Killer and Healer Novel (Engl...

By shuxingx

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Killer and Healer (恨君不似江楼月) Status: Ongoing - Book I Killer and Healer the live action is an original series:... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter. 10
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.

Chapter 9.

492 18 2
By shuxingx

“Don’t worry. I would rather die with you, than go with him.”


Outside the magnificent Shengde Church, apostles walked in groups of two or three. It was Sunday, and there was a mass in the church. In the lounge behind the church, Lucas was wearing the priest’s robe in front of the mirror. Someone knocked at the door.

Come in.”

Sister Xiaofeng gently pushed the door open. The look on her face was respectful, similar to the look a girl would have for her father.

Lucas glanced at her in the mirror, “Is Dr. Chen awake?”

“Not yet."

“When he wakes up, you should go and say hello.”

Lucas smiled, “He is a good young man. He is very skilled and loyal. If only he can listen to the Lord’s call and go back on the right track.”

Yes.” Although Sister Xiaofeng was not convinced, she nodded. Her face was morose and apologetic, “Sir, Ying Hou No, and his men haven’t come back."

Lucas paused, “Jiang Yue Lou is a hard bone. I underestimated him and caused this result. I feel very sorry. Ying Hou No…”

“Ying Hou No wasn’t strong enough!” Sister Xiaofeng suddenly interrupted, before immediately lowering her head, “I’ll go! I will catch Jiang Yue Lou, and I will not let you down, sir!”

Lucas turned around and looked at Sister Xiaofeng kindly, “Jiang Yue Lou is an experienced policeman. If he wants to hide, it will be very difficult to find him. It is better to find a way with his companion.”

“Companion…” Sister Xiaofeng’s eyes suddenly lit up, “Sir, I understand.”

Lucas nodded in satisfaction, “The Lord will bless you, my child."

In a small building, less than a hundred steps away from Shengde Church, three people who were hunted by Lucas and Xiaofeng were hiding.

“That Lucas is now dispatching people to search for us everywhere, but this old man never realized we are right under his nose,” Sun Yongren said as he sorted out the ammunition.

By the window, Song Rong was on high alert. Jiang Yue Lou sat back on the couch and cleaned the barrel of the gun with caution.

It’s been almost eight hours, and we still don’t know what happened to Dr. Chen.”

Sun Yongren said, “He is a weak scholar, and this time he has suffered a lot.”

Song Rong shot him a wary look before turning to Jiang Yue Lou, saying, “Doctor Chen is a card in their hands; Lucas will not easily kill him.”

I’m overwhelmed.” Jiang Yue Lou said with a blank face, “I don’t know what to do.”

Sun Yongren and Song Rong looked at each other.

Boss, don’t blame yourself, Dr. Chen is brave and courageous. He won’t blame you.”

“I know he won’t hold it against me.” Jiang Yue Lou had a sudden epiphany “He had already thought about this thoroughly. That is why he requested that I look into his sister’s case once more.”

Jiang Yue Lou slammed the wall furiously, “I just wanted him to test Lucas, but I never imagined him to be willing to die for this.”

Sun Yongren hurriedly signaled him to stop making noises, “Boss, don’t worry, we will find a way to rescue Dr. Chen.”

Jiang Yue Lou regained his composure, “The sooner the better, if we drag this on, the other party will be even more fully prepared, and Chen Yu Zhi will not have a chance.”

Instruct us and we will do it,” Song Rong touched the gun on his waist, “This is still China’s land. There are laws. I don’t believe that foreigners can cover the sky with one hand!”

Jiang Yue Lou nodded, “Today the church is going to celebrate Mass.”

Sun Yongren said thoughtfully, “Even if it’s Mass, we can’t take the opportunity to get in. They are checking everyone going to the Mass

Foreigners don’t dare to be so lawless.” Jiang Yuelou gritted his teeth and sneered, “Didn’t Song Rong say that Hong Kong also has laws.”


Brother, brother…” Keying, like a lark, bounced over at a brisk pace, “Why don’t you come to pick me up? I miss home. Come and pick me up! If you don’t come, I’m going to find Daddy and Mommy.”

The girl laughed and turned and walked towards the depths of the wilderness. The boundless wilderness echoed her crisp voice.

