Y/N."

You stared at him? "No way... Thomas?"

He shrugged. "Cybelle isn't always the easiest person to live with... especially with her insecurities. Maybe he just thinks about the old days with you?"

Your stomach clenched. "I'm hoping it's just nostalgia. I would never get back together with him... even if I hadn't met my soulmates!"

"Fear's a hard thing and Thomas isn't... He isn't being serious about it..." Your brother looked uncomfortable. It was clear he really didn't want to talk about this.

You stood up, uncertain how to deal with this. You understood what he was asking... but it was a lot. You'd put yourself on the back burner a lot... especially for Cybelle... and you weren't certain you could do it anymore. "I guess thanks for telling me. Tell Thomas to man up and treat our sister better. There's no way..." You swallowed hard. If Cybelle was this mentally fragile, she could pose a real danger to your soulmates. "You're going to need to... watch Cybelle. If Ramon found Dad's weakness, she could be in real danger. Now that the family is aware these people are terrorists, if she helps in any of their schemes and anyone gets hurt, she'd probably be looking at jail time. I don't want that for her..."

"We'll watch out for her," Jodi said from the doorway. She and Travis stood there, looking a little grim. "And we'll talk to Thomas. He needs to step up since her insecurities revolve around him."

You nodded and handed her a card. "Quazar is an expert about soul bonds and how it affects individuals. If it hadn't been for her, I'm not sure I'd be here now."

Travis frowned fiercely. "You said that before. What exactly happened? Were you a suicide risk? Why???"

You looked at them somberly. You motioned for them to sit down. "Are you sure? It gets really unbelievable..." They looked at each other but nodded. You quickly talked about your soul swapping experience, how Im Ahnjong treated your body, and how you had returned.

When you stopped, silence reigned as they stared at you. "Seriously?" Travis croaked out. After you nodded, he shook his head. "It's straight out of a science fiction novel."

You laughed briefly. "More romantic fantasy."

Jodi's eyes were filled with tears. "Why didn't you call us, Y/N? Didn't you trust us?"

You shook your head. "Unless you took a learning annex course I don't know about, you don't speak Korean. Would you have really been able to handle a hysterical Korean girl in my body? Would you have believed me? I didn't sound like me. Hell, I could hardly believe it!"

Cory laughed. "You aren't wrong. Plus, you live an hour away from us. We wouldn't have been able to babysit her."

You rolled your eyes. "She was a real bitch to Jeny so that would have been a whole thing."

Jodi looked at you closely. "I could see where that would have been shocking, but when you returned to your body, wouldn't you have gone back to normal. I mean, you hadn't taken the medication... the soul bond hadn't been created."

"It had been started. The grief... It was bad. And then I started to get numb... Like really numb." You sighed. "Jeny finally found Quazar and she was able to help a little. But I was certain that I wasn't their soulmate so I didn't see the point in anything anymore. Jeny and Quazar moved in so I didn't hurt myself and I ate. They even surprised me with the concert... and then you know what happened from there."

Cory lurched to his feet and started to pace. "If this is a potential side effect, how can they make this a required medication?"

You shrugged. "The doctor in Korea... he said it was only theoretical and we didn't tell him."

"Why not?" Jodi looked at you in concern. "Isn't he an expert?"

You grimaced. "He was not personable... He made me feel like a science experiment. There's another reason I guess I should tell you why I'm glad we didn't... It's the doctor that convinced Dad to give blood... Dr. Che. We didn't know he would be involved in all this, but none of us really liked him. He was just the only option we could find in Korea."

"Are you going to tell the authorities?" Travis asked grimly.

"I will, but we only have Dad... I'm sure he'd say that he never... or he intended it purely for soul bond research to discover why we have such a large grouping. I'm sure the authorities would like to know more... or maybe see how to duplicate it. I don't know, but all of us are wary of getting experimented on. If they weren't so famous, I never would have announced it."

"Smart," Cory said grimly. They looked at each other until they nodded. "We'll do what we can. Be careful, okay?" You nodded and you were suddenly pulled into a group hug. You were glad that they had been willing to hear you out. You just hadn't been certain they'd believe you.

It wasn't long before Sejin and Jeny drove up. Then it was a whirlwind of hugs and kisses... promises of coming back when the danger had passed... invitations to come visit you in Korea... You weren't the only one that was a little weepy as you left. Jungkook pulled you into the back of the van where you got sandwiched between him and Yoongi. Yoongi immediately leaned on your shoulder and returned to sleep, holding your hand tightly.

"Do you feel better, aegiya?" Jungkook kissed your temple and tugged you under his arm. You smiled and nodded. "I'm glad. We've been really worried about you."

You looked at him in surprise. "You were?"

Yoongi's grip on your hand tightened. "Of course, angel. Anything that hurts you hurts us." You smiled as tears streamed down your face. You were peppered with kisses. Finally, you relaxed against your soulmates and just let the scenery pass you by. You were grateful for their love and care.

It felt like no time at all until you were ensconced in the plane, this time sandwiched between Taehyung and Jimin. You found yourself surprised at how normal this had become for you. You looked at your soulmates and you could feel a blush as you just admired their beautiful faces.

