She's missing

By Laurajjk

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You don't know how you got here or why you are Yuki Cross. This anime that seems to be more and more like an... More

Author's note


418 18 8
By Laurajjk

Packing your-  or lack of better words Yuki's things, took a lot longer than expected. You were lucky that the others were in class as you didn't feel like talking to anyone right now.

Yuki didn't seem to have a lot of stuff. That's why you opted to only pack some uniforms and casual clothes she had in her closet. Since you didn't want to touch any of Yuki's personal belongings, since you were not her.

You choose to leave some of the clothing in the closet just in case you needed to share the dorm again with Yuki's roommate. Kaien Cross didn't imply that you were allowed to permanently have your own room.

You browsed through all the casual clothes Yuki had. Annoyed by how frilly and girly they were and how there were no jeans or trousers. Out of comfort you picked out all the darker colored clothes she owned. Which was only a pair of long sleeve v neck shirts, one in black and another colored in dark blue. One white and black t-shirt. Lastly a wine-red button up blouse out of the casual clothes she owned. Then packed up half of the school uniform in the closet. 

You folded all the clothes up and put them in a plastic bag that were also inside the closet. 

By the time everything was packed it was already 12 o'clock. You laid down on the bed, browsing through any information about Yuki. Obsessively memorizing everything about her and the character you have met and the once you will meet.

The information was helpful, but there were still a lot of questions you wanted answers to, but was left unsatisfied. The notification didn't pop up no matter how hard you tried to make it appear.

You were reading about the upcoming events when there was another knock on the door. This time it was more of a gentle knock. You quickly hid the phone in the black bag before opening the door. Just like you expected, "your" dad was behind the door with an exited smile.

"DAUGHTER, your new room is ready!!! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! go! go! go!" without even asking for permission he barged in grabbing your packed bags. You quickly took your black bag before he could touch it. clutching it tightly to your chest.

You saw him look at the bag in curiosity, but you only glared in response and asked him to show you where the room was. He pouted before grabbing your arm and pulling you up towards the upper floor.

He opened the room that was more vacant in the corridor, placing your bags down. 

"Yuki-chan, classes should be done soon. How about we head down to my office to meet Zero-kun and go through all the rules for the gurdians? Since you and Zero-kun are the Perfects! There are some new rules that you both need to be updated on. Zero-kun should already be there!" He held your right arm that was not holding your bag… and rubbed his chin on it? Why is this dude so insistent on always touching me?! I get that I am currently his daughter, but this is getting way too much!

You pushed him away annoyed, only for him to start crying tears of river. You still haven't hidden the bag yet, so you made him stand outside locking the door. He started pounding on the door, his cries getting louder. Annoyed you quickly hid your bag the same way you did in the previous room.

Opening the door and smiling at your current headache. "Sorry dad, but you are starting to get annoying. Did you already forget that I fainted yesterday? I am still quite shaken up by my nightmares, so… try not to touch me so much?" You expected him to cry even more only for him to give you whiplash of the sudden change of attitude. He was cheerful?!

"AHHHHHH MY DAUGHTER CALLED ME DADDY! MY DAUGHTER CALLED ME DADDY!" He pulled you into him giving you a tight hug, forgetting your request not to touch you. Rubbing your head with his chin HARD. Before you could push him away, he grabbed your arm AGAIN and ran towards his office with you in tow.


Zero and you stood before the headmaster. The former having given you a hard glare when you both arrived at the office. You choose to ignore him opting to hear the explanation as to why you were both needed as... perfects.

Zero was annoyed that you choose to ignore him and made it known by angling his back to you.

You were weirded out by the name the headmaster gave the apparent guardians. Who the fuck calls themself perfects? Seriously, Isn't the headmaster a bit too childish? Is this really a real separate world or am I living inside the anime where the author has a weird fascination with Vampires and is still living inside her teenage faze? The author needs some serious therapy.

"I won't accept this! Is it now our job to wait on those "movie stars" and act as their personal bodyguard Mr. headmaster?" You were snapped out of your thoughts by Zero punching his fist at the desk.

"Oh my~ it must be difficult to do this every evening." Kaien didn't even look like he pitied the student which made Zero even more annoyed.

"If you understand that then assign some more perfects!" Zero then pointed at you in anger.

