
By vechkinfan1

257K 6.1K 1.1K

What if you were one of the reasons the world ended. That your actions have caused the dead to walk among the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 20

6.7K 124 17
By vechkinfan1

"You... You can't be serious Daryl." Carols words were quiet, as she pushed her way past Rick. Her arms crossed over her chest, as she held herself in worry. "You wouldn't just leave the group. You belong here Daryl."

When I felt his muscles tense at her words, I turned my gaze up at him. I knew Carol was like a surrogate mother to him, so I wasn't sure what he was gonna say.

"What group?" He asked her."If the governor comes back, there ain't gonna be no group."

Carols mouth opened as if she had something to say, but she quickly closed it. Just giving a simple nod at Daryl, understanding the circumstances involved. Daryl was right though, there will be no group if the governor comes back and it's not a matter of if he comes back, it's a matter of when he comes back. We... Well I destroyed his little town and he wants revenge.

"It's up to you Rick." I shrugged, leaving the decision completely in his hands.

Looking at me for several moments, he finally raised his hands up in surrender.

"You're in charge." Apprehension was all throughout his voice, but he still agreed to it.

"Where the hell is she?" Rolling my eyes, I heard Shane's angry voice fill the cell block. "She fucking hit me." He growled as he made his way into the center of the group, his eyes landing on me.

Daryl quickly took a step in front of me, putting some space between Shane and I. But I didn't need his protection, I could handle these things for myself. Frankly I needed to handle these situations now, or Rick would regret his decision.

"I hit you because you are an ass and deserve it." I glared, stepping around Daryl and pushing my way over to Shane. Watching and feeling everyone tensing up as I got closer. "But I'm in charge now."

"What?!" He yelled out in disbelief as his hands raised in the air.

"You either do what I say, or I'll will lock you in your cell until this is over." I threatened, lifting my hands up, shifting them in the air. Acting like I was weighing his options.

"Rick you can't be serious." Ignoring me completely he stormed in Ricks direction. His shoulders hunched over as his breathing became more erratic. "You can't let this.... This monster run this group." He shouted and threw an arm in my direction.

All the while Rick was trying to calm Shane down but I didn't care at this point. Shane was a loose cannon and he was a threat to this group now, more than ever.

"She's trying to help Shane." Ricks hand went out and grabbed his shoulder, trying to calm him down still. "She knows what we are dealing with, we don't. Give her a chance brother."

My ears perked hearing Rick call Shane his brother. You would never guess they were that close. I mean with all the arguing, yelling and the constant back and forth about who's ideas were better, it just didn't seem possible for them to be connected like that. Yet again, this world has changed people for the worse and I'm sure Shane and Rick weren't immune to that.

"No." He just shook his head and pulled away from Rick. Turning around his eyes fell on me as if I was the devil himself before trudging off into the cell block. "You're all crazy for trusting her, so don't come crying to me when shit hits the fan." His angered voice echoed the room before he slammed the metal door shut behind him.

Heaving a heavy sigh, I looked back at the everyone. Rick seemed to be torn between helping the group and kicking me out to appease Shane. But in the end he knew that I was the best for this. I knew the enemy and I knew how he worked. So if there was any hope in coming out of this battle alive, I needed to take charge.

"I'm going to go scout Woobury's perimeters tonight." I spoke up, addressing everyone's silent question of what we were doing. "If there is any weakness I'll find it."

"What about the rest of us?" Rick asked, sliding his hands down onto his belt. He's eyes flickering with concern, but not enough that someone could easily detect it. I knew the look though, I've seen it on my own face before.

"Stay here, I want you to go down in the tombs. Try to find out how the walkers are getting in." This spark ignited in me as spoke. I wasn't used to having this type of authority, but it felt good. Almost too good, to the point where it felt like the power could engulf you and drag you down into the pits of hell. The same pits the governor crawled out of. "If walkers are getting in that easy, imagine who could get in if they had weapons."

"Is that it? Nothing else?" A small smile formed when I saw Glenn come walking out of the hall. He had his arm bandaged but he was still in one piece, thankfully.

"Not yet. We need to play smart. If we charge in there half cocked, we will die." I muttered as I spun on my heels and headed to my old cell. I could feel their eyes watching me and hushed voices murmuring as I made it to the catwalk.

They needed to know what could happen. Sugar coating the truth won't save your ass, it will just kill you faster. This world is no longer a nice place and the quicker you come to terms with that the better you'll be.