Brother, I’m going to look for Mom and Dad…”

No, Keying, don’t go, please don’t go…”

Chen Yu Zhi wanted to chase his sister, but the deep and dense long grass entangled his hands and feet, which prevented him from moving. He groaned and slowly opened his eyes.

The blurred vision gradually became clear but he could barely see his surroundings. Chen Yu Zhi realized he was dangling from a framework in the middle of the room, his toes barely touching the ground. He tried to move but the weight of his body was hanging on his wrist, preventing him from using his strength.

He couldn’t stop himself from heaving. Sister Xiaofeng purposefully sliced a few cuts in his wrist where his hands were bound. Although it was not fatal, he was bleeding profusely from the rope.

A tiny pool of blood has formed under Chen Yu Zhi’s foot.

Chen Yu Zhi didn’t know if it was midnight or almost dawn. He only feels cold, which may be due to fever or blood loss. His stomach feels like it’s on fire, and his mouth tastes like rusted metal. He most likely had an internal fracture, but it didn’t seem to be that severe. The external injury was also uninjured.

The persistent blood loss, on the other hand, was more troubling. He closed his eyes, counted the frequency of blood dripping, and calmly concluded that he could last for another twenty-four hours. This conclusion made him smile a bit.

You can still laugh at this time.”

Chen Yu Zhi slowly opened his eyes. He didn’t know how long Sister Xiaofeng was standing in front of him. This woman was not ugly, but her eyes were shining with the ferocious light of a mentally ill person.

Holding a knife in her hand, she turned it around between her fingers, while looking at Chen Yu Zhi with interest, as if she was looking at the fish on the chopping board.

“Sir’s patience is limited. If you still refuse to speak, it won’t be very comfortable.” She raised Chen Yu Zhi’s jaw and forced him to look at her.

Chen Yu Zhi slowly raised his eyes. Because of the fever and the blood loss, he couldn’t see clearly.

He didn’t like Sister Xiaofeng’s eyes, which resembled those of a predator. A drop of blood fell on Chen Yu Zhi’s pale cheek as he twisted his head to shield the reptilian claws.

Sister Xiaofeng tilted
her head to look, wiped off the drop of blood with her free finger, and put it into her mouth. Chen Yu Zhi grimaced, disgusted.

The woman smiled strangely and combed Chen Yuzhi’s hair softly as if she were playing with a doll.

“My husband told me about a princess, her hair was black as ebony, her skin was white like snow, her lips were red like blood...,” she said softly, and her cold and slippery palms slid down to touch Yu Zhi’s face, “It’s a pity that you don’t have any blood on your lips.”

Don’t touch me…” Chen Yu Zhi only felt sick.

As soon as he finished speaking, Sister Xiaofeng suddenly made a move and punched him in the abdomen. The taste of fishy sweetness rushed through his throat and Chen Yu Zhi spat out a mouthful of blood. His feet no longer supported him and he had to rely on the rope on his wrist to support his whole body weight. Sister Xiaofeng raised her hand and whipped the blood from rhe corner of his mouth onto his chapped lips.

Now it’s better.” She fiddled with the knife in her hand with satisfaction, “You are a doctor, you must know better than me. At this rate of bleeding, you’ll only last until tomorrow.”

Chen Yu Zhi wheezed and raised his head, “I am a stubborn person, and I should be able to survive until the day after tomorrow.”

Sir has no patience and no time,” Sister Xiaofeng put the knife on Chen Yu Zhi’s abdomen.

Tell me where Jiang Yue Lou is?”

Chen Yu Zhi dropped his gaze and ignored her. Sister Xiaofeng snorted coldly and raised her hand as though she wanted to stab him, but she paused and maneuvered the knife towards his legs, slowly slicing them.

Um…” Chen Yu Zhi bit his lip, not allowing himself to make a sound. Sister Xiaofeng stared at his face and slashed again four or five more times on his thigh and his arms before she stopped. The pool of blood on the floor was getting bigger and bigger.

“Jiang Yue Lou already ran away and would not come back to rescue you at all. Do you have any other accomplices? Tell me or I’ll give you a good time!”

Chen Yu Zhi gritted his teeth and resisted the increasing dizziness.

I can’t let her know about Miss Cheng. Chen Yu Zhi made up his mind. Sister Xiaofeng stared at his expression.

I’m sure you were not alone inside. Jiang Yue Lou was waiting for you outside. There must be an accomplice with you in the restaurant.”

