Unexpected Pair Orokabu fanfi...

By ZenyaMotoki

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So rewatching Naruto I couldn't help think about this pairing and so have looked at some fanfictions but coul... More

Bomsr - Be brave and sit near him ch. 1
Bomsr - You're mine now Ch. 2
Bomsr - Move in with me Ch. 3
Bomsr - 1st Anniversary bonus ch 4
If Only Orokabu oneshot

Grief Orokabu Oneshot

145 5 7
By ZenyaMotoki

This takes place right after Sasuke left after defeating Orochimaru. As this is to show what may have been going on after that for Kabuto.


Kabuto stood there in shock not able to process what just happened as he stood in the hideout now the only one left alive. His heart and will had fallen to shatter into a million pieces when Sasuke showed him what had happened. But how could Orochimaru be gone? He had just left a while back and the man was showing such strength of will that made him love the older man. He had left him feeling excited for how their future would be only for it to be put out while he was just left to make him medication.

Kabuto turned to the door and with shaky steps he came up to Orochimaru's snake body before he carefully brought his hand up to the snake's head. "L-lord Orochimaru?............Orochimaru?" He called to the dead body which didn't respond. Tears started to well up in his eye as the reality that he was gone sat in. "LORD OROCHIMARU" He called in agony as his legs gave way as he fell to his knees as he cried holding the dead snake to him. Memories of their time together playing in his mind.


He had always looked up to him. As he got older it grew beyond just admiration into something much deeper. He didn't realize when it happened but he had fallen for the older man and wanted to just be there with him always.

During the time he cared for Orochimaru after he lost the use of his arms thanks to the third Hokage he got use to sleeping in a room close to him to be able to come if needed. It was during one of those nights when he would laying to sleep he realized no matter what body Orochimaru had he would love him regardless as he loved him for the strength of will and his mind. He had fallen for his soul no matter what body he housed. He even willing to give his own body to house him. That night though thoughts of being held by the older man which made his face burn a bit. He was glad that Orochimaru was already asleep. He took a deep breath to calm down to go to sleep.

The day Orochimaru did transfer to a new body, Kabuto was staying close to make sure he was alright. At the time he felt that his feelings might not be returned so he hide them inside as he would tend to his master. He wasn't needed as much so he would busy himself a bit with lab tests. He didn't want those feelings to interfere with anything.

Weeks pasted and Orochimaru was able to care for himself as his new body healed and didn't need bandaging so he would worked hard in the lab. On one such day he had lost himself in work as he looked at some papers. "And....this will...make things more efficient....It works better." He mumbled to himself deep in thought as he wrote something down. He hadn't noticed Orochimaru had come into the room and had closed the door behind him. When the older man spoke it startled him but he didn't let it show besides a small motion of his knee. "You have been so busy it's almost as if you are avoiding me Kabuto. But I can't imagine why you would since you are not someone I can replace." It took him a moment to take in his words as he didn't turn to look at Orochimaru. He chewed his bottom lip to calm his mind so he didn't show the emotions he wished to hide. Taking deep breaths he turned to face him. "I just have been getting back on track on experiments since I had time Lord Orochimaru." He said in his normal matter of fact voice. Orochimaru would chuckle a bit as he came to sit on the table next to where Kabuto was sitting to look at the notebook he had been writing it. "I see, but you haven't even reported on them to me personally which is time you did as you aren't just some underling of mine, you are my right hand and yet you have been distant." Orochimaru's voice held a playful teasing tone as a small smirk played on his lips. Kabuto had to take a deep breath to keep himself from showing that his heart was racing at that moment. He know well Orochimaru was plenty older then himself but that didn't matter to him as to him Orochimaru was an Immortal being. "Alright my lord, I can go over everything since your here." He said keeping his voice stable as he then went over everything.

It took a good while to go over everything which all the while Orochimaru was quiet as he listened only making a comment every now and then. What he didn't notice at the time was how Orochimaru was watching him but that was because he was focusing on the papers as to not get distracted. Being this close to his lord after pushing away was getting to him. He know he had to be careful. But once he finished he took a deep breath and looked over to his Lord only to accidently make eye contact. He felt entranced by those eyes as he waited for Orochimaru's next words. "I see, Well next time you are doing some of these experiments tell me so I know so we don't waste recourses.....When was the last time you left this lab to eat?" This caught him off guard as he blinked breaking eye contacted as he looked away from him as he thought about the answer. After several silent moments Orochimaru chuckled. "Too long it seems if you can't remember. What am I going to do with you? A medic who doesn't take care of himself will have trouble keeping up with what I need of him." This made Kabuto's face burn a little as this caught him even more off guard as he looked up to him. "I-I am sorry, M-my Lord." He say and Orochimaru placed a hand on his face gently before twirling a piece of Kabuto's bangs between his fingers before pulling his hand back all while Kabuto sat still as the moment happened. Only after it ended did he blink, it was quick enough he had to question if it had happened or if it had been a wishful thought. Orochimaru stood up though as if it hadn't happened and simple walked to the door. "I hope you are coming as it's time we both eat." He said right before opening the door which snapped Kabuto back into reality as he got up and quickly followed him.