"And where was she today?! She isn't even helpful, but she didn't even come and help me out when I AM FORCED TO?! Do you know how hard it is to deal with those girls ALONE?!" 

This bitch. Don't talk as if I'm not here!

You tried to touch your earrings to calm down only to be shocked that there is nothing there. 

Oh...right. This isn't my own body.

Zero looked at you expectedly for you to argue back at him. Only for you to look at him with a glare before looking to the side, ignoring him completely. Ignorance is the best way to make the other party angry. He was shocked and baffled that you didn't take his bait to argue with him. Before he could express his anger at you for ignoring him, he was interrupted by Kaien.

"That's impossible." he took a long and loud sip of his tea. "Because their existence itself is a secret itself. After all the purpose of this academy is for Vampires and Humans to live alongside each other. That's why we developed the day class and night class system, so they all share the same building. Sadly there are some humans and vampire who cause trouble. That's why, in order to protect the true identity of the night class the perfects..." the man animatedly spoke fast explaining what perfects are and why they do what they do.

Zero looked at him weirded out on why he was telling them everything they already know and turned to you. He was going to say something, only to stop. He saw you listening to what was said intently.

Kaien saw the way Zero looked at you and decided to cut the explanation short. He wanted Zero to turn his attention back on him and not you.

"The guardians are extremely important. I can't leave this job to anyone except the two of you." Kaien's attempt at getting Zero's attention away from you failed. He watched as his adopted son frown at your behavior.

"Zero-kun, both your assistance is always required and everyone will hate you. This is a dirty job. 

But if I can leave things to my adorable son and loving daughter, my heart will be at ease." He dramatically acted shy after he finally got Zero's attention away from you.

It was obvious that both of you was getting annoyed with his behavior. Zero slammed his fist down the desk.

You looked at the broken desk, stunned at how fast and easily he did it.

Splitting the wood in two? Ehm...that's quite some strength you got there?

… Ohhh thats right! He is currently half-way turned into a Vampire.

"I remember you taking care of me, but I don't ever remember EVER being your SON!"

His adoptive father stared at him with a pout on his face. Tears shining on his cheeks. "Zero-kun, you pay way too much attention to tiny details." He muttered with a small voice.

Geee he sure cries a lot for being an adult. 

"Yuki, you're his real daughter so say something." Zero turned to you with an exhausted face.

Now you should probably say something to defend the headmaster, but you were confused and weirded out by one thing. You didn't want to beat around the bush either so you were straightforward and asked.

"...who came up with the name perfects for the guardians? It's really lame. At least name it something that has to do with guardians. Are you still going through a teenage faze or something?

...Don't you think it's a bit narcissist, calling us perfects?" okay, maybe you shouldn't have asked with such a serious expression in Yuki's body.




The two males in the room were too stunned to speak.

"...EHHHH? NOOOOI IT'S NOT LAMEEEE.  ZERO-KUN! YUKI-CHAN IS USING BAD WORDS! NOOOOOOOO" the headmaster held his face in terror and ran around in circles. Horrified at what his daughter said.

Zero looked at you with a shocked expression. How…how come he never asked that before? Now he was embarrassed that he just casually went along with the name perfects, without even questioning it.

He calmed down. Quickly getting rid of the red hues on his cheeks, not wanting to let you see just how embarrassed he was. He was not someone who easily shows his emotions. He preferred to always be cold to everyone so they won't talk to him.

You just looked at him and shrugged. "It's just a question. Not that hard to answer." 

Kaien went to a corner and squatted down. His back was to them as he drew small circle, crying. "My own daughter, calling me a teenager."

Ughh, you were too exhausted for this. Why hasn't the fatigued gone away yet? The more you saw him cry, the more you saw Ella in him. So with great difficulty you said the only thing you knew would make him happy.



"DADDY IS SO HAPPY! AS EXPECTED, MY DAUGHTER IS THE ONLY ONE WHO UNDERSTANDS ME!" You held in your annoyance and let the man hug the life out of you.

Both you and Zero thankfully heard the bell ring. Kaien pulled away from you mumbling how the perfects are the reason to finally find peace between night class and day class.

Zero looked more and more annoyed by what came out of the headmaster mouth. "I can't take any more of this." He quickly stormed out of the office, not wanting to listen to more of the headmasters reasonings.

Kaien looked back in the direction Zero left in sadness. "Well, I can understand why he reacted like that. There are evil ones among the vampires who attack humans.

