The Playboy

By glittershims

1.9K 107 14

Y/n is a typical carefree 21 year old who's just enjoying her youth. Parties, friends, work and college take... More

~Twenty One~
~Twenty Two~
~Twenty Three~
~Twenty Four~
~Twenty Five~
~Twenty Six~
~Twenty Seven~


56 5 0
By glittershims

Y/n and Jungkook have happily been back together for about six months and things have been wonderful. She wouldn't say perfect, because no relationship is. Especially when you're in love with a former fuckboy. They had a few arguments when random texts would come in asking Jungkook for hook-ups. He always shut them down, telling them he was in a committed relationship, but it still bothered Y/n nonetheless. She tried to not get angry because this was who he was...or used to be anyway. That's how she met him after all. But she couldn't help her jealousy and insecurities whenever a new woman would text him. Today they were having one such argument. "Y/n, I can't help getting texts! What do you want me to do, change my number?" She was pissed at him because a text had come in while they were making out on the couch. This particular woman though was something else. She texted him every.single.month, asking if he was single yet. He has told her every time to stop texting him, that he was happy with his girlfriend. But this chick was relentless! "I don't know! I'm just so sick of this Jungkook! It's been six fucking months since we have been together and you STILL get texts for booty calls?! Like what the fuck?!!" She was frustrated and insane thoughts started to flood her mind. "I can't help it baby! It's not my fault, I tell them I'm happy with you. What else can I do!" He stands there in the living room as she's pacing. "Why, after all this time, do they keep texting you?? How many are there? Or are there new ones?" His eyes go wide, shocked at what she just said. "What?" He gasps in disbelief. She knows when she said it that it was wrong. But she can't help it, she's so frustrated and feeling insecure. She groans and grabs at her hair. "Is that all the more you think of me Y/n? That I would cheat on you?" He can't believe she said those words to him, that she doesn't trust him. It hurt him, deep. He watches as she says nothing, just paces around. Then she stops and sighs. With her back to him she says in a dejected voice, "what am I supposed to think?" He sighs and walks over to her, wrapping his arms around her to hold her tight. "You believe me Y/n, and trust me. I'm 100% devoted to you baby, I'd never jeopardize us for a piece of ass. I love you." She sighs again as she feels tears escaping her eyes now, unable to hold them back anymore. "Why won't they stop texting you?" He squeezes her even tighter and rests his head on hers. "I'm sorry baby. I...I can't change my past. I wish I could, but I can't. But I'm here now, with you. And I love you so much and would never do anything to lose you. You're everything to me. You and Tae. I'll change my number." She shakes her head. "Don't do that, it would be too hard with your job. I'll just.....<sigh>.....I don't know. Deal with it." He feels awful that she's hurting. He doesn't know how to fix it though. "I love you Y/n. Only you. Please don't push me away." She turns around and buries her head in his chest. "I love you too. I'm sorry I act like this. I just hate being reminded of how you were, even if that's how I met you." He cups her face to look up at him and kisses her softly. "I love you" he repeats between kisses and then hugs her tight.