After that Kabuto made sure to take care of himself and be more present properly as he buried his emotions deeper inside his heart. But despite that after moving from one hideout to another he found himself sighing as his mind reeled with thoughts of his Lord. He sighed sitting in his bedroom alone as he pulled his knees to his chest. "I will always give you everything I have but I just can't tell you this about myself. I don't want you to start looking to replace me if you don't like it or just toy with me." He said quietly to himself as he sighed deeply as he looked to his ceiling. "I want to be......more then just your prized medic....more then just your right hand..." He sighed to himself again. "Maybe these feelings are just a produce of my youth but....I love...you my lord." He spoke softly into the void of his room admitting his feelings to himself for the first time. He accepted he felt like it and that maybe in doing so it would be easier to handle them. He laid back down and closed his eyes. "For now I will do my best to be useful and stay by you." he said to himself which helped him sleep as in that moment it felt as if a weight was lifted off him.

The next week felt easier now that he had admitted to himself what he felt. He was able to make snide remarks back to his master like normal. He for the most part stayed away from Sasuke not that he had a problem with him, he just couldn't care much about him. He was a means to an end, his Lord's next vessel. Though he did sometimes watch when Orochimaru was teaching him.

It was at dinner when he was asked to bring Orochimaru tea to his room after dinner was done. Kabuto didn't mind he just found it odd that he was asked to do this so late. But getting a tray ready he prepared everything before taking it into his hands and walking to his master's chambers. He held it in one hand so that he could knock only to be greeted with. "Kabuto just come in, no need to knock." Taking a deep breath he pushed the door open as he held the tray bringing it over to the desk he had in his room. "Do you need anything else, my Lord?" He said as he looked around for Orochimaru only for him to walk out of his bathroom, his hair wet as if he had come from bathing. This robe tied securely around his waist as he stepped out. "Yes Kabuto, sit. You will drink this tea with me. I want to talk." This had Kabuto's heart pounding in his chest as he took a deep breath and sit down with his master. He wondered what it was he could've want to talk about so late in more over when he was just out of bathing. It was taking all of his will to not let himself blush or get bashful. Kabuto would look at the tray as he prepared them both a cup of tea glad he was use to placing 2 or 3 cups on the tray each of different designs so his master had a choose what to drink from. When he started to pour the tea he spoke. "What do you want to speak about my lord?" his voice staying as it normally did as did his face. Orochimaru took a bit to respond. "I have noticed a change in you over the past months. You have changed since companying me closely." This made him blink. "What are you referring to Lord Orochimaru?" This is what sparked a smirk on his master's lips which he shifted slightly to keep his composure. "The small things, Maybe I am just noticing you growing older but I feel it's something else..." His eyes gazed at him as if to read what laid in his heart which he had accepted but didn't say. Kabuto opened his month to say something only to close it as he then cleared his throat as he broke eye contact. "I just am doing what you need me to do and that has changed in this timespan. You don't need me to spy but to be a medic that helps with your experiments and stays close. I have to make sure you and Sasuke are in good health as he is your next vessel." He said with a small shrug in his normal tone with a know it all grin on his face. This caused Orochimaru to chuckle "Oh Kabuto that's not what I am seeing. I am seeing the small changes in the way you handle our interactions. The small things that tell me that you maybe holding something in" Kabuto took a deep breath to keep himself calm as he place the tea pot down. He was starting to worry about where this was going. He couldn't let himself show it though.

A silence fell on them as they drunk the tea some. Kabuto was having trouble looking up to his master. This was only making it harder to hide his feelings. Orochimaru would have been watching him in these moments before shifting to move closer to Kabuto without making a sound. When Kabuto felt his breath on his skin he looked to his master only to see how close he was causing his face burn a little as his breath caught in his throat. This brought a grin to Orochimaru's lips as he placed a hand on Kabuto's cheek. Which only made his face to burn more as he blushed. He was frozen as he looked into Orochimaru's eyes. "Kabuto~" he said softly as if wanting him to give consent to what could happen. Kabuto felt his heart racing as he was given the choose. He opened his mouth slightly only to close. He just moved himself closer to show he waited this. Orochimaru seeing this gently pressed his lips to Kabuto's as he wanted him to enjoy this. Kabuto moved himself closer as he moved his arms around Orochimaru waiting this moment to last. A few small tears of the happiness of what was happening. His lips parting a bit only to gasped when he felt Orochimaru's tongue enter his mouth as they kissed.