Gripping onto the cold metal bars of my cell door I slid it open. To my surprise the bed was still made and the blankets were still neatly folded. Maybe the expected me back....

Rubbing the back of my neck gently I slowly sank down onto the mattress. My body adjusting to how soft and conforming it was. It was a big adjustment from the cold,hard dirt ground I was used to sleeping on.

Leaning back against the cinder block wall, I gazed up at the ceiling. My thoughts running with a million possible scenarios. Scenarios that played out in our favor and other that weren't so favorable. Deep down I knew that one of these outcomes was going to be right, I just needed to stack the deck and make the best out of this.

"Had?" Hearing Daryl's voice brought me out of my thoughts. Shaking my head I pulled myself together and gave him a small smile. He was standing there, leaning against the cell door, just staring at me as if he had a million questions to ask.

"Yeah?" Running a hand through my hair I kept my eyes on his.

"Do ye really have to go by yourself?" He questioned, as he slowly made his way inside my cell taking a seat next to me.

"I'd prefer to go alone." Kicking off my boots I pushed myself further onto the mattress. Trying to relax my body as much as I possibly could.

"You're to stubborn ye know that? Ain't never gonna let someone help ye." A small chuckle left Daryl's lips as he pointed out one of many personality flaws. I was stubborn and I knew it. But that's who I am.

"Best to do things on your own." I placed my finger against my chin, like I was pondering. "I heard that from someone once" Smiling, I pulled my hand away.

Out of the corner of my sight I saw Daryl give a slight roll of the eye. His hands reaching out in front of him as he fiddled with the laces of his boots. Just this action had my thoughts trailing from our original conversation to wondering what in the world he was doing.

"Planning on staying?" I raised a brow at him as I questioned his motives.

"Yeah, got a problem with that?" He glared, his eyes telling me he wasn't going to back down.

Raising my hands up in the air I quickly surrendered any hope in getting rid of him. Daryl was hard headed like myself and he wouldn't back down even if he was on fire.

"Guess not." I smirked and laid down against the soft mattress. "I'm leaving in a couple hours, so I was just going to get some rest." Looking up at him, I watched as he silently contemplated his options. But he finally slid his boots off and laid down next to me.

His body propped up on one elbow and his back pressed against the wall, giving me ample space to sprawl out. Looking up at him I studied his face, watching for any changes in expression. But Daryl was hard to read, he was almost to unreadable. But on occasion he'd slip up and let something out and I enjoyed watching that... It meant he wasn't completely changed by this apocalyptic world. Like so many others, including myself.

We fell into a silence as we continued to stare at one another. My ears listening to the people down in the lower level talking about what happened earlier. Their voices low and quiet as they expressed their concerns to Rick most likely.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked, breaking the silence. Not wanting to pay attention to the situation down below.

Seeing Daryl's lips pull into a hard line, gave me what I needed to know. Frankly I was regretting asking him the question now.

"Killin' that bastard, and watching him choke on his own blood." He said after a few moments of silence.

"I appreciate that Dare, but it'd make me so happy if you'd let me kill him." I smiled as I ran a hand through my hair thinking about that sight. He was right, watching him choke on his blood would be entertaining, but I wanted to be the one who stabbed him in his back. Twisting the knife in, torturing him just like he did me.

"Fine." He muttered, as he turned his head away from me. Feeling a bit hurt by this I closed my eyes.

Laying there, I tried to get to sleep. But it was useless, I was wide awake feeling the adrenaline pumping through my veins awaiting the mission I was going to do tonight. Still I kept my eyes closed. Until I felt Daryl shifting around.

Slowly opening my eye, I watched Daryl's hand playing with the bottom of my shirt. His dirty fingers running along the frayed edges until he finally gave in and pulled it up, exposing some of my skin. Keeping my breathing calm I watched as his hand hovered over the numerous scars that covered the stomach.

"You can touch them, they don't hurt." I smiled, seeing him quickly pull his hand away.

"Ye still didn't tell me if he touched ye Had." Ignoring my comment, he brought up the governor again.

"Like I said earlier, it doesn't matter." Sitting up on the mattress I reached for my boots, pulling them onto my feet. "All that matters is I get to watch him die." I stated as I got to my feet.

Figuring now is a good a time as ever to leave. If I got into the woods by dark, I'd be able to stalk my way around Woodbury.