"You're going to burn a hole in my face, baby girl," Jimin growled. When you turned your burning face, he wrapped his arm around you, his breath caressing your ear. "You're tempting the beast..."

Out of the corner of your eye, Taehyung's gaze burned into you before it turned to Jimin. "This feels very reminiscent, doesn't it, my loves?" He pulled you against his chest and started nibbling at your neck.

You gasped as it felt like your body burst into flames. "Tae!" and your eyes flew about the cabin. It was one thing to make out in front of your other soulmates, but everyone else? You felt a tremor of embarrassment shiver through you. But before you could further assess the situation, you felt your leg being lifted and suddenly Jimin was between your legs and sucking on the other side of your neck. "J...j..j..Jimin..." you moaned. You thread your fingers through their hair.

"What's wrong, love?" Taehyung growled in your ear. It sent a shot of desire straight through you and you could feel yourself getting wetter by the moment. You turned toward his voice, but when he started sucking right behind your ear, everything clenched within you.

Jimin chuckled and you stared at him with glazed eyes as your breath came in little pants. "I love watching you lose your mind when we touch you," he whispered, nibbling along your collarbone. "What do you want?" His smirk and hooded eyes were so sexy. All you could think was how much you wanted them. You let your fingers trail along his chest, fiddling with his buttons. You wanted skin... you needed it.

Taehyung chuckled before reaching around you and pulled Jimin's shirt apart. He linked his fingers with yours as you explored Jimin's muscles. Your soulmates were fairly slim, but the attention they've paid to their bodies was something to be admired. He stiffened under your shared touch and ground into your center. "Feel what you've done to him?" You felt Taehyung's hardness beneath you and realized he was definitely affected as well. "Are you ready to take responsibility?"

Your eyes flickered to the side to see who was watching, but Jimin firmly but gently grasped your chin until you were captured in his gaze. "Focus on us, little girl. We're the only thing you should be thinking about right now." His hand moved down until he was cupping your breast. You arched into his touch and tugged him close with your heels against his very tight ass.

"Tiger, you're burning me alive."

Taehyung lightly thrust against your ass. "Only Jimin?" His hands moved down to your thighs, holding you a little further apart so Jimin could press even closer. You squeaked as it was like a laser of lust raced through you. Taehyung tugged you closer to him. His cock pressing against your ass just seemed to make everything even more intense. His fingers rubbed against your clit through your panties and a strangled groan ripped from your throat.

"Taehyung..." You want to beg them to strip you naked right there... to let you claim them... remind all of you that you belonged together. "Please..."

"Oh, she's begging," Jimin purred before kissing you deeply. He ground against you and you wondered if he was trying to kill you with pleasure. You felt like you were so close but you wanted them to come with you. You took Taehyung with you as you snuck into Jimin's pants to caress his length. When he stiffened, you grabbed Jimin's hand with the other and angled to provide the same service to Taehyung.

"Shit, Y/N!" Taehyung's voice sounded strangled with passion and you smiled in delight. To have them crave your touch as much as you crave theirs was a miracle you might never completely believe you deserved. You could feel his teeth graze against your shoulder. You thought you might have a negative response, but instead your body melted further into their embrace. Feeling their soft steel made you crave it within you, but you didn't want anyone outside of your soul bond to see them.

You could see Jimin straining against you, the tendons in his neck prominent. His free hand delved into your panties and plunged into your depths. "I want to bury myself within you," he whispered hotly. You pumped your hands to their mutual pleasure. "Can I?"

"I want you so much," you gasped, reaching up and kissing his chin, "but no one gets to see you like this except for me! And our soulmates..." You finally added when you could.

Before you knew it, you were lifted into the air between your two soulmates and carried into the private room, accompanied by the chuckles of the rest of your men. "Sejin, please..." Taehyung growled as Jimin kept feasting on your neck. You would have hidden your face hearing Jeny's giggles if your hands hadn't been occupied or if your mind had been clear.

The boys miraculously got you all on the bed until you were lying side by side by side. Your hands were frantic as you started pulling their clothes off, but desperately trying not to ruin anything. After all, you were going to have to leave the airport and they needed to be dressed. When their shirts were finally off, you released their cocks and pushed them to the bed. "I need..."

There was something satisfying seeing them staring at you with their chests heaving with their own passion. With a small smile, you slowly removed your shirt before turning to give them a fabulous view of your ass as you slowly dropped your yoga pants. If this had been before you'd met them, you never would have been so bold, but their obvious desire spurred you on. You moved to the side of the bed and trailed your fingers along Jimin's torso before leaning over a little to do the same to Taehyung.

Jimin leaned up and sucked your nipple into his mouth and your body clenched again. You really wanted to play with them, but you weren't going to last. You pulled away so you could help them strip off their pants. You could feel your mouth start to water as you saw them spring free and you couldn't decide who to eat first. As if he was reading your mind, Jimin smiled at you before sitting up and motioning Taehyung further up the bed.