When they parted Kabuto was breathing a bit heavy as his face was flushed. Orochimaru gave him a smirk as he rubbed his thumb over Kabuto's lips softly. "My dear Kabuto, this is one of the many reasons why I wouldn't want you as a vessel as then I would miss out on this." He said as the look in his eyes was different then Kabuto ever seen before - was it the look of care that comes from love? "L-Lord Orochimaru, I...I wouldn't have thought you would feel this way towards me...." he said softly. Orochimaru chuckled softly "I am not very sentiment person. Not after losing my parents. But I care about you beyond just being my subordinate, more then just my personal medic." This made Kabuto's breath get caught for a moment in his throat.

It took a while before he could find the words and strength to speak. "M-my Lord, d-do you mean what I hope you do?" He asked hopingly looking into Orochimaru's eyes as his heart was racing. A smile played on Orochimaru's lips as he spoke. "Dear Kabuto, it was the reason I asked you here as I wouldn't want any intrusions to cause you to run off. You are very dear to me." This was enough for now as it meant that this was real to Kabuto. He knew it take time to speak the word 'love' to each other as he himself felt like it be almost impossible to speak it right now. With warmth showing on his face Kabuto spoke. "I care for you deeply as well Lord Orochimaru. More then anyone or anything else in this world." With this Orochimaru would pet his head with a soft smile. "Then if you like you can stay in here with me tonight." This made Kabuto's face darken, he wasn't sure he was ready for what that might mean which only made Orochimaru chuckle. "My dear Kabuto, I wouldn't dare force anything on you. I was merely suggesting to sleep next to me." With that being said Kabuto let out a deep breath before giving a small nod making Orochimaru give a grin in response as he moved to go brush his long hair.

After taking a few deep breaths Kabuto would get up and walk to the door "I will be back in a small moment my lord. I just want to get some of my clothes." He said which Orochimaru simple gave a small "Hhhmm" to acknowledge he heard him.

Stepping outside he closed the door and stood against the door for a few moments as he thought about what happened as a small grin unlike his normal ones formed on his face. He would quickly go to his room and grab a set of clothes for tomorrow and with a small thought he would change into his sleepwear before leaving his room. He brought with him only the clothes he needed the next morning as he returned to Lord Orochimaru's room. And Orochimaru was sitting on his bed waiting for him as he shyly moved to place his clothes down before taking his shoes off to sit in the bed next to him. His face couldn't help becoming a little flushed when he did which was greeted with a chuckle from Orochimaru whom would gently place a hand on his cheek. "I definitely enjoy this reaction." Kabuto's lips twitched a little from the contact as he smiled slightly. Orochimaru gently took Kabuto's glasses off his face placing them on the nightstand before blowing out the candle and would move to lay down as he pulled the covers over them. Kabuto would also lay down though his face still burned he would move close enough to feel Orochimaru's presences only to feel the man's arms pull him closer to rest his head on Orochimaru's chest. Swallowing the knot in his throat he closed his eyes as he tried his best to get to sleep which took a bit since this was so new to him. But soon enough the heartbeat of his master would have helped him drift off.

When morning came Kabuto's mind foggily remembered the events of that night but wondered if they were but a dream only for his consciousness come to feeling something foreign to his normal. He felt the rise and fall of another's chest. He opened his eyes to be greeted with a fuzzy look at his Lord's sleeping face. His face growing warm thanks to this. He chewed his bottom lip a little as he would slowly moved away from him to grab his glasses to place them on his face. He then slowly turned his gaze back to Lord Orochimaru which caused his heart to raise. "S-so last night..." He said softly to himself as the older man shifted slightly. Kabuto couldn't help letting a soft smile form on his lips as he watched him. When his master shifted again his eyes opened and would met Kabuto's gaze. "Good morning my Lord." Kabuto would say out of instinct more than anything else which caused the older man to chuckle. "Good morning my dear Kabuto." His voice showing he was a little groggy as he sat up. Kabuto couldn't help the gentle smile on his lips as he watched him. But he would move from the bed to stretch. "Well best we get moving before anyone starts to wonder." He then heard Orochimaru chuckle "Wonder what? Wonder about if we are together or are you shy about others finding you stayed the night next to me?" Kabuto's face light up as he thought about it. It was normal for Kabuto to be at his master's beck and call so being in his bedroom wasn't something new nor anything to give a second thought with their history. It's not like anyone could know he never left last night. "Y-you're right my Lord, as always. I am just overthinking." He would go and grab his clothes and went to the bathroom to change as letting himself be seen changing by Orochimaru was too much right now.