"If I'm not back by tomorrow afternoon...." My voice trailed off as I fixed my shirt and tied my hair back into a ponytail. "Well just take that as a sign, I've been compromised." I said as I turned to face him. I expected him to be on the bed still but when he was no less than a foot away, my lips curled up in surprise.

"Ye ain't got to worry." He mumbled as he leaned down and his lips meet mine slowly, before pulling away.

Smirking up at him, I let out a laugh as he pushed me out of the cell.

"Go before I change my mind." Daryl yelled, as I quickly made my way down the stairs.

I passed most everyone who was sitting at the cafeteria table eating. Just stopping long enough to grab my machete. Not bothering to say my goodbyes or farewells. I'd be back.

My eyes landed on Ricks as my hands pushed the door open. Giving him a small nod of reassurance I took off out of the prison again. This time, unlike the others I knew I was coming back.

My feet carried me over the dusty gravel road until I hit the fence. There were a few walkers, but nothing that I couldn't handle if they got to close for comfort. Frankly, I don't even think ill be around here long enough for them to even notice I'm out there.

Tugging on the gate, I took a couple steps out into the open. Feeling the safety of the prison vanishing. It's amazing how much false confidence a fence can bring to someone in todays world.

Shaking my head I refocused and shut the gate, letting my feet carry me to Woodbury.


The night sky was slowly starting to brighten as the sun began to rise. Giving a yellowish red glow to the woods as I paced back and forth around the small town.

I managed to stay clear of the watchful eyes of the spotters, making sure I stuck to the tree line and that I didn't make any sudden noises.

They seemed to have the area pretty well covered. Every street had some sort of bus blocking the road, and on that bus was a couple of people. Guns propped up in their hands looking for any signs of movement. This was a bad thing, because that means our ways into Woodbury are limited.

Letting my feet come to a stop, I watched. Waiting for anything that could give me some insight into the inner workings of Woodbury.

That's when a faint whistle blew and I watched every person that was stationed on the bus place their weapons down. They did this so in sync that it must be an everyday occurrence.

I felt a smile tugging at the corner of my lips, as the people jumped down from the roofs of the bus and quickly disappeared. As I watched I slowly counted the seconds that it took for the new team to arrive. I was assuming that there was another team, but I knew the governor and he is the type that will have another shift to make sure nothing happens.

As if on cue, several people climbed their way onboard, picking back up the guns along the way.

"Five minutes." I breathed out slowly as I realized now that we had a five minute window of opportunity to sneak in.

Five minutes isn't ideal, but Its better the nothing. At least it gave us some sort of chance to fight the governor.

Figuring that I found out what I needed to know I spun on my heel, making my way back in the prisons direction. Making sure my feet didn't step on anything that would break and give away my position. Even though I was looking, my mind was else where. It was devising some evil scheme that could ruin the governor in some way.

But I was so focused on what I was going to do to Woodbury, I didn't even notice the brown ring that was laying on the ground. A brown ring that a focused Hadley would have known was a rope trap. But I had stepped into the middle of it not even thinking of the outcome.

As soon as my foot touched down in the middle I knew it was over. By then it was to late and it quickly tightened around my ankle. In the process it knocked me head first into the ground, causing my machete to fly from my grip and across the way. I frantically grabbed for it, but soon turned my attentions to staying out of the air. If I was upside down and hanging there was no way I could fight anything. Digging my nails into the cold dirt I tried to keep myself from being dragged up into the tree. But it was useless, my fingers gave out and I went flying up into the air.

"Fucking hell." I muttered as I swung back and forth in mid air. Lifting my lower body up I let my arms frantically try to reach the rope and undo it. But I wasn't flexible enough for that, so I gave up letting my body fall back down.

I was now upside down, dangling out in the open. My machete was on the ground where I dropped it. I was basically an open meal to any walker who walked by. Maybe that would be the better option.... Getting eaten seem so much better compared to the governors wrath.

Hearing the sounds of rustling leaves made me return from my thoughts. The noises getting loud with each passing second.

I tried turning myself around by spinning my leg, hoping I could get a glimpse of what was approaching. By the time I got myself steadied, the rope would unspin and send me spiraling out of control. Leaving me in the same spot I started.

After making several attempts, I gave up and focused on the ground that was below me. Until the all to familiar voice chuckled from behind me.

"I knew you'd come back bitch."


Sorry this took longer then expected, I was super busy the last two days. Also sorry if this was a bit boring, but its leading up to some huges scenes. I hope you like it, and please let me know what you think of this chapter! Thanks!

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