Falling out of Love

By rupakukku

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Can you fall out of Love? Will Love ever end? Can you stop loving the man you loved with your everything? The... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 17

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By rupakukku

Next day morning

As usual Khushi and Arnav got ready and came down. After morning pooja, Raizadas also got ready to start the day. Anjali and Manorama Mami were busy in kitchen. Leela was already in kitchen giving last minute touches to the dishes she prepared for Khushi.

After that, Leela came out of kitchen and saw Khushi coming down after getting ready. She came to her and asked her to have breakfast. She thought for a moment and then went with her.

She sat in one chair away from where Arnav usually sits. Seeing that, Arnav came and sat beside her. Khushi frowned at him but didn't say anything. Leela placed some dishes in front of her.

Khushi looked at the dishes amused. It's different from what she eats for breakfast but for a change, she liked the difference in cuisine. There were french toast, beans and vegetable salad, cookies, banana oat muffins, yogurt parfait and orange juice.

French toast

Beans and vegetable salad


Banana oat muffins

Yogurt parfait

Orange juice

"You made all these." Khushi asked Leela with an impressed smile.

"Yeah, I thought to make something different as you said that you're not feeling to eat anything. I thought maybe a change in cuisine or dishes would improve your appetite." Leela said smiling.

"Hmm." Khushi nodded and looked around trying to figure out what to try first.

Just then Anjali and Mami came out of kitchen with breakfast. Seeing the dishes laid out in front of Khushi, Mami sniggered. All looked at her frowning. They were sure, she was going to pass one of her usual rude comments. But before anybody could stop her, she already opened her big mouth.

"What's this, Leela? Didn't your Madam, who sent you here to take care of her precious clientwa Khushi, tells you anything about her? She no likes all these dishes. In fact she not even know what these dishes are? She wouldn't have heard of their names even." Mami taunted with a sarcastic smile.

Khushi looked at her with a mocking smile. "That was what I was wondering. I have been sitting in this dining table for past ten minutes. Why none of you people opened your mouths to taunt me for anything. Why all are silent? Thank you so much Mami, for reminding me once again why I shouldn't eat in this house with you all? And thank you for reminding me every single day how right I am regarding this divorce. I should actually get out of this toxic relationships and this house filled with chameleons." Khushi said with a sarcasm.

Mami flushed hearing that. She only meant to taunt Leela. In that she didn't realize what she was saying and how it will be insulting to Khushi. Raizadas were furiously glaring at Mami.

"Manorama, apologize to Khushi Bitiya now." Nani said angrily.

Mami looked down embarrassed. "I.. I didn't mean it like that. I... I am so.. sorry...."

"Save it Mami. There is no use of saying something you don't mean. And for your kind information, I have had all these delicacies before. Not only their names, I can even dictate their recipes for you. And regarding my likes and dislikes, how do you know if I like this dish or not. You don't even know what your sons like most. You are teaching her about my likes. Come on Mami, don't be a hypocrite. You never know me well, yet you are taunting her regarding my likes and dislikes." Khushi asked scornfully.

Mami was ashamed. Then, ignoring her Khushi started having her food because she didn't want to waste Leela's hardwork for these worthless people. Seeing her eating, others also started having breakfast.

Just then, Sheetal entered inside with Arav. All except Khushi frowned seeing her. Khushi didn't pay heed to her and continued having her breakfast as if they are invisible to her. Seeing Khushi, Arnav also continued with his breakfast.

Nani was furious seeing Sheetal. "Ms. Kapoor, what are you doing here? Now what problem do you have? We even provided you accomodation inside our own compound. Still why do you keep coming into our house everytime? Why can't you just leave us alone?" Nani asked angrily.

Sheetal reddened in embarrassment hearing Nani's words. If it was someone with little bit of shame, then by this time they would have left. But Sheetal has proved time and again that she is shameless. So she kept standing there.

Finally, fed up of her antics, Anjali asked, "What do you want, Sheetal? Why did you come here now?"

"Wo... Um... Anjali Di..." Sheetal tried to say something but cutting her Anjali said sternly, "Not Di, call me Anjaliji or Miss Raizada or just Anjali is also fine. I don't like anyone else apart from my siblings and sisters in law calling me like that."

Sheetal felt insulted but gulping her anger, she said sweetly, "Anjaliji, you know Arav only likes toast and juice in the morning for breakfast. In our quarters, there is no toaster. Also due to suddenly changing the place, I didn't get time to stock groceries. Can you please make toast and juice for Arav. I will manage something for myself from office canteen but Arav will be late to school. So can he eat from here for today?" Sheetal requested politely.

"Then what did you both eat yesterday if there was no groceries at your place?" Nani asked irritated.

"Wo... Wo... I ordered food from outside. Yesterday I was busy at work, so didn't get time to buy things. I thought to buy today. But now there is no home delivery service available at this time. So... Can you please help?" Sheetal requested fake politely.

Khushi and Arnav didn't pay any heed to the drama. Nani was furiously glaring at Sheetal. Mami was frowning at Sheetal. She didn't like Sheetal expecting them to cook for her and her son daily. Anjali was confused trying to figure out if Sheetal was being genuine or doing all this with some ulterior motive. Payal, Akash and NK had a impassive look.

Leela was frowning at Sheetal in displeasure. She doesn't like this mother-son duo even for one percent. Because of them, her Khushi madam is suffering. So she doesn't like them. Period.