They were sitting on the couch with Tae, watching a show, when his phone dings. He grabs his phone and then side eyes her after reading the message. She knows it's a woman by his body language. "Who is it?" She asks, eyes still on the screen. "No one" he replies softly. She sighs and stands up, aggravated again. She turns to him and holds her hand out. He knows what she wants and he gets nervous. "It's not important baby" he says as he looks down at their daughter now. But she's too irritated to care that Tae is sitting between them. With a clenched jaw she says, "then let me see." He reluctantly hands her his phone, not wanting to fight in front of Taeyeon. She opens his phone and sees a text from a Chasue asking if he needs 'company.' She sighs and is immediately pissed. Her mind races. How is her name even appearing if he didn't have her saved as a contact, she thought to herself. This fueled her anger more. She threw the phone at him and glares at him. "Nice Jungkook. What a nice way to share an evening." She turns and walks down the hall, him jumping up quickly to follow her. "Y/" she stands in her bedroom and seethes. "Go back out with Tae. Or out with that whore." It hit his heart and hurt. He was nervous but frustrated at the same time. "Don't do this again baby" he sighs. She turns on him with fire in her eyes. "Are you fucking serious right now?!" He sighs again and runs his hand through his hair. "Bab-" "why is her name showing up Jungkook?" She cuts him off. He doesn't understand what she means. "How many fucking women do you still have saved in your phone?" His eyes widen. He hadn't even thought to delete his past conquests. "Baby I'm sorry. I didn't think-" "you never think! Who cares about how Y/n feels right? Let's keep my past booty calls just in case, right??" He's shocked at her yelling. "Mommy?" He turns to see Taeyeon standing in the doorway. Y/n turns away, trying to get herself together. But she was furious and wasn't about to back down. Jungkook goes to Tae and picks her up. "Is mommy mad?" Jungkook forces a smile and says, "a little princess. Daddy is stupid so mommy is a little upset with me. But it's ok. We're ok." Y/n turns and glares at him. She's not thinking straight, her mind spinning with thoughts and visuals of him fucking other women. "Mommy is really mad at daddy angel. So mommy is going to stay in here, you and daddy can have the living room. I'll come tell you Goodnight later, ok?" Taeyeon doesn't understand what's going on. "But mom-" "take her out!" Y/n yells, her mind still spinning. "Y/n, don't yell at her. She doesn't understand." Taeyeon starts to whimper but Y/n doesn't pay attention, she's not in her right mind, this last text having snapped something in her. "If you don't take.her.out. Then I'll go" Y/n growls. "Mommy" Tae cries but Y/n ignores her. "Come on princess, let's just let mommy have some time." He eyes Y/n as he turns to take Tae out of the room. Once he walks out Y/n turns and slams the door shut. Once it's shut she screams as she pulls at her hair.

Jungkook is nervous and Taeyeon is scared, having never seen her mother like this. "It's ok sweetheart. Daddy is going to call Aunt Sum to come get you for a while ok?" Taeyeon shakes her head as she cries. "No daddy!" Jungkook tries to sit Taeyeon down as they both can hear Y/n screaming and crying in her room, but Tae clings to his neck. He pulls his phone out and calls Jimin. "Hyung, can you and Sumni please come get Tae for a while? I've got a big issue here and I don't want her here." "Daddy NO!!" Taeyeon screams as she cries. "What the fuck is going on Kook?" Jimin asks worried. "Please hyung. Can you just come as soon as possible?" "Of course, we're on our way" he says and Jungkook quickly hangs up. He walks around the living room trying to calm his hysterical daughter as his woman is having a nervous breakdown in her bedroom. "It's ok baby, mommy is ok" he says as soothingly as he can as he hugs Tae's body to his. Jimin and Sumni arrive a half hour later, the scene not better at all. "What the hell is going on?!" Sumni says as she hears Y/n screaming and things clearly being thrown around and broken. Jimin quickly grabs Taeyeon, who is still crying and not wanting to let go of Jungkook, as he sighs and looks at Sumni. "I'm sure she's told you about the texts I get." Sumni narrows her eyes at him. "What did you do?" She accuses him. "Nothing! I swear Sum! I love Y/n and I'd never cheat on her!" "Then why is she like this Jungkook? What's going on?!" He groans as he looks back at the hallway when he hears glass shatter. "They keep texting. I-I don't know what to do." His chin quivers and Sumni can't help but feel bad for him. She sighs and looks down the hall, then to Jimin and Taeyeon. "We'll keep her as long as it takes. You, go to her." He nods and they quickly leave. He runs down the hall to the closed door and wastes no time busting through the door. He finds the room trashed and Y/n nowhere. "Y/n!! Baby!" He gets scared and looks around until he hears whimpers from the corner of the room. He runs beside the bed and finds Y/n curled into a ball sobbing. He drops to his knees and reaches out to her. She swats him away and looks up at him. It breaks his heart at her appearance. Her face is red and swollen, wet with tears. He sees blood on her shirt and freaks out. But her eyes scare him the most. They're filled with anger and hate. "Get the fuck away from me! Go fuck one of your many contacts!!" It stings, he can't deny that. But he deserves it. "Baby no! I'm not leaving. And I don't want any of those women." She scoffs and then stands up. He notices her limping a bit as she stomps past him. "Y/n, you're hurt" he softly says. "Like you care. Just get the fuck out Jungkook" she says defeatedly. She sighs as she limps toward her dresser. He notices two pictures not broken, a picture of him, her and Taeyeon on the day she was born, and one of just the two of them. She picks up the picture of the three of them and sighs. "I thought this could work..." she says softly while looking at the picture. He gets incredibly nervous from her words. "It can Y/n. It is working" he pleads but stays back to not enrage her again. She laughs and wipes her eyes. "Is it?" She asks, almost trancelike. He finally takes a step and softly says, "yes. We're happy my love. I know we are. Please don't let this break us." She turns to face him and then sighs, eyes still on the picture. "I'm sorry I stuck you Jungkook. I made you have to take on responsibilities you weren't ready for or wanted. I made you live this life." His chin quivered hearing her blame herself for getting pregnant and ruining his life. "You didn't 'stick me' Y/n. It took BOTH of us to make Taeyeon. And I don't regret it for a second. I love my life Y/n. I love my daughter, and I love you." She chuckles. "Do you? You kind of had to love Taeyeon. Even though I stuck you by getting pregnant. But you don't have to pretend with me anymore. You're free to live the life you wanted. A carefree life." "I'm not pretending to love you Y/n. I DO love you, with all my heart. I'm living exactly the life I want to be right now and stop saying you stuck me with getting pregnant." She sighs and then looks into his eyes. Her eyes were beat red and tears flowed from them freely. She handed him the picture. "You can have this if you want. I don't know if you'll want it though." Her voice is scaring him, it sounds defeated, void. Dead. "Put the picture back
Y/n. I want it by our bed." She takes a deep breath and her shoulders sag when she lets it out.