Sister Xiaofeng pondered, “Who received you when you went in? Who talked to you? When Sir was having dinner, who else was there beside you?”

She looked at Chen Yu Zhi’s wide-open eyes, and slowly raised the corners of her mouth, “I understand, it’s the waitress.”

It’s not her!” Chen Yu Zhi retorted instinctively but knew right away he shouldn’t have spoken.

Sister Xiaofeng smiled satisfied, put away the knife, and left.

You, stop!” Chen Yu Zhi said anxiously.

Sister Xiaofeng, who walked to the door, stopped and looked back at Chen Yu Zhi, who was already covered in blood, “Don’t worry, when you die, I will get you a crystal coffin and preserve you. You’ll look beautiful.”

The door was slammed shut with a loud noise. Under the light, the dust shaken by the swing of the door was floating in the air. Chen Yu Zhi closed his eyes in despair and exhaustion.

Although Miss Cheng is smart, she is only a girl after all. How can she protect herself? Lucas has so many
men, and Jiang Yue Lou has only two people with him, so what can he do. If he could, he would rather tell Jiang Yue Lou not to come. Instead of losing his life in vain, he might as well take Miss Cheng and the others to leave quickly and keep his strength.

Chen Yu Zhi has put his own life and death behind him already. Keying’s matter has been entrusted to Jiang Yue Lou, and Chen Yu Zhi knew he would do his best to take care of it. Except for his sister, Chen Yu Zhi has no one to miss.

But deep in his heart, he does not doubt that Jiang Yue Lou would come and save him.


A black car parked at the side entrance of Shengde Church, and Sister Xiaofeng took her two men into the car and left.

Boss, the girl is out.” Sun Yongren informed, “Did you just say she will go after Miss Cheng?”

Yes.” Jiang Yue Lou nodded, “It’s easy for Lucas to figure out that Miss Cheng was working with us.”

Fortunately, you made her move to the school dormitory in advance.”

Song Rong said, “What shall we do?”

Chen Yu Zhi will never reveal Miss Cheng’s address. This woman will go to the Blue coffee shop to find out. We will go to the apartment and wait for her.”


In the Blue coffee shop, Ali looked at sister Xiaofeng’s gun in horror, “I… I don’t know. She didn’t come back last night.”

Give me the employee roster.”

Ali hesitated a little, dangled nervously, without responding. Sister Xiaofeng, annoyed, grabbed her gun and put her finger on the trigger.

Ali was frightened. “Drawer! The second drawer in the front desk!”

One member stepped forward, opened the drawer, turned out the roster, and handed it to Sister Xiaofeng. She flipped through the booklet, stopped at the page with Chu Ran’s photo, then paused for a few seconds, tore off that page, and quickly left with her subordinates.

Ali fell to the ground in fright, clasping her hands. “Amitabha, Chu Ran, I hope you will be okay…”

Sister Xiaofeng was determined to apprehend Jiang Yue Lou to alleviate her master’s anguish, so she drove alongside the road, terrifying the pedestrians who attempted to avoid her.

As she arrived at the apartment, she was the first one to get out of the car and run to the top floor with her two men. Chu Ran was just a female student, not her opponent after all.

Sister Xiaofeng rushed in first and kicked the door open. “Filthy bitch, just give me…”

She abruptly came to a halt when her head was met by a hard barrel.

She attempted to escape but was quickly apprehended and knelt on the floor. The knife dropped to the ground with a click of her wrist. She screamed and discovered, to her surprise, that her two colleagues had both been subdued at the same time, and that Jiang Yue Lou had restrained her.


The rising sun through the glass windows cast a holy light on the altar. Standing on the preaching stage, Lucas gave a solemn smile to the believers below.

May the grace and peace of the Lord be with you all, brothers and sisters!”

Amen.” The crowd said.

A few thugs were guarding the back door of Shengde Church. A small black car drove up, it was Sister Xiaofeng’s car. The thugs did not dare to bother and quickly opened the door to let the car in. Song Rong, who was sitting in the driver’s seat, lowered his hat. Sitting on the co-pilot seat was Sister Xiaofeng with a pale face, pulling the curtain behind. Jiang Yue Lou and Sun Yongren lowered their bodies into the back seat, and Sun Yongren held the gun against Sister Xiaofeng’s back.

Keep going.” Jiang Yuelou ordered, “Now tell me, where is Chen Yu Zhi locked up?”