Arav went to Anjali with a sad pout. Holding her hand, he pleaded sadly, "Anjali Aunty, I am really hungry. Please give me breakfast. You know no, I can't go to school without breakfast. I will fall ill. So please give me my toast and juice. Otherwise I will be late for school."

But before Anjali or any Raizadas could react, Leela said softly. "Sorry, but toast and juice can't be made now. There is no bread and fruits available in kitchen. After Anjali Mam made breakfast, I used the remaining bread and fruits to make breakfast for Khushi Mam. So now, there is no more bread or fruits available. HP Bhai will bring groceries only after sometime, so now toast and juice can't be made."

"What did you make for Khushi that you used up all the bread and fruits?" Sheetal asked irritated.

"I made french toast using the bread. And I used the fruits to make muffins, yogurt parfait and juice for Madam." Leela said shrugging.

"Oh then no problem. Arav likes these dishes. He will eat that. You make something else for Khushi." Sheetal said no almost ordered, smiling.

Hearing that all looked at her shocked. Khushi froze at her place for a moment. She looked around herself, trying to gauge everyone's reaction. Would they really take away her food and give it to Arav. Will they do it to her. She felt a lump in her throat. Though Leela made these dishes, the ingredients came from Raizada's kitchen, so they have a right to do it. The question is Will they do it for Arav?

"How dare you?" Arnav thundered standing up abruptly, making his chair fall back. All Raizadas also stood up angrily. They were furiously glaring at Sheetal.

Sheetal and Arav were frightened seeing the red murderous eyes of Arnav. Khushi sat shocked seeing Raizada's reaction.

"Arnav, I... I.. " Sheetal stammered scared.

"How dare you, Sheetal? How dare you come inside our house and order to give my wife's food to your bratty son?" Arnav shouted angrily.

"Arnav, I... I... I was just saying that because Khushi doesn't like these food, so..." Sheetal stammered trying to justify herself.

"Whether my wife likes the food or not, that's secondary. How dare you even suggest us that something made for my wife should be given to your son? What the hell do you think of yourself? Are you both some queen and prince that we should bow down in front of you and grovel at your feet." Arnav asked gritting his teeth.

"Arnav, I..." Sheetal looked down frightened.

"Shut up. Just shut up. Who the hell are you to come inside our house and order something like that? Till date, I have tolerated all your atrocities feeling pity for your son. Thought I shouldn't punish an innocent child for his mother's deeds. But now things are beyond my tolerance level. You know what I am done with you. I can't tolerate this anymore. I want you and your son out of my compound right now. And you don't have to come to office from today. I am terminating you with immediate effect. I want you both out of here now. Get out." Arnav said angrily.

Sheetal's eyes widened hearing that. "Arnav, please don't do this. Where will we go at this short notice? Please give me sometime. I will definitely move out." Sheetal pleaded horrified. No. This can't happen now. After everything she did, when it's time to get the fruit of it, she can't loose.

"I don't want to hear any excuse from you. You are here from 7 months. If you couldn't find accomodation till now for yourself. Then that's your problem. Now get out of here. " Arnav said angrily.

"HP! HP! Guards!" Arnav shouted.

"Yes, Bhaiya." HP came running.

"Go to servants quarters. Pack Sheetal's things and put them outside the building." Arnav said to HP.

HP nodded and left.

"Sir, you called me?" Guard asked coming inside house.

"Throw these two people out of the house. They shouldn't come inside at any cost." Arnav said pointing at Sheetal and Arav.

Guard looked confused for a moment, then nodded. Then, came near Sheetal and Arav to escort them out.

"Arnav, please. Please don't throw us out. Please give me sometime. I will leave. Arnav, please." Sheetal cried. Seeing everything, Arav also started crying.

Arnav looked away angrily.

"Naniji, Anjaliji, Mamiji, atleast you people tell him. Please ask him not to throw us out. Where will I go with Arav on this short notice. Please Naniji. Say something." Sheetal pleaded fake crying.

Nani stood silently with a poker face. Anjali felt bad for Arav but didn't dare to open her mouth. She didn't want to do something that could hurt her family. Mami was confused about what to do. Due to Sheetal's behaviour from past two days, she was not much fond of Sheetal anymore. So she kept quiet.

Seeing Sheetal not moving from her place and running to Nani and Anjali for help, guard started forcefully pulling her out. But before they crossed the threshold of the house, a voice stopped them.


All looked at the person who said that in surprise. KHUSHI. They were confused. Is there something she wished to say before throwing Sheetal out. They waited for her to say the reason.

"Stop. You can't throw them out." Khushi said

The Raizadas stood shocked hearing that. They didn't expect Khushi to stop Sheetal. They thought Khushi would be happy with Sheetal's exit from Raizada Mansion. But her stopping Sheetal was totally unexpected for them.

"Khushi, what are you saying? Why are you stopping them? Let them go to hell." Arnav asked irritated. Here he is trying to mend things but Khushi is making it difficult at every moment. On top of that this mother son duo and their irritating behaviour.

"No. You can't throw them out. First of all, I don't want your family to blame me tomorrow for being the reason of your potential future wife to be thrown out of house. Anyways, half of Delhi thinks of them as your wife and son. When our divorce will happen and this guilt trip of yours and your family will subside, you will definitely want to move on and marry again. Then, she will the most likely candidate. At that time, I don't want your family to curse me that because of me, you had to throw out your future wife from your house. So you don't have to throw her out for me.