You crawled up over him to give him a kiss before nibbling down his body. There was something about them that you just wanted to taste them all the time. Each one of them was becoming one of your very favorite flavors. You also loved when you could reduce them to quivering messes. Taehyung moaned under you and you smiled in delight. You licked his cock like your favorite treat, catching the dripping pre-cum and letting the flavor burst in your mouth. You hummed in delight as you took him in your mouth.

You wiggled your hips in delight and to relieve some of your ache. You heard Jimin's sigh of delight before you felt his hands on your hips and his breath waft across your dampness. You didn't even have a moment to react before you felt his kisses and finally his tongue delving deep within you. You moaned which caused Taehyung to jerk but you weren't letting go. His hands threaded through your hair and guided you in the pace he needed. You were thankful because Jimin's touch was making you unable to think of anything else.

The room echoed with all of your moans and groans and it was the most beautiful sound. You could feel yourself tensing as Jimin masterfully brought you to the brink of paradise again and again... never quite letting you crest that pinnacle. You grunted in displeasure before pressing yourself more firmly against him. He chuckled and the vibrations arced through you. Without warning, you screamed around Taehyung's cock as your orgasm ripped through you and suddenly he was emptying himself down your throat.

Finally, you released him and collapsed a little across his chest. Gently, Jimin turned you into Taehyung's embrace before settling between your thighs. He kissed you deeply as he pressed deep within you. You were still shuddering from your prior release and you could feel your walls fluttering around him. "Y/N," he groaned. "You're so hot... I want to live here."

You brought him down for a deep kiss as you felt your walls stretch... The slight pain bringing you greater pleasure. "I love you both so much," you breathed in delight. As if this was his trigger, Jimin pounded into you, holding you to hit just the right spot. As you were rocked against Taehyung, you could feel him hardening against your ass. He started thrusting against you and sliding between your cheeks. "Tae?" you quavered uncertainly.

He hugged you tight as Jimin paused for a moment. Both of them seemed concerned about your reaction. Taehyung kissed your ear before whispering, "Not until you're ready, aegiya... but let me give you a tiny taste." Both of them remained still, driving you completely crazy. You needed them so much.

You nodded a little. "I'm still a little scared, Tae... I don't like pain... It freaks me out."

He chuckled and you shuddered in delight at the deep and raspy sound. "You'll be surprised at how pleasurable you'll find it, gongjunim [princess]. Can we try? Please?"

The thought of being truly sandwiched between them was extremely tempting. Were you brave enough? Could you do this? Looking at your soulmates, patiently waiting for your decision, you could see the want and need in their eyes. Throwing all caution to the wind, you nodded. "Okay, we can try..."

Taehyung's smile was your reward. He kissed you with so much passion that your brain short circuited. Jimin held you tight before turning you until he was underneath you. You ground your hips against him and he shuddered, gripping your hips tightly to prevent you from moving any further. "Baby girl, I won't be able to last if you aren't patient." You pouted until you felt something cold drip between your cheeks.

You looked back at Taehyung. "You have to have this so it doesn't hurt, baby." Slowly, he pressed his thumb into your anus and you groaned against the intrusion. "Don't tense up... Just push against me and your body will adjust."

You bit your lip at the new feelings. He stretched you a little and you weren't exactly certain how to feel. It felt both foreign and amazing. He withdrew before positioning himself. Slowly, but surely, he pushed and you could feel yourself tense. "Baby?"

You tried to breathe against the slight pain as you could feel your body starting to open under the pressure. "I want..." You shook your head, unable to really explain yourself.

"What do you need?" Jimin whispered. Looking at him, you could see the strain on his face as he was holding himself still to allow you time. "Please, Y/N..."

"I need... more," you groaned, feeling a burning as Taehyung finally entered you. You arched at the intrusion but could feel yourself pressing against him, taking him in a little further. "I feel so... full... Please... Please..."

As if your words released them from their restraints, Taehyung plunged deep within you until you were completely owned by them. "It's as good as I dreamed," Taehyung breathed, sucking on your neck until you arched into his arms.

"What... What do I need to do?" you groaned.

Jimin grunted as he lifted you only to have you slam back down on him. You squeaked in surprise before sighing lustily. "You feel so good, Y/N. Let us take care of you." Before you knew it, your soulmates set up a synchronized rhythm, making you feel like you were surfing the pleasure wave. Again, your orgasm ripped through you without warning and you could feel yourself clench down hard on them both. As if that was their sign, after a few more thrusts, they joined you in pleasure as you felt them empty their passion within you.

You felt completely boneless as you fell against Jimin, breathing hard. You could feel your eyes drifting shut but they were peppering you with kisses. "Thank you so much, baby." Taehyung's voice sounded almost worshipful. "I love you."

You felt them turn your group to the side and you cuddled in. You protested as you lost Taehyung's body heat for a moment. With practiced movements, he cleaned up the mess you had made so you all could sleep comfortably. He then chuckled as he pulled a blanket over the three of you. You were so grateful that you had accepted this new experience. It made you feel so connected, before falling asleep surrounded by warmth and love.

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