Turning back to the stand, she places the frame back in its place. She then picks up the picture of her and him. "You remember this night?" She asks. He remembers that night vividly. It was one of the many parties they met up at before hooking up for the night. "That might was fun, wasn't it?" "It was fun. Because I was with you." She laughs. "I was just one of your conquests at that time. One of many." He doesn't know what to say but watches as her hands start to shake. Her shoulders also start to shake. She's crying hard again. "You were just one of many Y/n, but you went and got knocked up and stuck him. There's nothing special about you" she whispers to herself. "Y/n no" he says, stepping to her a little more. She screams this terrifyingly strangled, hurt scream, and throws the picture across the room, the glass shattering as it hits the wall. "NO!" He yells and runs to retrieve the photo, seeing a couple small scratches on the photo now from the broken glass. "I'm just one of many so get out and go get another. There's plenty still locked away in your phone. I can't do this anymore" she sobs. He's had enough. Without hesitation, he goes to her and wraps his arms around her, holding her as she struggles against him. "LET ME GO!!" She screams, but he holds tight, crying with her. "I won't! I won't let you go Y/n! Never again. I love you. Why can't you believe me baby?" "STOP LYING!! Go get another whore!" She pushes against him but he still held on. "I don't want them baby, I want you. Only you. Please! Please don't do this! I'm sorry I never deleted their numbers up until now, but I deleted them. They're gone. And I blocked all the numbers. I'll change my number if it will help you. I love you Y/n. I want YOU." She sobs and says, "you're too good for me. You can do way better but I stuck you. You only say you love me because I got pregnant." He shakes his head as he keeps a tight hold on her, crying hard with her. "Y/n, you meant more to me than any other woman before you even got pregnant. You know this. I fought against a relationship because I was young and stupid, but I wanted you from the first time I met you. Ask Jimin or Yoongi...or even fucking Mingyu. Whenever I saw you I saw no one else. I wanted no one else. I thought about you when I was with other women Y/n, and just thought about you all the time. Can't you see? It was always you! I've loved you since before Tae came along. I've loved you since the beginning. I was just too stupid to admit it to myself. I want to spend my life with you. I'M not good enough for YOU. Please snap out of this. Don't leave me. Don't push me away. I'll never leave no matter how hard you push. I love you Y/n. I love you so much it hurts. I can't lose you again." "Stop lying to me. I saw you with Jisoo...and I was right there" she sobs. He sighs and nods. "I know baby....I was stupid. So stupid." "I saw you so many times" she whispered. "Walking out from behind cars and out of waving girls away while you sat with me while still sweating from fucking them. Even after you'd slept with me earlier. I saw it all, from the beginning. So stop lying." His eyes widen and his chest hurts. His mind pulls up all those memories from the past, of them at parties where she was right, he'd sleep with her as soon as he saw her, but sometimes still found himself giving in to temptation when another woman approached him later. He remembers waving the girl away while he sat on the beach with Y/n, having just fucked the girl behind a tree moments before. He was disgusted with himself at those memories. No wonder she's like this. She's held on to these memories, and kept silent about them for years, letting them slowly eat her away. She sobs and her knees buckle, but he holds her. He walks them over to the bed and throws the blanket off to get rid of the debris of shit she's broken. Sitting her down he can now scan her to check where she's hurt. He sees blood on her clothes and quickly sees her foot is bleeding, along with her hands. "Baby you're hurt. Let me help you." He jumps up and runs to the bathroom to get a first aid kit. He comes back and finds her laid down in the fetal position crying. He sighs but sits beside her and takes each hand, one at a time, and treats them. Then does the same with her foot. None of the gashes are bad enough to take her to the hospital. Once he's done he places the kit on the floor and climbs onto the bed behind her, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her tight against him. He buries his face in her neck and kisses her while repeating how much he loves her and how sorry he is for everything he's done. They both end up falling asleep from exhaustion from the night.