"Anyways, what's going to happen by doing all these. Few days before also, you people did a similar act of throwing her out. Yeah, for argument can say that you did it in a more dignified and sophisticated way. But What happened? Next day itself, she came back. And you all took her back in, as if nothing happened. In fact, the only outcome of all that drama was that, your precious family got some more chances to humiliate and insult me.

"So, no need of this drama now. Because, I am not interested in getting myself more humiliated for the sake of your this act of throwing her out. Actually, I am amazed. Why didn't Mamiji still started her rant of how I am causing pain and hurt to her precious Sheetal Bitiya? Come on Mamiji, you can start your blame game. Anyways, it doesn't affect me anymore." Khushi said sarcastically.

Mami looked down ashamed. Raizada sighed in frustration.

"No, Khushi Bitiya. Nobody will blame you for anything. Let them go. Already they have caused enough damage. It's better that they leave from here." Nani said reassuringly.

"Exactly, Nani. Already they have ruined everything. They have done everything they could do to hurt me and destroy me. Then, what's the use of throwing them out now. When you guys should have done that, you didn't do. Instead, were busy pampering them and hurting me. Then, why throwing them out now when everything is finished. Now, there is nothing left that you guys could mend by throwing them out. So let them stay and you guys could continue with your pampering." Khushi said mockingly.

"Khushi, I understand that you are hurt very much. By keeping them here, we all have hurt you badly. We all are very sorry about it. What happened we can't change. But now when we are making her leave from here, why are you stopping us. In fact, you should be happy, isn't it?" Akash asked confused.

"Happy? You think this will make me happy." Khushi scoffed. "And Please. Don't think that I have some sympathy or concern for them. So I am asking you to keep them here. In fact, I don't even care if they stay here or not. For all I care, they can leave this house or leave this world. It doesn't matter to me. I don't feel an ounce of compassion for them. I have never hated anybody in my life. But I hate these two with every single fibre of my being.

"Still I am stopping them. Then it's because I don't want any trouble because of them. We are in the middle of a court case. She has a major role in this case. She is one of the most important witness. If you all try to do anything that could cause any problems to her or impact her testimony in any way, then it will become a very serious issue. That's why I am stopping you all.

"What do you all think if you will throw her out, then she will silently leave from here and go on her way? No. She will definitely find a new way to come back. If it doesn't work, then using this court case, she can cause many problems. She can file police case that you are torchuring her and throwing her out of house, to change her testimony.

"She can even accuse me that I am creating problems for her for revenge or to threaten her. Look, you all might trust her but I don't. I can see through her cunningness and manipulations. And I really don't want any problems because of her. I just want this divorce case to end peacefully without any problems. For that if I have to tolerate her in front of my eyes, then I am fine with it. Once this case is over, she can go to hell for all I care."

"Khushi, you don't worry about her. She will not do anything. She can't harm us in any way." Arnav said confidently.

Khushi frowned at him. She closed her eyes in frustration. "Can you do something for me?" Khushi asked with a fake smile.

Arnav smiled happily. "Yes, Khushi. Anything you say."

"When I come back home today after office, show me your bloody infamous Harvard degree. Because I highly doubt it is fake with the level of low IQ you possess. Stupid, idiotic Laad Governor." Khushi said gritting her teeth.

Arnav looked at her shocked. "Khushi!!" He cried in anguish. Raizadas sniggered at the background.

"What? How much more blind can you be? After all this, still you are repeating the same mistake. You are still trusting the wrong person. How can someone be so stupid? What do you think of this woman? That she is some poor, lonely, innocent, helpless mother. If it's so, then I will say that there is no bigger idiot than you in this world. But I am not as blind as you people. I could clearly see through her facade. You all might think everything that is happening in this house to be coincidence. But my experience in life has taught me that nothing happens by coincidence.

"Just open your eyes and look at everything that has happened since she came into our lives. This woman, who claims herself to be a great designer left her high paying job in America and came to India with no means of livelihood, along with her young son. Then, her son coincidentally reaches every place, I goes.

"Then they enter our house saying about the delay to get accomodation, which they have miraculously still not found even after seven months. And the biggest coincidence is her son himself. Who by the way looks like a miniature clone of Arnav. Their fortuitous story doesn't end at all.

"First that tailer shop. Tell me this Sheetal, as soon as you reached India, instead of trying to find a house to live in, you were buying new clothes for your son and getting it stitched. Why? Didn't he had any clothes to manage for few days. Or you, the most awesome high class designer, couldn't get a branded stitched shirt for your son instead cloth material. Why take all these unnecessary pain to get clothes stitched?" Khushi asked frowning.

"Fine. Let's consider that you were short of money, so you were doing that. Tell me this, when you were living in a hotel, then why did you send your son to market to get groceries. Weren't your high class hotel providing food? And when he meets me, he gets kidnapped also. In that market, there were so many kids. Why the kidnappers specifically kidnapped him minutes after he met me. Fine let's say, that's also coincidence.

"Our next meeting was more coincidental. I must say you nailed it very well. You send your young son, who is by the way diabetic, to a toy shop alone. And that too without feeding him proper food. And he faints the exact moment, he meets me. Finally you also reaches Arnav's office at the same time for interview. What a coincidence.