Yuki-chan, why don't you go ahead and follow Zero? The night class will start soon. Can you help him stop the Day class from interfering? Otherwise he will start complaining again. My heart can't take anymore sorrow" he looked like he was going to start crying again. You quickly said your farewells, before he can start bawling his eyes out again.


Screams were heard all around you both. Trying to get past Zero to the door behind him.

You arrived a while later after Zero came to the scene. These girls were annoying. Now I felt bad for both him and Yuki, with having to deal with this every day.

You didn't exactly know what to do so you opted to stand on the side looking at what's going on Infront of you. …it was kind of funny watching Zero struggle. That's right. That's what you get for being a bitch.

He finally snapped glaring at all the girls and telling them to back away. They were too afraid to speak up to him at his glare.  So what did they do?

They all turned to you, who was far away from the door and leaving an opening for them to take.

What do they do? They start blaming you and accusing you. The fuck?!

"Cross-san! Don't you think you are being too unfair? 

Yuki-san just because you are the daughter of the headmaster, you think you can order us around?

You only want the night class for yourself, isn't that right Cross-san?



You are too cruel!" They all pestered you.  

Zero didn't want to help you since you didn't help him earlier.

Like I said, a bitch!

The student's complaints only getting more louder each seconds that pass.

You bunch of whores! Why the fuck are you pestering me? What the fuck did I do?!

Before you could say any of your thought out loud, they started screaming again.




The group off bitches pushed passed you, not noticing that they literally pushed you down to the ground! Okay, rude!

They were only excited about the once's coming out of the door. Their screams getting louder and louder, hurting your ears.  

Suddenly they all stood on the same formation as yesterday again. They stood in two lines, their posture like soldiers.

You just watched, done with life as the students in white uniforms walked out. Their haughty expressions on display.

A blond haired male with blue eyes looked at the girls excitedly.

"Yooohooo~ I heard you guys! Everyone's in high spirit and looking cute today" 



"Hanabusa" a haired male warned the blonde beside him.

"Stop worrying, Akatsuki! You're too uptight!"

The girls kept demanding their attention. The blonde doing a finger gun while the other was disappointed with him. One of the girls fainting at his gunshot.

The others also wanting a finger gun demanded one. They all crowded around them.

If people can read your expression right now. It could be read like,

 you were so done with everyone's bullshit.


are you alright?"

You were hit with Deja vu from the day before. You wearily turned around seeing a hand stretched out towards you. You looked at the owner and saw the same brunette from today sitting down on one knee looking at you.

You looked at him for a moment. He continued his movements, placing his hand on your shoulder. "Thank you for all your hard work."

You pushed his hand off your shoulder getting up, looking at him questioningly.  

"I didn't even do anything and you're thanking me?" You felt eyes burning at your back. You turned around towards them, giving them a harsh glare back. It was so harsh, that they all actually took a step back shocked.

Gosh! Your patience is going down. You have been unusually patience since arriving here and you don't thinkyou can hold out any longer with all these idiots! You used to see crimes daily! This is not what you studied day and night for! You can't hold it in anymore with these hormonal teenagers!

The brunette in front of you stood up. Disappointed with a hint of anger in his eyes that you rejected his touch once again.

"You don't have to be so formal. It makes me feel a little lonely" he looked at you with a sad smile. He took a couple of steps closer to you and got annoyed that you took a step back trying to avoid his hand when he put it on your head.

Zero suddenly appeared beside you, roughly grabbed your right arm and pulled you behind him. He glared at Kaname.

"Class is starting, Clan-senpai.”

You had enough. You had enough off everyone here! They just touch and pull you like they want! You had enough of everything.

You harshly pulled your hand back from Zero. Him only looking back at you stunned.


You were furious, panting looking at everyone around you in anger.

Everyone looked at you shocked. You have never acted like this before... 

"Did you just...curse? Did Yuki-chan just curse?! Ehhh??" The blonde haired idiot looked at you horrified.

"Yuki, calm down. Why are you saying those bad words? You should stop. It doesn't suit you." The brunette before you looked puzzled-shocked. Did you really say that??

Zero felt... a bit threatened. He saw Yuki getting even more annoyed.

"Yuki, calm down. This isn't like you. Why are you acting like this?" Zero looked at you in concerned now. He was also a bit cautious. To you he looked annoyed, since you were boiling with anger.