Sister Xiaofeng snorted, gritted her teeth, and said, “Backyard.”

Song Rong drove the car calmly through the corridor to the backyard.

Lucas stood in the middle of the front desk in the lobby, and the other believers also stood, and under his leadership, they prayed sincerely, “Father, please let me hear your words and experience your way…”

Suddenly the door opened, and a large group of young students swarmed in. There were males and females, and Chu Ran was also with them. The prayers of the believers were interrupted, and they turned their heads to look over, quite surprised.

A leading male student said loudly, “We are students from various schools in Hong Kong and.members of the Anti-Drug Association. Today someone sent a report that Shengde Church has been secretly trafficking in drugs! Endangering the lives and health of the people in the parish!”

Several thugs hidden among the believers wanted to stop him.

'Pop!'Flash fired and someone was taking pictures.

We are reporters from the newspapers! We also received the same report!” One of the reporters who took a photo said loudly, “The informant listed very detailed evidence, not only the accounting records but also the medical records of the diocese from the past ten years. Since the establishment of Shengde Church, this diocese has gradually been reduced to a drug-ridden slum.”

The believers wanted to speak out, but they looked at each other with surprise and horror.

Although Lucas was trying his best to stay calm, the blue veins on his forehead were beating.

“Please, everyone, stay calm. This is the church and God’s place.” He said, “You have no right to step in without the permission of the consul.”

Of course, we have the right to enter.” Another student said, “The law expressly prohibits drug trafficking. The archbishop of Hong Kong also supports drug control! We have already called the police!”

“Yes! We all called the police!”

“Wait for the police and the consulate and dare not to evade!”

“Down with opium!”

The students were passionate, and Chu Ran also secretly helped with this event. The medical record was compiled by Chen Yu Zhi, and Jiang Yue Lou handed it to her and asked her to send it to the newspaper and school respectively. Seeing the look of Lucas and his subordinates, Chu Ran
couldn’t help admiring the brilliant plan of Jiang Yue Lou.

The backyard of Shengde Church was small and unlit, and a few thugs were standing outside the hut. Jiang Yue Lou’s car drove into the courtyard and stopped. A thug immediately stepped forward to open the door for Sister Xiaofeng.

Get off the car slowly, don’t make a fuss.” Jiang Yue Lou warned in a low voice. Sun Yongren pushed her to go out. Sister Xiaofeng silently bent over and got out of the car.

The thug who asked her to get out of the car was taken aback when he saw Song Rong’s face inadvertently. Sister Xiaofeng took the opportunity, pushed him abruptly, and threw herself down.

“It’s Jiang Yue Lou!” She roared, “Shoot him!”

Before she could speak more, a bullet shot through the center of her eyebrows. Sister Xiaofeng fell to the ground, her eyes widened, dead. Jiang Yue Lou’s hands moved fast and immediately hit the next opponent.

Sun Yongren was not far behind. Song Rong used his two hands to kill the others. The thugs in the yard were all dead or wounded, and their backup couldn’t rush in.

Cover me.” Jiang Yue Lou said while avoiding the flying bullets and dashed towards the cabin.


It was a mess in the lobby. Seeing that the situation could not be resolved, Lucas became anxious and tried to leave.

Chu Ran in the crowd kept paying attention to him, and shouted at this moment, “Father Andrew, you can’t go! Please explain yourself clearly!”

Student representatives and reporters also rushed to surround him. Lucas couldn’t get away. A gunshot came from behind, and all the noise in the hall stopped abruptly, followed by a series of gunshots.

They are killing people! They are killing people!” The believers fled in horror, pushing the students around. Lucas took the opportunity to run away from the crowd and ran off the platform to flee.

Chu Ran wanted to follow him, but was blocked by his men and couldn’t move forward.

Chen Yu Zhi also heard the noise outside the door. Knowing that Jiang Yue Lou was coming, he began to struggle hard, trying to break the rope. Unfortunately, he was helpless, and because of the excessive blood loss, he was weak. The faint struggle did not help except to make his wrist
bloodier. He sighed helplessly.

That was right, as he was just a scholar, he was useless. While he was laughing at himself, the door was suddenly knocked open, and Jiang Yue Lou’s figure strode towards him in the backlight.