"And when I brings him home, you also reaches. And finally that phone call. What perfect timing, isn't it? You gets the phone call at the same time you were about to leave Shantivan. The height of coincidence, isn't it.

"And finally the whole bundle of coincidences, your son himself. About whom you all kept talking. His likes, dislikes, his diabetes, his food habits, his way of talking, eating, playing, even sleeping coincidentally resembles Arnav. What a coincidence. Isn't it guys. Sheetal, you might think of me as a fool. But I am not. I can clearly see what you are trying to do from day one.

"Your attempts to get close to Arnav. The subtle hints that you keep dropping saying how similar Arnav and Arav are. Implicating that they are father and son. You continuously attempting to prove how close you and Arnav were during your college days by reminiscing your college time.

"Not only this, I have also noticed the more specific clues that you only opened in front of me. Like you continuously repeating Arnav's likes and dislikes, while talking about Arav's father. His hatred for children. His commitment issues. His previous non belief in marriage and relationships. I have noticed it.

"Don't worry, I have not been deaf when you were continuously saying about your mistake of sleeping with your boyfriend on your graduation night. And your stories of him being drunk then and not remembering that night. Also him breaking up with you the next day before leaving for India. I heard everything.

"And I also understood your insinuation when you said that you were in love with Arav's father. So you didn't told him about that night or tried to contact with him when you got pregnant with Arav. Now you are in India to make him meet with Arav. But unfortunately you found out that he is married. Others might have not noticed this point of yours but I have. The only college mate you met after coming to India, who was your ex-boyfriend, who didn't believe in love and marriage, still is married now, is Arnav.

"Because from your nature, it's clear that if you have met any other college friend, you would have told Arnav about it by now. But you didn't. Also all these coincidences in your story. Trust me, Sheetalji, these people might be fool enough to believe it and think that you are talking about another person. I am not. Unless and until, Arnav has a clone of himself about whom you know and we all don't." Khushi said sarcastically.

"Khushiji, what are you saying?" Anjali asked confused.

"What I am saying? Are you for real? This is what your beloved Sheetalji was saying from day one. How much more blind can you all be? She is literally saying it on all your faces that Arnav is the father of her son. Still you all are behaving like fools and not understanding her hints." Khushi said frustrated.

"But Arav... Arav is not Chote's son. He can't be." Nani said weakly and panicked. Khushi rolled her eyes hearing that.

"No, Naniji. Arav is Arnav's son. Arnav is Arav's father." Sheetal shouted, fake crying finally seeing the opportunity to start her real drama.

Hearing her all Raizadas looked at her shocked. They all felt like a bomb exploded on them. Arnav was burning in anger.

"What!!!" Arnav shouted angrily. "What nonsense are you saying, Sheetal? How dare you lie something like this?"

"I am not lying, Arnav. It's the truth. Khushi, you are right. From day one, I was trying to say this to everyone. I and Arnav were in a relationship during college days. We were dating. I was in love with him. Then, on our graduation night, Arnav got drunk and we got intimate. Next day, he didn't remember anything. He then broke up with me and came back to India. After few weeks, I came to know I was pregnant with Arav. I loved my child and wanted him, so I decided to bring him into the world. I knew about Arnav's stand regarding love, marriage and kids, so I didn't say him about my pregnancy.

"But when Arav grew up, he started asking me about his father. I couldn't lie to him. So I decided to bring him here to meet Arnav. When we came here, I saw Arnav happily married to Khushi. I felt betrayed. But trust me, I didn't want to separate them. I just wanted to make Arav meet his father.

"But when we started staying here, I grew greedy and didn't want to go away from all of you. I wanted Arav to get the love of his family. Believe me, I never wanted to cause any problems here. I just wanted you all to know Arav and him to get his father's and his family's love and affection." Sheetal said fake crying.

Arnav glared at Sheetal furiously. Khushi had an amused smile on her lips. Raizadas were frowning at Sheetal.

"Shut up. Stop your nonsense." Arnav screamed angrily.

"Arnav, this is not nonsense. This is truth. Arav is your son." Sheetal said in anguish.

"I said shut up. Stop with your lies." Arnav bellowed.

Sheetal turned to Khushi and said, "Khushi, atleast you believe me. Arav is Arnav's son. You have noticed everything from starting, isn't it. You understood what I was trying to say, right? Arav is Arnav's son I know that I have hurt you so much unknowingly. But trust me I never wanted to hurt you or separate you and Arnav. It was never my intention. I just wanted Arav to get his father's love." Sheetal said crying.

Khushi looked at her with an unreadable expression. "Arnav, I think now, you yourself have to do a DNA test to prove that you're not Arav's father." Khushi said sarcastically.

Arnav looked at her wide eyed. "Khushi, I..." Arnav gulped feeling scared. Will Khushi trust him?

"I hope now you understood why I did the DNA test?" Khushi asked impassively. Arnav looked down ashamed.

"Khushi, if you would have seen that DNA test report. Then, you would have realized that Arav is Arnav's son." Sheetal said trying to prove her point.

Before Arnav could say something to defend himself, Khushi turned to Sheetal and said, "Sheetal, I must say you did a very good job. Everything, your planning, plotting, your lies, your stories, everything was perfect. But you did a big mistake. That is, you chose me as your target."