Some of the night class were starting to get furious at your disrespectful behavior to their Clan-sama. The other once's were still in shock and more concerned for your abrupt change of attitude.

"Yuki..." both males beside you tried to reach for you only to stop when they saw your expression.

It was... 

unusual to see the hatred in your eyes towards them.

"DAY CLASS!" the day class student flinched and started to shiver in fright at your voice. You took a deep breath in and looked towards all of the day class students, still keeping that furious expression.

" NOW!" Day class student's terrified, hurriedly scurried to their part of the dormitory. Leaving you with Zero and the night class students. They were all too baffled at you behavior, not knowing just how to react.

You looked at the night class students in deadpan. "What are you idiots still doing here?!" Your calm but angry question made them flinch except for their dorm president. 

Zero wanted to laugh at the horrendous beast's reactions. He forgot for a moment about your sudden change of personality. Only to snap back to reality, not knowing what to do. Why is she so different from yesterday?!

"How dare you, towards Clan-sama! You lowly hum-" some of the night class student's started voicing their anger at the disrespect, only to be interrupted by their class president.

"That's enough." He looked at you concerned and forgiving. He tried to touch you again, but decided against it when he saw your eyes hold anger. He clenched his fist tightly and let them drop down his side.

"I think we have disturbed the perfects enough. Let's go to class now."

"But Kaname sama-" a light brown haired girl with curls tried to insist only to be cut off again.

"Let's go to class. Yuki, I apologize for their behavior. I hope you can forgive their shortcomings."

The night class students who voiced their dispute looked down in shame.


Kaien laughed, watching what was going on through the window with amusement.

"Oh my, you sent us quite the strange soul, Ancia." He was watching ´Yuki´ scold the Vampires.

"I wonder what other amusements she will bring~"


Class was over, but the students still stayed seated. They waited for their dorm president to stand.

In front of where the dorm president was sitting was a blonde haired male drawing…more like stabbing his book filled with drawings in hatred.

"Annoying, annoying, annoying! He really pisses me off! Kiryuu Zero, who does he think he is?!" The male was actually more angry at Yuki's actions towards Kaname-sama, but knew that the class president will react strongly if he as so much as mentions her. The thought of Kaname-sama's obsession with her is making him even more angry.

The female student in front of him took his drawing inspecting it closely.

"Oh my, when you do things like this it makes me wonder that you actually are in love with him" she gave an amused laugh.

The blonde quickly denied it in anger!

"AS IF! If I could, I would have him buried with my own hands-"

"...she was acting different" another voice cut off Aido. The atmosphere in the room suddenly became tense. The sound of a page being flipped was loud, intentional was heard amongst them.

No one wanted to say anything since Shiki voiced out what all of them was wondering.

" food" another female student with pigtails threw a stick of pocky at his mouth to break the tension. Him opening his mouth accepting the treat happily.

Kaname stood up from his chair slowly. Standing up and staring outside the window.

"You do appear to favor her quite a bit, Kaname-sama. How are you able to have a soft spot for her? When she was being so disrespectful toward you?" The female with curls turned to him.

"...yes, you are right." Kaname didn't elaborate further with her questions, too deep in thought. Yuki, why are you rejecting me? The more you act like this, the more I want to lock you up forever. To keep you as mine.

The vampire who questioned him was jealous, not expecting him to agree. She slammed the book she was holding at Aido's hand.

The latter screaming about how it hurts. Getting louder and louder with each repeated "it hurts!" Ending the mantra with "Luca i'll kill you!" Only for the female to respond with a flip of her hair.

Their banter was interrupted by a calm voice.

"The moon is hiding"

"That's right. From this moment on, it's our time."

The lighted flames on the candles gone by the wind, red eyes glowing everywhere in the dark.

"The night of Vampires"


You were walking around the building the night class was in. Zero taking watch on the upper floor.

This gave you time to think about what to do about Yuki. Thinking over what she told you.

Did she mean that time was repeated? That's why another soul was put inside her? Because her actions had consequences?

Is she really trying to help me or is she trying to use me to get back her body?

Is she a friend or a foe?

One of the trainings you learned, was to doubt everything and everyone. It was hard, but it was the only way you could solve cases on your own and find the truth.

Although you wanted to suspect her. At this point... did you even have a choice? It's better trying rather than be stuck here with all the otherworldly beings.