After the hotel room exploded last time, Chen Yu Zhi saw the intact Jiang Yue Lou appear in front of him, and he still remembered the kind of relief and joy that came to his heart.

At this moment, Chen Yu Zhi seemed to see the same feeling on Jiang Yue Lou’s face.

“Are you okay?” Jiang Yue Lou’s joy only lasted for a moment. He rushed over and saw the large and small wounds on Chen Yu Zhi’s body at a glance, and his slight smile was immediately inundated by anger.

“I…, I’m okay…” Chen Yu Zhi said soothingly, “It’s all just skin injuries and I will not die…”

Jiang Yue Lou didn’t reply and neatly cut the rope. Chen Yu Zhi was unable to stand but was held by Jiang Yue Lou who encircled him in his arms.

Don’t talk, save your strength.” Jiang Yue Lou said with a muffled voice, “Can you walk?”

Chen Yu Zhi nodded, barely able to stand up straight without leaning on Jiang Yuelou. He was dizzy, and his feet were as soft as walking on cotton, and he could hardly move. Jiang Yue Lou reacted quickly, grabbing Chen Yu Zhi’s arm again and lifting him.

It’s okay…” Chen Yu Zhi gulped and whispered, “I can go by myself.”

“I don’t think you can.”

A voice sounded from behind, “None of you can for a matter of fact.”

Jiang Yue Lou quickly stood in front to protect Chen Yu Zhi, pushing him behind. A small door in the corner suddenly opened, and Lucas led his men out of a tunnel and was pointing a gun at both Jiang Yue Lou and Chen Yu Zhi.

In this small room, they have nowhere to escape.

In the courtyard outside, Song Rong and Sun Yongren were also in a fierce battle.

Lucas smiled, “Mr. Jiang, we met for the first time, I am Lucas.”

Chen Yu Zhi leaned against Jiang Yuelou’s shoulder, feeling that his muscles were tightened, and his face was shaking slightly, he was angry.

After protecting Chen Yu Zhi, Jiang Yue Lou took two steps back, letting Chen Yu Zhi lean against the wall, and then slowly turned around.

I’ve known your name for a long time.”

Lucas smiled and said, “Same for me. I have heard Mr. Jiang’s name many times. Friends from Jingcheng especially told me to take good care of you.”

Jiang Yue Lou’s eyes flashed, “I have a lot of friends in Jingcheng, I don’t know who you are talking about.”

Lucas, “It’s not suitable to chat here. It’s better to follow me. Let’s talk in another place.”

No need.”

Jiang Yue Lou raised the gun in his hand and looked at Lucas vigilantly, but there was a somewhat determined smile on his face, “People with different goals, cannot work together. I have nothing to say to you.”

Lucas smiled and looked at Chen Yu Zhi behind him. The young doctor’s face was white as paper.

Although he tried his best to restrain himself, he was still trembling slightly due to the blood loss, and it looked like he was about to faint. Jiang Yue Lou couldn’t help but glance back, frowning even tighter.

Lucas with a triumphant expression, motioned to his men to put down their guns.

“Mr. Jiang, you, Chinese people, have a saying, “A strong dragon cannot repress a snake[1]. There are only a few of you, do you think you can bring me down?”

Lucas spread his hands, “In the future, we could work together, I could share half of my business in Jingcheng with you. We can be friends. What do you think?”

Jiang Yue Lou sneered and said, “Look, everything is in chaos outside. The students, the reporters, and consulates are all here, and the police will be there soon. What do you have now to negotiate with me? If you surrender, I could kill you quickly.”

Lucas’s face became gloomy, “I am protected by the British Empire, and you Chinese have no right to deal with me. But the lives of you two are in my hands. You can delay as much as you can, but Dr. Chen may not be able to afford it.”

Jiang Yue Lou looked at Chen Yu Zhi.

He was indeed crumbling, and he was about to faint. Jiang Yue Lou hesitated a bit, but Chen Yu Zhi suddenly said, “Don’t worry. I would rather die with you, than go with him.”

He was weak and short of breath, but his tone was still strong. Jiang Yue Lou’s heart warmed, and he laughed loudly, “Yes, even if we die together, we’ll still be together which is better than you, a lonely wild ghost who is going to hell alone.”

Lucas snorted, and slowly backed away while beckoning his men to shoot.

Don’t move!”