Sheetal looked at her confused.

"Sheetal, you know what your problem was. You underestimated me from day one. You thought of me as the weakest link in this family. You thought that I am only a naive, stupid, uneducated, middle class, emotional fool, so you can easily manipulate me and make me believe that Arav is Arnav's son and get succeeded in your plan.

"And that's where you went wrong. I told you I noticed all that you did to hint about Arav being Arnav's son. But did I say that I believed you. Sheetal, you might think of me as a fool to believe your lies and leave Arnav, as you wanted. But that's not true.

"It never bothered me that Arav is Arnav's son or not. That's his headache. Why would I bother about a son, my husband sired even before he knew of my existence. It's his skeleton. He should deal with it. I am not so much naive to think that my husband would have been celibate all his life before he met me.

"How he deal with this, it is none of my concern. I am fine with anything he does, until and unless that has something to do with you being a part of our lives. I will not share my husband at any circumstances nor I will tolerate another woman in my husband's life under any circumstances. In that case, he will loose me. No second thoughts on that. I will not tolerate my husband two timing me." Khushi said firmly once again reminding the reason of their divorce.

Khushi continued with an expressionless face. "But honestly, such a situation will only arise if Arav is Arnav's son. And Sheetal, let me tell you this, not even one percent of me believe that Arav is Arnav's son. " Khushi said sharply.

Sheetal's eyes widened hearing that. Arnav sighed in relief.

"Sheetal, I know you left no stone unturned to make me believe that Arav is Arnav's son. But still you failed miserably. You know why because unlike your thinking, I am not a person who trusts anyone blindly. Everyone thinks my husband has serious trust issues. But the truth is he only has trust issues with me. I am the only person in the whole world who he doesn't trusts.

"On the other hand, I have trust issues with everyone apart from a few people who is very close to me. Otherwise, think this. Shyam, who has been successfully cheating these people for three years, couldn't betray me even after everything that he did. That is because, I don't trust people easily. And that's why I said you chose the wrong person to be your target.

"If you had targeted anyone from these people apart from me, then you might have succeeded in your plans by now. They might have believed that Arav is Arnav's son easily. You might have got spared from all these months of waiting, planning and plotting also.

"You see, even after getting betrayed once, still they are so blind to everything happening around them. You have been giving them hints from day one. Still they are so crude to think that all this is a coincidence. You can seen, how obtuse they are to still think all of this to be some misunderstanding. Even when you told it on their face, they are still in denial mode.

"I mean how can someone be so foolish. One man has been cheating them for three years. They had no idea. Fine, let's believe he was a brilliant fraud who managed to deceive them without any mistake. But when you have an experience like that, what do normal people do. They become cautious. They will be more careful next time.

"But still Raizada family has not come out of their dream world. For them, still the world is fairytale and everyone is their well wishers and slaves. Sheetal, trust me when I say this. If you had made any of them your target, by now you would have succeeded in your plan. They would have helped you in breaking my marriage with Arnav and would have gotten you married to him.

"Even when they thought that Arav is not Arnav's son, they did so much. Then, what and all they would have done if you had managed to make them believe that Arav is Arnav's son. For example, the beloved sister of the Great Arnav Singh Raizada, Anjali Singh Raizada. The princess of Raizadas. Her husband who cheated her, tried to kill her, kidnapped her brother and tried to kill him. She still believed on her husband even after her beloved brother literally begged in front of her to believe him.

"That man killed her child, still she was ready to do anything for him being blind in his love. You know how difficult it was to bring her out of that obsession. For that woman, your son had become her new obsession. Can you understand what a big opportunity it was for you. All you had to do was tell this lie in front of her, with some melodrama and tears. She would have definitely emotionally blackmailed her brother and would have by now got him married to you. In fact, she would have served him in a golden platter to you on your one word. That's her kind of obsession for people." Khushi said with disgust.

Anjali looked down crying. Arnav cringed at his place as the reality of Khushi's words hit him hard.

"OK. Forget Anjaliji. She was always the emotional fool. Let's look at others. Mamiji, your biggest ally in this house. If you had said a word to her also, your plan would have reached its climax by now. The woman who could introduce you and your son to outsiders just to satisfy her ego and hurt me, won't she help you when you will give her a chance to throw me out of this house forever. Definitely, she would have helped. In fact, she would have thrown me out next second and gotten you married to her beloved Arnav Bitiya to have you as her daughter in law." Khushi said mockingly.

Mami looked down ashamed. She didn't had anything to defend herself. Because whatever she said is true. She definitely would have done that if Sheetal had manipulated as Khushi suggested.

"OK. Leave Mamiji also. She was your devotee. Let's take Naniji. Though she is hell bent on keeping you away from her family now. Still if you had told her this lie before this court case, then she also would have supported you and got you married to Arnav to save her family's fake honour. Don't go on her present stand. Now she is doing all this drama to save her family's false reputation. Once this court case is over, then you can see how her colour changes in a jiffy." Khushi said with disdain.

Nani looked at her with wide eyes. "Khushi Bitiya, I..." Nani tried to say something.

But ignoring her, Khushi turned to Sheetal and said, "So Sheetal, you must have understood the blunder you made. You chose the wrong person. And unfortunately you failed miserably to make me believe that Arav is Arnav's son. Sheetal I am not so much naive to think that Arav is Arnav's son by the stupid excuses and fabricated similarities that you portrayed between them.