No! Shit!

You were so focused trying to get used to your surroundings that you forgot you were inside a world with Vampires! Vampires who's strength is... unbeatable. Strength that could easily kill you.

Calm down y/n!

You still have the Yuki's weapon. It's a weapon that can actually kill them. I just need to combine it with my own fighting ability.

As you kept walking you noticed two tall figures in your vision.

Just great. Just when I thought I could be alone for the remaining night!

You were going to ignore them, but the blonde haired one with green eyes decided to talk to you.

"Hello, Yuki-chan! Thank you for patrolling. You gave us quite the scene today" he was amused with the situation. It intrigued him how Yuki's personally suddenly changed. He wanted to talk with her more and see what else changed.

Y/n gave him a nod in acknowledge and kept walking passed them. Ignoring the expectant look Kaname gave her.

"Yuki-chan has become unusual hasn't she? It makes you want to cut her open and see what caused the change, right?" The blonde questioned with amusement.

Kaname gave Ichijo a hard stare. He agreed with him, but didn't want to say anything out loud. He is not that obsessed with her. He only wants her to by his side forever in his arms. Whispering love to each other. Having her only look at him. He wants to lock her up and only let him play with her.

"She is too bright one the eyes... accustomed to the darkness" Kaname took a deep breath calming his heart down. He continued walking. He stopped when the blonde started talking again.

"Everyone enjoys the life we lead here...

Just, don't forget the reason we all came here and obey the rules established by humans.

 ...was because you the pureblood, commanded it."

Kaname turned his head towards Ichijou wondering what exactly he is trying to say.

"...this peace won't last forever" Ichijou continued sorrowfully. He was still doubtful about vampires living with humans. 

The pureblood didn't understand his concerns as this was his choice. They all had to obey his decisions, since he was the one who stands at top. He was their master.

"... I know that, Ichijou." He reassured the vampire, continue walking.


If I meet one more mosquito's, I'm giving them a bitch slap. Shouldn't they all be in class?! 

I get that Yuki is supposed to be the main protagonist, but this isn't an anime anymore. This is my fucking reality!  

I should be getting payed for dealing with their stupidity.

Ughhh I really should start exercising once all the fatigue has disappeared.  First of all I need a long nights sleep.

You decided you did enough patrolling for today and started walking back to your room.

Choosing to ignore the male laying down on the grass struggling with his hunger. His tablets falling to the ground.

It wasn't your problem...yet.


Class was finally over for the day. Now the dreaded patrolling was due. You felt like hitting your head again. 

At least the fatigue was finally gone today.

...huh, it's already been three days since I came here? Time sure passes by fast. That's sad.

After keeping the girls off from getting too close to the night class... well more like Zero keeping them off. 

You didn't really want to deal with them so you opted to stand in front of the door that was keeping the night class behind it, glaring at everyone. 

Luckily the threat from last night worked and kept them of from trying to come near you.

When the night class emerged behind the door, you walked away from the scene.

If you stayed behind you just knew the vampire would try to talk to you. You were proven right when he headed in your direction.

You turned your back to him walking away. He looked at you in frustration trying to call out for you, but you were already too far away.


You and Zero were both going around campus patrolling. Sadly, it was quite common to find any of the day class student walking around trespassing the night class student's area.

Zero let out a sigh in anger turning towards you and glared.

This guy... has been giving you the cold shoulder since day one. It didn't matter to you as long as he was far away from you. But if he so much as opens his mouth to fight... you will hit him.

"Ugh seriously! I can't deal with you anymore! What is going on with you? You have been acting so weird for two days now! Tell me, what has gotten into you Yuki!" He grabbed you by the shoulders tightly. You could feel bruises staring to form.


You pushed him off you, giving him a hard slap on his cheek in rage. 

"...did you just slap me?" He looked at you in disbelief.

"Do you want me to do it again?" You didn't give him a chance to reply, raising your hand to give him another slap. Only to stop inches away from his cheek, satisfied with his reaction.

You saw him flinch and gave him a smirk.

"How about we do this. You take the top floor while I take the bottom floor?" Zero didn't know what to say back to that. He wanted to continue arguing. He didn't like the empty feeling inside his chest.

"I guess that's a yes!" You gave a calm smile that freaked him out as his shoulders rouse and his heart started beating faster when you came close, but walked past him.