The following morning Jungkook wakes to an empty bed. He jumps up, panicked, and runs out of the room. He sighs in relief when he sees Y/n sitting on the couch with a blanket wrapped around her. He walks to her and sits, assessing her state. She looks over at him and he sees those eyes he loves more than anything. Her chin quivers and she whispers, "I'm so sorry." He smiles and shakes his head, bringing his hand up to cup her cheek. "There's nothing to be sorry for my love. I'm sorry I made things so hard for you to where you snapped. I'm going to do better beautiful. Be better. Be the man you deserve." She smiles as a few tears fall down her cheeks and replies, "you are the man I deserve. I'm a nut. I wrecked my room and scared my daughter. I just....flipped." He leans forward and kisses her lips softly. "You held in a lot for a long time baby. I'm sorry because that was my fault. You held in all my shortcomings and fuck ups, not yours. You didn't deserve any of it. And Tae is fine, she'll be fine. And I'll never make you doubt me again. I love you Y/n." She smiles sadly and whispers, "I love you." He leans in and kisses her softly again before hugging her tight. He then pulls back with a big smile and says, "hang on" and jumps up. She watches as he runs into the dining room to her armoire and pulls something out. He comes back and sits. He takes a deep breath and then turns to her. "Y/n, I love you. I have loved you since the first day I met you but was an idiot and an arrogant asshole and chose to ignore my feelings. But God had a different plan for me. Because Tae came. I have never felt more happiness than the day she was born. And I'm so happy you are her mother. That was part of his plan for me too. He knew I loved you, so he found a way to keep you near me until he could get me to open my stupid ass eyes. We've had a lot of ups and downs and I'm sure there will be more but....I want all of those with YOU. You have given me more love and happiness in my life than I ever thought I wanted or could have." He then produces a small black box and she starts to shake. He opens the box and she looks at a beautiful diamond ring. She looks up at him with wide eyes. "Jungkook, you don't have to do this because of how I freaked last night. I'm sorry I went psycho. I know I have some baggage to get rid of and I need to work on my insecurities. But that doesn't mean I need you to do this to reassure me." He laughs and shakes his head. "Baby, that ring has been hidden in that armoire for over a year. I planned to propose to you earlier, but then we took our break. I had a whole thing planned to do this right, but right now seems like the perfect time. I don't ever want you to doubt my feelings for you. You are my everything and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So, Y/n, will you marry me?" She stares at him, then the ring, then him again. "A-are you sure Kook?" He smiles wide and nods. "I've never been more sure of anything in my life Y/n. Please say yes. Please say you'll be my wife. I need you beside me." She stares at the ring again before looking back in those doe eyes. She smiles as tears fill them and nods. "Yes...yes!" He giggles as he pulls the ring out and slides it on her finger, then kisses it. He cups her face and kisses her hard and deep and full of love. "I love you so much Y/n, and I can't wait to make you my wife."

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