"Come on, Sheetal. This is 21st century. The era of advanced technology. Even small children knows that eating habits, likes and dislikes, lifestyle, habit of repeating a particular phrase like what the, etc are not inherited characters. These are all acquired characters that children develop during their growing up years from the people they meet or the environment in which they live in.

"Usually physical characteristics like height, weight, body features, some diseases etc are things that people get genetically from parents. Arav doesn't have even one such character of Arnav. Yeah, you can argue about his diabetes. But unfortunately, Arav's diabetes is Type 1 Diabetes which is hereditary while Arnav's is Type 2 which he developed due to his unhealthy food habits and stress.

"So for me to believe that Arav is Arnav's son is a very difficult thing. There is not even a single valid point that you said till now to prove that Arav's father is Arnav. And that drunk on graduation night and sleeping together story, sorry I can't believe it. It's the most typical and convenient story anybody could say to prove their point in such a situation. For me, that's not enough to believe you. You could have tried better. Although it doesn't matter now. But you still have a chance. You can still try to make these people believe on your story.

"I am sure they will believe you. After all they have created record in being the dumbest creatures on earth. I am sure it won't be a difficult task for an intelligent person like you to make them believe your stories. You can still try. Definitely, you will succeed this time." Khushi said looking at Raizadas mockingly.

"Khushi, believe me Arav is Arnav's son. I know because of us, so many problems happened between you and Arnav. You guys are even getting divorced. I know we hurt you so much. But please believe me Arav is Arnav's son. Arnav is my son's father. It is the truth." Sheetal repeated her words more emotionally, hoping to make Khushi believe her.

"Sheetal!!" Khushi ground her teeth in anger. She looked at Sheetal with blood red eyes. "Just shut your bloody nonsense. And stop trying to make me believe on your lies. I am not going to buy it. What did you said you guys hurt me and caused our separation. Sheetal, don't give yourself so much importance and stop believing that the whole world revolves around you.

"I already told you I don't have even an ounce of belief on anything that you said. You might be thinking that you succeeded in your plan and successfully separated me and Arnav. But let me tell you. You didn't succeeded. In fact, I never believed in any of your ploys.

"In spite of that this divorce is happening, then it's only because my husband and his family members are a bunch of abusive, selfish, self centred, hypocrites. It has nothing to do with you. So bear it in your mind that you failed miserably in your mission and couldn't make me believe on your lies. And never ever make the mistake of underestimating your opponents again." Khushi said sharply.

Sheetal looked at her shocked and frowning. She couldn't believe that she failed to make Khushi believe her lies. She felt frustrated.

"Khushi, I... These are all not lies..." Sheetal tried once again.

Khushi stopped her showing her hand. " Sheetal, you can stop it now. Anyways all these things doesn't matter now. Whether Arav is Arnav's son or not. This doesn't concern me now. Because I am getting divorced. So even if I believe on your lies, it isn't going to help you at all. My role in Arnav's life is getting over. Once this divorce is finalized, I will be out of his life forever.

"So if you really want any benefits from all the drama that you played all these months, then you should stop targeting me and make any of these people believe on your lies. Because only they can help you now. Rest assured, if you continue with your melodrama like this, they will believe you and help you also." Khushi said looking at Raizadas tauntingly.

"Anyways, all this is none of my concern. You guys deal with it. Your problem. I don't want to get involved." Khushi said shrugging nonchalantly.

Then turning to Arnav said, "And yeah Arnav, don't try to throw them out of the place for now. I don't want any problem in this case. Just few more weeks or months. Once this court case is over, I don't care what you do with them. Till then, don't try to do any smartness." Khushi warned and went to dining table to complete her breakfast.

Quickly finishing her leftover breakfast, she left from there. While walking out of the mansion, she met with Mamaji. She froze seeing him. She didn't know how to react to him. The man was absent from the house for a long time. The last time, she saw him was during their second marriage. After that he went on his business trip and was returning now.

How should she react to him. One way, he is not at fault as he was unaware of everything happened here. Other side, she doubt whether he would have supported her if he was present. Then remembering how he was always loving and caring towards her since their first marriage, she smiled politely at him. He also gave her a warm smile.

"Good morning, Mamaji. How are you?" She asked politely with a smile.

"I am fine, Bitiya. How are you? Hope, Arnav isn't troubling you much." He joked laughing.

Khushi faked a smile. "I am getting late for office, Mamaji. We will meet in the evening." Khushi said softly.

"OK, Bitiya. Take care." Mamaji said softly. Then taking his luggage walked to enter the mansion.

Khushi sighed and left from there.


Meanwhile, Inside the mansion

Arnav was angrily glaring at Sheetal.

"Sheetal Kapoor, don't even think that you succeeded in your plan and all this ends here. You might have managed to stay back here. But let me tell you, this is going to be the biggest mistake of your life. You dared to lie and create misunderstandings between me and my wife. You tried to separate us. I am not going to spare you for this. I am going to make your life a living hell. You are going to regret even looking towards me and my family. You will stay here till the court case ends. But each and every moment of this time will be a nightmare for you. You will beg death, still you will not get that. So welcome to hell." Arnav said maliciously.

Sheetal shuddered seeing his blazing red eyes. She shivered in fear.

"Arnav, I..." Sheetal tried to say something to coax him.