Jiang Yue Lou raised the hand that he had been hiding behind him, with a grenade in the palm of his hand. It turned out that when he helped Chen Yu Zhi before, he quietly took it out of his pocket and held it in the palm of his hand.

Whoever dares to move, we’ll all die together.”

Sun Yongren and Song Rong were forced to hide in the corner, and from time to time they stretched out their heads and shot.

The gang members fought back from time to time, and the encirclement became smaller and smaller. Song Rong fired again, and a thug fell to the ground.

Song Rong retracted and opened the bullet box to replace the bullets. It was already empty. Song Rong slapped his pistol, but the last few bullets were left. He and Sun Yongren looked at each other, Sun Yongren also had no bullets in his hand.

They serve the hot stop at Hoi Yin Lou[2] now” Sun Yongren said abruptly, “with garlic and white meat.”

Song Rong smiled and suddenly felt that he had gained strength again, “Sure, I’ll treat you when we go back.”

An alarm bell rang outside the room and the sounds of several footsteps can be heard.

This is the Police! Everyone inside put down your guns!”

When he heard the alarm Lucas’s expression changed. His guns were pointed at Jiang Yue Lou and Chen Yu Zhi, but no one dared to shoot.

Finally here,” Jiang Yue Lou smiled, “We, Chinese, also have another saying, heaven's net has wide meshes, but nothing escapes[3]. Lucas, you’ve done so much wrong. You’re going to get what you deserve today.”

Lucas was already focused, and he immediately drew one of his men in front of him while raising his hand to fire.

Jiang Yue Lou shoved Chen Yuzhi into a corner, then flipped forward and rolled up against the wall.

At this point, he detonated the grenade, raised the gun, and fired.

The bullet aimed at Lucas was deflected by his human shield.

There was chaos in the yard, and the police rushing in was fighting with the gang fighters. Song Rong and Sun Yongren picked up two guns on the ground and both rushed into the house. Lucas’s l men were hit by surprise, and the situation took a turn for the worse for Lucas. Now, he was the one with more enemies than friends.

The calmness on Lucas’s face had disappeared, and he looked like a poisonous snake. His ghastly
gaze was looking at Jiang Yue Lou’s face as if he wanted to burn him into ashes.

I said, if you surrender, I will kill you fast.”

Jiang Yue Lou said coldly, “But if you hurt Chen Yu Zhi with knives, I will return it ten times.”

Lucas’s eyes flashed and he was about to shoot. Song Rong and Sun Yongren shot him at the same time. But Lucas didn’t pull the trigger. Instead, he took this advantage and threw his walking stick in his hand at Chen Yu Zhi. A knife tip embedded in the stick appeared at the bottom and
pointed directly at Chen Yu Zhi’s throat!

Chen Yu Zhi was almost in a stupor and had no time to react at all. He only felt that a cold light flashed in front of him, and he heard the sound of the blade entering the flesh, but the pain did not come.

Chen Yu Zhi opened his eyes wide and found that he was being held in Jiang Yue Lou’s arms, and that sharp knife was stuck in the back of Jiang Yue Lou!

Jiang Yue Lou!”


Lucas still sighed, taking this opportunity to turn around and escape from the secret tunnel.

Regardless of his injuries, Jiang Yue Lou turned around and shot at Lucas’s heart with one shot.

The big drug lord fell to the ground and died with his unwilling eyes open.

Jiang Yue Lou snorted, and reluctantly pulled out the tip of the knife and threw it on the ground.

Behind him, Chen Yu Zhi grabbed his arm and tremblingly said, “You can’t pull it out! It will aggravate the injury!”

“It doesn’t matter and it didn’t hurt my muscles or touch my bones.”

Jiang Yue Lou brought Chen Yuzhi closer, “I just got a knife wound, it’s your injury's which matter!”

Seeing that he was okay, Chen Yu Zhi sighed in relief and stared at Jiang Yue Lou’s anxious expression. He tried to say something to comfort him, but his tongue seemed to be stiff.


Chen Yu Zhi could faintly hear other people’s screams, but couldn’t understand what they were saying.

The black shadow in front of him became heavier and heavier, eventually swallowing him completely.


Editor Note:
[1]- 强龙不压地头蛇 - a local gangster is above the law
[2]- a Chinese Imbiss
[3]-  天網恢恢,疏而不失 - the way of Heaven is fair, but the guilty will not escape, you can't run from the long arm of the law

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