By peteybee46

19 3 5

Sammy gets to have another visit with Amos at Shady Rest Assisted Living Facility. While Amos enjoys a visit... More

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8

Part 9

1 0 0
By peteybee46

Without being missed as Patrick was instructing Sammy, I was now back at my lookout post. Patrick cut his eyes over and I gave him a little nod that things were set.

I wouldn't have seen the next part but as the two of them eased through the door I gave up any pretense of watching, abandoned my post, walked across the hall and cracked the door just enough to allow me a decent view.

I also begrudgingly admitted - if only to myself - that Patrick had gotten this final assault correct. Four of us trying to go unnoticeable in the dining area to the corner that housed the equivalent of a large chest-type freezer would have been far too much. I was softly nudged over as Charlotte joined me in my observation, she smelled good, as she normally did, leaning comfortably into me as we peeked through the small opening. Was that a slight ... stirring ... I put it aside returning my attention to our diminutive assault team.

As they got inside the door Patrick showed Sammy how to 'duck walk' lowering their height and presumably their chance of being detected. It was a sight and I had to bite my cheek to keep from laughing out loud. Patrick, as old and brittle as the majority of the rest of us residents, could only bend his legs into a proper squat for about thirty seconds. From that point, it became more of a bend slightly at the waist and hope for the best. Sammy on the other hand, apparently in the predevelopment state of having any bones in his body to speak of, popped a squat that had his little rump practically dragging the floor. charlotte could not resist a soft giggle and a heartfelt "Awwww".

There were two choices. Take a longer route around the wall or a shorter route through the tables and chairs in the seating area. Seeing the effort Patrick was using to maintain his less-than-sterling squat, I was not surprised when he shuffled quickly over to the seclusion of the first table heading off in the shortest route.

He must have given directions to Sammy because Sammy waited until he perched behind the table and scanned the entire dining area even rising slowly to peer over the tabletop. Giving Sammy the all-clear, he followed squatting so low that if there had been any crumbs on the floor his little rump would have wiped them up. Another giggle and "Awwww" from Charlotte. I nudged her gently in the side to be quieter. I also got a sharp elbow in the ribs, a hint to me that minding my own business might not be a bad idea.

They reached the center of the room when one of the dining area staff walked into the seating area from the kitchen. I had arranged this as a bit of payback for Patrick getting me into this escapade in the first place. Patrick crouched quickly behind a chair back motioning sternly to Sammy to get down. I almost lost it as Sammy, eyes wide at perhaps getting caught, sprawled flat on the floor, arms and legs spread wide as he began to resemble a petite starfish. Charlotte started to push through the door, I guess to create a diversion. I put a restraining hand on her arm, dodged the now-expected elbow, and shook my head indicating to her that this would not result in the capture of the invading force.

As the worker returned to the kitchen, Patrick waved Sammy on. They continued across the room, now perhaps moving a little faster than before in hopes of avoiding another unwanted intrusion.

They reached the freezer. Patrick eased over a chair and whispered to Sammy. Having come up with this on the spur of the moment, Patrick didn't have a bag to collect the loot. He glanced around, and seeing nothing handy, he, without the slightest hesitation, stripped off his shirt. He placed it on the floor. Sammy crawled into the chair as Patrick lifted the freezer lid. His eyes grew large as he spied all the ice cream in the freezer and he couldn't resist licking his lips. Patrick nudged him to break his trance motioning for him to start handing down ice cream.

There were several types in the freezer and I found it interesting that Sammy was selecting some of each rather than just collecting them all the same. Sammy would pass one down then look at Patrick who gave him a 'keep them coming' sign. There were only four of us and I knew they had collected more than four.

Finally, Patrick indicated that they had enough and motioned for Sammy to come down off the chair. He did this but not without a longing look at the remaining ice cream in the freezer. Another 'Awwww'. With the edges of the shirt knotted and the arms tied to make a handle of sorts, the two Mouseketeers made their way back across the room. As they came out the door we all hustled down the hall. This time we went down to the end hall avoiding another creeping around the nurses' from being necessary.

Safely in my room, I sat gratefully in my recliner as Patrick and Charlotte took the chairs. Sammy crawled onto my bed. He didn't say anything but his face screamed "where's my ice cream!" Untying his shirt resting on my bedside table, Patrick passed out the booty giving Sammy a well-earned first choice as to which flavor he preferred. I was a little pleased when he selected chocolate.

We had just about finished the first one and were getting ready to move on to the next course as Patrick had ensured we had enough for two each when Rosie walked briskly through the door. Seeing us mid-feast with both Sammy and Patrick having evidence smeared on their face, not to mention a few telltale drips on my sheets, she stopped and placed her hands on her hips giving us a moderate stink-eye. Knowing the kind of ice cream she liked, I picked one up and with a most ingratiating smile said, "here Rosie, we got one for you."

She hesitated long enough to make us uncomfortable before uttering a "Hmmph!", taking the ice cream and walking out.

We all took a breath as Sammy said."Papa, now you don't have anudder one. You can have a lick off of mine." With another really long "Awwwwwwwwww" from Charlotte and a "that's the spirit champ" from Patrick, I said "Sammy, that is the kindest offer I have ever had, but one filled me up. I would rather watch you eat it." And I did, my heart brimming with thankfulness at having such a family and friends. "But, keep an eye on Uncle Patrick," I added, "his appetite is bigger than mine." Sammy cut his eyes at Patrick and slid closer to me, adding a few more drops on my sheets. Charlotte couldn't resist one more "Awwww." 

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