But cutting her, he shouted. "Now get out of here before I do something worse. And yeah, from now onwards don't you dare to step into AR or inside the mansion. Stay in that servants quarters. Dare you show your ugly face again, I will kill you. One more thing, nothing will be free for you from now. You have to pay for everything. Electricity and water bill of your portion, you have to pay. Rent will be separate. You will not get any help from any of us from now onwards. If you ask someone for help or someone from them helps you, they will also get same treatment like you." Arnav said in finality.

"But, Arnav. How will I manage without job. I also has to take care of Arav and pay his school fees. Please don't fire me from AR." Sheetal pleaded in fear, finally the gravity of her situation dawning on her.

"That's none of my concern. How you manage is your problem. You are fired from AR. That's final. You will get mail of your termination letter and your pending salary will send to your account. That's it. You will not step into AR again. And yeah, don't expect a good reference from AR in your CV. I also want to see how you get job in any good firm now. You wanted to ruin my life, isn't it. Now pay for that." Arnav said angrily.

Sheetal's eyes widened hearing that. If she gets blacklisted by AR, then she will not get good job in any company. No, she can't afford that. If it happens, she will be doomed forever. "Arnav, please don't do this to me. Please, Arnav. Forgive me." Sheetal pleaded crying.

Arnav glared at her with disgust. Sheetal fell on his feet and cried. "Arnav, please forgive me. Don't blacklist me. It will ruin my career."

Arnav walked away ignoring her pleading and sat on couch nonchalantly. Sheetal kept pleading to him. She looked at Raizadas hoping they would help her, but they didn't react.

Arnav got irritated by her and shouted. "Now get out of here and don't show your face again."

Sheetal looked at him crying and walked out of there towards their quarters helplessly with Arav.

Just then, Mamaji entered from front door. Seeing him, entire Raizada clan were surprised. They were happy to see him after so long. All went to receive him. Manohar took blessings from Nani and then hugged Arnav, Akash, NK and Anjali. He blessed Payal and asked her well being. Then, Manorama dramatically came and hugged him crying. Nani rolled her eyes seeing that.

"Akash ke Papa (Akash's father), I missed yous. How are you." Mami said crying.

"I am fine, Manorama." Mama said breaking the hug.

Then all sat down in living room. Mama started asking everyone about their well being. Then gave everyone their gifts. Arnav was only physically present there. He was lost in his thoughts. Mama noticed it but didn't react.

He could clearly see something was wrong from the moment, he entered the house. He remembered Khushi's face. The sweet, cute, bubbly girl looked pale and dull. Her eyes looked dead. He shuddered as he remembered the ocean of pain he saw in them. He was brought out of his thoughts by Akash.

"Papa, you came suddenly. You didn't say that you're coming today when we talked last. I would have come to pick you if you had told me. What happened. I thought it will take you few more weeks to come back." Akash asked confused by his father's sudden appearance.

Hearing that Nani frowned. She felt fishy. She had slight inkling who is behind her son's sudden come back.

"Yes, Manohar. You came suddenly. Why? What happened? Is there any problem?" Nani asked suspiciously.

Hearing that Manohar remembered what happened which caused him to return soon. Yesterday, when he was in Malaysia attending a meeting, he got a call from his wife. Though he cut the call a couple of times, when his phone rang continuously he attended the call thinking it to be an emergency.

Then, scaring him his wife started crying on phone as soon as he lifted the call. It took him sometime to console her and make her normal. Then, she started recounting her day's events and told him how his mother was torchuring her and making her do all household work. He was confused hearing about it. He was sure there was something majorly wrong at home. He tried asking his wife but she evaded the question and kept complaining about his mother's torchures and started crying again.

Then he decided to come back and see for himself. Truth to be told, he was getting homesick also. After consoling his wife and reassuring her to handle the matter, he cut the call. Then, he booked his return flight. Quickly finishing his work, he came back home in next flight.

"Manohar... Manohar..." Nani called making him come out of his thoughts.

Sighing, he looked at Nani and asked, "Amma, what is happening here? Yesterday, Mannu called me and started crying over phone. She said that you are torchuring her and making her do all household work. What's happening here? Why are you doing all this?" Manohar asked calmly. He is not going to accuse or judge anyone before knowing the entire matter.

Everyone looked at him shocked hearing his question. Mami squirmed at her place. Nani gritted her teeth and glared at Mami angrily.

"So she already called you and complained you about what I am doing to her. And you came here to question me Manohar, isn't it. " Nani asked sarcastically glaring at Mami and then looked accusingly at Manohar.

"Amma, I am not accusing anyone. I just want to know what happened here. Why you took this step. I know there is something wrong here. I can see that you all are in some tension. Please tell me what happened here." Manohar asked in agitation. He is feeling scared of the unknown. He could understand what's coming his way is not something pleasant. He just hope it's not another disaster for their family.

"Your wife called you and told you how I am torchuring her. Didn't she tell you about her own wonderful doings. If not, then ask her. She has a very good story to tell you about her doings to ruin this family." Nani said angrily.

"Amma!" Manohar looked at her wide eyed. What did Manorama do. What does she mean by ruined the family. What happened. He looked between his mother and wife for answers. "Mannu? Amma, what happened here? Please someone tell me something. I thought after Shyam's fiasco, you all would be living happily. Then what the hell happened here?" Manohar asked restlessly.