"...what just happened?” He turned towards you only to see you walk away.

"Yuki...whats going on with you-

AGHHHH!" He pressed his hands to his neck. His throat in pain, thirsting for blood. For your blood.

He took some time to calm down, falling down to his knees taking deep breaths in and out. He had to calm down. That's the only way he can handle the dry thirst for now.

His desire for your blood only increasing as the days goes by. If he doesn't calm down soon, it won't be long…

before he attacks you.



In front of you was two girls still in their day class uniforms. One was on the ground with an injury to her knee. The other student crouching down in concern trying to help the injured one up.

"...what are you both doing here?" Your- or Yuki's calm voice sounded frightening when it was combined with your accent.

It's weird and frightening for them as they are used to Yuki being sweet and understanding. Not the... intimidating person standing before them. They were scared to answer.

"Your dumb brains know that going outside past the curfew is strictly forbidden, right?" They got offended at you making fun of them.

Their anger seeing past your chilling attitude.

"Hey! Just because you are the headmaster's daughter, doesn't give you the right to be so mean!

Yeah! We were just trying to take some pictures of the night class. What's wrong with tha-"

They both got quiet when they watched your expression and body language become more frightening and murderous.

As much as you wanted to hit them you got out Yuki's weapon, once you saw the blood dripping down from the girl on the floor. You knew this is the scene were two of the night class students will attack Yuki.

The day class student's on the other hand let out loud a shriek, thinking you were going to hit them with it. They were panicking.


You looked behind you at the two vampires with the same murderous glare. You recognized them as Aidou and Kain.

"You recognized our presence that quickly? Wow, how scary~?" Aidou exclaimed.

"I'd expect nothing more from the headmaster's protégé." Kain was watching you intensely, waiting for you to draw out your weapon.

The weapon felt like it was burning your arm... the same way your arm stung for a week back in your world. Not again...

No matter how hard you tried to draw it out it didn't listen…Was it rejecting you?

"Geeee, you think my stare is scary? You should see me when I fight suspects. I leave them with trauma" you exclaimed with a terrifying smile.

"Yikes! Yuki-can! You've become quite scary lately. How am I supposed to sleep at night when you are right here?" Aidou hugged himself with a fake terrified look.

"Maybe…try not to encounter me? Then, you will be able to have a much better sleep." Your smile dropped, holding out the rod. You couldn't make it expand like Yuki did, but you could still use it to warn them. You would have to think about why it won't allow you to control it later. Right now, your priority is to keep the vampires from the day class students behind you.

The latter having cheered up once they saw their idols in front of them.

"i….it's Akatsuki-sanpai and Aidou-sanpai from night class!" They squealed in happiness, completely forgetting about the injury.

"We simply came out since we smelled blood. You're so cruel Yuki-chan.

Really...we only came to look." Aidou's cheery expression melted away leaving a cruel smile. His eyes glowing bright red.

"...only came to take a look huh? That's not what your eyes are telling me." You gave him a look filled with disgust. 

He ignored you and continued taking whiffs of air mumbling about how nice the scent was.

The idiots behind you thinking he was talking about their scent, became bashful and telling the other he was talking about them. Not knowing how to handle the compliment their idols gave them. wanted to hit them. 

As the blonde before you suddenly came closer your glare intensified. He took a hold of your hand giving it a deep smell. You tried to pull your hand away in disgust only for him to clench it tight. Shit, he's too strong!

"The lovely scent of blood I was referring to...was your blood, Yuki-chan." He clenched it even tighter, purple bruises already forming.

You were trembling in enormous anger and hatred at the vampire before you. You did not go through all those horrendous training at the academy for some mere human sized mosquito to grip your hand!

"You really...tempt me. Very much"

He took your hand towards his moth, his canine teeth's peeking out.

The students behind you shocked by the display of fangs. 

" that fangs? 

Is he a vampire?!"

You felt him nearly pierce through your skin with his fangs and you decided you had enough of this fucker.

"YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" Your patience has finally thinned to nothing. You kicked him as hard as you could to his gut.  

He grunted in disbelief and pain. Shocked at how quickly you acted and even managing to take your hand away from him. 

Kain quickly grabbed Aidou when he saw the blonde try to attack you.

"YOU LITTLE!" he was about to attack you, drain you dry of blood when he felt a cold press of metal behind his head.