Once he was dressed Kabuto breathed deep breaths as he looked at his reflection. HIs mind analyzing everything that had happened since he came into his master's room last night as he wanted to be sure of that facts. Though they may not of said 'Love' last night it was pretty clear that they both had said they wanted more then just a working relationship. This would take some getting use to but the thought brought a smile to his lips. He would adjust his glasses before slowly opening the bathroom door just to not intrude on Lord Orochimaru. Thankfully for him the older man was already changed and was even looking like he was waiting. "You going to take all day or our we going to get breakfast?" Orochimaru said in his normal tone as Kabuto just walked over to him "I am finished let's get going. We both need to eat" he would say as he would walk besides his master while they left the room to get breakfast.

With this new development not all that much changed besides being called to stay the night next to his master and have some sweet moments. With how they had been already it wasn't easy to see the difference though Kabuto would give his master a hard time a little more often. Kabuto felt more confident that he was important as he was the only one allowed to lay next to his master when he slept. To see him in such an open state was amazing to him. Though sometimes they would get talking and take while to sleep as their minds wanting to think more about their conversation, it was the down side to them both being intellectuals. But this just became a comfortable new norm with Kabuto often keeping more of his things in Orochimaru's room even as they moved around as he slept by his master's side over half the time. 

On one morning after sleeping next to his master he heard a knock on the door which made him sighed. He had to think of what to do which with a small yawn he moved softly away from the Sannin to stretch and then placing his glasses on before hearing another knock he would walk over to the door. Taking a deep breath he opened the door to find one of their subordinates which gave him a confused look making Kabuto sigh. "What is it you need?" He asked only for them to say "I-I was looking for Lord Orochimaru as I just got some reports that I wanted to hand him. I didn't mean to bother you though I thought this was his room" which caused Kabuto to sigh. "It is his room, I will take the reports and give them to him." he spoke glad to take the reports and then closed the door. He would come back to Orochimaru's side and called to him to wake him and informed him of the reports as he handed them to him. 

This day would have been lost in a sea of memories if it weren't for what happened after Kabuto left the room once he was presentable. The glances he got and the whispered words of others as he walked around making him glare. 'What were they going on about?' he wondered and of course he used his spy skills to figure it out which slightly annoyed him. Rumors were swirling about them, that they shared a bed, how far they had been, how long it had been happening, if it wasn't his skills that got him this far, and so on. It angered him for the fact his skill were in question, as well as the fact it wasn't their business. But he kept quiet as he would find the opportunity to show them their places. He wouldn't tell Orochimaru about this.

His time came when someone had the nerve to try and say something he counted as disrespect. He made sure plenty saw it as he picked up that person by the collar before he slammed them to the ground as he showed them all they would regret messing with him. The details blurred together but they all stopped questioning his skill and he didn't hear anymore of those rumors. 

A few days after that Kabuto actual arrived to his master's room first as he brought some paperwork with him which he was doing at his master's desk when he came in. "I heard you made a bit of a scene a few days ago. What had you so agitated dear?" Orochimaru said as he moved to stand next to the desk and lean against the wall waiting for Kabuto's reason. Kabuto sighed as he placed his pen down. "I just took care of something that had come up, I didn't want to bother you with it." He said with a sigh. Orochimaru chuckled. "Oh? What could have bothered you so much." He said smirking at him which made Kabuto sigh again. "Rumors getting out of hand so they thought they could push me around when you weren't around. I fixed it." He said as he adjusted his glasses. Orochimaru would chuckle. "Well that's good you took care of it." Kabuto would stand up to stretch and gave his master a small smile. "Yeah well now we can think of other things." he said making the older man smirk as he touched his cheek. These moments will be ones Kabuto always held in his heart.


He didn't know how many time had passed since his mind got lost in the past. His tears had long since stopped as he couldn't cry anymore. "How will I live without you my love? Did I ever even get a chance to call you that before this?" His voice was horse now from sobbing. HIs mind felt numb. Where could he go, what was he suppose to do now? He would move to lay in his master's bed one more time as he let himself pass out there next to his dead body in hopes to wake up from this nightmare.

But when he woke again to go use the bathroom. He couldn't deny it any longer. As he looked at his reflection in the mirror in the bathroom and idea came into his mind. His life had little meaning but maybe if he took in his master's cells he could continue his will. He would go get his tools as he would move the snake out of the way so he could sit on the floor at the foot of the bed when he did the one thing that sounded the best idea at the time. He injected himself with Orochimaru's cells. He let himself feel all the pain this caused as he just looked to the ceiling. "I will continue your legacy my dear beloved Lord Orochimaru."

People go to dark places when grief strikes at times, and people do crazy things for love after all.


Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it. Please vote and comment to show support.

I got the inspiration for this when I saw the episode when Orochimaru died and how broken Kabuto looked. I have learned how lose of someone dear can be now unlike when I originally was watching the show.

Originally I was going to just have what was in the present but that was proving to likely be under 1,000 which is too short for me so I added the flashbacks which made this a bit bittersweet.

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