Nani sighed. Then, she slowly started saying everything to him with Akash and NK helping in between. Arnav just sat there silently, feeling numb. Anjali and Mami looked down crying feeling guilty. Payal was lost in her own thoughts.

Manohar sat shocked hearing everything. He couldn't believe his family could be so insensitive and hurt someone so much. Then, he turned to Manorama and glared at her angrily.

"What the hell is this, Manorama. What am I hearing? You did all these things. How could you fall so low. I feel ashamed of you." Manohar shook his head feeling sad and helpless. Manorama shook her head crying.

"This is why I decided to punish her. So only I was making her do all household work. I thought by this, she will have a little taste of what she was making her daughters in law go through everyday. She will understand her mistakes. But I didn't thought instead of realising her mistakes, she would call you and start complaining to you about me." Nani said disgusted.

Then looking at Manohar sharply, Nani said, "Manohar, if you're going to defend your wife and fight me, then let me tell you I am not going to change my decision at any cost. All these years I have tolerated all her shenanigans. Even though, she was not my choice of daughter in law, I never mistreated her or did anything to hurt her. I silently endured all her embarrassing dramas.

"I thought she is doing all that trying to fit in. But now she has crossed her limits. Your wife has done enough crimes. She needs punishments and she needs to change. For that, this is very important. When she will go through what she made those two innocent girls go through, she will understand her mistakes. So dare you try to stop me.

"Also this step is very important for this family. Anjali's life is already ruined. Now Arnav's life is at stake. If everything keeps going like this, then it won't be long before Akash also reaches the same situation. To avoid more damages, it's very necessary that your wife leaves her ego and realise her mistakes. For that, this punishment is very important. So whatever you say, I will not back out from what I decided." Nani said firmly.

"No, Amma. I will not stop you this time. You do whatever you want to do with her. I will not oppose. I can't believe my wife could stoop so low in her ego and meaningless hatred. She could ruin our children's life to boost her ego. Amma, you can do anything you want with her. Make her do work or punish her anyway you want. I will not oppose you." Manohar said sadly feeling betrayed by his wife.

"Akash ke Papa, I... I am sorry." Mami said crying.

"No, Manorama. Don't. Don't you dare apologize after all that you did. You have made me ashamed in front of everyone. I always thought although you are a moneyminded and classist person, you still loved this family. You loved all the children equally and would never hurt them. But today you proved me wrong. You made me realize how greedy you have become. You even went to the extend of ruining our children's lives in your greed. Today I feel disgusted to think that you're my wife." Manohar said sadly.

Mami was shocked hearing that. She felt her heart breaking. She felt numb.

"Amma, you deal with her as you wish. I will not interfere from now on. It's your call." Mamaji said in finality.

"Manohar, leave about Manorama. I will deal with her. But you should definitely have a talk with your son. Being blind in his mother's love, he is still defending her. He is not accepting that his mother is wrong. Even after being your son, I don't know how he became like this. He had grown up seeing how you supported and loved your wife. Yet, he didn't learn a single thing from you regarding how to treat his wife.

"Instead of learning how to be a good husband, all your son learned was how to be a slave to his mother and support her in all her wrongdoings. He couldn't see his mother working but has no problem if his mother slaves his wife around. He might not be greedy like his mother, but he definitely don't know how to treat people or handle relationship. And if he continues with this behaviour of his, it's not long he also reaches the same situation as Arnav.

"So teach him something. Atleast make him realise that relationships are to be handled with care. It needs mutual love, care and respect to flourish. Make him understand how to handle his relationship. He can't always expect the opposite person to give everything for a relationship while he makes no efforts. Teach him to respect and care for his wife and in laws." Nani said glaring at Akash.

Akash looked at Nani wide eyed. Manohar looked at him tiredly. He was happy when his son chose Payal to be his wife, instead of some rich girl as his mother wished. But guess, her son's goodness and maturity was only limited to that. At the end, he also went in his mother's path only. He also became a selfish, careless person who only wanted things to be according to their wish.

Akash looked at Payal to see her reaction. But she had an impassive look. She seemed to be lost inside her own head. Nowadays, she seemed to be doing that too often. She was always in her own world. Sometimes, he felt scared seeing her like that. What if she also decides to give upon him like Khushi did. The thought scared him.

All sat there sometime lost in thoughts. Then, everyone silently moved to dining table to complete breakfast. After breakfast all went to do their daily work. Arnav and Akash left for office. NK left to meet a friend of his who offered him a photography job for an ad. Anjali went to employment exchange to register her name and find jobs. Mami went to do household work. Payal went out saying that she has some work. Nani left to feed Laxmi.

So that's it for this chapter. It's much just a conclusion for all that happened till now. This chapter has a confrontation of Khushi and Sheetal. Sheetal tried to execute her plan but didn't succeed. Let's see how Arnav deals with her. Finally Manohar is back. I know everyone wanted Manohar to drop some shock. Sorry, if I disappointed you all. It would have been too dramatic and unrealistic. So I left that idea. I hope you all are satisfied with Manohar's stand.

And this time I have tried to update earlier. So please appreciate it and vote and comment. Please please please everyone vote and give comments regarding how you all liked this chapter. Also if you want to give any particular punishment for Sheetal, you can suggest. Everyone's ideas are welcome. So please comment.

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