You were suddenly facing the back of a tall male in the day class uniform. Understanding it was Zero once you saw the white hair.

"Drinking blood on school grounds is strictly prohibited. 

Did you lose control from the scent of blood, Vampire? "

Kain saw Zero hide you behind him at the speed of light.

Zero doesn't know why he acted so fast when he heard your voice. He was angry at you. He was angry at you because he liked the sudden change of personality. Rather than being mad at himself he chose to push the anger on you. 

When he saw that vile creature almost bite you he reacted. How dare he? How dare he touch my woman?!

He saw red.

He pulled the trigger to shoot Aidou.


"S-Scary!" Aidou screamed in horror seeing Kain angling Zero's hand somewhere else missing him completely. He was terrified that Zero was actually trying to kill him! Why didn't Yuki-chan try to stop him?! 

"Could you please lower that "bloody rose"? It's a big threat to us." A calm voice broke through the awkward silence.

You looked at the oncoming person in annoyance. Great another one!

"I'll take care of this fool and wait for the headmaster's response." Kaname looked at you, wanting you to be understanding of his decision. He has been really frustrated with your rejection to him lately. He will have to take matters into his own hands and make you surrender to him.

"D-dorm president clan..." Aidou was shaking in fear at the vampire holding him up.

"Is that okay, Kiryuu-kun?" Kaname narrowed his eyes at Zero, seeing him push you farther and closer behind him out of his view. You kept quiet about Zero's hold on you, not wanting to be a part of this dumb argument anymore. Fuck this!

"Please take them with you, Clan-senpain." Zero put his gun away, glad they were done with the conversation.

"Kain! Why didn't you stop Aidou from coming here? You are also held responsible." Kain filched at his cold tone, dreading the punishment they will be given later.

" as for those two who fainted. I'll take them to Headmaster after erasing their memories of tonight. Will that be alright?" You all watched as a female with short purple hair in the night class uniform take hold of the day class students.

"I apologize for this frightening experience, Yuki." Kaname looked back at you with sadness. 

"Why are you apologizing for those mosquitoes?" Zero chocked out a sudden laugh at your description of those bloodsuckers.

The night class students were too stunned to speak for a moment. The mosquitoes in question sputtering, getting defensive.

"... I am quite disappointed with your recent behavior, Yuki. We need to have a talk soon." Kaname was delighted that you kept giving him reasons to meet him. You were getting too unpredictable to his liking. He will have to fix that attitude of yours soon. Before the others got anymore interested in you.

Zero got annoyed by the way the vampires was looking at you. He will never admit it to himself, but he felt possessive.

"Let's go." Zero took a hold of your arm, going back to the day class dormitories.

Can they all stop just grabbing you?!Do they have a grabbing fetish or something?! 


Aidou and Cain were sitting on the sofas in the dormitory hall.

"Suspended for ten days, huh? Why was I the one punished? She's the one who hit me! I didn't even get to taste Yuki-chan delicious blood as payment" The blonde haired male gave a sigh in disappointment.

"Continue talking about it and you'll be scolded by dorm president Clan again." Kain warned him tiredly. Already done with Aidou's behavior.

"That's just what I want! Maybe I'm not suited for life on tablets after all. I couldn't resist her blood and just..."

"Hey!" Kain quickly tried to interrupt Aidou in panic when the dorm president entered the hall.

"..And just?" A harsh sound of being hit was heard throughout the room.

Aidou took a second to process that he was slapped by Kaname. The latter looking at him with malice.

Aidou looked down in shame apologizing to the pureblood.

Kain teased the Aidou asking if that wasn't what he wanted. Kaname heard repeated shouts of shut up as he left the hall towards his room.

Kaname went towards his huge window in the far corner of his room. He placed his hand at the edge of the window and leaned down.

He was thinking about you. What to make of your sudden change. Why did you reject him? Should he kill Zero after all?

…You didn't seem that close to him now.

Laughter was heard throughout the room. He gave a cold smile laying his forehead down on the window.

You didn't like Zero anymore, huh?

Oh, my dear Yuki. Your unpredictability is making me want to break you. Both mind and body.

I wanted to be gentle and slow with you but I want to hurt you

Hear your wonderful screams, looking at the pain I inflicted on you, my marks.

You are mine forever and always

I will have to change up my plans a bit.

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